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Harmon M. (2013) Biogeochemical Mechanisms Underlying the Manganese Dependence of Litter Decomposition
Keiluweit M, Nico P, Harmon M, Liu S, Filley T, Pett-Ridge J & Kleber M

Harmon N. (2020) Distribution of First Row Transition Elements in Eclogites
Harmon N, Cruz-Uribe A & Walters J

Harmon Russel S. (2015) Silicate Weathering of Igneous Rocks, Elemental Mobility, and Sources of Chemical Solutes in Rivers of Panama
Wörner G, Harmon RS, Pribil MJ & Lyons WB

Harmon Russell (2019) LIBS-Rs-Xrfs Multisensor Data Fusion for Soil Analysis
Throckmorton C, Harmon R, Hark R, Harmon K, Plumer J, Clausen J, Morgan M, Hendrickx J & Harrison B
(2010) Riverine Chemical Fluxes vs. Long-Term Weathering, Central Panama
Lyons WB, Goldsmith ST, Deuerling KM, Hannah LM & Harmon RS
(2007) Hydrochemistry of Four Tropical Watersheds in Central Panama
Lyons WB, Harmon R, Mitasova H, Forizs I & Demeny A
(2007) LIBS Analysis of Gem Beryls: Single-Pulse, Double-Pulse, and Provenance Determination
McManus C, McMillan N, Harmon R, DeLucia F & Miziolek A
(2007) Evolution of a Maturing Arc System: The West-Central Isthmus of Panama
Wegner W, Wörner G, Harmon R, Simon K & Singer B
(2007) LIBS: A New Paradigm for Real-Time and In-Field Geochemical Analysis
Harmon R, DeLucia F, McMillan N, Miziolek A & Whitehouse A
(2005) Trace Element Geochemistry of Gem Beryl
McManus C, De Lucia F, Harmon R, McMillan N & Whitmore R

Harmon Ryan (2017) Carbon-Rich Amendments Stimulate Microbially-Mediated Nitrate Removal in Pilot Infiltration Studies
Beganskas S, Weathers T, Fisher A, Gorski G, Saltikov C, Weir W & Harmon R

Harmon S. (2014) Silver Nanoparticles in Beneficial Reuse Waste Materials
Scheckel K, Impellitteri C, Harmon S, Silva G, Miller B, Luxton T, Gitipour A, El Badawy A, Tolaymat T, Schupp D & Panguluri S

Harms B. (2014) Sulfur Isotopes Establish a Context for Early Life: Insights from >3.7 Ga Metasediments from Isua, Greenland
Harms B, Rosing M & Farquhar J
(2012) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Model of Temperature Dependent Isotope Fractionation in Archaeoglobus Fulgidus
Harms B, Mitchell K, Habicht K, Hoek J & Farquhar J
(2011) Redox and Early Earth’s Sulfur Cycle
Farquhar J, Claire M, Domagal-Goldman S, Harms B, Poulton S & Zerkle A

Harms C. (2009) A Biomarker-Based Approach to Assess the Microbial Diversity and Functioning in an Extreme Acidic Environment: The Río Tinto, Spain
Bühring S, Harms C, Lipp J, Schubotz F, Amils R & Hinrichs K-U

Harms H. (2015) Studying Exoelectrogen Biofilm Formation, Structure and Composition: An Integrated Approach
Schkolnik G, Harnisch F, Musat N, Schroetter M, Schmidt M, Richnow H-H, Harms H, Herminghaus S & Mazza M
(2009) Stable Isotope Fractionation as a Tool to Determine Substrate Bioavailability
Thullner M, Kampara M, Richnow H, Harms H & Wick L

Harms N. (2020) Nitrogen Cycle and Particulate Matter Fluxes in the Indian Ocean Subtropical Gyre
Harms N, Lahajnar N, Gaye B, Schwarz-Schampera U & Emeis K-C

Harnik P.G. (2023) Temporal and Spatial Trends in Gulf of Mexico Nitrogen Biogeochemistry over the Last Two Millennia Revealed by the δ15N of Bivalve Shells
Junium C, Harnik PG, Andrus CFT & McMahon CB

Harnik Y. (2022) Strontium Immobilization in Portland Cement Matrices – Influence of Low-Ph Systems, Minor Phases and Carbonation
Shiner ME, Klein-BenDavid O, Harnik Y, Teutsch N, Peled A & Bar-Nes G

