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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Hassan Yassin A (2023) Synergistic Trapping and Chaotic-Mixing: A Driving Force for Assembly of Protocell-Like Vesicles in Hydrothermal Pore Networks
Ravisankar V, Hassan YA & Ugaz VM
(2022) Quantification of Physicical Processes Driving Assembly of Protocell-Like Vesicles in Micro-Scale Hydrothermal Pores
Ugaz VM, Ravisankar V & Hassan YA
(2021) Assembly of Protocell-Like Vesicles in Micro-Scale Hydrothermal Pores via Chaotic Thermal Convection
Ravisankar V, Hassan YA & Ugaz VM

Hassan Loni Y. (2018) Temporal Uranium Records of Oak Tree Rings (Quercus Petraea) by (LA)-HR-ICP-MS from a Former Uranium Mining Site (Rophin, France)
Hassan Loni Y, David K, Larrue S, Montavon G, Chardon P & Grambow B

Hassani Y. (2013) Allergic and Respiratory Health Effects of Combustion Aerosols
Annesi-Maesano I & Hassani Y

Hassanizadeh S.Majid (2012) Vapour Phase Oxidation of Trichloroethylene, Ethanol and Toluene by Solid Potassium Permanganate: Kinetic Study
Ghareh Mahmoodlu M, Hartog N & Hassanizadeh SM

Hassanizadeh Seyed Majid (2016) Impact of Wettability on Two Phase Flow at the Pore Scale
Ruecker M, Bartels W-B, Berg S, Mahani H, Ott H, Georgiadis A, Brussee N, Coorn A, van der Linde H, Hinz C, Jacob A, Wagner C, Henkel S, Enzmann F, Bonnin A, Stampanoni M, Hassanizadeh SM & Blunt M

Hassannayebi N. (2016) Kinetic Geochemical Modelling of Brine-Water Chemistry as Consequences of Hydrogen Injection
Hassannayebi N & Azizmohammadi S
(2015) Modelling the Geochemical Impact of Hydrogen Interaction with Minerals and Aqueous Species Using GEM-Selektor Geochemical Modelling Package
Hassannayebi N & Azizmohammadi S

Hassannezhad A.A. (2013) Geochemistry Surveying of Kooh Kaftari Metamorphism Area (Iran_ Shahrood )
Divan Y, Hassannezhad AA & Zahiri R

Hassanzadeh J. (2015) Precambrian Basement in Sirjan (South of Iran)
Safarzadeh E, Hassanzadeh J, Masoudi FM & Pourmoafi SM
(2014) Petrogenesis of Eocene Volcanic Rocks from North-Central Iran: Implications for the Tethyan Subduction System
Yazdani S, Castillo PR & Hassanzadeh J
(2000) Magmagenesis and Evolution at Damavand Volcano, Iran
Davidson J, Hassanzadeh J, Berzins R, Pandamouz A, Turrin B & Young A

Hassanzadeh P. (2023) Outgassed Atmospheres of Magma Ocean Exoplanets
Maurice M, Dasgupta R & Hassanzadeh P

Hasse T. (2023) High Precision Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Small Size Urban Micrometeorites
Zahnow F, Stracke T, Di Rocco T, Hasse T & Pack A

