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Harpp K (2013) Volatile Budget of the Galapagos Plume
Peterson M, Saal A, Hauri E, Kurz M, Werner R, Hauff F, Geist D & Harpp K
(2012) Isotopic Variations in the Northern Galapagos Volcanic Province
Harpp K, Schlitzer W, Morrow T & Mittelstaedt E
(2005) Geochemistry and Morphology of Submarine Terraces from the Southwestern Galápagos Platform
Diefenbach B, Geist D, Kurz M, Fornari D & Harpp K
(2005) The Depleted Galápagos Mantle: Plume or Upper Mantle?
Geist D, Harpp K & Kurz M

Harpp Karen (2022) Bent Plumes, and Striped Plumes, and Bilateral Asymmetry (oh My!): The Galápagos as a Case Study of Evolving Mantle Plume Models
Harpp K
(2020) A Geochemical Comparison of the Galápagos and Hawai‘i Plumes
Harpp K & Weis D

Harraden C. (2017) Scanning Unpolished Drill Cores with Laser Ablation Quadrupole ICPMS
Meffre S, Danyushevsky L, Harraden C, Berry R, Olin P & Fox N

Harrelson K. (2010) Sulfur Cycling in an Early to Middle Ordovician Greenhouse Climate
Thompson CK, Kah LC & Harrelson K

Harrichoury J-C. (2006) The effect of sulfur on vapor-liquid partitioning of metals in hydrothermal systems: An experimental batch-reactor study
Pokrovski GS, Borisova AY & Harrichoury J-C
(2002) Experimental Study of Au(HS)2- Stability in Hydrothermal Fluids Using Mineral Buffers
Tagirov B, Salvi S, Baranova N, Schott J & Harrichoury J-C
(2002) Experimental Determination of the Stability of Aluminum-Borate Complexes in Hydrothermal Solutions
Fouquet S, Tagirov B, Schott J, Harrichoury J-C & Escalier J
(2000) Experimental Determination of the Stability of Aluminum-Fluoride Complexes to 300 ºC in Near-Neutral and Alkaline Solutions
Tagirov B, Schott J & Harrichoury J

Harries D. (2021) A Study of Nitride Inclusions in Chondrites: Tracers for Nebular Processes?
Leitner J, Vollmer C, Harries D, Kodolányi J, Ott U & Hoppe P
(2016) Amorphous MgSiO3 and SiO2 Densities at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
Petitgirard S, Malfait W, Sinmyo R, Kupenko I, Journaux B, Collings I, Kantor I, Hennet L, Harries D, Dane T, Burghamer M & Rubie D
(2016) Reactive Ammonia in the Protoplanetary Disk
Harries D, Hoppe P & Langenhorst F
(2015) Fate of Silicate Melts at Core-Mantle Boundary Conditions
Petitgirard S, Malfait W, Sinmyo R, Kupenko I, Harries D & Rubie D
(2015) “In Vitro” Modifications of Mineral Fibers – Observations by Transmission Electron Microscopy
Vigliaturo R, Langenhorst F, Pollok K, Harries D, Capella S & Belluso E
(2014) Experimental Constraints on the Core’s Si and O Contents from Equations of State and metal–Silicate Partitioning
Fischer R, Campbell A, Rubie D, Frost D, Miyajima N, Pollok K & Harries D
(2011) Pyrrhotite Oxidative Dissolution: A Microstructural Perspective by FIB-TEM and Surface Topometry
Harries D, Pollok K & Langenhorst F
(2011) High-Pressure Single-Crystal Elasticity of MgSiO3 and (Mg, Fe)SiO3 Perovskites at Pressures of the Earth's Lower Mantle
Kurnosov A, Trots D, Boffa Ballaran T, Harries D & Frost D
(2009) Structural Complexity in Pyrrhotites: What are the Implications for Fluid-Mineral Interactions?
Harries D, Pollok K, Etzel K & Langenhorst F
(2009) Redox Processes at the Nanoscale: A TEM Perspective of Iron Sulfide-Iron (Oxyhydr)oxide Reactions
Pollok K, Hellige K, Harries D & Peiffer S
(2007) Magmatic Processes Recorded by Garnets from the AD 79 Eruption of Vesuvius
Harries D, Heumann A, Simon K & Kronz A

Harrington Andrea (2020) Cardiopulmonary Inflammatory Response to Meteorite Dust Exposure – Implications for Human Health on Earth and Beyond
Harrington A, McCubbin F, Kaur J, Vander Kaaden K, Smirnov A, Galdanes K, Schoonen M, Chen L-C, Tsirka S & Gordon T
(2017) Pulmonary Inflammatory Responses to Acute Meteorite Dust Exposures – Implications for Human Space Exploration
Harrington A, McCubbin F, Kaur J, Smirnov A, Galdanes K, Schoonen M, Chen L-C, Tsirka S & Gordon T

Harrington Andrea D (2023) Preparing for Mars Sample Return: Curation and Science Updates
Hutzler A, Harrington AD, Kminek G, Thiessen F & McDonald FE

Harrington Andrea D. (2012) Lung Fluid-Mineral Interaction: Experimental Challenges and Outcomes
Schoonen M & Harrington A
(2012) Manganese, Fenton Chemistry, and Disease: The Proof is in the Inflammation
Harrington AD, Tsirka SE & Schoonen MAA
(2009) Relating Martian Igneous Lithologies
Nekvasil H, McCubbin F, Harrington A & Woerner W

Harrington G (2005) Geochemical and Mineralogical Controls on Arsenic Release from Uranium Mine Tailings
Moldovan B, Hendry MJ, Jiang D & Harrington G

