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Haviv I (2009) Continuous Thermal Histories from Muscovite 40Ar/39Ar Age Spectra
Harrison M, Heizler MT, Haviv I & Avouac J-P

Haviv Itai (2022) The Timing of Migmatization in the Northern Arabian-Nubian Shield: Evidence for a Juvenile Sedimentary Component in Collision-Related Batholiths
Elisha B, Katzir Y & Haviv I
(2019) Speleothems-Derived Geochronologic Constraints on the Timing of Late Miocene Uplift along the Dead Sea Transform Western Margin
Chaldekas O, Vaks A, Haviv I, Albert R & Gerdes A
(2018) Hot Early Intra-Oceanic Subduction beneath the Troodos Ophiolite: Rutile Petrochronology of the Agia Varvara Formation, Western Cyprus
Katzir Y, Golan T, Haviv I, Elisha B & Kylander-Clark A
(2016) Rutile (U-Th)/He Thermochronology Constrains the Initial Emplacement of the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Golan T, Haviv I & Katzir Y
(2013) Variations in Modes and Rates of Long-Term Denudation in Carbonate Terrains Under Mediterranean to Hyper-Arid Climates
Ryb U, Matmon A, Erel Y, Haviv I & Benedetti L

Haviv Itay (2017) U-Pb Ages of Fault-Related Calcite from Mt. Hermon: Prominent Mid-Miocene Faulting along a Newly-Formed Plate Boundary
Oren O, Nuriel P, Haviv I & Katzir Y

Havlova Vaclava (2015) Migration of SeO42- in Granite Under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions
Havlová V, Videnská K & Hofmanová E
(2015) REPP-CO2: Static and Dynamic Laboratory Experiments with scCO2
Havlova V, Hladik V, Hatzignatiou D & Francu J

Havlova Vaclava (2011) Interaction of Se(IV)/Se(VI) Species with Granitic Rock: Understanding of Retention Processes
Videnska K, Havlova V, Galiova M & Havranek V
(2011) LTD Phase I.: Long-Term Real-Scale Diffusion Experiment Results
Havlova V, Martin A, Eikenberg J & Sus F

Havlova Vaclava (2018) Evaluation of Sorbents for Potential Tratment of NPP Severe Accident Radioactive Waste: Influence of Solution Composition
Havlova V, Szatmary L, Skala M, Kus P & Cernik M
(2018) Sorption of Radionuclides from Aqueous Solutions Using Titania Based Nanomaterial
Szatmáry L, Havlová V, Salačová P, Motlochová M, Pližingrová E & Šubrt J

Havlová Václava (2019) Factors Influencing Radionuclide Migration in Crystalline Rock Fracture
Havlová V, Zuna M, Gvoždík L, Sosna K & Stas L
(2019) Influence of Irradiation on Sorbing Properties of Potential Materials, Considered for NPP Severe Accident Waste Treatment
Havlová V, Szatmary L, Kus P, Skala M & Parma P
(2019) Use of Short-Term Radionuclides and Development of Detection Methods for Tracer Test Applications
Zuna M, Dobrev D, Havlová V, Kůs P, Doubravová D, Jakůbek J & Parma P
(2019) Contaminant Migration Experiments in an Artificial Block-Scale Granite Fracture
Jankovský F, Zuna M, Havlová V, Kotowski J, Jankovec J & Hokr M
(2019) Migration Experiments in Naturally Fractured Crystalline Core Samples
Jankovský F, Zuna M, Havlová V, Kulenkampff J, Kotowski J, Jankovec J & Hokr M

Havranek R. (2023) Does Grain Size Matter? Pedogenic Carbonate Clumped Isotope Temperatures in Fine Grained, Clay-Rich Soils
Havranek R & Snell K
(2013) Evidence for Elevated Iron Flux to the Early Phanerozoic Ocean
Gaines R, Havranek R, Metcalfe K & Peters S

