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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Haugsnes V.S. (2023) Regional Scale Titanite U-Pb Dates, What do They Mean? Telemark, Norway
Bingen B, Hagen-Peter G, Torgersen E, Henderson IHC, Svendby A-K, Ganerød M & Haugsnes VS

Haukelidsaeter S. (2023) Influence of Filter Age on Fe and Mn Removal in Dual Media Rapid Sand Filters Used for Drinking Water Production
Haukelidsaeter S, Boersma A, Lenstra WK, Kirwan L, Corbetta A, Vos L, Gorres I, Schoonenberg F, Borger K, Wielen PVD, Kessel MV, Lücker S & Slomp CP

Haule K.

Haupt C.P. (2023) Pyroxene/melt Partition Coefficients and their Impact on Models of Lunar Magma Ocean Evolution
Haupt CP, Klemme S, Renggli CJ, Rohrbach A, Berndt J, Schwinger S, Breuer D & Maurice M

Hauptman Ž. (2023) Elemental and Isotopic Characterization of Sediments from Lake Brljan in Karstic River Krka Catchment (Croatia)
Zuliani T, Cukrov N, Nakić EB, Čermelj B, Dolenec M, Hauptman Ž & Lojen S

Hauri C. (2009) Accelerated Acidification in Eastern Boundary Current Systems
Hauri C, Gruber N, Lachkar Z & Plattner G-K

