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Hastie A (2006) Tectonic evolution of the Caribbean Plate: Insights from Cretaceous volcanic rocks in Jamaica.
Hastie A, Kerr A, Pearce J & Mitchell S

Hastie Adam (2016) Air-Water CO2 Exchange in Continental and Coastal Systems – Regional and Global Budgets
Lauerwald R, Laruelle G, Hastie A, Landschützer P, Weyhenmeyer G, Sobek S, Hartmann J, Ciais P, Gruber N & Regnier P

Hastie Alan (2023) Lunar Magmatic Degassing Mechanisms and their Relation to the Moon’s Unique Cl Isotopic Signature
Kingham SEL, Saper L, Bromiley GD & Hastie A
(2023) Hydrous Partial Melting of Natural Oceanic Plateau Basalt Under Varying P-T Pathways: Experimental Constraints on Formation of TTG-Like Magmas
Law S & Hastie A

Hastings D (2005) High-Resolution Deglacial Record of Climate Change in Central Florida from Fresh Water Ostracodes
Hastings D, Hollweg T, Flower B, Cronin T, Edgar NT & Quinn T

Hastings David (2018) Benthic Production of an Anammox-Associated Biomarker, Bacteriohopanetetrol II, Under Oxic Gulf of Mexico Waters
Lincoln S, Matys E, Overholt W, Alpheus S, Bosman S, Hastings D, Chanton J, Hollander D, Kostka J, Summons R & Freeman K

Hastings M. G. (2016) Isotopic Compositions of Nitrate in the Surface Snow Layer from the Coast to Dome Argus, East Antarctica
Shi G, Hastings MG, Li Y, Jiang S, Ma H & An C

Hastings Meredith (2020) Isotopic Composition of Aerosol Nitrate in the Pacific Atmosphere
Hastings M, Joyce E & Carter T
(2020) Nitrate Production in the Marine Boundary Layer and its Contribution to Surface Ocean along a Cruise Path from China to Antarctica: An Isotopic Perspective
Shi G, Ma H, Hu Z, Zhu Z, Jiang S, An C, Li Y & Hastings M
(2018) Increased Vulnerability of Urban Areas from Atmospheric N Deposition
Joyce E, Walters W, Le Roy E & Hastings M
(2018) Investigating the N and O Isotopic Composition of NOx
Hastings M, Walters WW, Chai J & Miller DM
(2017) Concentration and Isotopic Compositions of Atmospheric Nitrate Collected on the Traverse from Coast to the Summit of Antarctic Ice Sheet
Shi G, Hastings M, Hu Z, Ma H, Jiang S & An C
(2012) Controls on Summer Deposition of Atmospheric Sulphate and Nitrogen in Alpine Valleys of the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains
Wasiuta V, Lafreniere M, Kyser K, Norman A-L & Hastings M
(2008) Interpreting ∆17O of Nitrate in Ice Cores at High Accumulation Sites
Kunasek S, Alexander B, Steig E, Hastings M, Gleason D & Jarvis J
(2007) Changes in the δ15N of Nitrate in Greenland Ice: Implications for Source Changes over the Last 500 Years
Jarvis J, Hastings M & Steig E

Hastings Meredith, G (2015) Preservation of Nitrate in the Snowpack Across the East Antarctic Ice Sheet: Results from Snowpit Observations
Shi G, Hastings MG & Li Y
(2013) The Biogeochemical Ice Core Record: A New Perspective on Nitrate
Hastings M, Fibiger D, Chellman N & McConnell J
(2013) Sources and Chemistry of Nitrate in Snow at Summit, Greenland
Fibiger D, Hastings M, Dibb J & Huey LG

Hastings P. (2012) Stability of Reduced Carbon in the Mantle
Hastings P, Withers A & Hirschmann M

Hastreiter N. (2019) Evaluating Fibre Optics as Detection Method for Mineral Precipitations in Geothermal Fluids
Zotzmann J, Hastreiter N & Regenspurg S

Hastuti Agustina AMB (2019) Isotopic Signatures of Biometals: From the Whole Body to Sub-Cellular Fractions
Costas Rodriguez M, Grygorian R, Hastuti AA & Vanhaecke F

Hastuti Agustina Ari Murti Budi (2022) Meta-Analysis of Blood Serum Cu, Fe, and Zn Stable Isotope Compositions from Healthy Controls Using Individual Participant and Aggregate Data
Sullivan K, Capper MS, Hastuti AAMB, Rehkämper M, Vanhaecke F & Moore R

Hasty B. (2022) Examining Mercury Abundance and Isotopic Fractionation during Chemical Weathering of Organic-Rich Shales
Sullivan DL, Zheng W, Hasty B & Anbar A
(2022) Assessing the Utility of Hg Isotopes as Evidence for Atmospheric Organic Haze during the Late Archean
Hasty B, Zheng W, Sullivan DL & Anbar A

