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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Hatert F. (2017) Incorporation of Rare Earth Elements in Perovskites: The Case of Neodymium Incorporation in CaSnO3
Goethals J, Fourdrin C, Tarrida M, Hatert F, Bedidi A & Rossano S
(2008) Crystal Chemistry of Natural and Synthetic Fillowite-Type Phosphates
Hatert F, Keller P, Grew E, Rondeux M & Fransolet A-M
(2007) Occurrence of Sursassite in the Lienne Valley, Stavelot Massif, Belgian Ardennes
Fransolet A-M, Hatert F, Bernhardt H-J, Theye T & Maresch W

Hatfield K. (2012) Manipulating Uranium Redox Status in an Alluvial Aquifer: Insights from Electron Donor Amendment Experiments
Long P, Williams K, Banfield J, Bargar J, Davis J, Fox P, Handley K, Hatfield K, Lovley D, Verberkmoes N, Wilkins M, Wrighton K, Yabusaki S & Science Team RI

Hatfield R. (2014) Collapse of the South Greenland Ice-Sheet during the Marine Isotope Stage 11 “Super-Interglacial”
Reyes A, Carlson A, Beard B, Hatfield R, Stoner J, Winsor K, Welke B & Ullman D
(2012) Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Composition of Greenland River Sediment Constrains Provenance of Silt on the Eirik Drift
Reyes A, Carlson A, Beard B, Ullman D, Hatfield R & Stoner J

Hatfield V. (2023) Identifying the Chemical and Grain Size Signatures of Culturally-Modified Sediments Reveals Resilience to Explosive Volcanic Events in the Aleutian Islands, AK
Nicolaysen K & Hatfield V

Hathaway Jennifer (2023) Volcanic (Lava Tube) Caves Water Chemistry Influenced by High Magnitude Wildfires on Surface
Hollan SH, Heathman I, Kulkarni H, Medley J, Hathaway J, Phillips-Lander CM, Northup DE & Datta S
(2022) Impacts of Wildfire on Volcanic (Lava Tube) Cave Water Chemistry
Datta S, Kulkarni HV, Medley J, Hathaway J, Phillips-Lander CM & Northup DE
(2018) Astrobiological Characterization of Biosignatures from a Planetary Lava Cave Analog
Osburn M, Datta S, Hathaway J, Moser D, Northup D, Papp K & Blank J

Hathaway Jon (2021) Urban Runoff Source Partitioning Using Isotopic Analysis of Nitrate and Sulfate
Rexhausen V, Szynkiewicz A & Hathaway J