Hauri Erik (2021) Large Sulfur Isotope Fractionation in Lunar Volcanic Glasses Reveals the Magmatic Differentiation and Degassing of the Moon
Saal A & Hauri E
(2020) Magmatic Degassing and the Volatile Budget of the Moon, Contributions by Malcolm J. Rutherford
Saal A, Hauri E, Van Orman J & Rutherford M
(2020) Macroscopic Fossils of Microbial Communities in Eoarchean-Hadean Jasper from the Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt
Papineau D, She Z, Dodd M, Iacoviello F, Lan Z, Hauri E, Shearing P & Little C
(2019) Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions from the Andean Back Arc (34º-38ºS)
Chilson-Parks B, Calabozo F, Saal A, Hauri E & Mallick S
(2019) Experimental Determination of the Damp Peridotite Solidus from 1.0 to 2.5 GPa
Gaetani G, Sarafian E, Hauri E & Sarafian A
(2019) Carbon in the Convecting Mantle: Erik Hauri’s Legacy
Cottrell E, Kelley K, Tucker J, Shimizu K, Le Voyer M, Saal A & Hauri E
(2019) A Chalcophile Element Perspective on Mantle Heterogeneity Under Iceland
Reekie C, Jenner F, Hauri E, Bullock E, Halldórsson S & Williams H
(2019) Water, Melt, and Shear Initiation in the Josephine Peridotite, SW Oregon
Kumamoto K, Warren J & Hauri E
(2019) A Preliminary Evaluation of Volatiles Content in Melt Inclusion in Monogenetic Centers of the Central Andean Volcanic Zone (Northern of Chile)
González C, Hauri E, Saal A, Wang J & Aguilera F
(2019) The Carbon Content of Earth's Core from Metal-Silicate Partitioning Experiments
Fischer R, Cottrell E, Hauri E, Lee K & Le Voyer M
(2019) The Melt Inclusion Record of Mantle Source Heterogeneity Under Iceland
Maclennan J, Hauri E, Shimizu N, McKenzie D, Gronvold K, Kobayashi K, Kitagawa H & Nakamura E
(2019) Water Content of Silicate Mineral Inclusions in Superdeep Diamonds from Juina, Brazil
Thomson A, Hauri E, Shirey S, Walter M, Kohn S, Bulanova G, Smith C & Wang J
(2018) The Role of Melt-Rock Interaction on the CO2/Ba Ratio of Depleted MORBs
Shimizu K, Saal A, Hauri E, Perfit M & Hékinian R
(2018) A High Carbon Content of the Hawaiian Mantle from Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Tucker J, Hauri E, Marske J, Garcia M, Pietruszka A & Trusdell F
(2018) Storage of C in Olivine and Carbonated Melting in the MORB Source Region
Hirschmann M, Armstrong L & Hauri E
(2018) Pressure Effects Complicate our Understanding of Earth's Sulfur Cycle
Reekie C, Jenner F, Smythe D, Hauri E, Bullock E & Williams H
(2018) Archaean Sulphur in Neoproterozoic Zimmi Diamonds (West Africa)
Smit KV, Hauri EH, Shirey SB & Wang J
(2018) H Partitioning between Olivine and Melt between 0.1MPa and 12 GPa
Sarafian A, Nielsen S, Hauri E, Marschall H & Sarafian E
(2017) Volatile Content of 4-Vesta: Evidence from Unequilibrated Eucrites
Sarafian A, Nielsen S, Marschall H, Gaetani G, Hauri E, Righter K & Berger E
(2017) Parameterized Lattice Strain Models for HFSE Partitioning between Amphibole and Silicate Melt with Application to Arc Magma Evolution
Shimizu K, Liang Y & Hauri E
(2017) Re-evaluating the Sulfur Isotope Characteristics of the Iceland Hotspot
Gunnarsson-Robin J, Halldórsson SA, Stefánsson A, Ono S, Whitehouse MJ, Hilton DR & Hauri EH
(2017) Resolving Water Sources in Icelandic Basalts: Insights from Hydrogen Isotopes
Halldórsson S, Kleine B, Barnes J, Stefánsson A, Hilton D, Hauri E & Hallis L
(2017) Water and Melt Decoupled from Deformation in the Josephine Peridotite, SW Oregon
Kumamoto K, Warren J & Hauri E
(2017) Preliminary Data on New Olivine Reference Material MongOL Sh11-2 for in situ Microanalysis
Batanova V, Sobolev A, Thompson J, Danyushevsky L, Goemann K, Portnyagin M, Garbe_Schoenberg D, Hauri E, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Chauvel C, Campillo S & Ionov D
(2015) Simultaneous Measurements of C and O Isotopic Composition in Carbonates by NanoSIMS
Wang J, Hauri E & Alexander C
(2015) Crystal/melt Partitioning of Volatile and Non-Volatile Elements during Peridotite Melting: Implications for Mantle Fractionation
Adam J, Turner M, Hauri E & Turner S
(2015) New Standards for Measuring Water in the Mantle via SIMS
Kumamoto K, Warren J & Hauri E
(2015) Andesite Magmas Ascend Rapidly from the Mid Crust at Soufriere Hills Volcano, West Indies
Edmonds M, Humphreys M, Kohn S & Hauri E
(2015) Geodynamical and Geochemical Constraints on Continental Crust Formation Since the Archean
van Keken P, Hauri E, Vervoort J, Kimura J-I & Ballentine C
(2015) Refining the Approach for Volcanic CO2 Output Estimation at San Cristobal Volcano
Robidoux P, Aiuppa A, Rotolo S, H. Hauri E, Frezzotti ML & Giudice G

