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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

He Huaiyu (2018) The Origin of the Pliocene Wangqing River Alkali Picrite, NE China
Sun M, Xu Y, Ren Z, Xia X, He P, He H, Jourdan F & Milan L
(2017) Noble Gas Signatures Preserved in Podiform Chromitites from Luobusa and Kangjinla, Tibet
Guo W, He H, Hilton D & Zheng Y

He Huan (2020) Microbial Community Changes in the Production of Secondary Biogenic Coalbed Methane with Bioaugmentation Coupled with H2O2 Pretreatment to Australian Lignite
Huang Z, Urynowicz M, Haider R, Strapoc D, Guo H & He H

He Huayiu (2014) The Initiation of EARTHTIME-Cn
He H, Chen W, Chu Z, Yao Y & Wang C
(2013) Noble Gases in Mantle Xenoliths from the Tan-Lu Fault Zone, North China Craton
He H, Su F & Zhu R
(2012) Noble Gas Isotopes in Cenozoic Mantle Xenoliths from the North China Craton
He H, Su F, Wang Y, Wang L & Zhu R
(2011) Two Flood Basalt Events and Contemporary Granites within the Same LIP: Siberian Traps Case Study
Ivanov A, He H, Yan L, Ryabov V, Shevko A, Palesskii S & Nikolaeva I

He Hujun (2014) Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks at Late Carboniferous in Southeast Heishanling of Beishan Area, Xinjiang
He H

He J (2006) Coral REE characters as an indictor of sea level rise in the Xigong waters, Hong Kong
Peng Z, Liu Y, Wei G, Ang PO, He J & Liu G
(2006) The climatic and environmental records in the sediment of the Luobei billabong in the district of Lop-Nur,Xinjiang in recent 30ka
Peng Z, Luo C, Yang D, Zhang Z, Liu W & He J
(2004) The Climatic Variability in the Last 3000 Years from the Stalagmite Records in the Guizhou Qixing Cave, China
Peng Z, He J, Zhang Z, Liu G, Zhang M & Lin Y
(2003) Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the North Side of the South China Sea over the Last 55 Years Revealed by Coral Delta 18O Records
Peng Z, He J, Chen T, Nie B & Liu G
(2003) A Paleoclimate Record of the Late Pleistocene Stalagmite from the Qixing Cave, China
He J, Peng Z, Zhang Z, Cai Y & Liu G

He Jian (2009) The Noble Gases Isotopic Compositions in the Deji Ophiolites from the Yarlung Zangbo River, Tibet, SW China
Ye XR, Ding L, Tang JR, He J & Du L
(2008) The Helium and Neon Isotopic Compositions in the Beimarang Ophiolites from th Yarlung Zangbo River, Tibet, SW China
Ye XR, Tao MX, Zhang MJ, He J & Du L

He Jian (2015) Simulating Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation-Climate Interactions Using Online-Coupled WRF-CAM5 over East Asia
Zhang Y, Wang K, Chen Y, He J & Campbell P

He Jianfeng (2020) Characteristics of H-O Isotopes in Water Masses and Implication for Spatial Variations of Freshwater in Amundsen Sea, West Antarctic
Shao H, He J, Luo G, Cao S & Lan M
(2008) Variability of Summer Coastal Upwelling at the Northern South China Sea for Nearly 100 Years
Liu Y, Peng Z, Wei G, Sun R, He J & Liu G

He Jianzhang (2015) Oligotrophication Results in More Ocean Acidification in a Semi-Enclosed Bay in Hong Kong
Yin K & He J

He Jie (2023) Geochemistry and Provenance of Quaternary Sandstones in the Qiongdongnan Basin, Northern South China Sea
Lu Z, Yan D, Liu E & He J

He Jin-Sheng (2018) 14C Characteristics of Bulk Organic Carbon and Various Molecular Components in Grassland Soil Profiles
Jia J, Liu Z, Haghipour N, Wacker L, He J-S, Eglinton T & Feng X
(2018) Warming Alters Soil Carbon Dynamics at Depth in a Qinghai-Tibetan Alpine Grassland
Feng X, Jia J, Haghipour N, Wacker L, Simpson M, Yang H, Eglinton T & He J-S

He Jin-Zhong (2016) Renormalisation Constraints on Boundaries of Geochemical Anomalies
He J-Z, Carranza EJM & Yao S-Z

He Jing (2016) Sustainable Use of Industrial Acid By-Product and Environmental Microbial Consortia to Recycle Important Metals from Municipal Incineration Slag
He J, Muehe E-M, Abramov S, Wimmer D, Lemloh M-L, Stockl M & Kappler A