Hathorne Ed (2023) Influence of Particulate Weathering on Elemental Cycles: Evidence from Lithium Isotopes
Liu C, Pogge von Strandmann P, Wilson DJ, Hathorne E & Burton KW
(2023) Decoupled Radiogenic Nd and Hf Isotopes of Clays Reveal South Asian Monsoon Control of Silicate Weathering Intensity
Hathorne E, Thiede R, Conventz A, Schneider R & Frank M
(2023) Controls on Ba/Ca in Shallow-Water Corals: New Insights from Coral Stable Ba Isotopes
Yu Y, Hathorne E, Chen X, Wei G & Frank M
(2023) Complex Ba Isotope Biogeochemistry Across a Sedimentary Barite Front in the Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California
Xie R, Scholz F, Yu Y, Hathorne E, Liebetrau V & Frank M
(2023) Investigating Volcanic Input and Water Mass Mixing in the Southwest Pacific Ocean Using Radiogenic Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements
Zhang Z, Xu A, Hathorne E, Gutjahr M, Steiner Z, Achterberg EP, Galley C & Frank M
(2023) The Neodymium Isotopic Composition in Oxic Pore Waters from the Atlantic and Pacific: Implications for the Use of Nd Isotopes as a Past Water Mass Proxy
Paul S, Gutjahr M, Xu A, Hathorne E & Frank M
(2023) Significant Contribution of Mangrove Systems to Marine Neodymium and Hafnium Isotope Budgets
Xu A, Hathorne E, Seidel M, Dittmar T, Koschinsky A & Frank M
(2023) Reconstruction of the Provenance of Detrital Sediments in the Skagerrak Region by Using Radiogenic Nd-Sr-Hf Isotopes and Clay Mineral Compositions
Lenz N, Spiegel T, Hathorne E, Wallmann K & Frank M
(2023) Variability of Antarctic Intermediate Water Composition in the South Atlantic over the Last 600, 000 Years
Soaga O, Jebasinski L, Hathorne E & Frank M
(2022) Exploring the Weathering of Continental Particles in Estuaries Using Lithium Isotopes
Liu C, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Hathorne E & Burton KW
(2022) Geochemical Behaviour of Neodymium and Hafnium Isotopes in the Amazon Estuary: Quantifying Continental Inputs and Tracing the River Plume
Xu A, Hathorne E & Frank M
(2022) Changes in Intermediate Water Circulation in the Tropical North Atlantic during the Last Interglacial
Zhuravleva A, Bauch HA, Frank M, Hathorne E, Laukert G, Filippova A & Kienast M
(2022) Controls on Sr Partitioning in Aragonite Under Simulated Biogenic Conditions
Castillo Alvarez MC, Penkman K, Kroger R, Finch AA, Clog MD, Hathorne E & Allison N
(2021) Decoupling of Dissolved Stable Barium and Silicon Isotope Signatures in the Congo River Plume
Zhang Z, Yu Y, Hathorne E, Vieira LH, Grasse P & Frank M
(2021) Tracing Silicate Weathering in Estuaries Using Lithium Isotopes
Liu C, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Burton KW & Hathorne E
(2021) Reconstructing the Holocene Variability of the Strength and Radiogenic Isotope Composition of Labrador Sea Water
Filippova A, Pieńkowski AJ, Hathorne E & Frank M
(2021) Decoupled Radiogenic Nd-Hf Isotopes of Clays Reveal Miocene Changes in South Asian Monsoon Weathering
Hathorne E, Bretschneider L, Frank M & Bayon G
(2021) Heavy Metal Incorporation into Benthic Foraminifera – A Culturing Study
Schmidt S, Hathorne E & Schönfeld J
(2020) The Impact of MC-ICP-MS Plasma Conditions on the Accuracy and Precision of Stable Isotope Measurements Evaluated for Barium Isotopes
Yu Y, Siebert C, Fietzke J, Goepfert T, Hathorne E, Cao Z & Frank M
(2020) An Experimental Investigation of the Acquisition of Nd by Authigenic Phases in Marine Sediment
Francois R, Patton G, Weis D, Hathorne E, Gutjahr M & Frank M

Hathorne Ed C. (2018) Field Application of Na/Ca as Salinity Proxy in Planktonic Foraminifera
Bertlich J, Nürnberg D, Hathorne EC, Groeneveld J, Kucera M, Siccha M & Meilland J
(2018) The Congo River Plume: Tracing Continental Input Processes with Neodymium, Hafnium and Radium Isotopes and Dissolved Aluminum Concentrations
Rahlf P, Vieira LH, Menzel Barraqueta J-L, Frank M & Hathorne E
(2018) Greenland-Sourced Freshwater Traced by Radiogenic Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements on the North-East Greenland Shelf
Laukert G, Dreyer J, Frank M, Hathorne EC & Meulenbroek K
(2016) Dissolution Events vs. Recrystallisation: Insights from Laser Ablation Derived element/Ca Ratios in Planktonic Foraminifera
Voigt J, Hathorne EC, Fietzke J, Holbourn A, Kochhann KGD & Pälike H
(2016) Tracing Ocean Circulation in the Western Equatorial Pacific with Carbon, Nitrate, and Neodymium Isotopes
Kienast M, Lehmann N, Martinez Mendez G, Hathorne E, Plaß A, Hollstein M, Granger J & Mohtadi M
(2016) Dissolved Nd Isotope and REE Distributions Trace Interannual Variability of Water Mass Mixing and Water-Sediment Interaction in the Laptev Sea
Laukert G, Frank M, Hathorne EC, Bauch D, Wegner C, Kassens H & Timokhov L
(2016) Source, Cycling and Circulation Effects on Seawater Rare Earth Elements in the NE Atlantic
Crocket K, Hill E, Abell R, Johnson C, Gary S, Brand T & Hathorne E
(2016) New Insights into Ocean Circulation and Particle Interaction from a Global Dissolved Rare Earth Element Dataset
Plancherel Y, Zheng X, Scott P, Osborne A, Hathorne E, Frank M & Henderson GM