Hauri Erik H. (2021) Highly Volatile Element (H, C, F, Cl, S) Abundances and H Isotopic Compositions in Chondrules from Carbonaceous and Ordinary Chondrites
Shimizu K, Alexander CMO, Hauri EH, Sarafian AR, Nittler LR, Wang J, Jacobsen SD & Mendybaev RA
(2021) The Origins of the Mantle's Carbon and the Bulk Carbon Content of the Earth
Fischer RA, Cottrell L, Hauri EH, Lee K & Le Voyer M
(2021) The Peridotite Deformation Cycle and the Deep Impact of Subduction beneath the Wyoming Craton
Chin E, Chilson-Parks B, Boneh Y, Hirth G, Saal A, Hearn BC & Hauri EH
(2021) Experimental Investigation of the Genesis of Volatile-Bearing Melts at the Bottom of the Earth’s Upper Mantle
Novella D, Frost D, Bureau H, Raepsaet C, Khodja H & Hauri EH
(2014) Sulfur Recycling in Subduction Zones
Brandon A, Farquhar J & Hauri E
(2014) Variable Carbon Degassing from MORB Assessed Using CO2/Nb
Le Voyer M, Kelley KA, Cottrell E & Hauri EH
(2014) Slab Dehydration beneath the Southern Cascade Arc Inferred from B and H Isotopes
Walowski K, Wallace P, Hauri E, Clynne M & Wada I
(2014) Ion Microprobe Analyses of Carbon Isotopes Ratios in MORB
Le Voyer M, Deloule E, Kelley KA, Cartigny P, Cottrell E & Hauri EH
(2014) Water Content of Stishovite, Majorite, and Perovskite Inclusions in Juina Superdeep Diamonds
Shirey S, Hauri E, Thomson A, Bulanova G, Smith C, Kohn S & Walter M
(2013) Short Timescales of Magma Ascent Recorded in Melt Inclusion Diffusion Profiles
Plank T, Lloyd A, Ruprecht P, Hauri E & Zhang Y
(2013) Mass Independently Fractionated Sulfur Isotopes in HIMU Lavas Reveal Archean Crust in their Mantle Source
Cabral R, Jackson M, Rose-Koga E, Koga K, Whitehouse M, Antonelli M, Farquhar J, Day J & Hauri E
(2013) δD in Lunar Volcanic Glasses and Melt Inclusions: A Carbonaceous Chondrite Heritage Revealed
Saal A, Hauri E, Van Orman J & Rutherford M
(2013) The Competing Roles of Sulfide Saturation, Magma Mixing and Degassing during the Petrogenesis of Convergent Margin Magmas
Jenner F, Hauri E, Arculus R, Mavrogenes J, O'Neill H & Whan T
(2013) Reduced C-O-H Volatiles Dissolved in Lunar Picritic Glasses
Wetzel DT, Rutherford MJ, Jacobsen SD, Hauri EH, Saal AE & Thomas S-M
(2013) Sulfur Isotopic Evidence for Sources of Volatiles in Siberian Traps Magmas
Black B, Hauri E, Brown S & Elkins-Tanton L
(2013) Simultaneous Measurements of C and N Isotopic Composition and N Abundance in Diamonds by NanoSIMS
Wang J, Shirey S & Hauri E
(2013) Volatile Budget of the Galapagos Plume
Peterson M, Saal A, Hauri E, Kurz M, Werner R, Hauff F, Geist D & Harpp K
(2013) Crystal/Melt Partitioning of Volatiles during the Near-Solidus Melting of Peridotite
Adam J, Turner M, Hauri E & Turner S
(2013) Investigating the Link between Magmatic Volatiles and Mantle Source Lithology in the Hawaiian Plume: A View from Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions, Glasses, and Osmium Isotopes
Marske J, Hauri E, Garcia M & Pietruszka A
(2013) The Formation of Low Degree Hydrous Melts in the Earth’s Upper Mantle
Novella D, Frost DJ & Hauri EH
(2013) Volatile Element Content of the Mid-Ocean Ridge Mantle
Shimizu K, Saal A, Hauri E, Kamenetsky V & Hékinian R
(2013) Water Content of Inclusions in Superdeep Diamonds
Shirey SB, Hauri EH, Thomson AR, Bulanova GP, Smith CB, Kohn SC & Walter MJ
(2012) Calibration of Thermobarometry (T-P) Estimates with H2O and fO2 Data from Melt Inclusions: Results from the Big Pine Volcanic Field, Western USA
Gazel E, Plank T, Forsyth DW, Bendersky C, Lee C-T & Hauri E
(2012) Water Loss from Melt Inclusions in Pyroclasts of Differing Sizes
Plank T, Lloyd A, Ruprecht P, Hauri E & Rose W
(2011) Isotopically Heavy Sulfur in Banded Iron Formations from the Eoarchean Nuvvuagittuq Supracrustal Belt
Papineau D & Hauri E
(2011) Slow Mantle Upwelling on the Margin of the Hawaiian Plume Based on 230Th-238U Disequilibria at Loihi Seamount
Pietruszka A, Hauri E, Carlson R & Garcia M
(2011) Why do Mafic Arc Magmas Contain 4 wt% Water on Average?
Plank T, Kelley K, Zimmer M, Hauri E & Wallace P
(2011) Tracing Deep Slab Recycling via Study of Boron Isotopes of Volcanic Rocks from Hotspot (OIB) Settings
Savov IP, Shirey S, Tonarini S, Ryan J & Hauri E
(2011) C-Solubility in Magmas at Low fO2
Wetzel D, Rutherford M, Jacobsen S, Hauri E & Saal A
(2011) The Volatile Content of Primitive Lunar Volcanic Glasses