Hasumi H. (2016) Response of Basal Melting in Antarctic Ice Shelves to Climatic Forcing Under the Last Glacial Maximum and CO2 Doubling Climates
Obase T, Abe-Ouchi A, Kusahara K, Hasumi H & Ohgaito R
(2016) Meteoric 10Be and Compound Specifc 14C Revealed Timing of Colossal Antarctic Ice-Shelf Collapse
Yokoyama Y, Anderson J, Yamane M, Simkins L, Miyairi Y, Yamazaki T, Koizumi M, Suga H, Kusahara K, Prothro L, Hasumi H, Southon J & Ohkouchi N

Haszeldine R.S. (2020) Constraining the Subsurface Geochemical Baseline of CMC Research Institutes’ Field Research Station (FRS), Alberta
Utley R, Utting N, Johnson G, Zurakowski M, Gyore D, Stuart F, Osadetz K, Darrah T, Haszeldine RS & Gilfillan S
(2013) Geochemical Tracing of Methane from Unconventional Gas Production
Gilfillan S, Haszeldine S, Stuart F & Waldron S
(2012) Noble Gas and C Stable Isotopes Quash Fears over CO2 Storage Leaks at Weyburn
Gilfillan S, Haszeldine RS, Sherk G & Poreda R
(2011) Stepwise C & O Stable Isotope Shows no Detectable CO2-sequestration by Cements in Analogue for Engineered Storage
Heinemann N, Wilkinson M, Fallick A & Haszeldine S
(2011) Natural and Artifical Noble Gases as Tracers of Injected CO2 Migration within a Deep Reservoir
Gilfillan S, Haszeldine RS, Poreda R & Hovorka S
(2010) He and Ne as Tracers of Natural CO2 Migration from a Deep Reservoir
Gilfillan S, Wilkinson M, Haszeldine S, Nelson S & Poreda R
(2009) CO2 Dissolution in Formation Water as Dominant Sink in Natural Gas Fields
Gilfillan S, Sherwood Lollar B, Haszeldine S, Holland G, Blagburn D, Stevens S, Schoell M, Cassidy M, Ding Z, Zhou Z, Lacrampe-Couloume G & Ballentine C

Haszeldine S. (2022) Multi-Isotope Geochemical Baseline Study of the CMC Research Institutes CCS Field Research Station (Alberta, Canada), Prior to CO2 Injection
Utley RE, Martin-Roberts E, Utting N, Johnson G, Gyore D, Zurakowska M, Stuart F, Boyce A, Darrah T, Gulliver P, Osadetz K, Lawton D, Haszeldine S & Gilfillan SMV
(2022) Tracking CO2 Injection, Migration and Fate at Carbfix2 Using Stable Isotopes
Holdsworth C, Tamraz L, Gilfillan SMV, Haszeldine S, Johnson G, Boyce A, Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ & Sigfússon B
(2021) Tracking CO2 Injection at Carbfix2 Using Noble Gases and Stable Isotopes
Holdsworth C, Gilfillan SM, Haszeldine S, Stuart F, Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ & Sigfússon B
(2019) Constraining the Origin of CO2 Upwelling beneath Southern South Africa Using Noble Gases
Gilfillan S, Flude S, Johnson G, Bond C, Gyore D, Hicks N, Lister R, Jones D, Stuart F & Haszeldine S
(2015) Tracing the Migration and Fate of CO2 in Natural and CO2-EOR Fields Using Noble Gases
Gilfillan S, Gyore D, Stuart F & Haszeldine S

Hatakeyama K. (2019) Physical Properties of the MohoTZ: Implications from Recent Drilling Projects
Abe N, Okazaki K, Katayama I, Hatakeyama K, Akamatsu Y, Michibayashi K, Takazawa E, Teagle D, Kelemen P, Godard M, Matter J & Coggon J

Hatakka T. (2022) High Ni and Mn Concentrations in Human Hair and Slightly Lower Ca in Blood Serum in Sulphur-Rich Black Shale Areas: Impact and Mechanisms
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K, Kousa A, Hatakka T & Kantola M
(2022) Arsenic in Agricultural Soils-Water Systems: Transfer Mechanisms, Remediation Options and Recommendations for Risk Management
Battaglia-Brunet F, Müller I, Jones C, Elert M, Le Guédard M, Hellal J, Thouin H, Jordan I, Keiski RL, Pinka J, Turkki A, Turpeinen E, Valkama H, Hatakka T, Tarvainen T, Kaija J & Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K
(2022) Baselines for Potentially Harmful Elements in Mining Activity Areas in Central Lapland, Finland
Pietilä R & Hatakka T
(2019) Risk Management of As in the Agricultural Soils of Europe
Loukola-Ruskeeniemi K, Turkki A, Battaglia-Brunet F, Pinka J, Jordan I, Le Guedard M, Jones C, Elert M, Müller I, Tarvainen T, Hatakka T & Kaija J