Hassellöv M. (2015) Influence of Organic Molecules on the Aggregation of TiO2 Nanoparticles
Danielsson K, Gallego-Urrea J, Hassellöv M, Gustafsson S & Jonsson CM
(2014) Time Dependent Aggregation Behaviour of TiO2 Nanoparticles in the Presence of Organic Molecules
Danielsson K, Gallego J, Hassellöv M & Jonsson C
(2013) Influence of Organic Molecules on the Aggregation of TiO2 Nanoparticles
Danielsson K, Jonsson C, Hassellöv M & Gallego-Urrea J
(2012) Colloidal Stability of TiO2 Nanoparticles in the Presence of Phenolic Carboxylic Compounds
Danielsson K, Perez Holmberg J, Gallego-Urrea J, Ahlberg E, Abbas Z, Hassellov M & Jonsson CM
(2012) Size-Dependent Surface Charging of TiO2 Nanoparticles
Jonsson C, Perez Holmberg J, Ahlberg E, Hasselloev M, Bergenholtz J & Abbas Z
(2011) Single Particle ICP-MS for Detection of Engineered Nanoparticles in Environmental Samples
Tuoriniemi J, Cornelis G, Gustafsson S & Hassellöv M
(2011) Surface Properties and Complexation on Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles
Jonsson C, Perez Holmberg J, Gallego-Urrea J, Abbas Z, Ahlberg E, Bergenholtz J & Hassellöv M
(2010) The Role Nanoparticulate Oxides as Transporters of Toxic Trace Metals in Riverbed Sediment
Plathe K, von der Kammer F, Hassellöv M, Moore J, Murayama M, Hofmann T & Hochella M
(2010) Detection of Nanoparticles in the Environment Using Field Flow Fractionation Coupled to Single Particle ICP-MS
Tuoriniemi J & Hassellöv M
(2010) Environmental Nanoparticles: Distribution and Behaviour of Main and Trace Elements at the Nanoscale
von der Kammer F, Hofmann T, Plathe K, Legros S, Neubauer E, Hochella M, Le Coustumer P & Hassellöv M
(2010) Size Dependent Surface Complexation of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles
Jonsson C, Perez Holmberg J, Abbas Z, Ahlberg E, Bergenholtz J & Hassellöv M
(2010) Iron Phases in Soils and Softwater Lakes as Determined by EXAFS Spectroscopy
Sjöstedt C, Gustafsson JP, Persson I, Berggren Kleja D, Hassellöv M & Borg H
(2009) Determining Trace Metal-Nanoparticle Associations in Contaminated Sediment Using Analytical TEM and FFF Coupled to MALLS and HR-ICPMS
Haus K, von der Kammer F, Hassellov M, Moore J & Hochella M
(2009) Temporal Variations in the Export of REE in Boreal Catchments of Varying Character and Size
Köhler S, Lidman F, Hassellöv M, Stolpe B, Mörth M, Björkvald L & Laudon H
(2004) Competition between Iron- and Carbon-Based Nanoparticle Carriers for Trace Metals in Freshwater, Seawater and Sediment Porewaters
Hassellöv M, Stolpe B, Karle I & Turner D
(2004) Trace Metal Composition of Natural Water Colloids Studied by Online Coupling of Flow FFF to High Resolution ICPMS
Stolpe B, Hassellöv M & Turner D

Hassen I. (2015) Geochemical Evolution Processes of of Oum Ali Thelepte Aquifer, Central Tunisia and It's Suitability for Drinking and Agriculture Use
Hassen I, Hamzaoui-Azaza F & Bouhlila R

