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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

He Detao (2015) A Golden Spike for the Paleo-Asian Oceanic Slab Subduction Under the North China Craton
Chen C, Liu Y & He D
(2014) Super-Reducing Assemblages in Mantle Xenoliths: Evidence for Marine Carbonate Recycling
He D, Liu Y, Gao C, Foley S, Hu Z, Zong K, Schmidt MW & Gao S
(2013) Multiple Exsolutions in a Rare Clinopyroxene Megacryst from the Hannuoba Basalt, North China: Implications for Subducted Slab-Related Crustal Thickening and Recycling
He D, Liu Y, Tong X, Zong K, Hu Z & Gao S

He Detao (2012) Triassic High-Mg Adakitic Andesites from Linxi, Inner Mongolia: Insights into the Fate of the Paleo-Asian Ocean Crust and Fossil Slab-Derived Melt-Peridotite Interaction
Liu Y, Wang X, Wang D, He D, Zong K, Gao C & Hu Z

He Detao (2018) Mantle Recycling of Sedimentary Carbonate along the Northern Margin of the North China Craton
Liu Y, Foley SF, Chen C, He D & Zong K

He Detao (2019) Platinum Group Element Mobilization in Mantle Caused by Recycled Sedimentary Carbonate
He D, Liu Y, Chen C, Zong K & Hu Z

He Detao (2016) SiC-Dominated Ultra-Reduced Mineral Assemblage in Carbonatitic Xenolith from the Dalihu Basalt, Inner Mongolia, China
He D, Liu Y, Gao C, Chen C, Hu Z & Gao S

He Detao (2020) Deep Sedimentary Calcite Recycling Does Cause Coupling Ca-Zn-Sr Isotopic Composition Change in Mantle
He D & Liu Y

He Detao (2021) Oxidization of the Mantle Caused by Recycling of Sedimentary Carbonates may Contribute to the Formation of Iron-Rich Mantle Melts
He D, Liu Y, Chen C, Foley SF & Ducea M

He Detao (2023) Iron Isotope Evidence for Limited Direct Oxidation Capability of Recycled Sedimentary Carbonate
He D & Liu Y

He Di (2014) Silver-Mediated Fenton-Like Processes – Do They Occur in Natural Environments?
Waite D, He D & Miller C

He Di (2011) Silver Nanoparticle-Reactive Oxygen Species Interactions: Application of an Electron Charging-Discharging Model
He D, Jones AM, Garg S & Waite D

He Ding (2023) Improved Understanding of Photochemical Processing of Dissolved Organic Matter by Using Machine Learning Approaches
Zhao C, Xu X, Chen H, Wang F, Li P, He C, Shi Q, Yi Y, Li X, Li S-L & He D
(2023) Improving Understanding of Dissolved Organic Matter by Using Machine Learning to Predict Stable Carbon Isotope Based on Molecular Abundances
Yi Y, Liu T, Merder J, He C, Bao H, Li P, Li S-L, Shi Q & He D
(2020) Factors Controlling the Molecular Changes of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Pearl River Estuary
Xie W, Li P, He D, He C, Shi Q & Zhang C
(2020) Eutrophication and Tidal Marshes Shape Dissolved Organic Matter Chemistry along Two Freshwater-Estuarine Transects
He D, Zhang Y, Lu Q, Li P, He C, Wang Y, Shi Q & Sun Y
(2018) Mangrove Leaf Species-Specific Isotopic Signatures (N-Alkane δ2H and δ13C) along Salinity and Soil Fertility Gradients in the Shark River Estuary, USA
He D, Ladd SN, Sachs JP, Jaffé R & Rivera-Monroy VH
(2014) Assessment of Vegetation Shifts and Hydrological Change Though Biomarkers and Compound Specific δD-δ13C Analyses in a Subtropical Wetland
He D, Anderson WT & Jaffé R

He E. (2020) Size-Dependent Accumulation and Toxicity of PS-Mps in Earthworms (Eisenia Foetida)
Xiao X, Tang Y, He E & Qiu R

He F. (2019) Proxy Evidence and Model Explanation for Rapid Hydroclimate Change in East Africa at the End of the Younger Dryas
Orland IJ, He F, Burns SJ, Batchelor CJ, Cheng H & Edwards RL
(2012) The Fate of Mercury at a Contaminated Site
Liang L, Watson D, Miller C, Howe J, He F & Pierce E
(2010) Surface Mass Balance and Geochemical Constraints on the Laurentide Ice Sheet Contribution to Meltwater Pulse 1A
Carlson A, Ullman D, Anslow F, He F, Clark P, Liu Z & Otto-Bliesner B
(2010) North Atlantic Melting Water Forcing of Early Deglacial Warming in the Southern Ocean and Two-Step North Pacific Ventilation: A Transient GCM Study with CCSM3
He F, Liu Z, Otto-Bliesner BL, Clark P, Carlson A & Brady E
(2009) Determination of Dissolved Cu in Jiaozhou Bay By Catalytic Kinetic Spectrophotometry
Yang R, Shi X, He F & Huang T

He Gaowen (2020) Influencing Factors of REY Enrichment in the Sediments from the Central Pacific: New Insight from in situ Neodymium Isotopes of Fish Debris
Wang F & He G

