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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Harkness Jennifer S. (2017) The Distribution of Naturally Occurring Hexavalent Chromium in Groundwater from the Piedmont Aquifers of Eastern United States
Vengosh A, Coyte R, Karr J, Harkness JS, Kondash AJ, Ruhl LS & Dwyer GS

Harkness P. (2015) Simulating Atmospheric Loss and Carbonate Formation on Early Mars Using Hydrothermal Experiments
Macartney A, Harkness P, Mark D & Lee M
(2014) Instrumentation Development for Planetary in situ 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology
Morgan L, Davidheiser-Kroll B, Munk M, van Bibber K, Harkness P, Lee M, Wright I, Gupta S & Mark D

Harkumar P. (2009) Fluoride Mobilisation in India
Jacks G, Harkumar P & Bhattacharya P

Harland C. (2006) A Synchrotron based study of lateritic, gold bearing, iron oxide nodules
Hough R, Ryan C, Anand R, Etschmann B, Harland C & Decarlo F

Harlaux M. (2018) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition Traced by in situ Tourmaline Analysis at the San Rafael Tin Deposit, Peru
Harlaux M, Kouzmanov K, Gialli S, Laurent O, Marger K, Baumgartner L, Dini A, Chauvet A, Kalinaj M & Fontboté L

Harlavan Y. (2023) From Rock to Clay: Isotope-Geochemical Study: Toward Provenance Study
Harlavan Y, Morag N, Ryb U & Berlin O
(2021) Constructing the Provenance of Siliciclastic Sediments Using their Clay Fraction
Harlavan Y, Ben Dor Y, Kedem N, Calvo R, Morag N & Avigad D
(2017) Provenance of the Miocene Sequence in Southern Israel: A Multi Proxy Iso-Geochemistry Study
Kedem N, Harlavan Y, Calvo R & Avigad D
(2017) The Provenance of Heavy Minerals, Feldspars and Clays from the Cambrian Sandstones, Israel; Isotope and Geochemical Study
Harlavan Y, Ben-Dor Y & Avigad D
(2013) Sr Isotope Stratigraphy of Carbonate Fraction in Oil Shales
Harlavan Y & Goren O
(2013) Levels and Distribution of Traffic Related Metals in Israel; Pb, Zn and Platinum Group Metals (PGM)
Teutsch N, Halicz L & Harlavan Y
(2011) Long-Distance Transport of North Gondwana Cambro-Ordovician Sandstones: Evidence from Detrital Zircon Hf Isotopic Composition
Morag N, Avigad D, Gerdes A, Belousova E & Harlavan Y
(2011) Sr Isotopic Composition of Manganese Nodules: Recorder of Cambrian Ocean
Harlavan Y, Bar-Matthews M & Matthews A
(2009) Evolution and Stabilization of a Juvenile Crust: Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotopic Perspectives from the Northern Arabian-Nubian Shield
Morag N, Avigad D, Gerdes A, Belousova E & Harlavan Y
(2007) Hf-in-Zircon Perspective on Crustal Growth and Recycling in the Arabian-Nubian Shield
Morag N, Avigad D, Kolodner K, Belousova E, Ireland T & Harlavan Y
(2007) 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology and Sr-Pb Isotopic Evidence of Post-Collisional Extensional Volcanism of the Eastern Pontide Paleo-Arc, NE Turkey
Arslan M, Boztug D, Temizel I, Kolayli H, Sen C, Abdioglu E, Ruffet G & Harlavan Y
(2005) K-Ar Age and Stable Isotope Geochemistry of A-Type Granitoids in the Divrigi-Sivas Region, Turkey
Boztug D, Harlavan Y & Arehart GB
(2004) Tracing Pb Contaminated Sewage Sludge off the Israeli Mediterranean Coast Using Pb Isotopes
Harlavan Y, Almogi-Labin A & Herut B
(2002) U and Pb Isotope Ratios in Manganese Nodules by MC-ICP-MS
Ehrlich S, Bar-Matthews M, Harlavan Y & Halicz L
(2002) K-Ar Ages, Pb Isotopes and Geochemistry of Basalts from Ash Shaam Volcanic Field, NE Jordan
Harlavan Y, Weinberger R, Ilani S, Tarawneh K, Rabba I & Steinitz G