He Jing (2015) Microbially Stimulated Recovery of Precious Metals from Household Waste Incineration Slag
Muehe EM, He J, Wimmer D, Betz A, Schmidt C, Konhauser K & Kappler A

He Jing (2013) Novel Bionanocomposites – Chitosan Geothite Bead – for Arsenic Remediation
He J, Bardelli F, Gehin A & Charlet L

He Jing (2012) Understanding the Formation and Properties of Titan's Aerosols with the PAMPRE Laboratory Experiment
Szopa C, Carrasco N, Correia JJ, Hadamcik E, Dahoo PR, Gautier T, Mahjoub A, He J, Buch A & Cernogora G

He Jing (2023) Use of Chitosan Goethite Bionanocomposites for Remediation of Water Body with Multi-Pollutants
He J, Fu X & Liu L

He Jingwen (2011) The Evolution of the Tarim Craton in Archean and Proterozoic: Zircon U–Pb and Hf Isotopic Evidence from the Kuruktag Area, NW China
Zheng B, Zhu W, Shu L, Wu H & He J

He Jinsheng (2016) Iron-Protected Organic Carbon Increased during Drought in Alpine Wetland Soils
Wang Y, Feng X, Wang H & He J

He Juan (2021) Distribution Characteristics of Terrestrial and Marine Lipid Biomarkers and their Implication for the Provenance and Paleoceanographic Application in the Northern South China Sea
Udoh EC, Li L, Chen M, Chen L, JunJian W, Jia G & He J
(2020) Zircon U-Pb Age and Petrogenesis of the middle-Permian Highly Fractionated Granite in Ludian, Northwestern Yunnan, China
He J, Wang B & Wang Q
(2015) Southern Tibetan Ophiolites Display a Geological – Geochemical Record of Plume-Influenced Rift – Drift Magmatism in Neotethys
Dilek Y, Liu F, Xie Y, He J & Yang J

He Jun (2023) Early and Late Paleozoic Mafic Dykes in South Qinling, Central China: Evidence for Evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean
Cheng H, He J, Ge D & Chen F
(2023) Petrogenesis of Middle Proterozoic A-Type Granites in Southern North China
Wang Z, He J, Zhao J & Chen F

He Junjie (2019) Stability of Sn(IV)-F Complex at Magmatic-Hydrothermal Conditions
Ding X & He J
(2018) Mobility of Titanium in F-Rich Fluids: Clues from Experiments and Thermodynamic Calculation
Ding X, He J & Sun W
(2016) Hydrolysis of Fluorine-Rich Titanium Complex in Hydrothermal Fluids: Implications on Mobility and Fractionation of the High-Field-Strength-Element in Subduction Zones
Ding X, He J & Sun W

He K (2003) Source Identification of Aerosols in East Asia by Using Metal Concentrations Measured by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Equipped with Laser Ablation (LA/ICP-MS)
Okuda T, Kato J, Mori J, Tenmoku M, Tanaka S & He K

He Ke (2023) PFAS Fate and Transport in Semi-Arid Region Soils, New Mexico, USA
Linhoff B, Lorah MM, He K, Blaney L, Foeppel J, Akob DM & Harris C
(2023) Microbial Communities and Natural and Enhanced Biodegradation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Arid Region Soils Contaminated with Aqueous Film-Forming Foams
Lorah MM, Linhoff B, Akob DM, Harris C, Mumford A, Foeppel J, He K & Blaney L
(2022) Biogeochemical Conditions and Microbial Populations Linked to Biodegradation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Soil and Sediment
Lorah MM, Akob DM, Harris C, He K, Blaney L, Schultes L, Sunderland E & Vecitis C
(2010) The Characteristics of Platinum-Group Elements and Comparisons for the Typical Ni–Cu Sulfide Deposits, Western China
Qian Z, Wang J, Dong F, Jiao J, Yan H, He K & Sun T
(2008) Geochemistry of Platinum-Group Elements in the Kalatongke Cu-Ni Sulfide Deposit, Xinjiang, China
Qian Z-Z, Huang X-F, Jiang C-Y, Jiao J-G, Yan H-Q & He K

He Kebin (2015) Aerosol Carbon Isotopes at Alert, Canada: Understanding Emission Sources of Black Carbon Transported to the Arctic
Huang L, Zhang W, Sharma S, Brook J, Leaitch R, Czimczik C, Santos GM, He K, Duan F & Yang F

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