He Guo-Fen (2011) K-Feldspar Glasses Syntheses for External Calibration of in situ Pb Isotope Analysis Using LA-MC-ICPMS
Yuan H, Song J, Chen K, Dai M, Bao Z & He G
(2010) Ten Micron Zircon Dating Using LA-Q-ICPMS
Yuan H-L, Chen K-Y, He G-F, Song J-Y & Gao S

He Guoqi (2016) The Determination of a Neopaleozoic Alkaline Rock Belt in the Northern Margin of the North China Craton
Cai J, Yan G, Ren K, He G & Zeng Y

He Hai-Long (2020) Role of Melt Injection and Mixing in Formation of Archean Chromitite in Anorthosites: Evidence from the Sittampundi Anorthosite Complex, Southern India
He H-L, George PM, Sajeev K & Zhai M-G

He Haigen (2015) Zinc Isotopes in Sphalerite from Linxi Hydrothermal Deposit in Da Hinggan Mountains, China
Yang Y, Liu Y, Liu H & He H

He Haiyang
(2018) Late Cretaceous Highly Fractionated I−type Granites from Qiangtang Block, Central Tibet: Petrogenesis and Tectonic Implications
He H, Li Y & Wang C

He Haiying (2012) First-Principles Studies of Dissolution Reactions of Orthoclase
Zapol P, He H, Tan X, Fenter P & Sturchio N

He Hong (2007) Microbial Uranium Mineralization and Hydrocarbon Oxidation in the Qianjia-Dian Deposit, NE China
Li H, Cai C, He H & Li K

He Hong-Tao (2018) The Ore-Forming Mechanism of the No. 6 Lithium-Enriched Coal Seam from the Ganbanwusu Mine, Inner Mongolia, China: DFT Calculations and ICP-MS Determinations of Li Isotopes
He H-T, Wang J-X, Xing L-C, Zhao S-S & Sun Y-Z
(2015) Equilibrium Si Isotope Fractionation during Adsorption of Monoslicic Acid on Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide Surface
Liu Y & He H-T
(2015) Kinetic Si Isotope Fractionation Parameters in Weathering Processes
Tang M, He H-T, Zhang S-T & Liu Y

He Hongliang (2016) Melting of the Fe Alloys at Core Pressures and the Thermal Structure of the Earth
Zhang Y, Lin J-F, Sekine T, Zhou X & He H

He Hongping (2023) Experimental Study of Environmental (pH, T, Salinity, Concentration) Control on Ammonium Adsorption on Clay Minerals
Yu AJ, Lin X, Zhu J, He H & Li L
(2023) Large Mo Isotope Fractionation during the Diorite Weathering
Wang Z, Li J, Liang X, Wei G, Ma J & He H
(2021) Themodynamic and Kinetic Factors during Smectite Evolution: A Study Based on Experiments and Thermodynamic Calculations
Zhang C, Blanc P, Petit S & He H
(2020) Remarkable Effect of Co Substitution in Magnetite on the Reduction Removal of Cr(VI) Coupled with Aqueous Fe(II)
Li Y, Liang X, He H & Arai Y
(2020) Distribution and Fractionation of REEs during Ferrihydrite Transformation
Yang M, Liang X, He H & Arai Y
(2020) Carbonate Ooids Cemented by Evaporites in Pleistocene Salt Lakes in the Qaidam Basin, Tibetan Plateau
Sun Y, Li Y, Li L & He H
(2020) Constraints from Pyrite Micro-Structures on Gold Mineralization Processes of Multi-Stage Fluid Episodes
Tan W, Reddy SM, Fougerouse D, Wang CY & He H
(2019) Heterogeneous Reduction of 2-Chloronitrobenzene by Co-substituted Magnetite Coupled with Aqueous Fe2+
Liang X, Li Y & He H
(2017) Magnetite Exsolution in Ilmenite Derived from Sub-Solidus Re-equilibration of Fe-Ti Oxides
Tan W, He H & Wang Y
(2017) Transformation Mechanism of Brucite to Saponite in Hydrothermal Conditions
Tao Q, He H, Ji S, Li S, Zhang C & Komarneni S
(2017) Co-sorption Mechanisms of Heavy-Metal Cations and Oxyanions on Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides
Zhu R, Liu J, Zhu J & He H
(2017) The Improvement of Zinc Substitution on the Reactivity of Magnetite Coupled with Aqueous Fe(II) Towards Nitrobenzene Reduction
Liang X, Li Y & He H
(2017) Conversion of Serpentine to Smectite Under Hydrothermal Condition: Implication for a Solid-State Transformation
He H, Ji S, Zhu J & Tao Q
(2017) Adsorption of Multi-Contaminant on Modified Montmorillonite
Ma L, Zhu J, Zhu R, Liang X & He H
(2017) Valence Band Structure of Defective Pyrite (100) Surface: Experimental and ab Initio Study
Zhu J, Xian H & He H
(2016) The Oxidation State and Microstructural Environment of Transition Metals (V, Co and Ni) in Magnetite: An XAFS Study
Liang X, He Z & He H
(2016) Can 1:1 Type Clay Minerals Transform into 2:1 Type Swelling Smectite?
He H, Ji S, Tao Q & Zhu J
(2016) New Insights into the Solid Transformation of Ilmenite-Hematite Solid Solutions
Tan W, He H & Wang Y
(2013) Molecular Simulation Study of Rectorite
Zhou J, Lu X, Zhu J, Sprik M, Boek E & He H

He Hongtao (2016) Kinetic Si Isotope Fractionation Factors in Chert Formation Processes
Tang M, He H, Zhang S & Liu Y

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