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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Harrold Zoe (2010) Thermodynamic Characterization of Bacillus subtilis Spore-Proton Adsorption
Harrold Z & Gorman-Lewis D

Harrold Zoe R. (2012) Complexation of Neptunium(V) with Bacillus subtilis Endospores and their Exudates
Gorman-Lewis D, Jensen MP, Harrold ZR & Hertel MR

Harry D. (2023) New Evidence for the Kerguelen Plume Activity during East Gondwana Rifting to Breakup
Tejada MLG, Ishizuka O, Miyazaki T, White L, Chang Q, Vaglarov B, Lee EY, Brumsack H-J, Schnetger B, Harry D & Hobbs R
(2019) IODP Site U1513 Volcanic Sequence, Naturaliste Plateau: Implications on East Gondwana Breakup
Tejada ML, Lee EY, Brumsack H-J, Kimura J-I, Harry D, Richter C, Li Y-X, Wainman C, Riquier L, Jiang T, White L, Hobbs R, Wolfgring E, Martinez M & Scientists E3

Harsh J.B. (2014) Mineral Weathering by Red Pine Seedlings Under Cation-Nutrient Stress in a Column Growth Experiment
Balogh-Brunstad Z, Shi Z, Greenberg K, Harsh J & Keller CK
(2014) Plant-Driven Mineral Weathering: Role of Rhizospheric Biofilms
Shi Z, Balogh-Brunstad Z, Harsh J & Keller K
(2014) Transformation of Soil Fe and Mn by Phenazine-Producing Bacteria in the Rhizosphere of Dryland Wheat
LeTourneau MK, Thomashow LS, Weller DM & Harsh JB
(2014) Incorporation of a Pertechnetate Analog – Perrhenate – by Sodalite in Competition with Other Anions
Dickson J, Harsh J & Pierce E
(2013) Incorporation of a Pertechnetate Analog – Perrhenate – by Sodalite in Competition with Other Anions
Dickson J, Harsh J & Pierce E
(2013) The Use of Fe-Rich Compost for the Amelioration of As-Contaminated Soils
Freeze P, Harsh J, Shi Z, Abi-Ghanem R & Okubara P
(2012) Dynamics of Uranium Release from the Capillary Fringe of Contaminated Hanford Sediments
Rod K, Wellman D, Flury M, Pierce E, Harsh J & Wang Z
(2012) Incorporation of Perrhenate into Nitrate Sodalite
Harsh J, Dickson J & Pierce E
(2012) Lead Adsorption on Iron-Amended Composts
Shi Z, Harsh J & Chan Y
(2011) The Structure and Lability of Re(VII)-sodalite
Pierce E, Harsh J & Dickson J
(2005) Colloid Formation and Cesium Mobility in Hanford Sediment Columns Leached with Simulated Tank Waste
Mashal K, Cetiner Z, Flury M & Harsh J
(2002) Colloid Facilitated Migration of Radioelements – Mechanisms, Significance, and Needed Conditions
Zachara J, Flury M & Harsh J

Harsono D. (2015) Snowlines in Embedded Disks
Harsono D, Bruderer S & van Dishoeck E

Harstad A. (2004) Rare Earth Elements in Natural Calcite
Christensen J, Stipp S, Baker J & Harstad A
(2004) Calcite Dissolution Rates: The Effects of Naturally Incorporated Trace Metals in “Iceland Spar”
Harstad A & Stipp S

Hart B (2006) Application of Principal Component Analysis and ToF-SIMS to Mineral Recognition, Surface Chemistry and Separation by Flotation
Smart R, Hart B, Biesinger M, Francis J & Negeri T

Hart Bruce (2020) Redox Changes Across the Hangenberg Event (Devonian- Carboniferous Boundary), Bakken Formation, North Dakota, USA
Sahoo S, Kaufman A, Gilleaudeau G, Bowman A, Hlava K, Hallam V & Hart B

Hart C (2003) Integrated Geochronology of Intrusion-Related Gold Systems: Examples from Yukon & Alaska
Hart C, Villeneuve M, Mair J, Selby D & Creaser R

Hart Craig (2020) Mapping Carbon Sequestration Potential of Ultramafic Rocks with Remotely-Sensed Physical Properties
Cutts J, Dipple G, Mitchinson D, Fournier D, Milidragovic D & Hart C
(2014) Hydrothermal Alteration Revealed by Apatite Luminescence and Chemistry: An Indicator for Covered Porphyry Copper Deposits
Bouzari F, Hart C, Bissig T & Barker S
(2013) Origin of Porphyries Related to Cu-Mo Mineralization, California-Vetas District, Colombia
Bissig T, Mantilla LC & Hart C

