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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Harrison Darrell (2004) O and He Constraints on the Source of Cenozoic Primitive Magmas in West Antarctica
Nardini I, Armienti P, Rocchi S, Dallai L & Harrison D
(2004) Noble Gases from Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano, Tanzania
Teague A, Zhou Z, Harrison D & Seward T
(2004) He, Hf, Nd and Double Spike Pb Isotope Geochemistry of the Canary Islands Archipelago
Mouatt J, Baker J, Harrison D, Peate D & Turner G
(2004) Coupled Li-He Isotope Systematics in Icelandic Basalt Glasses
Magna T, Harrison D, Wiechert U & Halliday A
(2003) Noble Gas and Halogen Evidence on the Origin of Scandinavian Sandstone Hosted Pb-Zn Deposits
Kendrick M, Burgess R, Harrison D & Bjørlykke A
(2002) Nitrogen in the OIB-Mantle
Mohapatra RK, Harrison D & Ott U
(2002) Mantle Helium in Sulphides Deposited in a Palaeozoic Arc Setting
Turner G, Harrison D & Herrington R
(2002) Geographical Variation of 3He/4He Ratios within the Canary Islands
Mouatt J, Harrison D, Turner G & Thirlwall M
(2002) Variable 3He/4He Ratios in Volcanic Lavas Caused by Isotopic Fractionation
Harrison D, Barry T & Turner G
(2000) Noble Gases in the Loihi and Iceland Mantle Plume Sources and Constraints on Earth's Early History
Trieloff M, Kunz J, Clague DA, Harrison D & Allègre CJ

Harrison E. (2023) Geoscience, Colonialism, and the Energy Transition
Ng J, Brito-Millan M, Guzman Morales J, Harrison E, Quintanilla L & Salomon A

Harrison G. (2013) Can Saharan Dust Explain Extensive Clay Deposits in the Amazon Basin? Radiogenic Isotopes as Tracers of Transatlantic Transport
Andreae MO, Abouchami W, Näthe K, Kumar A, Galer S, Jochum KP, Williams E, Horbe AMC, Rosa J & Harrison G

Harrison H. (2007) Experimental Growth of Biofilms for Studies on the Impact of Microbes on Transport Processes in Groundwater Systems
Wagner D, Bateman K, Coombs P, Harrison H, Milodowski AE & West J

Harrison J. (2015) A Comparative Study of the Sorption of U(VI) on SiO2 and TiO2 in the Presence of Phosphate
Comarmond M-CJ, Foerstendorf H, Müller K, Heim K, Harrison J & Payne TE

Harrison Lauren (2016) Hf-Nd-Sr Isotopes of Northwest Hawaiian Ridge Lavas
Harrison L, Weis D & Garcia M
(2016) A Finer Structure of the Hawaiian Mantle Plume
Weis D, Harrison L, Garcia MO & Rhodes JM
(2014) The Northwestern Hawaiian Ridge: Geochemical Variations over 40 Myr
Harrison L, Weis D, Tree J & Garcia M
(2012) Li Isotopes of Hawaiian Lavas: Kea vs Loa Source Variation
Harrison L, Weis D, Garcia M, Barnes E & Hanano D

Harrison Lauren N. (2022) Geochemistry of Northwest Hawaiian Ridge Basalts: Insight in the Evolution of the Hawaiian Mantle Plume
Formenti S, Weis D, Garcia MO & Harrison LN
(2022) Renewed Volcanism at the Hawaiian-Emperor Bend at ~31 Ma
Harrison LN, Weis D, Scoates JS, O'Connor JM, Regelous M, Baco A & Roark EB
(2020) Mantle Depleted Components Through Time and Space: Single or Multiple Compositions?
Harrison LN & Weis D
(2020) Loa-Kea Hawai‘i Geochemical Trends: Recent Findings and Future Directions
Weis D, Williamson N, Harrison L & Bilenker L
(2020) Hawaiian Post-Shield Basalts Through Time
Scoates JS, Harrison LN & Weis D
(2019) Method Optimization to Extract 1, 000, 000 Pu Atoms from Lunar Soil
Harrison LN, Rolison J, Trappitsch R & Savina M
(2019) The Different Stories Told by Hawaiian Shield, Post-Shield, and Rejuvenated Lavas
Weis D, Williamson NMB & Harrison LN
(2018) What Makes Hawai‘i a Unique Mantle Plume?
Weis D, Harrison LN & Williamson NMB