Harnisch F. (2015) Studying Exoelectrogen Biofilm Formation, Structure and Composition: An Integrated Approach
Schkolnik G, Harnisch F, Musat N, Schroetter M, Schmidt M, Richnow H-H, Harms H, Herminghaus S & Mazza M

Harnmeijer J. (2005) Quantifying the Role of Manganese in Biotic and Abiotic Nitrogen Cycling
Harnmeijer J, Orcutt B, Devol A & Joye S

Haro-Moreno J.M. (2019) Dominance of MGII in Surface Ocean Benefiting from the Acquisition of Proteorhodopsin during Evolution
Liu H, Haro-Moreno JM, Wang P, Zheng Y, Rodriguez-Valera F, Tian J, Zhang X & Zhang C

Harouaka K. (2022) Fayda: A Data Processing, Visualization, and Predictive Platform for Atomic ICP-MS/MS
Richardson R, French AD, Melby K, Arnquist I & Harouaka K
(2022) Characterization of Gas Phase Atomic Cation Reactivity with Selected Reagent Gases in Collision Cell ICP-MS/MS Analyses
Melby K, French AD, Eiden G, Hoppe E, Arnquist I & Harouaka K
(2021) Reaction Roulette: Utilizing Elemental MS/MS for the Characterization of Gas Phase Ion-Molecule Interactions
Harouaka K, Allen C, Melby K, Bylaska E, Eiden G, Cox R, di Vacri ML, Hoppe E & Arnquist I
(2020) Novel Method for Measuring Ultra-Trace Levels of U and Th in Au, Pt, Ir, and W Matrices Using QQQ-ICP-MS and an O2 Reaction Gas
Harouaka K, Hoppe E & Arnquist I
(2016) Oxidative Sulfur Isotope Fractionation on Sulfidic Cave Walls
Mansor M, Harouaka K, Macalady J & Fantle M
(2015) Effect of Amino Acids on the Growth Kinetics and Ca Isotopic Composition of Gypsum
Harouaka K, Kubicki J & Fantle M
(2014) Effect of Amino Acids on the Precipitation Kinetics and Ca Isotopic Composition of Gypsum
Harouaka K, Mansor M & Fantle M
(2013) Using Isotopic and Morphological Evidence to Determine Biogenicity of Gypsum Precipitates in the Frasassi Caves, Italy
Harouaka K, Gonzales M, Eisenhauer A & Fantle M

Harouiya N. (2005) The Role of Apatite in Controlling the REE Composition of Natural Waters
Oelkers E, Kohler S, Harouiya N & Chariat C
(2004) Experimental Studies of REE Fractionation during Water-Mineral Interactions
Kohler S, Harouiya N, Chaïrat C & Oelkers E
(2004) Phosphate Dissolution and Precipitation Rates in Low Temperature Natural Processes
Harouiya N, Oelkers E & Valsami-Jones E
(2004) How do Microorganisms Enhance Mineral Dissolution Rates?
Oelkers E, Valsami-Jones E, Hutchens E & Harouiya N
(2002) An Experimental Study of the Affect of Aqueous Fluoride on Quartz, Kaolinite, and Alkali Feldspar Dissolution Rates
Harouiya N & Oelkers E

Haroumi Moromizato K. (2019) Comparing Ozone and Nitrous Oxide as Reaction Cell Gases for Rb-Sr Isotope Analyses with QQQ ICPMS
Allen CM, DeBruyn M, Marshall DL, Haroumi Moromizato K, Poad B & Blanksby SJ

Harper B. (2006) Sulfur isotopic zonation in the Cadia porphyry Au-Cu deposits, NSW
Cooke D, Wilson A, Harper B & Deyell C

Harper David (2019) Geochemical and Biological Effects of Oil and Gas Wastewater Releases
Cozzarelli I, Akob D, Benthem A, Haase K, Mumford A, Orem W, Skalak K, Engle M, Kent D, Farag A, Harper D, Thamke J, Briggs M & Lane J
(2011) A Sulfidic Driver for the Late Ordovician Extinction
Hammarlund E, Dahl T, Harper D, Bond D, Bjerrum C & Canfield D