Harlay J. (2009) Study of the Individual and Combined Effect of pCO2 and Temperature on the Coccolithophore E. huxleyi
De Bodt C, Van Oostende N, Harlay J, Roevros N, Sabbe K & Chou L

Harley R. (2014) Evolution of Vehicle Exhaust-Related Particulate Matter over a Multi-Decadal Time Period
Harley R & McDonald B
(2009) Particulate Matter Optical Properties and Emission Trends for Gasoline and Diesel Vehicles
Harley R, Ban-Weiss G, Kirchstetter T, Lunden M & Strawa A

Harley Simon (2021) Origin of U-Th-Pb Isotopic Disturbance in Discordant Monazite from UHT Context (Napier Complex, East Antarctica) Resolved by Atom Probe Tomography
Turuani MJ, Laurent AT, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Harley S, Fougerouse D, Saxey DW & Reddy SM
(2017) An Extreme (1200℃) Test of Zircon-Rutile Thermometers
Harley S & Hinton R
(2016) Zircon and Monazite U-Th-Pb and REE Chemistry Constraints on UHT Metamorphism at Mather Peninsula, Rauer Islands, East Antarctica
Hokada T, Harley S, Dunkley D, Kelly N & Yokoyama K

Harley Simon L. (2019) Origins and Significance of U-Th-Pb Isotopic Disturbance in Monazite from UHT Context (Napier Complex, East Antarctica)
Turuani M, Seydoux-Guillaume A-M, Harley SL, Laurent AT, Fougerouse D, Bosse V & Reddy SM

Harley Simon. L (2015) UHT Metamorphism, the Lewisian, and the Legacy of Mike O’Hara
Harley S
(2015) Zircon Behaviour in Hot Orogens
Harley S
(2015) Monitoring Groundwater Evolution in Bentonite Buffer Systems Using the Corrosion of NdFeB Magnets
Rigonat N & Harley S
(2014) Boron Isotopes in Tourmaline from the 3.7-3.8 Ga Isua Belt, Greenland: Implications for B Concentrations in Eoarchean Continental Crust
Grew E, Dymek R, De Hoog J, Harley S, Hazen R & Yates M
(2013) Orogenic Eclogites, Rutile and Trace Element Flux in the Subduction Zone
Wilkinson D, Fitton G & Harley S
(2011) Combined SIMS U-Pb Ages and Ti-in-Zircon Geothermometry Fingerprints Long Deep Crustal Residence in the Archaean
MacDonald J, Wheeler J, Harley S, Goodenough K, Crowley Q & Mariani E
(2010) A Magmatic Record of Middle Archaean Subduction
McCallum CA & Harley SL
(2008) Experimental Studies on Rutile Solubility
Rapp J, Klemme S & Harley S
(2008) Multi-Stage Zircon Growth during a Single Partial Melting Event – Insights from REE Partitioning
Kelly N, Harley S & Hinton R
(2007) Insights into Crustal Anatexis from Zircon-Garnet REE Behaviour
Kelly N, Harley S & Hinton R
(2007) Experimental Determination of Trace Element Partition Coefficients between Zircon, Garnet and Melt
Taylor R, Harley S, Hinton R & Elphick S
(2006) The Hottest Crust
Harley S
(2006) Granulites and the Nature of Crust-Mantle Interactions
Harley S
(2006) Zircon-Garnet REE distribution: events and processes in high grade terrains.
Kelly N, Harley S & Hinton R
(2006) New approaches to U-Th-Pb zircon dating using the Cameca ims-1270
Hinton R, Kelly N, Appleby S & Harley S
(2005) Lu-Hf Systematics of the Earliest Crust in Antarctica: The Napier Complex of Enderby Land
Mukasa S, Choi SH, Andronikov A, Osanai Y & Harley S
(2005) Timing of Zircon Growth during High-Grade Metamorphism: Constraints from Garnet-Zircon REE
Kelly N & Harley S

Harley Steven J. (2014) Characterization of Whole Porewater Dissolved Organic Matter by 1H NMR
Fox C, Lewicki J, Abdulla H, Harley S, Burdige D, Magen C, Chanton J & Komada T
(2014) Kinetic Studies Np(VI) Ligand Exchange Using NMR
Panasci A, Harley S, Zavarin M & Casey W
(2014) Solution-State NMR Spectroscopy up to 20 Kilobars
Pautler BG, Colla CA, Johnson RL, Klavins P, Harley SJ, Ohlin CA & Casey WH