Harrison Mark (2019) Rae Impact Spherules: Aftermath of a ca. 2.1 Ga Exoplanet Strike
Percival J, Davis B, Petts D, Jackson S, Berman R, Shalchi B, Harrison M & Bell E

Harrison Mark (2014) Exhumation of the Eastern Lhasa Block, Southern Tibet, Inferred from Low Temperature Thermochronometry and Thermokinematic Modeling
Tremblay M, Fox M, Schmidt J, Zeitler P, Harrison TM & Shuster D
(2014) Investigating Carbonaceous Materials Preserved in Hadean Zircons
Bell E, Boehnke P, Harrison TM & Steele A
(2014) Accurate 40Ar/39Ar MDD Thermal Histories of Extraterrestrial Samples
Boehnke P, Heizler M, Harrison M, Lovera O & Warren P
(2014) Origin of the Early Miocene Potassic and Ultrapotassic Rocks in Xungba Basin, Southwestern Tibet
Zhao Z, Liu D, Zhu D-C, Niu Y, Mo X, DePaolo DJ & Harrison TM
(2014) A Petrotectonic Model for Formation of Hadean Zircons
Harrison M & Wielicki M
(2014) Crustal Evolution of the Jack Hills Zircon Source and Episodic Loss of Hadean Crust
Bell E, Harrison TM, Kohl I & Young E
(2014) Popigai Impact and the Eocene/Oligocene Boundary Mass Extinction
Wielicki M, Harrison M & Stockli D
(2013) Sieve Textures in Impact Zircon from Vredefort, South Africa: Implications to Impact Geochronology
Wielicki M & Harrison M
(2012) Zircon as a Probe of Planetary Impact History
Wielicki M, Harrison M, Boehnke P & Abramov O
(2006) Exploring the Hadean Earth
Harrison M
(2006) Further Hf isotope evidence for Hadean continental crust
Harrison M, McCulloch M, Blichert-Toft J, Albarede F, Holden P & Mojzsis S
(2006) The 142Nd record of Hadean zircons
Caro G, Bennett V, Bourdon B, Harrison M & Mojzsis S
(2006) Automated mining of detrital zircons from Jack Hills, Western Australia: Flash geochronology with SHRIMP II.
Holden P, Ireland T, Bruce Z & Harrison M
(2005) Crystallization Temperatures of Hadean Zircons: Plate Tectonics at 4.35<!s><$>Ga?
Watson B & Harrison M
(2005) Monazite Records of Deformation within the Himalayan Main Central Thrust Shear Zone, NW India
Catlos E, Dubey C, Marston R & Harrison M
(2004) Inclusion Mineralogy of Pre-4.0 Ga Zircons from Jack Hills, Western Australia: A Progress Report
Trail D, Mojzsis S & Harrison M
(2003) The Oldest Known Sediments on Earth: Implications for Exobiology
Mojzsis S, Harrison M & Manning C
(2003) Evidence of Extinct 244Pa in Hadean Zircons
Turner G & Harrison M
(2003) The Mission to Really Early Earth: A Progress Report
Harrison M
(2003) Closure Profiles in Thermochronology
Harrison M
(2003) Geology, Age, and Origin of Akilia Supracrustal Rocks, Greenland
Manning C, Mojzsis S & Harrison M
(2002) A Mission to Really Early Earth: When Did the Earth Become Suitable for Habitation?
Harrison M, Mojzsis SJ, Pidgeon RT, Ireland TR, Bennett V & Honda M

Harrison Mark (2017) A New Look at Hadean Habitability
Harrison M, Boehnke P & Bell E
(2017) High-Silica Hadean Crust
Boehnke P, Bell E, Stephan T, Trappitsch R, Keller B, Pardo O, Davis A & Harrison M

Harrison Mark (2015) Distinguishing Primary vs. Alteration Signatures Among Jack Hills Zircons and their Mineral Inclusions
Bell E, Boehnke P & Harrison M

Harrison Mark (2020) Can the Late Heavy Bombardment Concept be Resuscitated?
Parisi A, Harrison M, Mercer C & Hodges K
(2020) δ94/90Zr Variations in Granites
Kirkpatrick H, Harrison M, Liu M-C, Bell E, Tissot F & Ibañez-Mejia M

