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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Haser S. (2017) The Late- to Post-Collisional Teplice Rhyolite, Central-European Variscides (German-Czech Border): Unraveling Processes and Evolution of A-Type Granitic Melts
Casas-García R, Rapprich V, Breitkreuz C, Schulz B, Haser S & Lapp M
(2015) The Mineralogical Evolution of Bioleached Copper Ore Traced by SEM-Mla
Diers S, Höfig TW, Haser S, Bobadilla-Fazzini RA & Gutzmer J

Hashad M. (2014) Late Cenozoic Continental Flood Basalt Volcanism in the Arabian Shield: The Harrat Rahat Volcanic Field
Hashad M, Moufti MR & El-Bialy M

Hashemi S.M. (2011) Clay Minerals Deposit of Halakabad (Sabzevar, Iran)
Hashemi SM

Hasheminassab S. (2014) Long-Term Source Apportionment of Ambient PM2.5 in the Los Angeles Basin: A Focus on Emissions Reduction from Vehicular Sources
Hasheminassab S, Daher N, Ostro B & Sioutas C

Hashemzadeh H. (2023) On the Possible Role of Organic Matter in the Transport/Concentration of Gold in Geochemical Environments; An Atomistic and Molecular Approach
Haghi A, Raissi H, Hashemzadeh H & Farzad F

Hashibi S. (2023) Translating the Geological Record into Indigenous African Languages
Tostevin R & Hashibi S

Hashiguchi J. (2016) Diversity of Methanogenic and Methanotrophic Archaea beneath Bacteria Mats in Shallow Gas Hydrate Bearing Deep Subsurface Sediments
Imajo T, Hashiguchi J, Kobayashi T, Imada C, Terahara T & Matsumoto R

Hashiguchi Minako (2016) Deuterium- and 15N-Signatures of Organic Globules in Murchison and Northwest Africa 801 Meteorites
Hashiguchi M, Kobayashi S & Yurimoto H
(2016) Origin of Extremely Deutrium-Rich Isotopic Compositions of Phosphates from LL4-6 Ordinary Chondrites
Itoh S, Higashi Y, Hashiguchi M, Sakaguchi I, Yanai K, Russell S, Greenwood J, Sakata S, Hirata T & Yurimoto H

Hashiguchi Minako (2015) Hydrogen Diffusion Experiment of Apatite Crystal
Itoh S, Hashiguchi M, Sakaguchi I, Sakata S & Hirata T

Hashiguchi Minako (2017) Soluble High Molecular Alkylated N-Heterocycles in the CM and CR Chondrites
Naraoka H & Hashiguchi M
(2017) Chemical Imaging of Organic Compounds in the Murchison Meteorite by Desorption Electrospray Ionization Coupled with Orbitrap MS
Hashiguchi M & Naraoka H

Hashiguchi Minako (2013) Organic Nitrogen Cosmochemistry of Ultracarbonaceous Micrometeorite
Yabuta H, Noguchi T, Itoh S, Tsujimoto S, Sakamoto N, Hashiguchi M, Abe K, Kilcoyne D, Okubo A, Okazaki R, Tachibana S, Terada K, Nakamura T, Ebihara M & Nagahara H

Hashim L. (2012) Chemical Interpretation of Mantle Electrical Heterogeneities in MORB Source Regions
Tarits P, Sifre D, Grigne C, Massuyeau M, Hashim L & Gaillard F

Hashim M. (2023) Incorporation of Iodine in Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates: Implications for Methane Flux Dynamics
Akam SA, Hardisty D, Feng D, Wang X, Hashim M, Burke J, Swanner E, Crémière A & Peckmann J
(2023) Micro-Scale Observations and Global Trends in Carbonate Diagenesis at the Great Bahama Bank
Hashim M, Subhas AV & Klein F
(2020) The Role of Fluid:Solid Ratio in Explaining the Inhibition of Calcite Growth by Magnesium
Hashim M & Kaczmarek S

Hashimoto A. (2003) An Ultra-Refractory Nodule in an Allende Fine-Grained Inclusion: Isotopic Studies Using SIMS
Ushikubo T, Hiyagon H, Kimura M & Hashimoto A

Hashimoto J. (2003) Isotopic Fractionation of Fe Through Biochemical Processes
Hirata T, Kato Y, Endo K, Hashimoto J & Kouge I

Hashimoto K. (2016) Proton Motive Force for the Electrochemical CO2 Fixation Toward the Origin of Life in Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vent
Yamaguchi A, Yamamoto M, Takai K, Ishii T, Hashimoto K & Nakamura R
(2013) In situ Observation of Electrical Current Generation in Deep-Sea Hydrothemal Environments
Nakamura R, Yamamoto M, Oguri K, Kawagucci S, Suzuki K, Hashimoto K & Takai K
(2011) Electron Transport Across a Black Smoker Chimney
Nakamura R, Takashima T, Kato S, Takai K, Yamamoto M & Hashimoto K

Hashimoto M. (2017) Geochemical Characteristics of New Spring Water Occurred after the Kumamoto Earthquake
Hosono T, Hashimoto M, Hartmann J, Louvat P, Bouchez J, Gaillardet J, Washington K, West J, Okumura A, Ide K, Sato T & Takahashi H

