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Harfoot M. (2009) Atmospheric Methane over the Past 400 Million Years
Berner R, Beerling D, Mackenzie F, Harfoot M & Pyle J

Harfouche M. (2009) Binding of Uranium to Organic-Rich Soils in an Alpine Region in Switzerland
Roquier C, Regenspurg S, Harfouche M, Froidevaux P, Steinmann P, Junier P & Bernier-Latmani R
(2009) XAFS Study of the Structural Behaviour of Monazite
Harfouche M & Farges F
(2004) U(VI) Uptake by Co-precipitation and Adsorption Processes in Cementitious Systems
Fujita T, Tits J, Harfouche M, Sugiyama D, Tsukamoto M & Wieland E
(2004) Metal Speciation in Heterogeneous Waste Repository Materials Using micro-Xrf and micro-XAS
Scheidegger A, Grolimund D, Vespa M, Harfouche M, Wieland E, Dähn R & Cui D

Hargreaves B. (2005) Solute Behavior in Agricultural vs Forested Watersheds during Storm Events: Implications for DOC Sources
Peters S, Hargreaves B & Haight S

Hargrove P. (2010) Fracturing, Cementation and Feedback in a Small-Offset Oblique Slip Fault in Sandstone
Laubach S, Hargrove P, Ellis M & Eichhubl P

Hari H. (2023) Late-Cambrian Upper Amphibolite to Granulite-Facies Metamorphism in the Mikir Hills, Assam-Meghalaya Gneissic Complex (NE India): P-T History and Tectonic Implications
Nag RK, Cogné N, Hari H & Naraga P

Hari K.r (2020) Platinum-Group Element Geochemistry of Boradih Ultramafic Intrusion from the Sonakhan Greenstone Belt, Bastar Craton
Manu Prasanth MP, Gregory Shellnutt J & Hari KR

Hari K.r. (2014) The Plume Source As Characterized by Trace Elements in Olivine
Putirka K, Tao Y, Hari KR & Perfit M

Harichourry J. (2004) Vapor-Liquid Partitioning of Metals at Hydrothermal Conditions
Pokrovski G, Roux J & Harichourry J

Harigane Y. (2023) Molybdenum Isotopic Composition of ca. 2.45-Gyr-Old Sandstones from the Huronian Supergroup, Canada
Goto KT, Shimoda G, Harigane Y & Tajika E
(2023) Age and Origin of Philippine Sea Basins -Tectonic Setting Leading to Subduction Initiation-
Ishizuka O, Tani K, Taylor RN, Umino S, Sakamoto I, Yokoyama Y, Shimoda G, Harigane Y, Ohara Y, Conway C & Perez A
(2020) Eoarchean high-P/T Metamorphism from Isua Ultramafic Rocks: Implications for Elemental Mobilization
Guotana JM, Morishita T, Nishio I, Tamura A, Mizukami T, Tani K, Harigane Y, Szilas K & Pearson DG
(2020) Crustal Accretion in a Back-Arc Slow-Spreading Ridge: Insights from the Mado Megamullion Core Complex (Shikoku Basin)
Basch V, Sani C, Sanfilippo A, Ohara Y, Snow J, Harigane Y & Yamashita H
(2019) Lower Oceanic Crust Exposure in the Shikoku Backarc Basin: Preliminary Data from the Mado Megamullion
Sani C, Alessio S, Yasuhiko O, Snow J, Harigane Y & Yamashita H
(2019) Magmatic Evolution of High-Mg Andesites and Dacites at Ruapehu Volcano, New Zealand
Conway CE, Chamberlain KJ, Harigane Y & Morgan DJ
(2017) Tectonic and Magmatic Evolution at Subduction Initiation- the Case of Izu-Bonin-Mariana-
Ishizuka O, Tani K, Harigane Y, Umino S, Hickey-Vargas R, Yogodzinski G, Kusano Y, McCarthy A, Savov I, Arculus R, Reagan M & Stern R
(2016) Geochemical & Geochronological Constraints on the Subduction Initiation of the Izu-Bonin Arc
Ishizuka O, Tani K, Harigane Y, Ohara Y, Taylor R, Kusano Y, Hickey-Vargas R, Yogodzinsky G, Sudo M, McCarthy A, Savov I, Arculus R & Bogus K
(2016) Molybdenum Isotopes in Marine Hydrothermal Mn Deposits
Goto K, Shimoda G, Anbar A, Gordon G, Harigane Y, Senda R, Suzuki K & Hein J
(2016) Microstructural and Petrological Analyses Peridotites and Gabbros from IODP Hole U1382A at North Pond in the Kane Area of Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Harigane Y, Abe N, Michibayashi K, Kimura J-I & Chang Q
(2014) Constraints on the Origin of Hess Deep Lower Crustal Layering
Meyer R, Ceuleneer G, Brown T, Cheadle MJ, John B & Harigane Y
(2014) Static and Fault-Related Alteration In The Lower Ocean Crust, IODP Expedition 345, Hess Deep
McCaig A, Titarenko S, Faak K, Harigane Y, Marks N, Nozaka T, Python M, Wintsch R & Gillis K
(2011) Processes and Timescale of Subduction Initiation and Subsequent Evolution of Izu-Bonin Mariana Island Arc
Ishizuka O, Tani K, Reagan MK, Kanayama K, Umino S, Harigane Y, Sakamoto I, Miyajima Y, Yuasa M & Dunkley DJ

