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Hasinger O. (2009) Tracing Soil Carbon Cycle and the Origin of Needle Fibre Calcite
Millière L, Hasinger O, Bindschedler S, Cailleau G, Spangenberg J & Verrecchia EP

Hasiotis S. (2008) Wax Esters Synthesized by Acidophilic Eukaryote Euglena mutabilis: Biochemical Relics of the Anaerobic Past of the Earth?
Fang J, Das Gupta S, Hasiotis S, Brake S & McLean MA

Haskell W.Z. (2019) A Decade of Net Community Production in the North Pacific from Biogeochemical Profiling Floats
Haskell WZ, Fassbender AJ, Long JS, Plant JN & Johnson KS
(2014) Changes in Thermocline Oxygen Concentrations Occurring over Many Timescales: Eastern subTropical North Pacific
Berelson W, Tems C, Fleming J, Deutsch C, Haskell W & Hammond D
(2014) Coupling O2/Ar and Triple Oxygen Isotope Distribution with Estimates of Vertical Transport to Constrain Biological Production in the Coastal Ocean
Haskell W, Prokopenko M, Hammond D & Stanley R
(2013) Net Community and Gross Primary Production in the Southern California Bight Based on Carbon Export, Dissolved O2/Ar and Triple Oxygen Isotopes: Exploration of How the Magnitude and Timing of Upwelling Events may Influence Export Efficiency
Haskell WZ, Prokopenko MG, Hammond DE, Stanley RHR & Berelson WM

Haskin L.A. (2001) Mars Mineralogy by Microbeam Raman Spectrometry
Haskin LA, Wang A, Jolliff BL, Wdowiak TJ, Agresti DG, Lane AL & Squyres SW

Haslam R.B. (2017) Dating Faults with U-Pb Calcite Petrochronology
Roberts NMW, Walker RJ, Imber J, Haslam RB & Drake H

Hasler-Sheetal H. (2020) Pore Water Conditions Drive Calcium Carbonate Dissolution in Reef Sands
Kessler A, Rogers A, Cyronak T, Bourke M, Hasler-Sheetal H, Glud R, Greening C, Meysman F, Eyre B & Cook P
(2015) Redox Control on Basal Animal Behavior and Metabolism
Mills D, Vargas S, Hasler-Sheetal H, Elemans C, Wörheide G & Canfield D

Hasliger E. (2013) GEMAS Results at a Regional Scale: The Alps
Dinelli E, Lancianese V, Albanese S, Birke M, De Vivo B, Gosar M, Hasliger E, Hayoz P, Reitner H & Salpeteur I

Haslinger E. (2017) Scale-Fragment Accumulations Blocking Geothermal Energy Extraction – Interacting Steel Sulfide Corrosion and Calcite Crystallization
Boch R, Dietzel M, Haslinger E, Goldbrunner J, Mittermayr F, Fröschl H, Hippler D & Leis A

Haslun J.A. (2017) An Extreme Enrichment in Atmospheric <sup>15</sup>N<sup>15</sup>N: Biotic and Abiotic Contributions
Yeung LY, Li S, Kohl IE, Ostrom NE, Haslun JA, Fischer TP, Schauble EA & Young ED

Hasni S. (2011) Biogeochemical Characterization of Mercury (Hg)-Contaminated Sediments at the Bunikasih Gold Mine, West Java Province, Indonesia
Chaerun SK, Hasni S, Sanwani E & Johnson DB