Harlou R. (2007) Sr Isotopic Compositions of Ultra-Deep Inclusions in Diamonds: Implications for Mantle Chemical Structure and Evolution
Pearson DG, Harlou R, Hayman P, Cartigny P & Kopylova M
(2006) Source variability and crustal contamination of the Baffin Island picrites – coupled Sr isotope and trace element study of individual melt inclusions
Harlou R, Pearson DG, Davidson JP, Kamenetsky VS & Yaxley GM
(2005) Sr Isotope Studies of Melt Inclusions by TIMS
Harlou R, Pearson D, Nowell G, Davidson JP & Kent AJR

Harlou Rikke (2022) Paleozoic Subduction into the Deeper Mantle Recorded by Superdeep Diamonds
Timmerman S, Pearson DG, Koornneef JM, Harlou R, Nowell GM, Thomson AR, Kohn SC, Davies JHFL, Davies GR, Krebs MY, Zhang Q, Milne SE, Stachel T, Harris JW, Kaminsky F, Bulanova G, Smith CB, Burnham A & Walter MJ

Harlov Daniel (2023) High Temperature monazite-(Nd) Solubility Experiments to Predict Nd Complexation at Variable pH and Salinity in Supercritical Fluids
Banerjee D, Waters LE, Hurtig NC, Gysi AP, Harlov D, Zhu C & Migdissov A
(2022) Effect of Fluid Chemistry on the Solubility of monazite-(Nd) and Nd Speciation in High Temperature and Pressure Supercritical Aqueous Fluids
Banerjee D, Waters LE, Hurtig NC, Gysi A, Harlov D & Migdissov A
(2019) A Genetic Link between Iron Skarn Mineralization and IOA Deposits
Harlov D, Hu H & Li J
(2018) Apatite as a Fluid Recorder during the Genesis and Evolution of IOA Deposits
Harlov D & Hu H
(2018) The Hydrothermal Solubility of monazite-(Ce) and xenotime-(Y)
Gysi A, Harlov D & Miron G
(2018) Atomic-Scale Chemical Implications of Phase Separation, Solid State Transformation, and Recrystallization in Feldspathic Phases and Glasses
Kizovski T, White L, Tait K, Langelier B, Gordon L, Harlov D & Norberg N
(2017) Silicate, Oxide, and Sulfide Trends in Granulite-Facies neo-Archean Rocks from the Nilgiri Block, S India
Harlov D, Samuel V & Sajeev K
(2017) Experimental Fluid-Aided Alteration of Magnetite in IOA Deposits
Hu H, Harlov D & Li J-W
(2017) Ilmenite-Rutile-Titanite Stability in Subducted Metagranitoids: Nature and Experiment
Angiboust S & Harlov D
(2017) High-Resolution Raman Spectroscopy of Apatite along the F-Oh, F-Cl, and Cl-Oh Binary Joins
Ashley K, Harlov D, Hughes J, Rakovan J, Balhouse B, Steele-MacInnis M & Bodnar R