Hariharan A. (2015) Elasticity of Hydrous Aluminosilicate Mineral- Topaz (Al2SiO4(OH)2)
Mookherjee M, Tsuchiya J & Hariharan A

Harijoko A. (2022) Investigation on the Early-Stage Formation Mechanism of Silica Scale Under Acidic pH
Juhri S, Yonezu K, Harijoko A & Yokoyama T
(2021) Monogenetic Scoria Cones as Windows into Transcrustal Mush
Barber ND, Baldwin S, Edmonds M, Wibowo HE & Harijoko A

Harikripa Narayana U.S.

Haring B. (2010) Biogenically Formed Metal Sulfide Phases
Peltier E, Haring B & Fowle D

Häring M. (2011) Dating Crocidolite Deposits Using the Argon-Argon-Method
Häring M, Pfänder J & Gutzmer J

Harings M. (2006) EMP chemical age dating of monazites from a complex terrain: the Paleo-Proterozoic of Broken Hill, Australia
White S, Van Roermund H & Harings M

Harir M. (2021) Dynamics of Redox Conditions in Shallow Freshwater Sediments as Principle Control on Nutrient Speciation and Mobility
Druschel G, Shukle JT, Kurek MR, Harir M, Schmitt-Kopplin P & Schroth A
(2018) Molecular Characteristics of Water Column and Sedimentary Dissolved Organic Matter in Boreal Swedish Lakes (DOM)
Hertkorn N, Gonsior M, Harir M, Enrich-Prast A, Bastviken D, Schmitt-Kopplin P & Conrad R
(2017) Assessing the Universe of Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) of Polydisperse Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM)
Li Y, Harir M, Lucio M, Koch BP, Schmitt-Kopplin P & Hertkorn N
(2017) Novel Metalorganic Compounds Revealed in Meteorites
Ruf A, Kanawati B, Yin Q-Z, Moritz F, Harir M, Lucio M, Shilobreeva S, Gabelica Z, Gougeon RD, Quirico E, Haack H, Gonsior M, Jenniskens P, Hinman NW & Schmitt-Kopplin P
(2017) Fractionation of Humic Acids Upon Sorption to Redox Inert Sorbents and its Effect on Redox State
Subdiaga E, Orsetti S, Harir M, Schmitt-Kopplin P & Haderlein SB
(2017) Sediment Pore Water DOM Characterization during Anaerobic Degradation (Amazon, Brazil)
Valle J, Gonsior M, Harir M, Hertkorn N, Schmitt-Kopplin P & Enrich-Prast A
(2015) Non-Target Analysis of Murchison Soluble Organic Matter by High-Field NMR Spectroscopy and FTICR Mass Spectrometry
Hertkorn N, Harir M & Schmitt-Kopplin P
(2013) Natural Organic Matter and our Current Capacity to Depict Molecular Dissimilarity in Complex Mixtures
Hertkorn N, Harir M & Schmitt-Kopplin P
(2013) Ultrahigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry of Natural Organic Matter from Hydrothermal Springs
Dvorski S, Harir M, Hertkorn N, Hinman N, Gonsior M, Cooper W & Schmitt-Kopplin P

