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Hayashi S. (2016) Homogeneous Mantle and Diverse Arc Crust: Significant Role of Mafic Lower Crust for Chemical Diversity of Arc Magmas
Ban M, Kimura J-I, Takahashi T, Uzawa Y, Ohba T, Fujinawa A, Hayashi S, Yoshida T, Miyazaki T, Chan Q, Senda R, Vaglarov B & Tatsumi Y

Hayashi T. (2003) Ce and Nd Isotopic Geochemistry of Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Constraint on Early Archean Mantle and Origin of Ce Anomaly
Hayashi T, Masaharu T & Tanaka T

Hayashi Yoshikazu (2017) Immobilization of Borate and Arsenate from Geothermal Waters by Co-precipitation with Hydroxyapatite
Sasaki K, Hayashi Y & Guo B

Hayashi Yuuya (2023) The Sectional Distributions of Several Particulate Trace Elements in the Western South Pacific
Norisuye K, Hayashi Y, Obata H, Gamo T, Minami H & Nakaguchi Y

Hayashida A. (2016) Climatic Implications of Pre-Aged Carbon Incorporation to the Lake Biwa Sediments during the Past 50, 000 Years
Kitagawa H, Hong W, Hayashida A & Takemura K

Hayashida H. (2016) Role of Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in Air-Ice-Ocean Exchange of Climatically Important Gases (CO2 and DMS) in the Arctic: Preliminary Results of Coupled Sea Ice-Ocean Physical-Biogeochemical Model Simulations
Hayashida H, Mortenson E, Monahan A, Steiner N, Blais M, Gale M, Galindo V, Gosselin M, Gourdal M, Hu X, Levasseur M & Mundy CJ

Hayashida K. (2018) Inhibition Effect of Transformation of Ferrihydrite in Granitic Groundwater from the Mizunami Unederground Research Laboratory
Munemoto T, Watanabe Y, Hayashida K & Iwatsuki T

Hayashida S. (2005) Retrieval of Asian Dust Amount over Land Using ADEOS-Ii / GLI Near UV Data
Kuji M, Yamanaka N & Hayashida S

Hayat U.

Hayatifar A. (2023) Probing Interfacial Molybdate–Ferrihydrite Reactions Using Reactive Molecular Dynamics and Synchrotron X-Ray Spectroscopy
Hayatifar A, Gravelle S, Moreno BD & Lindsay MBJ

Hayden L. (2012) Major Element Incorporation into Apatite: Implications for Thermometery
Trail D, Hayden L, Watson EB & Tailby N
(2010) Trace Element Partitioning in the Fe-S-C±P System
Hayden L, Van Orman J, McDonough W & Ash R
(2009) Rutile Solubility in Supercritical NaAlSi3O8-H2O Fluids
Hayden L & Manning CE
(2006) A Thermobarometer for Sphene
Hayden L, Watson B & Wark D
(2006) Grain boundary mobility of siderophile elements in MgO
Hayden L & Watson B

Hayden Matt (2021) Progress Toward Small-Scale Field Trials of Coastal Enhanced Weathering of Olivine
Moreau C, Montserrat F, Green T, Matzner E, Syverson D, Sulpis O, Hayden M, Lopez P & Romaniello SJ

Hayden Matthew (2023) Examining the High Variability in Particulate Nitrate Photolysis Rate Constant
Zhou X, Zhu Y, Wang Y, Ye C, Elshorbany Y, Hayden M & Peters A

Haydoutov I. (2007) Li-Sr-Lu-Hf Isotope and Trace Element Systematics of Eclogites from Bulgaria
Savov I, Bizimis M, Halama R, Shirey S, Hauri E & Haydoutov I

Hayek J.N. (2021) Geodynamic Interpretations of Continent-Scale Hiatus Maps in the Atlantic Realm
Vilacís B, Hayek JN, Bunge H-P, Friedrich AM, Carena S & Stotz IL

Hayer C. (2023) Volcanic Gas Geochemical Monitoring of the 2021 Tajogaite Eruption (La Palma, Canary Island) Reveals a CO2-rich Source for Alkaline Ocean Island Volcanism
Aiuppa A, Burton MR, Allard P, Asensio-Ramos M, La Spina A, Nicholson EJ, Pardo Cofrades A, Zanon V, Barrancos J, Bitetto M, Hartley ME, Hernandez PA, Lages J, Padrón González E, Wood KT, Hayer C, Cyrzan K, Rose-Koga EF, Schiavi F, D'Auria L & Perez Rodriguez N

Hayes Ben (2020) Archean Surface-Derived Contamination in the Plume Source of the Paleoproterozoic Bushveld Large Igneous Province
Bybee G, Hayes B, Magalhães N, Zirakparvar A, Farquhar J, Wu N, Penniston-Dorland S, Feineman M & Leach T