Hathorne Edmund (2020) Geochemical Behavior of Hafnium in the Amazon River Estuary and its Flux to the Atlantic
Xu A, Hathorne E & Frank M
(2020) Congo River Influence on the Atlantic’s Rare Earth Element and Nd/Hf Isotope Distributions
Rahlf P, Laukert G, Hathorne EC & Frank M
(2020) How Important is the Suspended Particulate Pool for Controlling Seawater Rare Earth Element Distributions?
Hathorne E & Frank M
(2019) Formation and Export of the Modern Weddell Sea-Sourced Antarctic Bottom Water Nd Isotope Signature
Gutjahr M, Huang H, Hathorne E, Kuhn G & Eisenhauer A
(2019) Rare Earth Elements in Biogenic Carbonate as Proxies for the Marine Carbonate System?
Crocket K, Baer T, Abell R, Beveridge C, Hughes D, Hathorne E & Schijf J
(2019) Constraining Diagenetic Barium Cycling with Pore-Water Stable Barium Isotopes
Cao Z, Rao X, Hong Q, Hathorne E, Siebert C, Ehlert C, Kasten S & Frank M
(2019) Inconsistencies between Fram Strait Water Mass Budget Assessments Based on Radiogenic Neodymium Isotopes and Nutrients
Laukert G, Bauch D, Frank M, Hathorne EC, Dreyer J, Meulenbroek K, Schaffer J, Rabe B, Paffrath R, Pahnke K, Rutgers van der Loeff M, Meyer H & Graeve M
(2019) Inter-Annual Variability of Hf-Nd Isotope Compositions and ree Distributions in the Labrador Sea
Filippova A, Frank M, Hathorne E, Tietjens A, Patton G & Schneider R
(2019) The Rare Earth Element Distribution of Porites Corals
Hathorne E, Yu Y, Allison N, Felis T & Frank M
(2017) Stable Barium Isotope Geochemistry of Large River Estuaries
Cao Z, Hathorne E, Siebert C, Dai M, Zhai W, Kuhnert H & Frank M
(2017) Tracing the Origin of Arctic Sea Ice and Freshwater by Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements
Laukert G, Frank M, Hathorne EC, Krumpen T, Werner K & Peeken I
(2017) Persistent South Asian Monsoon Induced Erosion over the Past 26 Million Years
Ali S, Hathorne E & Frank M
(2017) Water Mass Provenance and Mixing in the Angola Basin Inferred from Neodymium Isotopes
Rahlf P, Frank M & Hathorne EC
(2017) Complex Astronomical Forcing of South Asian Monsoon Precipitation over the Past ~1 Million Years
Gebregiorgis D, Hathorne EC, Giosan L, Clemens S, Nürnberg D & Frank M
(2017) Testing the Reliability of Fossil Foraminifer Shell Geochemistry with Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Hathorne E, Voigt J, Fietzke J, Paelike H & Frank M
(2017) Are Barium Isotopic Signals in Planktic Foraminifera a Proxy for Palaeosalinity?
Meulenbroek K, Siebert C, Hathorne E & Frank M
(2017) Geochemical Composition of Baltic Benthic Foraminifera Collected and Cultured over a Large Salinity Gradient
Filipsson HL, Groeneveld J, Austin W, Darling K, Quintana Krupinski N, Bird C, McCarthy D, Hathorne E & Schweizer M
(2017) Can Stable Ba Isotopes in Corals be Used to Reconstruct Riverine Runoff?