Hassenkam T. (2023) Earth’s Oldest Detrital Sediments Comprise Turbidites with Tonalitic Provenance
Boyd AJ, Rosing MT, Harding MAR, Hassenkam T & Canfield DE
(2023) Analyzing Organic Compounds Trapped within 3.7 Billion Years Old Liquid Inclusions
Harding MAR, Boyd AJ, Siljeström S, Shivayogimath A, Sørensen HO, Shamsuyeva M, Aliuos P, Rosing MT & Hassenkam T
(2020) Eoarchean Iron Metabolism?
Hassenkam T, Tsai E, Osholm H, Dalby K, Mackenzie D, Holler M, Ferreira D, Grolimund D, Bruns S & Rosing M
(2018) Influence of Divalent Cations on Carboxylate Surface Interaction
Rios-Carvajal T, Bovet N, Stipp S & Hassenkam T
(2018) Glacial Rock Flour as an Agent for Soil Improvement
Ray Sarkar S, Rose N, Hassenkam T & Rosing M
(2017) Specific Ion Effects on the Interaction of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Surfaces
Rios Carvajal T, Ritter Pedersen N, Bovet NE, Hassenkam T & Stipp SLS
(2017) Elements of Eoarchean Life Trapped in Mineral Inclusions
Hassenkam T, Andersson MP, Dalby KN & Rosing MT
(2016) Surface Charges of Carboxyl Self Assembled Monolayers – Prediction and Experiments
Dobberschütz S, Olsson MHM, Matthiesen J, Andersson MP, Pedersen NR, Hassenkam T & Stipp SLS
(2016) AFM Force Mapping as a Fast Alternative to Core Plug Tests for Optimising Water EOR in Sandstone and Limestone
Hassenkam T, Dobberschütz S, Matthiesen J, Andersson MP, Pedersen NR, Segura JJ, Bovet N, Dalby KN & Stipp SLS
(2015) Mg Uptake and Wettability Alteration of Calcite Surfaces
Ceccato M, Generosi J, Andersson MP, Bovet N, Hassenkam T, Dideriksen K, Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Dalby KN & Stipp SLS
(2015) The Effect of Residual Organic Material on the Low Salinity Effect in Limestone
Pedersen NR, Hassenkam T, Ceccato M, Dalby KN & Stipp SLS
(2015) Surfactant Induced Wettability Changes on Limestone Pore Surfaces
Segura Sugranes JJ, Ceccato M, Pedersen N, Hassenkam T & Stipp SLS
(2015) Chemical Force Mapping of Clay Fractions from Sandstones
Blazanovic M, Nielsen AR, Matthiesen J, Dalby KN, Jelavic S, Hassenkam T & Stipp SLS
(2015) The Influence of Ions on the Hydrophobic Interactions of Benzene
Dobberschütz S, Rimmen M, Hassenkam T, Andersson M & Stipp SLS
(2014) Pushing Thermodynamics Uphill: Organisms' Control on Biomineralisation
Stipp SLS, Hassenkam T, Andersson MP, Sakuma H, Pedersen CS, Schultz LN, Yang M, Keller KS, Sand KK, Bovet N, Henriksen KE & Engstrøm F
(2013) Specific Ion Effects on the Wettability of Sandstone Particle
Hassenkam T, Mathiessen J, Andersson MP & Stipp SLS
(2012) When the Surface is not What you Think it is
Stipp SLS, Hassenkam T, Yang M, Skovbjerg LL, Sand KK, Pasarin I & Bohr J
(2011) Characterization of the Microbe-Biotite Interface on Field Samples from a Mine Site, Derome, Sweden
Negrich K, Balogh-Brunstad Z, Hassenkam T & Stipp SLS
(2011) Using Atomic Force Microscopy to Probe Pore Surfaces of Oil-Bearing Sandstone
Matthiesen J, Hassenkam T, Bovet N & Stipp S
(2011) Tracking Single Coccolith Dissolution with Picogram Resolution: Implications for CO2 Sequestration and Ocean Acidification
Hassenkam T, Johnsson A, Bechgarrd K & Stipp S
(2011) The Ash that Closed Europe’s Airspace: Part I, Grains Size Distribution of the Eyjafjallajökull Ash and Soluble Salt Coatings
Gislason S, Eiriksdottir E, Alfredsson H, Oskarsson N, Sigfússon B, Larssen G, Hassenkam T, Nedel S, Bouvet N, Hem C, Balogh Z, Dideriksen K & Stipp S
(2011) The Ash that Closed Europe’s Airspace: Part II, the Physical Aspects of the Eyjafjallajökull Ash (Geochemistry Fellow Presentation)
Stipp S, Hassenkam T, Nedel S, Bovet N, Hem C, Balogh Z, Dideriksen K, Eiriksdottir E, Alfredsson H, Oskarsson N, Sigfusson B, Larssen G & Gislason S
(2009) Probing the Intrinsically Oil-Wet Surfaces of Pores in North Sea Chalk at Sub-Pore Resolution
Hassenkam T, Skovbjerg L & Stipp S
(2009) The Influence of Ethanol Adsorption on the {10¯14} Calcite Surface
Sand K, Cooke D, Hassenkam T, Yang M, Makovicky E, Bechgaard K & Stipp S
(2009) Internal Surfaces of North Sea Chalk Imaged and Probed with AFM/AFS
Skovbjerg L, Hassenkam T, Balogh Z & Stipp S
(2009) Surface Composition of Fossil Coccoliths from Chalk
Balogh Z, Pedersen C, Skovbjerg L, Hassenkam T, Johnson E, Bechgaard K, Benning L & Stipp S

Hassenrück C. (2023) Breaking up DNA-Mineral Interactions – Comparing Existing DNA Extraction Approaches for Recovery of Short Fragments
Gande D, Hassenrück C, Richter-Heitmann T, Žure M, Willerslev E & Friedrich MW

Hassenruck-Gudipati Hima (2018) Deciphering River Water Source Contributions from Seasonal Moisture Pathways and Latitudinal Stable Isotope Signatures Across the Central Himalayas
Hassenruck-Gudipati H, Andermann C, Hovius N, Sachse D, Meyer H & Dee S

Hassenruck-Gudipati Hima J. (2018) Impact of Soil and Landslide Erosion Processes on Coupled Sulfide Oxidation and Carbonate Weathering
Bufe A, Emberson R, Hovius N, Caves Rugenstein JK & Hassenruck-Gudipati HJ

Hassler A. (2023) Pushing Forward Population Comparison Tests in Geochemistry: The Take-Home rerollR Package
Hassler A
(2023) Metals and their Isotopes: An Opportunity to Study Insect Ecology and Physiology?
Bataille CP, Reich M & Hassler A
(2023) Prey and Predators in the So’a Basin, Flores: Dietary Reconstructions Through Ca and Sr Isotopes in Fossil Enamel of Insular Pleistocene Taxa from Indonesia
Koutamanis D, Hassler A, Tacail T, Kurniawan I, Prasetyo Wibowo U, Martin J, Balter V, Dosseto A, Sutikna T & van den Bergh G
(2022) Tracing Diet and Niche Partitioning in Mesozoic Archosaurs and Dinosaurs Using Ca Isotopes
Davechand P, Hassler A, Bybee GM, Choiniere J, Martin J, Pochat-Cottilloux Y & Balter V
(2021) Lactation and Gestation Influence the Body Calcium Isotope Composition: Insights from Wild and Domestic Mammals
Hassler A, Martin J, Ferchaud S, Grivault D, Merceron G, Garel M, Tacail T, Le Goff S, Albalat E, Hernandez J-A & Balter V
(2021) Jurassic Ecology: An Insight into Dietary Dynamics Using Ca Stable Isotopes
Davechand P, Hassler A, Bybee GM, Choiniere J, Martin J & Balter V