Havránek V. (2011) Study of Candidate Matrix-Matched Calibration Standards for Geological Applications by Nuclear and Laser Ablation Based Methods
Strunga V, Havránek V, Kučera J, Kanický V, Vaculovič T, Hrdlička A, Moravec Z, Všianský D, Pinkas J, Klíma M & Kynicky J
(2011) PM2.5 Chemical Composition at Rural Background Site in Central Europe
Schwarz J, Karban J, Havránek V, Chalupníčková E & Smolík J
(2011) Interaction of Se(IV)/Se(VI) Species with Granitic Rock: Understanding of Retention Processes
Videnska K, Havlova V, Galiova M & Havranek V

Havsteen Julius (2021) Stratigraphic Correlation and Provenance of the Duitschland/Rooihoogte Formation(s) and its Implications for the Interpretation of the Great Oxidation Event
Havsteen J, Beukes N, Roué L, Kleinhanns IC & Schoenberg R
(2019) Uranium Isotopes, Ocean Anoxia, Primary Productivity and Carbonate Diagenesis
del Rey Á, Havsteen J, Munnecke A, Bizarro M & Dahl T

Havsteen Julius C. (2023) Linking Atmospheric Oxygenation to Marine Deoxygenation during Earth’s Great Oxidation
Havsteen JC, Eickmann B, Kleinhanns IC, Rosca C, Gogouvitis MD, Izon G, Beukes N & Schoenberg R
(2023) Selectively Targeting Authigenic and Detrital Components in Impure Chemical Sedimentary Rocks of the 1.85 Ga Duck Creek Dolomite, Western Australia
Gogouvitis MD, Rosca C, Kleinhanns IC, Havsteen JC, Van Kranendonk MJ & Schoenberg R
(2022) Single Pulse of Significant O2 Increase during the Great Oxidation Event – Geochemical, Isotopic and Stratigraphic Evidence from the Duitschland and Rooihoogte Formations (South Africa)
Havsteen JC, Kleinhanns IC, Eickmann B, Beukes N & Schoenberg R

Haward S. (2007) The Apparent Activation Energy for Biotite Dissolution by in situ Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Observations
Ragnarsdottir V, Haward S & McMaster T
(2007) Biologically-Mediated Weathering of Minerals from Nanometre Scale to Environmental Systems
Brown D, Banwart S, Smits M, Leake J, Bonneville S, Benning L, Haward S & Ragnarsdottir V

Hawco Nicholas (2020) The Ocean’s Response to the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption
Wilson S, Hawco N, Barone B, Boysen A, DeLong E, Dugenne M, Dutkiewicz S, Dyhrman S, Ferron S, Follows M, Foreman R, Funkey C, German C, Harke M, Hill C, Huber J, Knapp A, Letelier R, Shimabukuro E, Soule A, Turk-Kubo K, White A, Zehr J, John S & Karl D
(2020) Unique Metal Isotope Signatures from Lava-Seawater Interaction during the 2018 Eruption of Kīlauea
Hawco N, Yang S-C, Foreman R, Funkey C, Dugenne M, White A, Wilson S, Kelly R, Bian X, Huang K-F, Karl D & John S
(2017) The Acceleration of Dissolved Cobalt’s Ecological Stoichiometry due to Biological Uptake, Remineralization, and Scavenging in the North Atlantic Ocean
Saito M, Noble A, Hawco N, Twining B, Ohnemus D, John S, Lam P, Conway T, Johnson R, Moran D & McIlvin M
(2017) The Role of Organic Metal-Binding Ligands in the Uptake and Cycling of Trace Metals
Bundy R, Boiteau R, Hawco N, Babcock-Adams L, MciLvin M, Saito M & Repeta D

Hawco Nick (2023) Two Years of Iron and Manganese Cycling in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre
Bates E & Hawco N
(2022) Investigating Phytoplankton Manganese Limitation in the Southern Ocean with a Global Biogeochemical Model
Hawco N, Tagliabue A & Twining B
(2022) Seasonal Variability in the Budgets of Iron and Other Trace Metals at Station ALOHA
Bates E & Hawco N

Hawes I. (2014) Cryoconite Geochemistry and Evolution as Refugia for Biota
Webster-Brown J, Hawes I, Jungblut A & Wood S
(2014) Microbial Commnity Structure and Lake Chemistry in Lake Fryxell, Antarctica
Krusor M, Mackey T, Hawes I, Jungblut A, Wall K & Sumner D
(2013) Speciation of Phosphorus in Soils Peripheral to Meltwater Ponds in Victoria Land, Antarctica
Christenson H, Webster-Brown J & Hawes I