Harrison N. M. (2001) The Stability of Polar Oxide Surfaces
Thornton G, Wander A, Schedin F, Steadman P, Norris A, McGrath R, Turner TS & Harrison NM

Harrison Nicholas (2017) Computed Phase Stability and Phase Transition Mechanisms in CaCO3 at Finite Temperature and Pressure
Carrasco de Busturia D, Mallia G & Harrison N

Harrison Richard (2023) Investigating the Efficacy of Green Intervention to Reduce Exposure from Local Sources of Airborne Particulate Matter (PM)
Sheikh HA, Maher BA, Woods AW, Tung P-Y & Harrison R
(2020) Parting the Clouds: Machine Learning Guided Microanalysis of the Meteoritic Cloudy Zone
Einsle JF, Daly L, MacLaren I, Eggeman A & Harrison R
(2020) The Quest for Primary Magnetisation in Earth’s Oldest Materials
Harrison R, Taylor R, Tang F, Kuppili C, Ball M, Einsle J, Borlina C, Fu R, Weiss B, Rickard W, Saxey D & Reddy S
(2019) Unveiling Hidden Processes in Archean Rocks with Petrochronology
Taylor R, Johnson T, Clark C & Harrison R
(2019) Correlative Microanalysis of a Unique, Chondritic, Precambrian Impactor
Ball M, Taylor R, Einsle J, Audinot J-N, Johnson T & Harrison R
(2017) Microstructural Insight into the Impact History of the IAB Parent Body
Nichols C, Krakow R, Herrero-Albillos J, Kronast F, Northwood-Smith G & Harrison R
(2013) Magnetic Nanostructures in Meteorites: A Window on the Early Solar System
Harrison R, Bryson J, Church N, Kasama T & Herrero Albillos J
(2013) Nanomagnetism of Iron Meteorites Identified by X-Ray Photo-Emission Electron Microscopy
Bryson J, Herrero Albillos J, Kronast F, van der Laan G, Redfern S & Harrison R
(2011) Interfaces and Exchange Coupling
McEnroe S, Robinson P, Fabian K, Harrison R, Miyajima N & Langenhorst F
(2005) Contrasting Rift-Margin Volcanism in the St. Francois Terrane of Missouri at 1.47<!s><$>Ga
Lowell G, Harrison R & Unruh D
(2004) Phase Transitions and Anelasticity in LaxNd1-xGaO3 Perovskites
Jakeways C, Redfern S, Harrison R & Whittle K
(2004) Exploring Effects of Nanoscale Exsolution on Magnetic Properties in the Hematite-Ilmenite Series
McEnroe S, Harrison R, Langenhort F, Robinson P, Jackson M, Kasama T & Brown L
(2004) Transformation Twinning in Minerals: A Credible Source of Anelasticity in Crustal and Mantle Rocks?
Harrison R, Redfern S & Salje E
(2004) Phase Relations in the Hematite-Ilmenite Series: Crucial in Acquiring and Preserving Crustal Magnetism
Robinson P, Harrison R, McEnroe S, Langenhorst F & Heidelbach F
(2004) Magnetic and Chemical Ordering in the Ilmenite-Hematite Solid Solution: From Lamellar Magnetism to Self Reversals
Harrison R & Becker U

Harrison Richard J. (2018) A Micromagnetic Perspective on the Vortex State in Earth and Planetary Materials
Lascu I, Harrison R, Einsle J & Ball M
(2018) Questioning the Evidence for the Hadean Dynamo
Borlina CS, Weiss BP, Lima EA, Tang F, Taylor RJM, Einsle JF, Harrison RJ, Fu RR, Bell EA, Alexander EW, Kirkpatrick HM, Wielicki MM, Harrison TM, Ramezani J & Maloof AC
(2016) Reconstructing Deep Ocean Circulation Pathway and Strength with Grainsize-Specific Nd Isotopes
Piotrowski AM, Li Y, Cheng X, Crowhurst S, Clegg J, Buisman I, Lascu I, Harrison RJ & McCave IN

Harrison Roy (2019) An Overview of Atmospheric Pollution and Human Health in a Chinese Megacity Research Programme (APHH-Beijing)
Shi Z, Harrison R & Fu P