Hasozbek A. (2023) Inter-Laboratory Comparison of a Potential Reference Material for U/Th Geochronometry by MC-ICPMS
Hasozbek A, Jimenez-Barredo F, Mertz-Kraus R, Weber M, Scholz D, Sharifi A, Pourmand A, Lauritzen SE, M. Pares J & Constantin S
(2023) A Multivariate Data Analysis Approach to Understand the Climate-Change Impacts by Using a Speleothem from Southern Iberian Peninsula
Jimenez-Barredo F, Hasozbek A, Castro-Reigia D, Jimenez-Espejo FJ, Simón-Vallejo MD & Cortés-Sánchez M
(2011) Isotopic and Geodynamic Implications of Progressive Magmatism in W. Anatolia (Turkey)
Hasozbek A
(2009) Kazdag Massif (NW Turkey): Metamorphic Equivalent of the Mesozoic Platform of Sakarya Continent
Erdogan B, Akay E, Hasozbek A, Satir M & Siebel W
(2009) Magmatic Evolution of the Northwestern Edge of Tauride- Anatolide Platform: Geochronological and Isotopic Implications
Hasozbek A, Satir M, Erdogan B, Akay E & Siebel W

Hass A. (2022) Redox Reactions and their Impact on Metals and Nutrients Dynamic in Reclaimed Mine Soil
Hass A, Skousen J & Cantrell R
(2020) Role of Redox-, and Acid-Promote Dissolution Processes in Shaping Soil Water Chemistry of Reclaimed Mine Sites
Hass A & Skousen J

Hass M. (2002) 10Be Measurements on Neolithic and Paleolithic Tools from Israel
Verri G, Boaretto E, Bordeanu C, Hass M, Paul M & Weiner S

Hassaan M. (2013) Metals Zonal Distribution in Old Ore Deposits. Egypt: A Pathfinder for Site of Chief Metal Accumulation
Hassaan M

Hassall Jon (2015) Modern Spatial Rainfall Rate is Well Correlated with Coretop δDdinosterol in the South Pacific Convergence Zone
Maloney A, Nelson D, Sachs J, Hassall J, Sear D & Langdon P

Hassall Jonathan (2018) Precipitation Changes in the South Pacific Convergence Zone during the Last 2, 000 Years Using Dinosterol Hydrogen Isotopes from Freshwater Lake Sediments
Maloney A, Nelson D, Richey J, Prebble M, Hassall J, Sear D, Langdon P & Sachs J

Hassan Adel (2016) Chemical Variation of Chromian Spinel Compositions in a Serpentinized Peridotites: Implications for Evolution of the Neoproterozoic Ophiolites
Gamal El Dien H, Morishita T, Hamdy M, Abu El-Ela AS, Hassan A & Soda Y

Hassan Asran

Hassan J. (2009) 226Ra/222Rn in Groundwater of the Mountain Aquifer and Ein-Fashcha Spring: West Bank
Dieck R, Marie A, Vengosh A & Hassan J

Hassan Mohamed Abdel-Raouf (2009) Gochemical Studied of the Basement Rock at Abu Ghalaga Area, South Eastern Desert, Egypt
Hassan MA-R

Hassan Muhammad Qumrul (2011) Does Monsoon Rainfall Drive Arsenic Mobilization and Organic Carbon Release in Bangladesh Aquifers?
Planer-Friedrich B, Haertig C, Lissner H, Steinborn J, Suess E, Hassan MQ, Zahid A, Alam M & Merkel B
(2010) Flowpaths of Groundwater from Arsenic Contaminated Zone to Deeper Aquifers Under Development Stresses
Zahid A, Hassan MQ & Ahmed KM

Hassan N. (2008) Fe Isotope Composition of Seston from Canadian Lakes: Implications for Fe Chemistry and Bioavailability
Hassan N, Molot L, Xie Q & Dillon P
(2008) Analysis of Sr and Pb Isotope Ratios in Wine by MC-ICP-MS
Xie Q, Hassan N, Hintelmann H, Evans D & Dillon P

Hassan T. (2019) A Novel Geopolymer For Heavy Metals Removal
Hassan T & Vandeginste V

Hassan Yasmin (2022) Geological, Geochemical, and Geochronological Characteristics of Egyptian VMS Prospects: A Review for Further Exploration
Faisal M, Safwat E, Hassan Y, Amuda AK & Bayaraa G

Hassan Yassin (2020) Assembly of Protocell-Like Vesicles in Micro-Scale Hydrothermal Pores via Chaotic Thermal Convection
Ravisankar V, Hassan Y & Ugaz V

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