Yu Y, Hathorne E, Siebert C, Felis T, Rajendran CP & Frank M
(2015) How Comparable are Carbonate Elemental Laser Ablation ICP-MS Data between Laboratories?
Hathorne E
(2015) Do Dissolved Barium Isotopes in Seawater Trace Water Mass Mixing and Nutrient Cycling?
Cao Z, Siebert C, Hathorne E, Dai M & Frank M
(2015) Water Mass Formation in the Labrador Sea Based on Coupled Hf-Nd Isotope and Rare Earth Element Distributions
Filippova A, Frank M, Rickli J, Hathorne E & Yashayaev I
(2013) Rare Earth Elements as Indicators of Hydrothermal Processes within the East Scotia Subduction System
Cole C, James R, Connelly D & Hathorne E
(2013) Rare Earth Elements in the Surface Ocean Under the Saharan Dust Belt
Hathorne E, Frank M, Rutgers van de Loeff M, Roeske T & Rickli J
(2013) Factors Controlling the Distribution of Neodymium Isotopes and REEs in Tropical Atlantic Seawater
Zieringer M, Frank M & Hathorne E
(2012) Past Changes in Riverine Input and Ocean Circulation in the Gulf of Guinea
Kraft S, Weldeab S, Hathorne E & Frank M
(2012) Rare Earth Elements in Andaman Island Surface Seawater: Geochemical Tracers for the Monsoon
Hathorne E, Frank M & Mohan PM
(2012) The Distribution of Neodymium Isotopes and REE Patterns in the Water Column of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
Zieringer M, Frank M & Hathorne E
(2012) Carbonate Diagenesis in the Pacific Equatorial Age Transect (PEAT) and the Preservation of Geochemical Signals in Foraminifera
Voigt J, Hathorne E & Frank M
(2011) Influence of Different Cleaning Methods on Seawater εNd Extracted from Planktonic Foraminifera
Kraft S, Hathorne E, Frank M & Weldeab S
(2011) Online Preconcentration ICP-MS Analysis of Rare Earth Elements in Seawater
Hathorne E, Stichel T, Grasse P & Frank M
(2011) Sources and Input Mechanisms of Hafnium and Neodymium in Surface Waters of the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean
Stichel T, Frank M, Rickli J, Hathorne E, Haley B, Jeandel C & Pradoux C
(2011) The Strontium Stable Isotope Composition of Seawater during Glacial Intervals
Stevenson E, Burton K, Parkinson I, Anand P, Hathorne E & Mokadem F
(2010) Magnesium in Biogenic Aragonite
Finch A, Allison N, Foster L, Wilson L & Hathorne E
(2009) Flow Through Cleaning and Sequential Dissolution of Planktonic Foraminifera for Mg/Ca Analyses
Groeneveld J, Hathorne EC, Haarmann T, Mohtadi M, Steinke S & Kölling M
(2007) Glacial-Interglacial Variations in the 87Sr/86Sr Composition of Seawater
Mokadem F, Burton K, Parkinson I, Charlier B & Hathorne E
(2007) Intra-Test Variation in the Trace Element Composition of Planktonic Foraminifera: Implications for Biomineralization Processes
Hathorne E, James R & Lampitt R
(2006) Utility of Li and Li Isotopes as Tracers of Silicate Weathering
James R, Kisakurek B, Pogge Von Strandmann P & Hathorne E