Hauri E, Saal A, Rutherford M & Van Orman J
(2010) Generation of Mantle Heterogeneity by Ocean Crust Recycling: Geophysical and Geochemical Constraints
van Keken P, Hauri E, Brandenburg J & Ballentine C
(2010) Quantitative SIMS Analysis of OH in Lunar Apatite: Implications for Water in the Lunar Interior
McCubbin F, Steele A, Hauri E & Nekvasil H
(2010) Re-Os Reveals Ancient Mantle Components in Xenoliths from the Cook-Australs and Samoan Hotspots
Jackson M, Hauri E & Shirey S
(2010) Isotopic Constraints on Heterogeneous Accretion of the Earth
Schönbächler M, Carlson R, Horan M, Mock T & Hauri E
(2009) Volatile Element Variability in MORB: Origins and Consequences
Hauri E & Saal A
(2009) A Multiple-System Study of the Geochemical Evolution of the Mantle with Force-Balanced Plates and Thermo-Chemical Effects
Brandenburg J, Hauri E, van Keken P & Ballentine C
(2009) Stable Isotope Systematics of Volatiles in Apollo 15 Lunar Volcanic Glasses
Hauri E, Saal A, Van Orman J & Rutherford M
(2009) The Volatile Contents of the Apollo 15 Lunar Volcanic Glasses
Saal A, Hauri E, Van Orman J & Rutherford M
(2009) Subduction-Related B and H Isotope Fractionations Across the Mariana Arc – Consequences for Recycling
Shaw A, Hauri E, Stern R, Hawkins J & Gurenko A
(2009) B and B Isotopic Composition of Mariana Trough Basalt Glasses: Implications for Mantle Sources
Savov I, Shirey S, Hauri E & Shaw A
(2009) Deciphering the Roles of H2O and fO2 during Calc-Alkaline Differentiation
Zimmer M, Plank T, Hauri E, Larsen J & Nye C
(2009) O-H Absorption Coefficients of Four Common Mechanisms for Water Substitution in Olivine
Kovacs I, O'Neill H, Hermann J & Hauri E
(2009) Volatile Contents of Belingewe Komatiites: Mantle Volatile Contents and the Effects of Degassing
Kent A, Hauri E, Woodhead J & Janet H
(2008) The Hawaiian PLUME Experiment and its Initial Data Assessment
Laske G, Markee A, Orcutt JA, Wolfe CJ, Solomon SC, Collins JA, Detrick RS, Bercovici DA & Hauri EH
(2008) The Influence of Aluminum on the Partitioning of Water between Clinopyroxene and Basaltic Melt
O'Leary J, Gaetani G & Hauri E
(2008) Crustal Contamination of Mantle-Derived Magmas within the Edifice of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano
Pietruszka A, Hauri E, Blichert-Toft J & Albarède F
(2008) Light Elements in Subduction Zones: Perspective from Volatiles
Fischer T, Hilton D, Shaw A, Sharp Z, Barnes J & Hauri E
(2008) The Timing of the Earth’s Accretion and Volatile Loss: The Pd-Ag View
Schonbachler M, Carlson R, Horan M, Mock T & Hauri E
(2008) Diffusion-Modified Volatile Contents in Melt Inclusions: Evidence for Open System Behavior
Nagle AN, Koleszar AM, Saal AE, Liang Y, Hauri EH & Kurz MD
(2008) Controls on the Volatile Systematics of the Lau Basin
Hahm D, Hilton D, Castillo P, Hawkins J, Hanan B, Pietruszka A & Hauri E
(2007) Geochemistry of Basalts from Intra-Transform Spreading Centers: Implications for Melt Migration Models
Nagle A, Pickle R, Saal A, Hauri E & Forsyth D
(2007) The Timescale of the Earth's Accretion and Volatile Loss: New Constraints from Pd-Ag Systematics
Schönbächler M, Carlson R, Horan M & Hauri E
(2007) Giant Impacts, Late Veneers and the Gradual Hydration of the Earth's Mantle by Subduction
Hauri E, Shaw A & Saal A
(2007) Melt Inclusions from the Galápagos Plume: Mirrors and Mirages of the Deep
Koleszar A, Saal A, Hauri E & Kurz M
(2007) High-Precision Isotope Acquisition with the NanoSIMS 50L
Alexander C, Hauri E, Wang J & Hillion F
(2007) What Comes Around Goes Around: Mantle Convection and the Meaning of Mantle Isochrons
Hauri E, Brandenburg J & Van Keken P
(2007) How Well do Trace Element Proxies Predict Slab Fluid Behavior?
Shaw A, Hauri E, Stern R & Hawkins J
(2007) Li-Sr-Lu-Hf Isotope and Trace Element Systematics of Eclogites from Bulgaria
Savov I, Bizimis M, Halama R, Shirey S, Hauri E & Haydoutov I
(2007) Hydrogen Isotope Geochemistry of Basalts from Samoa
O'Leary J, Hauri E, Hart S & Staudigel H
(2006) New calculations for water storage in the upper mantle, and implications for mantle melting.
Green T, Hauri E, Gaetani G & Adam J
(2006) H isotopes of Manus Basin glasses: a unique perspective on mantle plumes and recycling processes
Shaw A, Hauri E, Hilton D, Macpherson C & Sinton J
(2006) Controls on the He-C systematics of the Izu-Bonin-Marianas (IBM) subduction zone