Harlov Daniel E. (2023) The Solubility of ErPO4 in Hydrothermal Fluids at Varying pH and Salinity between 350 and 450℃
Kershaw CT, Hurtig NC, Gysi AP, Migdissov A, Waters LE & Harlov DE
(2023) What Controls the Mobility of Rare Earth Elements (REE) in Critical Mineral Deposits in Acidic vs. Alkaline Hydrothermal Fluids?
Gysi AP, Hurtig NC, Waters L, Harlov DE, Miron GD, Kulik DA, Migdissov A & Zhu C
(2023) Database of Raman Spectra for REE Mineral Endmembers and Applications to Aqueous REE Complexation
Hurtig NC, Gysi AP, Smith-Schmitz SE, Maciag B, Migdissov A & Harlov DE
(2023) Tracking the Evolution of the “Tin Corridor” at the Neves Corvo Deposit (Iberian Pyrite Belt) Through Metasomatism of Phosphate Minerals
Codeço MS, Gleeson SA, Relvas JMRS, Wilke FDH, Schleicher A, Stammeier JA, Barrote V, Harlov DE, Schmidt C & Weis P
(2023) Experimental Metasomatic Incorporation of Sulfur into Fluorapatite
Harlov DE, Konecke B & Simon A
(2022) The Role of Coupled Dissolution-Reprecipitation in Fluid-Mineral Reactions: Silicates, Oxides, and Phosphates
Harlov DE
(2021) Zircon as a Recorder of Chemical Change during Metamorphism of Neoarchean Lower Crust, Shevaroy Block, Eastern Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Harlov DE, Dunkley D, Hansen E, C I-K, Samuel V & Hokada T
(2021) Late-Orogenic Juvenile Magmatism of the Mesoproterozoic Namaqualand Province (South Africa) and its Relation to REE-Th Monazite-Iron Oxide Mineralization
Ballouard C, Elburg MA, Harlov DE, Tappe S, Knoper MW, Eglinger A & Andreoli MAG
(2021) Empirically Investigating the Sulfur and Rare Earth Element Mobility between Apatite and Hydrothermal Fluids as a Function of Temperature (500-800℃) and Fluid Composition (mHCl-Mh2SO4)
Casaus J, Konecke B, Harlov DE & Simon A
(2016) Experimental Incorporation of U into Xenotime at 900℃, 500-1000 MPa Utilizing Alkali-Bearing Fluids
Harlov D
(2016) Multiple F:Cl:OH Environments for Apatites from a Single Lunar Breccia
Asahi T, Fagan TJ & Harlov DE
(2015) Revealing Low-Temperature Alkaline Alteration of Zircon via Unpolished Grain Mapping
Kelly C, Schneider D, Jackson S & Harlov D
(2015) Deformation Textures of Zircon from Granitic Rocks
Kovaleva E, Harlov D & Klötzli U
(2015) Zircon Trace Element Chemistry as a Function of Metamorphic Grade along a Traverse of Lower Archean Crust, Shevaroy Block, Southern India
Harlov D, Dunkley D, Hansen E & Ishwar-Kumar C
(2015) Monazite, Xenotime and Apatite Chemistry and Textures: Clues to Understanding Geochronologic Discrepancies in the Llallagua Tin Deposit, Bolivia
Betkowski W, Rakovan J & Harlov D
(2015) High-Cl Apatite as an Indicator of KREEP in the Breccia of Lunar Meteorite Northwest Africa 773
Fagan TJ, Shimoda A, Yokomizo S & Harlov DE
(2015) Solubility of F-Cl-Apatites in KCl-H2O Brines at 800℃ and 1 GPa
Mair P, Tropper P, Manning C & Harlov D
(2015) Experiments and Numerical Modeling of Hydrothermal REE Ore Forming Processes in the Crust
Gysi A, Williams-Jones A & Harlov D
(2014) Hydrothermal Mineral Replacement Reactions for an Apatite-Monazite Assemblage in Alkali-Rich Fluids
Betkowski W, Harlov D & Rakovan J
(2014) (Y+REE)PO4-Fluorapatite Associations in Kiruna Type Magnetite-Apatite Ore Deposits
Harlov D
(2014) Fluorapatite-Monazite-Allanite Relations in the Grängesberg Apatite-Iron Ore District, Central Sweden
Majka J, Harlov D, Jonsson E, Högdahl K, Persson Nilsson K & Troll V
(2013) Ce-Monazite and Y-Xenotime Solubilities in H2O-NaF at 800℃, 1 GPa: Implicatons for REE Transport
Tropper P, Harlov D & Manning C
(2013) Experimental Incorporation of U into Xenotime at 900℃, 500-1000 MPa Utilizing Alkali-Bearing Fluids
Harlov D & Rhede D
(2012) Alteration of Zircon in Alkaline Fluids: Nature and Experiment
Harlov D, Lewerentz A & Schersten A
(2011) Experimental High-Grade Alteration of Zircon Using Alkali- and Ca-Bearing Solutions
Harlov D & Dunkley D
(2010) Th and U Incorporation into Xenotime during Partial Alteration by Alkali-Bearing Fluids
Harlov D
(2010) The Solubility Behavior of CePO4 and YPO4 in H2O-NaCl at 800℃ and 1 GPa: Implications for the Role of Brines for REE Transport during High-Grade Metamorphism
Tropper P, Manning C & Harlov D
(2009) Solubility of CePO4 and YPO4 in H2O, H2O-NaCl and H2O-NaF at 800℃ and 1 GPa: Implications for REE Transport during High-Grade Metamorphism
Tropper P, Manning C & Harlov D
(2009) Magmatism and Metamorphism in the Middle-Lower Crust, SW Sweden
Harlov D, Van den Kerkhof A, Hansen E & Johansson L
(2008) Localised Fluid-Induced, Solid State Dehydration in the Lower Crust: CO2-rich Fluids vs. Concentrated Brines
Harlov D, van den Kerkhof A & Johansson L
(2007) Metasomatically Induced Alteration and Re-equilibration of Orthophosphate and Silicate Minerals: Textures, Fluids, and Mass Transfer
Harlov D
(2006) Replacement of monazite by a huttonite component: nature and experiment
Harlov D, Wirth R & Hetherington C
(2006) Sulphide and oxide isograds along a late Archean, deep-crustal profile, Tamil Nadu, south India
Harlov D & Hansen E
(2005) KCl Metasomatism in the Lower Crust: Nature and Experiment
Harlov D
(2005) Apatite from Durango (Mexico) – A Potential Standard for in situ Trace Element Analysis of Phosphates
Frei D, Harlov D, Dulski P & Rønsbo J
(2005) Monazite-Zircon-Fluorapatite Associations in the Melechov Granite Massif, Czech Republic
Harlov D, Prochazka V & Förster H
(2004) Dissolution-Reprecipitation in Fluorapatite: Fluid Infiltration and Formation of Metasomatic Monazite
Harlov D, Wirth R & Förster H
(2004) Origin of Extreme 3He/4He Signatures in Icelandic Lavas: Insights from Melt Inclusion Studies
Harlou R, Kent A, Breddam K, Davidson J & Pearson D
(2000) Experimental Nucleation of Co-existing Monazite and Xenotime Grains in Chlorapatite
Harlov D & Hans-Jürgen F

