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Hardisty Dalton (2018) Redox and Ecological Complexity Across the Ediacaran-Cambrian Boundary
Bowyer F, Wood R, Poulton S, Hardisty D & Lyons T

Hardisty Dalton (2017) A Novel Tracer Method to Provide Principle Constraints on Seawater Iodine Redox Chemistry
Hardisty D, Horner T, Wankel S, Blusztajn J & Nielsen S
(2017) Historical Fluxes of Toxic Trace Elements in the Salton Sea Basin
Odigie KO, Hardisty DS, Geraci JB & Lyons TW

Hardisty Dalton (2016) Spatiotemporal Variations in the Degree and Frequency of Baltic Sea Holocene Anoxia
Hardisty D, Riedinger N, Holdaway B, Planavsky N, Bates S, Asael D & Lyons T
(2016) Do Boron Isotopes in Shallow Marine Carbonate Record Marine pH?
Zhang S, Henehan M, Planavsky N & Hardisty D

Hardisty Dalton (2023) Incorporation of Iodine in Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates: Implications for Methane Flux Dynamics
Akam SA, Hardisty D, Feng D, Wang X, Hashim M, Burke J, Swanner E, Crémière A & Peckmann J

Hardisty Dalton (2022) A Carbonate Multi-Proxy Investigation of Oceanic Oxygenation Across the Ediacaran–Cambrian Boundary
Chanchai W, Smith E, Nelson LL, Lonsdale M, Hardisty D, Burke J & Lau KV

Hardisty Dalton (2020) Chromium Isotope Systematics and Diagenesis in Marine Carbonates
Wang C, Rybacki K, Hardisty D, Wang X, Reinhard C & Planavsky N

Hardisty Dalton (2015) A Holocene History of Dynamic Redox Conditions in the Landsort Deep, Baltic Sea
Hardisty D, Riedinger N, Lyons T, Planavsky N, Andrén T, Jorgensen B, Slomp C, Ash J, Bauersachs T & Martin E
(2014) An Oceanic Oxidation Event Coincident with the Shuram Carbonate-Carbon Isotope Excursion
Hardisty D, Lu Z, Osburn M, Planavsky N, Jiang G, Zhou X, Ling H-F, Li D & Lyons T
(2013) A Record of Paleoproterozoic Surface Ocean Redox from Iodine-To-Calcium Ratios
Hardisty D, Lu Z, Planavsky N, Bekker A, Zhou X & Lyons T

Hardisty Dalton (2012) New Insights from FOAM: Iron and Trace Metal Cycling in Highly Sulfidic Pore Waters beneath an Oxic Water Column
Hardisty D, Riedinger N, Gill B, Johnston D, Reinhard C, Planavsky N, Asael D & Lyons T

Hardisty L. (2017) Isotope and Trace Element Geochemistry of Cretaceous Igneous Rocks of the Arkansas Alkaline Province, USA: Constraints on their Origin and Evolution
Potra A, Hardisty L, Philbrick J & Bottoms B

Hardman A. (2021) Calibration of Bacterial 3-Hydroxy Fatty Acid Based Palaeoclimate Proxies in Global Soils
Wang C, Bendle JA, Yang H, Yang Y, Hardman A, Yamoah A, Thorpe A, Mandel I, Greene SE, Huang J & Xie S

Hardman M.F. (2022) Using Triple Oxygen Isotopes to Distinguish Mantle Metasomatism in Eclogite Xenoliths
Peshek C, Sharp Z, McGunnigle J, Cano E, Aulbach S, Viljoen F, Pearson DG & Hardman MF
(2022) Evaluating the Effects of Natural Radiation Exposure on Green Diamonds
Hardman MF, Eaton-Magaña S, Breeding CM & Bassoo R

Hards V. (2007) 238U- and 232Th-Decay Series Constraints on the Timescales of Generation and Degassing for Phonolite Erupted in 2004 Near Tristan da Cunha
Reagan M, Turner S, Legg M, Sims K & Hards V

Hardt B. (2018) Millennial-Scale Controls on Monsoon Precipitation in Madagascar during the Deglaciation
Scroxton N, Burns S, McGee D, Hardt B, Godfrey L, Ranivoharimanana L & Faina P
(2016) High Precision Uranium-Thorium Geochronology on the Nu Plasma II-ES
McGee D, Hardt B & Zhao Y
(2008) Absolute Dated Terrestrial Climate Record of Temperature and Precipitation in the Eastern US
Hardt B, Rowe HD, Springer GS, Cheng H & Edwards RL

Hardy B. (2011) Pedogenesis and Stabilization of Soil Organic Carbon in a Charcoal Production Plot
Cornelis J-T, Hardy B, Delvaux B & Dufey J

Hardy K. (2010) Constraining Global-Scale Weathering Models Through Nano-Scale Ectomycorrhiza-Mineral Interactions
Bridge J, Bonneville S, Saccone L, Schmalenberger A, Duran A, Andrews M, Hardy K, Taylor L, Beerling D, Benning L, Leake J, McMaster T & Banwart S
(2009) Mycorrhizal Evolution, Biological Weathering and the Long-Term Carbon Cycle
Taylor LL, Leake JR, Quirk J, Hardy K, Banwart SA & Beerling DJ

Hardy L. (2019) Modeling Nitrogen Species as a Source of Titratable Alkalinity and Dissolved Gas Pressure in Water
Hardy L

Hardy M. (2021) Calcium Isotopic Biogeochemistry: Application to the Dietary Reconstruction of Middle Paleolithic Neandertals
Dodat P-J, Couture-Veschambre C, Hardy M, Maureille B & Balter V

Hardy S.J. (2021) Terrestrial Geochronology and Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry at the Carnegie Institution of Washington 1950–2021
Shirey SB, Carlson RW, Walter MJ & Hardy SJ

Hare Dominic (2015) New Developments in 3D LA-ICP-MS Imaging: Advanced Alignment and Analysis Techniques
Paul B, Hare D, Paton C, Hergt J & Woodhead J

Hare Dominic (2014) High-Resolution 3D Imaging Strategies for Bio-Materials by LA-ICP-MS
Paul B, Hare D, Paton C, Hergt J & Woodhead J

Hare T. (2005) Next-Generation Robotic Planetary Reconnaissance Missions: A Paradigm Shift
Fink W, Dohm J, Tarbell M, Hare T & Baker V

Hare Vincent (2023) High-Precision Triple Oxgyen Isotope Analysis of CO2 by TILDAS
Hare V, Dyroff C, Nelson DD & Yarian DA
(2018) Different Responses of Terrestrial C3 Plant Groups to Paleo-pCO2, pO2, and Implications for Photosynthetic Fractionation of Stable Carbon Isotopes
Hare V

Hare Vincent J (2021) Differences in Carbon Isotope Fractionation between Angiosperm and Gymnosperm Woody Plants, and their Significance for Paleoatmosphere and Hydroclimate Reconstruction
Hare VJ & Lavergne A

Harek Y. (2021) Copper Isotope for Potential Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis
Kazi Tani LS, Gourlan AT, Dennouni-Medjati N, Dali Sahi M, Harek Y, Belhadj M, Telouk P & Charlet L

Hareli Y. (2000) The Interrelation between Fe Speciation, Temporal and Spatial Distribution and Phytoplankton Population in Lake Kinneret
Hareli Y, Erel Y & Sukenik A

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