Hart Daniel (2020) The Effect of Ti and Other Minor Elements on the Reactivity of Granulated Ground Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) in Blended Cements
Blotevogel S, Steger L, Bornhöft H, Deubner J, Doussang L, Fayon F, Hart D, Kaknics J, Montouillout V, Patapy C, Saldi G, Schott J & Cyr M

Hart David (2011) Electrolyte Adsorption to Goethite-Water Interfaces
Criscenti L & Hart D

Hart David (2012) Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metal Adsorption to Goethite
Criscenti LJ, Hart D & Kwon K

Hart E. (2017) Utilising Mineral Inclusions in Detrital Rutile
Storey C, Hart E & Bruand E
(2017) Rutile: A Recorder of Extreme Conditions
Hart E, Storey C & Bruand E
(2015) Mineral Inclusions in Rutile: Novel Recorders of Extreme Metamorphism
Hart E, Storey C & Bruand E
(2013) Can Mineral Inclusions in Metamorphic Rutile Help to Constrain P-T Conditions of Formation?
Hart E, Storey C & Bruand E

Hart G.L. (2008) Cu Isotopic Variation in the Neves-Corvo Deposit, Iberian Pyrite Belt
Gaspar M, Relvas J, Carvalho J, Larson P, Hart G, Pacheco N, Noiva P, Barriga G & Santos P
(2008) Deciphering Crust vs. Mantle Inputs and Timescales of Magma Genesis at Mount Adams Using 238U-230Th Disequilibria and Os Isotopes
Jicha B, Johnson C, Hildreth W, Beard B, Hart G, Shirey S & Singer B
(2007) Constraining Magmatic Differentiation at Teide/Pico Viejo and Associated Rift Zones, Tenerife, Canary Islands
Wiesmaier S, Troll V, Hart G, Carracedo JC & Wolff J
(2007) Uncertainty of Hf Isotope Analysis in Zircon Using LA-MC-ICPMS Techniques: Full Disclosure
DuFrane SA, Vervoort J & Hart G
(2007) A-Type Granite(?) of Late Jurassic Age, Western Utah, USA
Christiansen EH, Jensen B, Clark DL, Biek RF, Hart GL & Vervoort JD
(2006) Shallow-level processes at Anak Krakatau: crystallisation and late stage crustal contamination
Gardner M, Troll V, Hart G, Gertisser R, Wolff J & Gamble J
(2005) Eruptive Source of Volcanic Ash in Jurassic Morrison Formation Suggested by Pb Isotopic Composition of Sanidine
Hart G, Christiansen E & Kowallis B

Hart K. (2017) Perturbations in CO2 Flux and Subsequent Chemosynthesis by Chemoautotrophs in Agricultural Soil are Induced by the Addition of Elemental Sulfur Sº
Kelleher B, Flanagan P, Hart K, Simpson A, Oppenheimer S, Murphy B, O'Reilly S, Allen C, Jordan S, Brennan P & Pulleyblank C

Hart Rodger (2008) Zircon U-Pb Age Discordance and Trace Element Alteration due to Deep, Post-Impact Flow; Implications for Planetary Chronology
Moser D, Davis W, Reddy S, Flemming R & Hart R
(2006) Meteorite impact-triggered diffusion of Pb and REE in crystalline Moho zircon
Moser D, Davis W, Hart R & Flemming R
(2001) Magmatic Intraplating and Impact Metamorphism of the Lower Kaapvaal Crust; A Combined ID- TIMS/SHRIMP Investigation
Moser DE, Davis WJ, Flowers RM & Hart RJ

Hart Roger (2018) Serpentinization-Driven Habitability in Terrestrial Planet Mélange Terrains
Hart R & Cardace D
(2015) Characterizing the End-Permian Mass Extinction in the Neo-Tethys Through Organic Geochemistry
Hart R, Stebbins A, Brookfeild M, Williams J & Hannigan R
(2015) The Early Triassic Sulfur Isotope Curve of Seawater Sulfate from Marine Carbonates in the Neo-Tethys
Stebbins A, Algeo T, Hart R, Krystyn L, Williams J, Brookfield M & Hannigan R