Harlow G.E. (2023) The B Isotopic Signature of Serpentine from Supra Subduction Zone Ophiolites: Mixing of Fluids and Tectonic Implications
Martin C, Flores KE, Harlow G, Angiboust S, Hodel F & Guice GL
(2022) Record of Fluid-Rock Interaction in a Long-Lived Subduction Channel
Flores KE, Gazel E, Bonnet G, Martin C, Cai Y, Hemming SR, Hannes BK & Harlow G
(2021) The Boron Isotopic Signature of Serpentine from Obducted Ophiolites: Mixture of Fluids and Tectonic Implications
Martin C, Flores K, Harlow G, Angiboust S, Hodel F & Guice G
(2018) Mantle Metasomatism in Subduction Zones: Insight from in situ B Isotopes
Martin C, Flores K, Angiboust S, Vitale-Brovarone A & Harlow G
(2017) Boron Isotopes as Tracers of the Tectonic Origin and Geological History of Serpentinites in Subduction and Suture Zones
Martin C, Harlow G, Flores K & Angiboust S
(2008) Fluids and the REE and O-Isotopes of Albitite, Jadeitite and Jadeite
Sorensen S, Sisson V & Harlow G
(2008) Li Isotopes in HP-Lt Rocks: Insights into the Role of Sediment-Derived Fluids
Simons KK, Harlow GE, Brueckner HK, Goldstein SL, Sorensen SS, Hemming NG & Langmuir CH
(2007) Jadeitite, Lawsonite Eclogite, and Related Rocks, Guatemala: Fluid-Rock Histories from a Cold Subduction Zone
Sorensen S, Sisson V, Harlow G, Avé Lallemant H & Tsujimori T
(2005) Jadeitite: A Record of Metasomatism at Various Depths in Guatemalan Subduction Zones
Sisson V, Harlow G & Sorensen S
(2005) Painite (CaZrBAl9O18): A Second Source in Myanmar and Metasomatic Origins
Rossman G, Naung S, Harlow G & Hunt J
(2005) CL in Support of Interpreting Gem Deposits
Harlow G, Sahm E & Hunt J
(2001) Gem Materials: Opportunities for Research and Cross-Fertilization with Education and Culture
Harlow GE
(2001) The Jadeitites of Nansibon, Myanmar: Records of the Geochemistry of Subduction Zone Fluids
Sorensen SS & Harlow GE