Hashimoto N. (2003) An Experimental Study of Photodegradation of Bisphenol a in Water: Reaction with Hydroxyl Radical
Nakatani N, Hashimoto N, Yamazaki T & Sakugawa H

Hashimoto O. (2016) Effect of Sediment Trap by Check Dam on 137Cs Transport from Forest Catchment to Downstream
Oda T, Yamabe S, Ohte N, Hotta N, Endo I, Hashimoto O & Tanoi K

Hashimoto T. (2016) Evaluation of Temporal Changes in Volcanic Fluid Emitted from the Bottom of Active Hot Crater Lakes
Terada A & Hashimoto T

Hashimoto Y. (2022) Spatial Distribution and Correlation Analysis of Heavy Metals Extracted from Borehole Core Samples Collected at Waste Rock Dumps of an Abandoned Mine
Nishikata M, Hashimoto Y, Yasutaka T, Matsumoto S, Oguri T, Kon Y & Araoka D
(2020) Arsenic Sequestration by Pyrite Framboids
Hashimoto Y

Hashizume H. (2008) The Effect of BSA on the Dissolution Rates of Amorphous Silica in Solution at Different pH
Kawano M, Hashizume H & Hwang J

Hashizume K. (2023) Microbial Nitrogen Cycle Recorded in the 3.2 Ga Banded Iron Formation of the Fig Tree Group, Barberton, S. Africa
Saito H, Ishida A, Hashizume K & Kakegawa T
(2020) Two Distinct Nitrogen Sources for Microbial Activities in the 2.0 Ga Zaonega Formation
Ishida A, Sasaki K, Hashizume K, Kakegawa T & Lepland A
(2016) Siderophile Behavior of C and N during Core Formation
Hashizume K & Ohtaka O
(2016) Undergraduate Education in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry at Osaka University, Japan
Yabuta H, Kondo T, Nakashima S, Sasaki S, Shibai H, Terada K, Toyoda M, Hirono T, Hisatomi O, Saiki K, Terasaki H, Uyeda C, Yamanaka C, Aoki J, Hashizume K, Kawai Y, Sakaiya T & Tani A
(2013) Origin of Laminations in BIF Deciphered from N and Fe Isotopes
Hashizume K, Pinti D, Orberger B, Cloquet C, Jayananda M & Soyama H
(2013) Nitrogen Isotopes in Lunar Soils: A Record of Contributions to Planetary Surfaces in the Inner Solar System
Marty B, Chaussidon M, Füri E, Hashizume K, Podosek F, Wieler R & Zimmermann L
(2011) Meteoritic Organics as a Carrier of the Oxygen Isotope Anomaly in the Solar System
Hashizume K, Takahata N, Naraoka H & Sano Y
(2010) Enhanced Biological Nitrogen and Sulfur Cycles in the Stratified 1.9 Ga Gunflint Ocean
Ishida A, Hashizume K, Oba M & Kakegawa T
(2008) δ15N-δ13C Covariations in Organic Matter Through Eons: Tracing the Evolution of Metabolic Pathways
Pinti DL & Hashizume K
(2008) Covariation of Nitrogen and Iron Isotopic Ratios in a Banded Iron Formation
Hashizume K, Soyama H, Cloquet C, Pinti DL, Rouchon V, Orberger B & Jayananda M
(2008) Mössbauer Spectroscopy Used for Iron-Oxide Determination in Banded Iron Formations: Implications for Analyses on the Martian Surface
Garonne C, Orberger B, Linares J, Wagner C, Wirth R & Hashizume K
(2006) Search for primordial biogenic isotopic signatures of nitrogen in Archean sedimentary rocks.
Hashizume K, Sugihara A, Pinti DL, Orberger B & Westall F
(2006) Biomarkers in Archaean banded iron formations from Pilbara and Dhawar Craton
Orberger B, Pinti DL, Cloquet C, Hashizume K, Soyama H, Jayananda M, Massault M, Gallien JP, Wirth R & Rouchon V
(2004) Early Earth Evolution Recorded in Lunar Soils?
Ozima M, Miura Y, Podosek F, Seki H & Hashizume K
(2003) On the Origin of Meteoritic Organics – Clues from the Proto-Solar C and N Isotopic Compositions
Hashizume K, Marty B & Chaussidon M
(2003) In situ Ion Microprobe U-Pb Dating of Volcanic/Impact Spherules from Apollo17 Luna Sample
Terada K, Saiki T, Hashizume K & Sano Y
(2003) Nitrogen Quest in Archean Metasediments of Pilbara, Australia
Pinti D, Hashizume K, Philippot P, Foriel J & Rey P

Hashman B. (2012) Organic-Poor Neoarchean Banded Iron Formations from the Slave and North China Cratons
Hashman B

Hasibuan R.F. (2016) Petrological Insights into Magmatic Processes and Evolution Characterization for Quaternary Balerang and Rajabasa Volcanoes, Lampung-Indonesia
Hasibuan RF & Ohba T

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