Hawila S. (2023) Tuning the 1D-2D Dimensionality Upon Ligand Exchange in Silver Thiolate Coordination Polymers with Photoemission Switch
Hawila S, Gautier R, Massuyeau F, Lebegue S, Mesbah A & Demessence A

Hawke B.R. (2009) Integrating Lunar Sample Data with Lunar Prospector Thorium Data: Insights into the Thermal and Magmatic Evolution of the Moon
Hagerty J, Lawrence D, Shearer C & Hawke BR

Hawkes Jeff (2022) Methylmercury Formation is Controlled by Mercury Speciation and Abundance of Hg Methylators in Stratified Brackish Waters of Baltic Sea
Feng C, Capo E, Bravo AG, Bertilsson S, Soerensen A, Pinhassi J, Buck M, Karlsson C, Hawkes J & Björn E
(2010) Chemistry of Newly-Discovered Hydrothermal Vents in the East Scotia Sea
James R, Connelly D, Green D, Alker B, Hawkes J & German C

Hawkes Jeffrey (2017) Evolution of the Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Iron in Hydrothermal Plumes in the Southern Ocean
Klar J, James R, Gibbs D, Lough A, Parkinson I, Milton J & Hawkes J
(2013) The Effect of Hydrothermal Iron on Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon
Hawkes J, Connelly D, Djurhuus A & Achterberg E

Hawkesworth Chris (2020) The Bushveld LIP after 100 Years; A Petrogenetic Update and quo Vadis
Hughes H, Hawkesworth C, Kinnaird J, McDonald I, Bybee G & Robb L
(2020) Carbonatite Formed Through Diamond Oxidation
Sun W, Zhang L, Xie G, Hawkesworth C & Zartman R

Hawkesworth Chris (2021) Changes in the Continental Thickness Through Time and Supercontinent Cycles
Moreira H, Buzenchi A, Hawkesworth C & Dhuime B

Hawkesworth Chris (2023) Tracing Granite-Hosted Mineralization via Zircon Metal Anomalies
Gardiner NJ, Hawkesworth C, Robb LJ, Mulder JA & Cawood PA
(2023) Caught in the Act: Variable εHf in Zircons Formed by in Source Hybridisation of Crustal Melts
Fischer S, Prave T, Cawood PA & Hawkesworth C

Hawkesworth Chris (2022) Ups and Downs of Zircon-Bearing Magmas and the Onset of Global Plate Tectonics
Moreira H, Buzenchi A, Hawkesworth C & Dhuime B

Hawkesworth Chris (2016) Tectonic Controls on Post-Subduction Granite Genesis and Emplacement: Insights from Zircon Age Spectra from the Late Caledonian Suite of Britain and Ireland
Miles A, Woodcock N & Hawkesworth C
(2016) Tectonic Influences on the Geochemical Evolution of the Continental Crust
Cawood P, Hawkesworth C, Dhuime B, Delavault H & Zerkle A
(2016) Secular Evolution of the Rates of Generation and Destruction of the Continental Crust
Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C & Wookey J
(2016) How Continents Form: Insight from Pb Isotopes Measured on K-Feldspar Inclusions within Zircons
Delavault H, Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C, Cawood P, Marschall H &  EIMF

Hawkesworth Chris (2017) Within Plate and Subduction-Related Settings in the Archaean
Hawkesworth C, Kendall M, Daly M, Cawood P & Dhuime B
(2017) Earth’s Lithosphere Through Time
Cawood P, Hawkesworth C, Dhuime B & Kemp T
(2017) Braking the Scale of in situ Pb Isotope Microanalysis Down to 10 μm Spot Size: A Comparison of SIMS and LA-MC-ICP-MS
Delavault H, Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C & Marschall H
(2017) Continental Growth, Onset of Plate Tectonics and Emergence of the Continents
Dhuime B, Hawkesworth C, Cawood P & Delavault H

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