Hassler C. (2023) Nickel Cycling in the Ocean: Insights from Isotopes and Metagenomics
Lemaitre N, Faure E, Ellwood MJ, Hassler C, Maignien L & Vance D
(2023) Extreme Variability of Iron Bioavailability in the Southern Ocean
Fourquez MA, Janssen DJ, Conway TM, Cabanes D, Ellwood MJ, Sieber M, Trimborn S & Hassler C
(2022) Nickel and Zinc Cycling in the Southern Ocean: Insights from Isotopes
Lemaitre N, Planquette H, Jeandel C, Ellwood M, Hassler C & Vance D
(2022) Responses of Microbial Residents to New Versus Regenerated Fe in a Cold-Core Eddy (Southern Ocean)
Fourquez MA, Stzrepek R, Ellwood M, Hassler C, Cabanes D, Eggins S, Pearce I, Deppeler S, Trull T, Boyd P & Bressac M
(2019) Chromium Biogeochemistry and Stable Isotope Distribution in the Southern Ocean
Rickli J, Janssen DJ, Hassler C, Ellwood MJ & Jaccard SL
(2016) Trace Metal and Iron Isotope Cycling in the Meromictic Lake Cadagno
Hassler C, Vance D, Moisset S, Pascal L & Ellwood M
(2016) The Distribution of Dissolved Trace Elements Across a Zonal Section of the Southwest Pacific Ocean
Bowie A, Ellwood M, van der Merwe P, Wuttig K, Townsend A, Baker A, Thomas M, Hassler C & Boyd P
(2016) The Distribution of Dissolved Iron and Nutrients Across a South Pacific Zonal Section
Ellwood M, Bowie A, Hassler C, Law C, Nodder S, Maher W, Moffett J, Resing J, Sander S, Sedwick P, Townsend A, van der Merwe P, Woodward M, Wuttig K & Boyd P
(2015) Tracing Zinc Bioavailability in the Tasman Sea Using Zinc Isotopes
Samanta M, Ellwood M, Strzepek R, Sinoir M & Hassler C

Hassler D. (2004) Re-Os Isotope and PGE Systematics of Peridotites from the Oman Ophiolite
Hanghøj K, Hassler D & Kelemen P

Haßler K. (2015) Cadmium and Lead Isotopes in High Temperature Hydrothermal Vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Abouchami W, Koschinsky A, Haßler K & Galer S
(2015) No Evidence for Stable Cr Isotope Fractionation during Planetary Differentiation
Schoenberg R, Merdian A, Haßler K, Koch H, Holmden C, Kleinhanns IC & Wille M

Hassnnezhad A. (2013) Analysis of the Turquoise Color Alteration Based on the FTIR Studies
Divan Y, Zahiri R & Hassnnezhad A

Hasson N. (2021) Methane Production Controls in Thermokarst Lake Sediments
Pellerin A, Lotem N, Eliani Russak E, Hasson N, Walter-Anthony K & Sivan O

Hastedt M. (2022) Relationships between Lithology and Chemical Properties: Mining the IODP Databas
Childress LB, Acton G, Percuoco VP & Hastedt M

Hasten Z. (2012) Mid-Miocene Volcanism in the Owyhee Mountains (ID) and Implications for Coeval Epithermal Precious Metal Mineralization
Hasten Z, Brueseke M, Saunders J & Hames W

Hasterok D. (2023) Hydration and Metamorphism of Komatiites as a Source of Water for TTG Formation in the Archean
Tamblyn R, Hermann J, Hasterok D, Sossi PA, Pettke T & Chatterjee S
(2022) Size is Everything: Reconstructing the East African Orogen—a Gondwanan Supermountain—as a Critical Step to Modelling the Neoproterozoic Earth System
Collins AS, Cameron F, Blades ML, Hasterok D, Simpson A, Gilbert S, Clark C & Makin S
(2021) Isotopic Modelling of Archean Crustal Evolution from Comagmatic Zircon--Apatite Pairs
Gillespie J, Kinny P, Kirkland C, Martin L, Nemchin A, Cavosie AJ & Hasterok D

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