Harrison Sandy P. (2002) Emission of Soil Dust Aerosol: Anthropogenic Contribution and Future Changes
Tegen I, Harrison SP, Kohfeld KE, Engelstaedter S & Werner M

Harrison Sarah Cate (2022) Improving Coal Mine Drainage Remediation Methods to More Rapidly and Effectively Remediate Manganese with a Dual 'Myco-Zeo' System
Teagle SG, Harrison SC, Nguyen G & Hinkle MAG

Harrison T Mark (2017) Evaluating the Paleomagnetic Evidence for Early Dynamos
Fu RR, Weiss BP, Lima EA, Borlina C, Harrison TM & Krot AN
(2017) Stepwise Chemical Abrasion ID-TIMS-Tea of Hadean Jack Hills Zircon Microfragments
Keller CB, Boehnke P, Schoene B & Harrison TM

Harrison T. Mark
(2019) TitaniQ Inclusions: Thermobarometry of Tibetan Lhasa Block Granitoid Zircons
Alexander E, Yamamoto-Hillman C & Harrison TM
(2019) Single-Grain 238U/235U Measurements in Early Earth Zircons
Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, Boehnke P, Dauphas N, McGee D, Grove TL & Harrison TM
(2019) In situ d94/90Zr Variations in Zircon
Kirkpatrick H, Harrison TM, Liu M-C, Tissot F & Ibanez-Mejia M
(2018) Intensive Degassing of Halogens on Early Earth Recorded in Jack Hills Zircons
Tang H, Trail D, Bell E & Harrison TM
(2018) Questioning the Evidence for the Hadean Dynamo
Borlina CS, Weiss BP, Lima EA, Tang F, Taylor RJM, Einsle JF, Harrison RJ, Fu RR, Bell EA, Alexander EW, Kirkpatrick HM, Wielicki MM, Harrison TM, Ramezani J & Maloof AC
(2018) A Late Heavy Bombardment?
Harrison M, Hodges K & Boehnke P
(2016) Galactic Chemical Evolution Models and the Geophysical Nature of Cosmochemically Earth-Like Planets
Mojzsis S, Meyer B, Harrison TM, Frost D, Rubie D, Golabek G, Tackley P & Hernlund J
(2016) Glimpsing Hadean Earth
Harrison M
(2012) Jack Hills Zircons Record a Thermal Event Coincident with the Hypothesized Late Heavy Bombardment
Bell E & Harrison TM
(2011) Direct Measurement of Ce3+/Ce4+ and Eu2+/Eu3+ in Hadean Zircons by XANES
Tailby N, Trail D, Cates N, Mojzsis S, Bell E, Harrison TM & Watson EB
(2011) Jack Hills Zircon Lu-Hf Revisited
Harrison TM & Bell E
(2011) Growth Rate Effect on Oxygen Isotope Fractionation between Calcite and Fluid: In situ Data
Gabitov R, Schmitt A, Watson B, Mckeegan K & Harrison TM
(2010) Early Archean Crustal Evolution from Jack Hills Detrital Zircons
Bell E & Harrison M
(2009) Probing the Dark Age: Crust-Water Interactions on Hadean Earth
Harrison M
(2009) Early Differentiation of the Lunar Magma Ocean – New Lu-Hf Isotope Results from Apollo 17
Taylor D, McKeegan K, Harrison M & Young E
(2009) Continuous Thermal Histories from Muscovite 40Ar/39Ar Age Spectra
Harrison M, Heizler MT, Haviv I & Avouac J-P
(2009) Early Archean Crustal Evolution in the Yilgarn: Constraints from Lu-Hf in Jack Hills Zircons
Bell EA, Harrison M, Lovera OM, Young ED & McCulloch MT
(2008) Evidence of Crust during the First 100 M.y. of Earth History: Lu-Hf, δ18O, and Ti Thermometry Results for Hadean Zircons
Harrison TM, Schmitt AK, McCulloch MT & Lovera OM
(2008) In situ SIMS Micro-Baddeleyite U-Pb Dating Method for Mafic Rocks
Chamberlain K, Harrison M, Schmitt A, Heaman L, Swapp S & Khudoley A
(2008) Low Heat Flow Inferred from >4 Ga Zircons Suggests Hadean Plate Boundary Interactions
Hopkins M & Harrison TM
(2008) Regional Isotopic Patterns in Granitic Rocks of Southern Tibet and Evolution of Crustal Structure during the Indo-Asian Collision