Hatijah Mortan S. (2019) Dual C-Br Isotope Fractionation during Anaerobic Biodegradation of Ethylene Dibromide by Dehalococcoides- and Dehalogenimonas-Containing Cultures
Shouakar-Stash O, Palau J, Rosell M, Yu R, Hatijah Mortan S, Marco Urrea E, Freedman DL & Soler A

Hatipoglu E. (2013) Hydrogeochemical Assesment of Pasinler (Erzurum- Turkey) Geothermal Fluids
Hatipoglu E, Gultekin F & Firat Ersoy A
(2013) Water Geochemistry of the Thermal Waters in the Eastern Black Sea Section (Ordu, Rize and Artvin), Turkey
Gulteki̇n F, Hatipoglu E & Firat Ersoy A
(2011) GIS Based Spatial Distribution Mapping for Surface Waters in Solaklı Basin (Trabzon, Turkey)
Firat Ersoy A, Gultekin F, Hatipoglu E & Celep S
(2011) Integrating Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Geochemical Assessment of Groundwater Quality in Gümüşhacıköy Plain (Amasya, Turkey)
Firat Ersoy A, Hatipoglu E & Gultekin F
(2011) Hydrochemical Properties of Thermal Waters in the Eastern Black Sea Section
Gultekin F, Firat Ersoy A & Hatipoglu E
(2009) Isotopic Investigation of Hamamayagı Hot Water Spring (Samsun, Turkey)
Hatipoglu E & Gültekin F
(2007) Hydrogeochemical Properties of Ladik Hot Water Spring (Samsun, Turkey)
Hatipoglu E, Gültekin F & Firat Ersoy A

Hatipoglu Z.N. (2011) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Emet Borate Basin, Kütahya, Western Anatolia, Turkey
Hatipoglu ZN & Temel A

Hatipoglu Temizel E. (2017) A Multi-Isotope Investigation to Understand the Origin of Thermal Water in the Şavsat (Artvin) Geothermal Area, Turkey
Gültekin F, Subaşı BM, Hatipoglu Temizel E & Fırat Ersoy A
(2017) Application of Chemical Geothermometers to Estimation of Reservoir Temperature in the Low-Enthalpy Geothermal Area: Ikizdere- Ayder (Rize), Turkey
Hatipoglu Temizel E, Gultekin F & Fırat Ersoy A

Hatje V. (2022) Rare Earth Elements: Tracers of Natural and Anthropogenic Processes along the Continent-Ocean Continuum. 2022 Gast Lecture
Hatje V
(2017) Impacts of the Fundão Dam Failure in the Doce River Watershed
Hatje V, Pedreira RMA, Rezende CE, Schettini CAF, Cotrim G, Marin DFC & Hackspacher PC
(2017) Chronology of Anthropogenic Footprint in Todos os Santos Bay
Andrade RLB, Hatje V, Masqué P, Zurbrick CM, Boyle EA & Santos WPCD
(2017) Anthropogenic Impacts on the Distributions of Rare Earth Elements in Coastal Waters
Pedreira RMA, Hatje V, Böning P & Pahnke K

Hatlen Heimdal T. (2022) New Constraints on Early Paleozoic Carbon Cycle Balance and Climate Change from Modelling
Markussen Marcilly C, Maffre P, Le Hir G, Pohl A, Fluteau F, Godderis Y, Donnadieu Y, Hatlen Heimdal T & Torsvik TH
(2021) Modeling the Effects of Carbon Release from the Karoo Large Igneous Province (LIP)
Hatlen Heimdal T, Goddéris Y, Svensen H & Jones M
(2019) Thermogenic Gas Release from CAMP as a Trigger for the End-Triassic Crisis
Hatlen Heimdal T, Hovland Svensen H, Jones MT, Callegaro S & Pereira E

Hatlø V. (2011) Weathering of Black Shales and Re-Os Isotope Systematics
Georgiev S, Stein HJ, Hannah J, Bingen B, Hatlø V, Rein E, Piasecki S, Weiss H & Xu G

Ható Z. (2018) The Role of Clays in Heterogeneous Carbonate Nucleation
Pósfai M, Fodor M, Rostási Á, Molnár Z, Váczi T, Ható Z & Kristóf T

Hatori K. (2003) Prebiotic Oligomerization of Amino Acids in Lipid Vesicles in Hydrothermal Environments
Imai E, Furuuchi R, Nemoto A, Hatori K, Honda H & Matsuno K
(2003) Enantiomeric Excess of Amino Acids in Hydrothermal Environments
Nemoto A, Horie M, Imai E, Honda H, Hatori K & Matsuno K

Hatoya K. (2016) Aerosol Surface Area Concentrations Measured by a Diffusion Charger in Fukuoka, Japan
Okuda T, Yamazaki H, Hatoya K, Kaneyasu N, Yoshino A, Takami A, Funato K, Inoue K, Nishita C, Hara K & Hayashi K