Hatat-Fraile M. (2018) Biogeochemical Controls on Radioactive Strontium-90 Transport at the Sediment – Water Interface of Two Distinct Wetlands
Boyer A, Hatat-Fraile M & Passeport E

Hatcher Patrick (2017) Evaluation of Benzenepolycarboxylic Acids (BPCAs) as Biomarkers for Dissolved Pyrogenic Organic Matter Using Laboratory-Produced and Environmentally-Aged Charcoals
Zimmerman AR, Bostick KW, Hatcher P, Mitra S & Wozniak AS
(2017) Recent Advances in the Detection of Specific Natural Organic Compounds as Carriers for Radionuclides in Soil and Water Environments, with Examples of Radioiodine and Plutonium
Santschi PH, Xu C, Zhang S, Schwehr KA, Lin P, Yeager CM, Kaplan DI, Didonato N & Hatcher PG

Hatcher Patrick G (2022) Fate of Condensed Aromatic Carbon in Iron-Rich Soils: Results for Simulated Fenton Reactions
Goranov AI & Hatcher PG

Hatcher Patrick G. (2018) Role of Minerals in Organic Carbon Retention in the Soil Critical Zone
Myneni S, Atkinson W, Sleighter R, Hatcher P & Regier T
(2018) Phototransformation of Dissolved Organic Matter to Ammonium and New Forms of Nitrogen-Containing Organic Compounds: The Biogeochemical Implications
Chen H & Hatcher PG
(2015) Source and Formation of Soil Humic Colloids and their Functional Groups Responsible for Metal Binding
DiDonato N, Chen H, Waggoner D, Myneni S & Hatcher P
(2014) Changes in The Chemical Compositions of Porewater Dissolved Organic Matter Across The Sulfate Methane Transition Region
Abdulla H, Komada T, Hatcher P & Burdige D
(2014) Hydroxamate Siderophores in Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Matrix Responsible for Binding 239,240Pu in the Far-Field of the Savannah River Site, USA
Xu C, Zhang S, Ho Y-F, Athon M, Johnston I, Schwehr KA, Kaplan DI, Didonato N, Hatcher PG & Santschi PH
(2013) Plutonium Immobilization and Re-mobilization by Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Matrix Compounds in the Far-Field of the Savannah River Site (SRS), USA
Xu C, Athon M, Ho Y-F, Schwehr KA, Kaplan DI, Roberts KA, Dinato N, Hatcher PG & Santschi PH
(2013) Influence of Depth on Soil Organic Matter Characteristics: An Ultrahigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry Study
Ohno T, Fernandez I, Sleighter R & Hatcher P
(2012) Characterization of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) from Diverse Oceanic Environments by Reverse Osmosis and Electrodialysis
Mopper K, Helms J, Chen H, Green N, Stubbins A, Perdue M, Hatcher P & Mao J
(2012) Composition of SOM in the Canadian High Arctic
Sanders R, Sleighter R, Onstott T, Whyte L, Hatcher P & Myneni S
(2011) Decarboxylation of Fatty Acids during Petrogenesis; Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Bitumen NSOs by FTICR-MS
Behar F, Salmon E, Kamga A & Hatcher P
(2010) Molecular Characterization of Terrestrial and Aquatic Biomacromolecules that Contribute to Soil and Sediment Carbon Burial
Hatcher PG, Sleighter RL, Salmon E, Turner JW & Ruhl ID
(2010) Identification of Amides Involved in Nitrogen Sequestration in Dissolved Organic Matter and Sediments by ESI-FTICR-MS
Hatcher PG, Mesfioui R & McKee G
(2009) Molecular Characterization of Atmospheric Particulates Using Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry
Hatcher P, Sleighter R, Willoughby A, Mazzer P, Wozniak A & Bauer J
(2005) A New Understanding of Reactivity and Composition of Humic Substances Using Modern NMR and Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Hatcher P, Hockaday W, Grannas A & Caccamise S

Hatcher R.D. (2010) Age and Distribution of Southern Appalachian Metamorphism Delimited by SHRIMP U-Pb Metamorphic Zircon Ages
Merschat AJ, Hatcher RD, Bream BR & Miller CF

Hatcherian Javin (2019) Nanoscale Organic Matter Expulsion and Molecular Fractionation within Unconventional Petroleum Source Beds
Jubb A, Hackley P, Hatcherian J, Qu J & Nesheim T
(2018) Organic Matter Chemical Composition & Mechanical Properties Measured at Nanoscale
Pomerantz A, Yang J, Hatcherian J & Hackley P

Hatcherian Javin J. (2020) Characterization of Eagle Ford Solid Bitumen via AFM-Ir: Nanoscale Compositional Heterogeneities and the Impact of Thermal Maturity
Jubb AM, Birdwell JE, Hackley PC, Hatcherian JJ & Qu J

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