Haris P. (2009) Geogenic Trace Elements in Groundwaters in the Mt Etna Region: Geostastistical, Proteomic & Epidemiological Approaches to Assessing Human Exposure and Health Risks
Cascio C, Lado LR, Polya D, Zappia M, Patti F, Nicoletti A, Jenkins R & Haris P

Harish V. (2015) Interpretation of Zn Isotope Ratio Measurments in a Complex Geochemical System
Blowes D, Lindsay M, Matthies R, Harish V, Kong L, Eagling J & Ptacek C

Harissopulos S. (2009) Nanoscale Processes during the Interaction of Aluminosilicate and Carbonate Mineral Surfaces with Acid Mine Drainage (AMD)
Kollias K, Godelitsas A, Astilleros JM, Ladas S, Kennou S, Potamitis C, Zervou M, Lagoyiannis A, Harissopulos S & Mavromoustakos T

Harju E. (2013) Dark Organic Matter in Permanently Shadowed Craters on Mercury
Harju E, Paige D, Siegler M, Delitsky M & Schriver D

Hark R. (2022) Biohalogenation and gut Mineralization of Invertebrates Specialized in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Environments
Yohe LR, Tepolt C, Yohe S, Syverson D & Hark R
(2019) LIBS-Rs-Xrfs Multisensor Data Fusion for Soil Analysis
Throckmorton C, Harmon R, Hark R, Harmon K, Plumer J, Clausen J, Morgan M, Hendrickx J & Harrison B

Harke M. (2020) The Ocean’s Response to the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption
Wilson S, Hawco N, Barone B, Boysen A, DeLong E, Dugenne M, Dutkiewicz S, Dyhrman S, Ferron S, Follows M, Foreman R, Funkey C, German C, Harke M, Hill C, Huber J, Knapp A, Letelier R, Shimabukuro E, Soule A, Turk-Kubo K, White A, Zehr J, John S & Karl D

Harkness Jennifer (2016) Lithium Isotope Fingerprints of Fossil Fuel Resources and Associated Wastewater
Harkness J, Dwyer G, Millot R, Ruhl L, Hower J, Warner N & Vengosh A
(2016) Study of Salinization and Pollution of the Coastal Aquifer of Chott Meriem, Sahel of Sousse, Tunisia
Ben Hamouda MF, Kondash AJ, Trabelsi B, Harkness J, Lauer N & Vengosh A

Harkness Jennifer (2018) Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence for Geogenic Molybdenum in Southeastern Wisconsin
Harkness J, Darrah T & Vengosh A

Harkness Jennifer (2015) Geochemical Characterization of West Virginia Groundwater in an Area Impacted by Hydraulic Fracturing
Harkness J, Warner N, Kern E, Darrah T, Jackson R & Vengosh A
(2015) Study of Salinization and Pollution of the Coastal Aquifer of Chott Meriem, Sahel of Sousse, Tunisia
Ben Hamouda MF, Kondash AJ, Harkness J, Lauer N & Vengosh A
(2014) The Geochemical and Isotopic Fingerprints of Fossil Fuels Associated Contaminants
Vengosh A, Warner NR, Ruhl L, Harkness J, Millot R & Kloppmann W
(2014) The Isotopic Imprints of Effluents from an Oil Sand Tailing Pond in Alberta, Canada
Harkness J, Warner N, Ulrich A, Millot R, Kloppmann W, Ahad J, Savard M & Vengosh A

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