Hilton D, Fischer T, Hauri E & Shaw A
(2006) Water in clinopyroxene phenocrysts: faithful recorders of magmatic water contents
Plank T, Wade J, Hauri E, Roggensack K & Kelley K
(2005) Hydrogen Isotope Variations in Mariana Arc Melt Inclusions
Shaw A, Hauri E, Kelley K, Fischer T, Hilton D, Stern R, Hawkins J & Plank T
(2005) Ag Isotope Variations in the Earth
Schönbächler M, Hauri E, Carlson R & Horan M
(2005) Depth of Andesitic Magma Storage beneath Mt. Mazama from Melt Inclusions and Experimental Petrology
Mandeville C, Webster J, Tappen C, Rutherford M, Hauri E & Bacon C
(2005) Boron Isotope Compositions of South Atlantic MORB and Mantle Sources
le Roux P, Dixon J, Shirey S & Hauri E
(2005) The <+>226<$>Ra Chronology and Magma Residence Time of Young Lavas from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii
Pietruszka A, Hauri E, Carlson R & Garcia M
(2005) Water, Decompression, and Mantle Melting at Galunggung, Indonesia
Kelley K, Hauri E & Sisson T
(2004) Water Partition Coefficients between Nominally Anhydrous Minerals and Basaltic Melts
Aubaud C, Hauri E & Hirschmann M
(2004) Sulfur Isotope Signatures of Sulfides from Boriskino CM Chondrite
Boctor N, Wang J, Alexander C, Hauri E, Kurat G & Nazarov M
(2004) Brine and Carbonatitic Melts in a Diamond from Diavik– Implications for Mantle Fluid Evolution
Klein-BenDavid O, Wirth R, Izraeli E, Hauri E & Navon O
(2004) Insights into Arc Fluid Budgets from Mariana Melt Inclusions
Shaw A, Hauri E, Hilton D, Fischer T, Stern R, Wade J & Plank T
(2004) Coupled Boron and Oxygen Isotope Variations in Subglacial Basaltic Glasses from Northern Iceland
le Roux P, Baker J, Hauri E & Shirey S
(2004) Carbon Isotopic Evidence for Two-Component Mixing in the Iceland Mantle Source
Kelley K, Hauri E, Gronvold K & McKenzie D
(2004) Partitioning of H2O between Mantle Minerals and Silicate Melts
Hauri E, Gaetani G & Green T
(2003) Volatile Species Heterogeneity in Basaltic Glasses Determined by SIMS and Imaging FTIR
Wysoczanski R & Hauri E
(2002) Carbon in the Icelandic Mantle: Constraints from Melt Inclusions
Hauri E, Grönvold K, McKenzie D & Shimizu N
(2002) An Alternative Hypothesis for the Origin of the High 226Ra Excess in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts ("Invited")
Saal AE, Van Orman JA, Hauri EH, Langmuir CH & Perfit MR
(2002) Volatile Elements in Pillow Lava Glasses from the Kermadec Arc &#8211; Havre Trough and Offshore Taupo Volcanic Zone, Southwest Pacific
Wysoczanski R, Hauri E, Gamble J, Luhr J, Eggins S & Wright I
(2002) Degassing & Preliminary Assimilation Histories of Selected on- and Off-Axis EPR MORB Glasses (8-10ºN, 12-14ºN, & 15-16ºN)
le Roux P, Shirey SB, Hauri EH, Perfit MR & Mock T
(2002) D/H and H2O in Mantle-Derived Basaltic Melt Inclusions
Hauri E
(2002) H Isotope Signatures of Minerals, Melt Inclusions, and Impact Glasses in SNC Meteorites
Boctor N, Alexander C, Wang J & Hauri E
(2002) Vapor Undersaturation in Primitive Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt and the Volatile Content of the Earth‚s Upper Mantle. ("Invited")
Saal AE, Hauri EH, Langmuir CH & Perfit MR
(2002) The Mantle Zero Paradox Noble Gas Concentration
Ballentine CJ, Van Keken PE, Porcelli D & Hauri EH
(2001) The Source of Extraterrestrial Water in Martian Meteorites: Clues from Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Impact-Melted Glasses and Magmatic Melt-Inclusion Glasses
Boctor NZ, Alexander CMO, Wang J & Hauri E
(2001) Precise Iron Isotope Measurements Using Cold Plasma ICP-MS
Kehm K & Hauri EH
(2001) U-Series Isotope Geochemistry of Young Lavas Collected from Loihi Seamount Using the Alvin and Shinkai 6500 Submersibles
Pietruszka AJ, Hauri EH & Garcia MO
(2001) Constraints on Melt/Lithosphere and Melt/Hydrosphere Interaction from the Volatile Budgets of Melt Inclusions from the Austral Islands
Lassiter JC & Hauri EH
(2001) Silver Isotope Variations in the Earth as Measured by Multicollector ICP-MS
Hauri EH & Carlson RW
(2001) High-Precision Ag Isotopic Analysis by MC-ICPMS and the Time Scale of Metal-Silicate Fractionation in the Early Solar System
Carlson RW & Hauri EH
(2001) Hydrogen Analyses of H2O-Saturated Mantle Minerals Using SIMS and FTIR
Koga KT, Hauri EH & Hirschmann MM
(2000) Mantle Components and Mantle Reservoirs: Bridging the Disconnect
Hauri E