Harman C. (2019) Can Organic Haze and O2 Plumes Explain Patterns of Sulfur Mass-Independent Fractionation during the Archean?
Liu P, Harman C & Kasting J
(2019) A Limited Habitable Zone for Complex Life
Schwieterman E, Reinhard C, Olson S, Harman C & Lyons T
(2018) Anoxic Atmospheric Photochemistry with ROCKE-3D: The Early Earth
Harman C, Tsigaridis K, Wolf E, Way M, Sohl L & Del Genio A
(2018) Chain Formation as a Mechanism for Mass-Independent Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes in the Archean Atmosphere
Harman C, Pavlov A, Babikov D & Kasting J
(2017) Chain Formation as a Mechanism for Mass-Independent Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes in the Archean Atmosphere
Harman C, Pavlov A, Babikov D & Kasting J
(2017) Understanding Remote Biosignatures Using Earth’s Atmospheric Evolution as a Template
Kasting J, Harman C & Schwieterman E

Harman Tóth E. (2020) Mineralogical Cycle of Pb(II) in a Sinter Plant of Iron and Steel Industry
Mankovics M, Topa BA, Pekker P, Meskál L, Harman Tóth E & Weiszburg TG

Harman-Tóth E. (2021) Pyroaurite and Brucite Intimately Associated with Chrysotile: A Way to Overestimate the noa Hazard
Hyskaj A, Harman-Tóth E, Aradi LE & Weiszburg TG
(2021) The Speciation of Fluorine in Phosphogypsum
Hmissi N, Galih Prasetyo D, Harman-Tóth E & Weiszburg TG
(2021) Mineralogical Study of the Redeposited Near-Shore STD Waste in Calancan Causeway, Philippines
Medianista RL, Irshad I, Weiszburg TG & Harman-Tóth E
(2021) Waste to Watt: Unwanted Solid Materials Formation, Transport and Cycling in Biogas Engine Systems
Mohd Khaidi AASB, Harman-Tóth E, Gönczi I, Mireisz T, Kővári T & Weiszburg TG
(2020) Sea-Deposited Mine Tailings in Calanacan Bay, Marinduque, Philippines: A Natural Laboratory for Environmental Mineralogy
Medianista R, Weiszburg T & Harman-Tóth E
(2020) Fate of Elements: Unwanted Mineral Formation in Biogas Engines
Mohd Khaidi AAS, Harman-Tóth E, Gönczi I, Mireisz T, Kővári T & Weiszburg TG

Harmand M. (2015) Melting Criterion in Laser Heated Diamond Anvil Cell Experiments: Combined in situ and ex situ Methods
Morard G, Andrault D, Antonangeli D, Amichi L, Siebert J, Guyot F, Auzende A-L, Lord O, Bouchet J, Harmand M, Cochain B, Garbarino G, Kantor I, Torchio R, Boulard E & Mezouar M

Harmer Sarah (2019) The Replacement Reaction of Chalcopyrite by Covellite Under Hydro-Thermal Conditions
He Z, Harmer S, Pring A & Qian G

Harmer Sarah (2013) Reduction of Cu(II) Adsorbed to Bacterial Cells: A Role for Fe(II)?
Daughney C, Swedlund P, Moreau-Fournier M, Harmer S, Johannessen B, Franzblau R & Weisener C
(2013) Phase Identification of Complex Cu-Fe Sulfides Using Time-Of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS)
Harmer S & Kaleowda Y

Harmer Sarah (2012) A Surface Complexation Model for the Copper-Bacteria-Iron Oxide System
Daughney C, Swedlund P, Moreau-Fournier M, Harmer S, Johannessen B & Weisener C
(2009) XPS Study of Stibnite (Sb2S3) Oxidation
Zakaznova-Herzog V, Harmer S, Nesbitt W, Bancroft M & Pratt A
(2005) High Resolution Valence Band Spectra of Silicates
Zakaznova-Iakovleva V, Harmer S, Nesbitt W, Bancroft M, Tse J & Skinner W

Harmon K. (2019) LIBS-Rs-Xrfs Multisensor Data Fusion for Soil Analysis
Throckmorton C, Harmon R, Hark R, Harmon K, Plumer J, Clausen J, Morgan M, Hendrickx J & Harrison B

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