Hayes Ben (2015) Partners in Crime: Combined Mush Disaggregation and in situ Crystallization in a Basaltic Sill
Hayes B, Lissenberg J & Bedard J

Hayes Ben (2012) The Crystallization of a Layered Mafic Sill from the Neoproterozoic Franklin LIP, Victoria Island, Arctic Canada
Hayes B, Bedard J & Lissenberg J

Hayes Christopher (2014) Seawater Th Isotopes in the U. S. North Atlantic GEOTRACES Transect: Sources, Sinks and Cycling
Huang K-F, Robinson LF, Auro ME, Anderson RF, Hayes CT, Fleisher MQ, Edwards RL, Cheng H, Lu Y & Moran SB
(2014) Testing Models of Chemical Scavenging Using Th and Particle Data from GEOTRACES
Lerner P, Marchal O, Lam P, Buesseler K, Hayes C, Huang K-F & Lu Y

Hayes Christopher (2018) Detecting Changes in Antarctic Bottom Water Formation Using Authigenic Uranium during Marine Isotope Stage 11
Glasscock S & Hayes C
(2018) Ocean Cycling of Refractory Elements
Hayes C

Hayes Christopher

Hayes Christopher (2013) Constraining Rates of Trace Element Supply and Removal Using Long-Lived Thorium Isotopes
Anderson R, Hayes C, Fleisher M, Robinson L, Huang K-F, Cheng H, Sha L, Edwards RL, Lu Y & Moran SB
(2013) Two Modes of Change in Southern Ocean Export Production over the Past Million Years
Jaccard S, Hain M, Hayes C, Martinez-Garcia A, Anderson R, Sigman D & Haug G
(2012) Biological Productivity in the Subarctic North Pacific and Bering Sea: A Proxy Evaluation
Serno S, Winckler G, Anderson RF, Hayes CT, Ren H, Gersonde R & Haug GH
(2012) The Nature of Boundary Scavenging in the North Pacific Ocean
Hayes CT, Anderson RF, Fleisher MQ & Gersonde R
(2012) Dissolved 231Pa/230Th in the U. S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Transect
Anderson R, Hayes C, Fleisher M, Robinson L, Huang K-F, Edwards RL, Cheng H & Moran SB
(2012) Sources, Sinks and Cycling of Seawater 232Th in the North and South Atlantic Basins
Robinson LF, Huang K-F, Auro ME, Anderson RF, Hayes CT, Fleischer MQ, Cheng H, Edwards RL, Moran SB & Saito M
(2012) Atmospheric Dust Input to the Subarctic North Pacific
Winckler G, Serno S, Anderson RF, Hayes CT, Ren H, Gersonde R & Haug GH
(2011) The Influence of Boundary Scavenging and Particle Composition on Dissolved and Buried 230Th and 231Pa in the Subarctic North Pacific
Hayes C, Anderson R & Gersonde R

Hayes Christopher T (2022) Dynamic Nutrient Regime and Phytoplankton Response in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean over the Past 25, 000 Years
Schimmenti D(, Marcantonio F, Sarao J, Hayes CT, Hertzberg J & Schmidt MW
(2022) Global Quaternary Carbonate Burial: Updated Reconstructions, Persisting Uncertainties, and New Directions
Wood M, Hayes CT & Paytan A
(2021) Biogeochemical Processes Controlling the Marine Ba Cycle: Dissolved and Particulate Barium Distributions along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic and South Pacific Zonal Transects (GA03 and GP16)
Shiller A, Rahman S, Anderson R, Charette MA, Hayes CT, Gilbert M, Grissom K, Lam PJ, Ohnemus D, Pavia F, Twining B & Vivancos S
(2021) Thorium-Derived Dust Fluxes in the Pacific: Examining Seawater, Particle and Sediment-Based Estimates
Black E, Anderson R, Edwards RL, Hayes CT, Li X, Fleisher M, Pavia F, Redmond NA & Schroedl P
(2021) Particle Dynamics in the Central Pacific Ocean: Insights from Th and Pa Isotopes
Fleisher M, Anderson R, Black E, Carracino N, Edwards RL, Hayes CT, Lam PJ, Li X, Redmond NA, Rojas S & Schroedl P
(2021) Particulate Excess Ba as a Proxy for Biological Productivity along the North Atlantic and South Pacific GEOTRACES Transects
Rahman S, Shiller A, Anderson R, Hayes CT, Lam PJ, Ohnemus D, Pavia F, Twining B & Vivancos S
(2021) Dynamics of Biological Productivity and Carbon Export in the Easternmost Equatorial Pacific Ocean over the Last 25, 000 Years
Schimmenti D(, Marcantonio F, Hayes CT, Hertzberg J & Schmidt MW

Hayes Clarmyra (2010) Microbial Community Diversity Under Extreme Euxinia: Mahoney Lake, Canada
Pearson A, Klepac-Ceraj V & Hayes C

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