Hatsukawa Y. (2003) Trace Element Analysis by Multiple Gamma Ray Detection Method
Toh Y, Oshima M, Matsumoto R, Gharaie M, Hatsukawa Y & Kimura A
(2003) Ir Anomalies in Marine Sediments: Case Study for the Late Devonian Mass Extinction Event
Hatsukawa Y, Mahmudy Gharaie M, Matsumoto R, Toh Y, Oshima M & Kimura A

Hatsuya K. (2003) Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of Kieslager-Type Massive Sulfide Deposits in Southwestern Japan
Hatsuya K & Komuro K

Hatta M. (2023) Chemical Characterization of Plumes Generated during Deep-Sea Mining of Polymetallic Nodules from the Eastern Clarion-Clipperton Zone
Gunnells SA, Morton PL, Hatta M, Adams HM, Kubler-Dudgeon I, Schartup AT, Larrouilh C, Toczek J & Fitzsimmons JN
(2023) The Role of Shallow Intraplate Hydrothermal Fluxes on the Marine Dissolved Iron Inventory and Global Primary Production: A Kama’ehuakanaloa (Lō’ihi) Seamount Case Study
Lanning N, Sieber M, Steffen J, Bian X, Yang S-C, Weiss G, German CR, Seewald JS, Jenkins WJ, Hatta M, Tagliabue A, John SG, Conway TM & Fitzsimmons JN
(2022) Characterizing Fe Sources on the Alaska Margin and Tracing their Influence Through the North Pacific along the GEOTRACES GP15 Section
Sieber M, Lanning N, Bullock EJ, Kong KP, Lee J-M, Mateos K, Laubach A, Bian X, Yang S-C, Weiss G, Hult M, Henderson PB, Le Roy E, Hatta M, Moore W, Charette MA, Lam PJ, Fitzsimmons JN, John SG & Conway TM
(2020) Tracing the Influence of Fe Sources in the North Pacific Using Fe Isotopes (Preliminary Results from GP15)
Sieber M, Lanning N, Fitzsimmons J, Weiss G, Hatta M, John S & Conway T
(2020) Shipboard Trace Metal Determinations Using micro-Sequential Injection Lab on Valve Methodology
Hatta M, Measures C & Ruzicka J
(2018) Dissolved Ga Distribution in the 2015 US Arctic GEOTRACES Section
Whitmore L, Pasqualini A, Hatta M, Measures C, Newton R & Shiller A
(2016) GEOTRACES Arctic Section: Shipboard Determination of Key Trace Elements
Hatta M & Measures C
(2013) Dissolved Gallium and gallium/Aluminum Ratios in the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Section
Shiller A, Hatta M & Measures C
(2009) Global Patterns of Dust Deposition Deduced from Dissolved Al in the Surface Ocean
Measures C, Landing B, Buck C, Brown M, Hiscock B, Grand M, Hatta M & Gosnell K
(2003) Water Circulation in Japan Sea: Using Dissolved Rare Earth Elements as the Tracers
Hatta M & Zhang J

Hattab N. (2012) Ecodynamics of Trace Metals in Assisted Phytoextracted Contaminated Soils
Hattab N, Motelica-Heino M, Guegan R, Bourrat X & Mench M

Hatté C. (2016) Simulating the Dust Cycle for Europe at the Last Glacial Maximum
Sima A, Rousseau D-D, Kageyama M, Balkanski Y, Antoine P, Cozic A, Zhu D, Bertran P, Lagroix F & Hatté C
(2015) Hydrogen Dynamics in Soil Organic Matter as Determined by 13C and 2H Labelling Experiments
Paul A, Pastor L, Siclet F, Hatté C, Thiry Y & Balesdent J
(2009) Millennium Scale Radiocarbon Variations in Eastern North Atlantic Thermocline Waters: 0-7000 Years
Frank N, Tisnerat-Laborde N, Colin C, Dottori M, Reverdin G & Hatté C

Hatten J. (2010) Hydroclimatic and Geomorphic Controls on Particulate Organic Matter in Small Mountainous Rivers
Goni M, Hatten J, Wheatcroft R, Borgeld J, Pasternack G, Gray A & Watson E

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