Hart Sasha (2007) Geochemical Mapping of the Collahuasi Disrict, N. Chile: A Pilot Study for a Geochemical Atlas of the Andes
Oates C, Hart S, Plant J & Vouvoulis N

Hart Stanley R. (2011) The Mantle Zoo: New Species, Endangered Species, Extinct Species
Hart S
(2011) A “Hotspot Highway” in the S. Pacific
Jackson M, Hart S, Konter J, Koppers A, Staudigel H, Kurz M, Blusztajn J & Sinton J
(2007) Hydrogen Isotope Geochemistry of Basalts from Samoa
O'Leary J, Hauri E, Hart S & Staudigel H
(2006) Strontium isotopes in melt inclusions from Samoan basalts: Implications for heterogeneity in the Samoan plume
Jackson M, Hart S & Ball L
(2006) Experimental study of Ni and Mn partitioning between olivine and siliceous melt: implications for high Ni-olivines in Hawaiian lavas
Wang Z, Gaetani G & Hart S
(2006) In searching for old lithospheric relict beneath North China craton: Sr-Nd-Os isotopic composition of peridotite xenoliths from Yangyuan
Xu Y, Blusztajn J, Ma J & Hart SR
(2005) A HIMU Source in Metasomatised Continental Lithosphere
Panter K, Blusztajn J, Hart S, Finn C & Kyle P
(2005) Comparison of Th, Pb, Nd and Sr Isotopes in Oceanic Basalts: Implications for Mantle Heterogeneity and Magma Genesis
Sims KWW & Hart SR
(2004) Enigmatic Pb-Isotope Arrays (Galerays): A Genetic Approach to Mantle Taxonomy
Jackson M, Hart S & Workman R
(2004) Source Enrichment Versus Degree of Melting beneath the SWIR (9º-25ºE)
Standish J, Dick H, Hart S, Workman R & le Roex A
(2003) History of the Samoan Plume Inferred from Relationships between Pb-Isotopes and Olivine Composition
Jackson M, Hart S & Workman R
(2002) Os, Ir, Pt, Pd and Re in Hole 504B
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Bach W & Hart SR
(2002) Constraints on Neoproterozoic Ocean Chemistry from delta13C and delta11B Analyses from the Witvlei and Nama Groups, Namibia
Workman RK, Grotzinger JP & Hart SR
(2000) U Series Isotopic Variability in Galapagos Lavas, Evidence of a Mildly Buoyant Plume
Saal A, Kurz M, Hart S, Blusztajn J, Layne G, Sims K & Geist D

Hart Stephen (2020) Phosphorus Transformation during Ecosystems Development Under Different Climates and Effects of Dust Inputs
Dam T, Condron L, Hart S & Zhu M
(2018) Competing Droughts Affect Dust Delivery to the Sierra Nevada
Aarons S, Arvin L, Aronson E, Aciego S, Riebe C, Hart S & Carey C
(2018) Aeolian Dust Deposition and the Perturbation of Phosphorus Transformations during Long-Term Ecosystem Development
Zhu M, Gu C, Hart S, Turner B & Hu Y
(2017) Reevaluating the Role of Dust in Mountain Ecosystems: Insights from Tracer Isotopes, Microbial Genomics, and Global Databases
Riebe C, Arvin L, Carey C, Aciego S, Aarons S, Blakowski M, Hart S & Aronson E

Hart Stephen C (2016) Fate of Eroded Soil Organic Matter in Temperate, Forested Catchments: Implications for Erosion-Induced Carbon Sequestration
Berhe AA, McCorkle E, Stacy E, Hart SC, Hunsaker C & Johnson D

Hart Stephen C. (2014) Sources of Soil Organic Matter Transported by Soil Erosion in Fire-Prone Upland Ecosystems of the Sierra Nevada
Berhe AA, McCorkle E, Stacy EM, Hart SC, Fogel ML, Hunsaker C & Johnson D

Hart William

Hart William K (2015) Geochemistry and Mantle Source Characteristics of the Woranso-Mille Pliocene Basalts, West-Central Afar Rift, Ethiopia
Alene Araya M, Saylor BZ, Deino A, Hart WK, Mertzman SA, Gibert LB & Haile-Selassie Y
(2014) A Megacrystic K-Feldspar Intrusion In Northwestern Nevada: Petrographic and Pb Isotope Analyses
Brown K & Hart W

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