Haurine F. (2023) Characterisation and Interlaboratory Comparison of a New Calcite Reference Material for U-Pb Geochronology – The “AUG-B6” Calcite-Cemented Hydraulic Breccia
Blaise T, Augier R, Bosch D, Bruguier O, Cogné N, Deschamps P, Guihou A, Haurine F, Hoareau G & Nouet J
(2019) In situ LA-ICPMS U-Pb Dating of Fluorite
Blaise T, Lenoir L, Haurine F, Brigaud B, Barbarand J & Pagel M
(2019) Carbonate Ion Effects on Elemental Ratios in Benthic Foraminifera Hoeglundina Elegans: Application to Intermediate Water Circulation in the North Indian Ocean during the Last Deglaciation
Ma R, Sepulcre S, Bassinot F, Haurine F, Tisnerat-Laborde N & Colin C

Hauröder B. (2019) Amorphous Al Hydroxides: A Suitable Dwelling for Microbes
Meier J, Hauröder B, Maar M, Neu TR, Rüffel V & Sánchez-España J

Haus K. (2009) Determining Trace Metal-Nanoparticle Associations in Contaminated Sediment Using Analytical TEM and FFF Coupled to MALLS and HR-ICPMS
Haus K, von der Kammer F, Hassellov M, Moore J & Hochella M
(2007) Determination of Trace Metal-Nanoparticle Associations in Contaminated Riverine Systems Using Analytical TEM
Haus K, Jinschek J, Moore J & Hochella M