Harper Dustin (2019) The Coupled Evolution of Temperature and Carbonate Chemistry Change during the Paleocene–Eocene; New Orbital-Resolution Trace Metal Records from the Low-Latitude Indian Ocean
Barnet J, Littler K, Harper D, LeVay L, Edgar K & Zachos J
(2018) Oxyanion Control on Boron Incorporation into Inorganic Calcite
Uchikawa J, Harper D, Zachos J & Zeebe R
(2018) Ocean Acidification and Carbon Cycle Perturbations Across Eocene Hyperthermals
Hoenisch B, Harper D, Haynes L, Zachos J & Zeebe R
(2018) The Global Hydrological Cycle during Early Eocene Hyperthermals: O-Isotope and Other Constraints
Zachos J, Ballaron E, Harper D, Rush W, Babila T, Kiehl J, Bowen G, Kelly C, Kozdon R, Penman D & Huber M
(2016) Exploring the Chemical Controls on Boron Incorporation in Synthetic Calcite
Uchikawa J, Penman D, Harper D, Zachos J & Zeebe R
(2014) Investigating Long- and Short-Term Trends in Seawater Boron-Based Proxies during the Late Paleocene and Early Eocene
Harper D, Penman D, Hönisch B & Zachos J

Harper Dustin T. (2023) New Constraints on the Melting Conditions during the Northeast Atlantic Breakup: Preliminary Results from IODP Expedition 396
Hartley A, Cunningham EH, Lambart S, Guo P, Chatterjee S, Tegner C, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Jones MT, Longman J, Millett JM, Mohn GTF, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Andrews G, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferre EC, Nakaoka R & Wang M
(2023) The Northeast Atlantic Breakup (IODP Exp. 396): A Case Study for Modeling the Evolution of Mantle Source Mineralogy during Continental Rifting
Cunningham EH, Lambart S, Guo P, Chatterjee S, Tegner C, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Jones MT, Longman J, Millett JM, Mohn GTF, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Andrews G, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferré EC, Nakaoka R & Wang M
(2023) Solution Chemical Compositions Modulate Elemental Uptake in Calcite: Potential Implications for Paleo-Proxy Calibrations
Uchikawa J, Penman D, Harper DT, Farmer JR, Zachos JC, Planavsky NJ & Richard Z
(2023) Crust-Mantle Interactions during Continental Break-Up: Insights from an Early Eocene Dacitic Unit within the Norwegian Margin Collected during IODP Expedition 396
Morris AM, Lambart S, Guo P, Jones MT, Mohn GTF, Andrews G, Planke S, Berndt C, Alvarez Zarikian C, Betlem P, Brinkhuis H, Chatterjee S, Christopoulou ME, Filina IY, Frieling J, Harper DT, Longman J, Millett JM, Reed SP, Varela N, Xu W, Yager SL, Agarwal A, Bhattacharya J, Clementi VJ, Ferre EC, Nakaoka R, Tegner C & Wang M
(2023) Forward Modeling the Alkenone paleo-CO2 Proxy: Combining Traditional Approaches in a Bayesian Framework
Harper DT, Polissar PJ, Zhang Y & Bowen G
(2020) Calcium Isotope Response of Morozovella spp. To Paleocene-Eocene Ocean Acidification
Kitch GD, Jacobson AD, Hurtgen MT, Sageman BB, Harper DT & Zachos JC

Harper L. (2016) Extreme Methane Signals in a Low Sulfate World
Hall J, Newton R, Witts J, Francis J, Harper L, Crame A & Haywood A

Harpke M. (2017) Actors in Rock-Water-Systems: Microbial Radionuclide Mobilization
Burow K, Grawunder A, Harpke M, Schäfer D, Bock S, Dietrich N, Merten D, Kothe E & Büchel G

Harpold A. (2023) River Chemistry Predominantly Controlled by Climate
Li L, Stewart B, Zhi W, Sadayappan K, Ramesh S, Kerins D, Sterle G, Harpold A & Perdrial JN
(2020) Combining Complex Systems Analyses with Process Observations to Understand Stream Dissolved Organic Carbon Across Scales
Perdrial J, Adler T, Bristol C, Underwood K, Rizzo D, Wen H, Li L, Harpold A, Sterle G & Hanley J
(2013) Critical Zone Evolution by Jerks
Chorover J, Brooks P, Harpold A, Litvak M, McIntosh J, Pelletier J, Perdrial J, Troch P & Rasmussen C
(2012) Do Critical Zone Carbon and Water Fluxes Control Chemical Denudation?
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Condon K, Harpold A, Holleran M, Huckle D, Lybrand R, Troch P, McIntosh J, Meixner T, Minor R, Mitra B, Pohlmann M, Rasmussen C, Swetnam T, Vasquez-Ortega A & Zapata-Rios X
(2011) Impact of Water Sources and Flow Paths on Carbon in Streams of Seasonally Snow-Covered Catchments
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Harpold A, Heidbuechel I, McIntosh J, Ray J & Zapata-Rios X

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