DePaolo D, Weaver K, Mo X, Zhao Z & Harrison TM
(2008) 40Ar Diffusion in Muscovite
Célérier J, Harrison TM, Aikman AB, Hermann J & Heizler MT
(2007) Thermal Events Documented in Hadean Zircons by Ion Microprobe Depth Profiles
Trail D, Mojzsis S & Harrison M
(2007) Rutile 207Pb-206Pb Ages in the Jack Hills Quartzite, Western Australia
Harrison T, Trail D, Schmitt AK & Watson EB
(2007) Evidence for Water on Hadean Earth
Harrison TM
(2007) Graphite + Apatite in >3.83 Ga Ferruginous Quartz-Pyroxene (Supracrustal) Rocks from Akilia, Southern West Greenland
Mojzsis S, Papineau D, Adam J & Harrison M
(2007) The Age of the Earliest Continental Crust and Onset of Plate Tectonics
Blichert-Toft J, Harrison TM & Albarede F
(2007) Formation of 4.5 Ga Continental Crust
Zou H & Harrison M
(2006) Himalayan evolutionary models: constraints from Eocene-Miocene granitoid bodies
Aikman A, Harrison TM & Ling D
(2006) Ar diffusion in muscovite
Celerier J, Harrison TM & Hermann J
(2006) High resolution SIMS δ18O analyses of Hulu Cave speleothem at the time of Heinrich event 1
Treble PC, Schmidt AK, Edwards RL, McKeegan KD, Harrison TM, Grove M, Chen H & Wang YJ
(2005) Heterogeneous Hadean Hafnium: Evidence of Continental Crust by 4.5<!s><$>Ga?
Harrison TM, Blichert-Toft J, Müller W, McCulloch M, Albarède F, Mojzsis S & Holden P
(2005) Unravelling Polytectonism Using in situ Th-Pb Dating of Monazite
Harrison TM
(2004) Xenon Isotopes in Ancient Zircons and the Pu/U Ratio of the Early Earth
Turner G, Harrison T, Mohapatra R, Mojzsis S & Gilmour J
(2004) When did Conditions Appropriate for Life Emerge? Further Results of the Mission to Really Early Earth
Harrison T, Mojzsis S & Mtree P
(2002) High Resolution Trace Element and Oxygen Isotope Analyses of a Modern Speleothem
Treble P, Harrison TM, Shelley JMG, McKeegan KD, Grove M & McCulloch MT
(2001) Non-Mass-Dependent Sulfur Isotopes Documented from in situ Measurements of Precambrian Sedimentary Sulfides by Multi-Collector Ion Microprobe
Mojzsis SJ, Coath CD, Greenwood JP, McKeegan KD, Harrison TM & Runnegar B
(2001) Coaxing Earth History Information from Accessory Minerals Using the Ion Microprobe
Harrison TM
(2000) Origin and Significance of ca. 3.85 Ga Zircons from West Greenland
Harrison TM & Mojzsis SJ

Harrison Thomas (2017) Condensation Temperature, Volatility and the Abundances of Volatile Elements in the Earth
Wood B, Norris A & Harrison T

Harrison W. (2005) Surface Coatings on Quartz Grains in Bentonites and their Relevance to Human Health
Wendlandt R, Harrison W, Vaughan D & Wincott P
(2005) A Paleoceanographic Model For the Michigan Basin during Silurian Time from Stable Isotopic Analysis of Brachiopods
Voice P, Grammer M, Harrison W, Krishnamurthy RV & Swart P
(2005) Spectroscopic Investigations of the Adsorption of As onto Bovine Bone
Harrison W, Wendlandt R, Charnock J & Henderson CMB

Harrison-Buck E. (2013) Reconstructing Societal Dynamics of the Ancient Maya: Insights from Nd Isotopes
Harrison-Buck E, Bryce J & Blichert-Toft J

Harrisson M. (2020) Impact of the Carbon Cycle on Mercury Dynamics in a River Impacted by Run-Of-The-River Power Plants, Logging and Forest Fire
Amyot M, Ponton D, Bilodeau F, Harrisson M, Leclerc M, Millera Ferriz L, Lavoie R, Storck V, Planas D, Poulain A & Walsh D

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