Häuselmann A. (2017) Direct Evidence for Changes in the Hydrological Cycle Inferred from Speleothem Fluid Inclusions for the Last 14’000 Years in Milandre Cave (Switzerland)
Affolter S, Häuselmann A, Fleitmann D & Leuenberger M

Häuselmann P. (2009) Last Glacial Rapid Climate Shifts in Central Europe: Environmental and Chronological Considerations from Precisely Dated Cave Carbonates
Boch R, Spötl C, Cheng H, Edwards RL, Wang X & Häuselmann P

Hauser A-C. (2013) Internal Structure of a Mid-Crustal Magmatic Conduit: The Punta Falcone Mafic Pluton (Sardinia, Italy)
Hauser A-C & Bussy F

Hauser J. (2019) Geochemical Inversion of Alteration Assemblages for the Mineralisation Fluid: Examples for Proterozoic Base-Metal Mineral Systems
Bastrakov E, Siegel C, Hauser J, Champion D, Huston D & Czarnota K

Hauser P. (2013) The Influence of Frost Weathering on the Release of Readily Available Ions from Granite Surfaces
Chwalek T, Torres N, Furrer G, Brandl H, Müller B & Hauser P

Hauser T. (2018) New 14C Mass Spectrometry
Freeman S, Shanks R, McIntyre C, Gaubert G, Salou P, Kearney K, Hauser T & Sundquist M

Hauser W. (2009) The Colloid Formation and Migration (CFM) Project at the Grimsel Test Site (Switzerland): Results from the Homologue Tests
Schäfer T, Seher H, Hauser W, Walther C, Degueldre C, Yamada M, Suzuki M, Missana T, Alonso U, Trick T & Blechschmidt I
(2008) Bentonite Colloid Generation from a Deep Geological Repository in Granite: An in situ Study
Missana T, Alonso Ú, Albarrán N, Gómez P, Buil B, Schäfer T, Hauser W, Seher H & Garralón A

Hausheer O. (2019) Insights onto Se Speciation in Soils and the Role of Organic Matter Using SEC-Uv-ICP-MS/MS
Tolu J, Bouchet S, Hausheer O, Chékifi SD, Helfenstein J, Chadwick O, Tamburini F, Frossard E & Winkel LHE

Hausherr D. (2021) Tracking the Role of Anammox in Microbial Nitrogen Cycling Using Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Measurements
Magyar PM, Niederdorfer R, Hausherr D, Bürgmann H, Joss A, Mohn J & Lehmann MF
(2019) Stable Isotope Approaches to Characterizing Anammox and Associated Microbial Processes in Engineered and Environmental Systems
Magyar P, Hausherr D, Niederdorfer R, Bürgmann H, Wei J, Mohn J, Zopfi J, Joss A & Lehmann M
(2018) Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotope Effects Associated with a Combined Partial Nitritation-Anammox Wastewater Treatment Process
Magyar P, Hausherr D, Bürgmann H, Mohn J, Zopfi J, Joss A & Lehmann M

Hausladen Debra (2018) Relationship between Carbon Availability and Biogenic Manganese Oxide Formation
Pena J, Sentchilo V, Hausladen D & Ayala H

Hausladen Debra (2017) Coupled Dynamics of Carbon and Manganese: Influence of Organic Compounds on Reactivity of Biogenic Mn Oxides
Hausladen D & Peña J

Hausladen Debra (2019) Abiotic Transformation of Plant-Derived Carbon by Mn Oxides: Breakdown of Cellobiose by δ-MnO2
Hausladen D, Zelano I, Keiluweit M & Peña J

Hausladen Debra (2023) Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes Controlling Heterogeneity in Groundwater Mn Contamination: Insights from Two Lake Catchment Systems
Hausladen D, Islam M, Smillovich J & Di Battista V

Hausladen Debra (2020) Moving Beyond Mineral Solubility: Physical and Hydrologic Constraints on Cr(VI) Formation
Hausladen D, Fakhreddine S & Fendorf S

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