Harrington Glenn A (2013) Helium Equilibrium between Pore Water and Quartz: A Clever, but Limited Tool
Smith SD, Harrington GA, Smerdon BD & Solomon DK

Harrington J. M. (2014) Multiple Methods of Characterizing Zn and Cd Secondary Minerals Associated with Mine Drainage from Keno Hill, Yukon, Canada
Jamieson H, Gault A, DeSisto S, Sherriff B, Johnson B & Harrington JM

Harrington Jacob (2017) Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Sedimentary Rocks of the 3.6 – 3.2 Ga Barberton Greenstone Belt: No Evidence for Older Continental Crust
Drabon N, Lowe D, Byerly G & Harrington J
(2015) Integrating Noble Gas and Compound-Specific Stable Isotopes to Characterize the Generation and Migration of Oil-Associated Gases and H2S in the Eagle Ford Shale of Texas, USA
Harrington J, Muehlenbachs K, Whyte C, Williams J & Darrah T

Harrington Jake (2019) Identifying Hydraulic Fracturing "Sweet Spots" Using Crustal Noble Gases
Lary B, Eymold W, Whyte C, Harrington J, Moortgat J & Darrah T

Harrington James (2012) Trace Metal Complexation and Dissolution by the Triscatecholate Siderophore Protochelin
Duckworth O, Harrington J, Akafia M, Bargar J, Jarzecki A, Roberts J & Sombers L

Harrington Jamie (2015) Biogeochemistry of Tungsten and Release Mechanisms within Natural Environments: A Study in Fallon, Nevada
Harrington J, Hobson C, Mohajerin Haug J, Johannesson K & Datta S

Harrington L. (2005) The Structural Chemistry of Hydroxyl Moieties in Ferric Polymers
Harrington L & Myneni S
(2002) Fluoride Sorption and Associated Al Release in Iron Oxide Rich Soils
Vasudevan D, Harrington L & Cooper E

Harrington R. (2010) Powder Neutron Diffraction Studies of Ferrihydrite, a Nanocrystalline Material
Harrington R, Michel M, Parise J, Hausner D & Strongin D
(2010) Understanding the Composition and Structure of Ferrihydrite
Parise J, Harrington R, Xu W, Michel M, Hausner D, Dabnath S & Strongin D

Harrir M. (2018) Understanding Organic Phosphorus Cycling in Redox-Dynamic Eutrophic Freshwater Systems
Kurek M, Harrir M, Shukle J, Leduc M, Schroth A, Schmitt-Kopplin P & Druschel G

Harris Andrew (2022) Faster = Stronger? Decompression Rates vs Eruption Parameters at Stromboli Volcano
Georgeais G, Rose-Koga EF, Moussallam Y, Koga KT, Gurioli L, Pistolesi M, Harris A, verdier-Paoletti M, Metrich N & Bertagnini A

Harris Anthony (2007) The Speciation of Metals in Natural Fluid Inclusions at Temperatures up to 700 C
Berry A, Harris A, Kamenetsky V, Newville M & Sutton S
(2006) Four million years of thermal history - the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Argentina
Harris A, Cooke D, Dunlap J, Reiners P, Allen C, White N & Campbell I
(2006) Fluid chemistry of the Phu Lon Cu-Au skarn deposit, Loei Fold Belt, northeastern Thailand: Implication for ore genesis
Kamvong T, Zaw K & Harris A

Harris Brett (2015) Assessing the Impacts of Chemical and Physical Heterogeneity on Water Quality Evolution during ASR
Deng H, Descourvieres C, Seibert S, Harris B, Atteia O, Siade A & Prommer H

Harris Brette S. (2022) Biological Productivity and Primary Producers Recorded in the Depositional Record of Middle to Late Devonian Mudstones from the Horn River Group, Northwest Territories, Canada
LaGrange MT, Li K, Li L, Konhauser KO, Harris BS, Biddle SK, Terlaky V & Gingras MK

Harris C (2006) Silica alteration zones and cherts as a record of hydrothermal processes on the Archaean seafloor
Hofmann A, Bolhar R, Harris C & Orberger B
(2006) Re-Os systematics of the Platreef (Sandsloot mine) of the northern limb of the Bushveld Complex
Reisberg L, Tredoux M & Harris C

Harris Caroline (2012) Cadmium Isotopes in Northeast Pacific Ocean Seawater
Zurbrick C, Biller D, Harris C, Rehkamper M, Bruland K & Flegal AR
(2008) Precise and Accurate Lead Isotopic Analysis of Fast Transient Signals by Laser-Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Pettke T, Oberli F, Audetat A, Wiechert U, Harris C & Heinrich C
(2008) Adakite-Like Magmas and Cu-Au Porphyry Deposits Derived from an Inherited Subduction Component, Apuseni Mountains, Romania
Harris C, Pettke T, Kleine T, Heinrich C, Rosu E & Woodland S
(2007) Using Pb Isotopic Analyses of Fluid and Melt Inclusions to Trace Sources of Cu-Au Porphyry Deposits
Harris C, Pettke T, Heinrich C & Kleine T
(2006) Pb, Sr, and Nd isotopes and geochemistry of Miocene magmas in the Apuseni Mountains, Romania
Harris C, Rosu E, Pettke T, Kleine T, Woodland S, Heinrich C & Seghedi I
(2005) Magma Genesis and Cu-Au Ore Formation (Apuseni Mountains, Romania) in Light of Pb, Sr and Nd Isotopic and Chemical Trends
Harris C, Pettke T, Rosu E, Seghedi I & Heinrich C

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