Habarulema J.B.
Africa Initiative for Planetary and Space Sciences
Baratoux D, Chennaoui-Aoudjehane H, Gibson R, Lamali A, Reimold WU, Selorm Sapah M, Chabou C, Habarulema JB, Jessell MW, Mogessie A, Benkhaldoun Z, Nkhonjera E, Mukosi NC, Kaire M, Rochette P, Sickafoose A, Martínez-Frías J, Hofmann A, Folco L & Rossi AP
Habasque J.
Stable Mercury Concentrations in Tunas from the Global Ocean Arise Question About Monitoring the Effectiveness of the Minamata Convention
Médieu A, Point D, Sonke JE, Buchanan P, Bodin N, Adams D, Bignert A, Streets D, Hélène A, Ménard F, Choy CA, Allain V, Itai T, Bustamante P, Ferriss B, Bourlès B, Habasque J, Gauthier O & Lorrain A
Haber J.
Evidence of Early and Late Diagenesis of Sediments from Past Habitable Environments in Gale Crater, Mars: A Mastcam Multispectral Perpsective
Rudolph A, Haber J, Horgan B, Bennett K, Fox V, Seeger C, Rice M, Johnson J, Bell Iii J, Jacob S & Rampe E
Haber T.
Comparative Chronology of Apollo 16 Impactites and Implications for the Landing Site Stratigraphy
Černok A, Haber T, Dürr T, Rocholl A, Schwarz WH, Jeon H, Whitehouse M, Scherer EE & Becker H
Confirming the KREEP-Rich Nature of the Parental Melt of Noritic Anorthosite in Apollo 16 Breccia 67955 Using Pb-Pb Systematics
Haber T, Černok A, Becker H & Scherer EE
Multi-System Chronometry of Lunar Impact Melt Rock 61156
Haber T & Scherer EE
Multi-System Chronometry of Lunar Breccia 67955
Haber T & Scherer E
Geospeedometry Applied to El'gygytgyn Impact Glass
Rantzsch U, Haber T, Klimm D & Kloess G
Haber-Pohlmeier S.
Application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Assess Changes in Transport Properties of Porous Media due to Dissolution and Precipitation Processes
Poonoosamy J, Pohlmeier A, Haber-Pohlmeier S, Klinkenberg M, Bosbach D & Deissmann G
Haberer C.M.
Oxygen Transfer Across the Capillary Fringe: Impact of Transient Flow Conditions and Coarse-Material Lenses
Haberer CM, Rolle M, Cirpka OA & Gratwohl P
Haberer R.
Molecular Characterisation of the Organic Matter at the Mallik 5L-38 Research Well: Implications for Depositional Environment and the Deep Biosphere
Haberer R, Mangelsdorf K, Zink K, Wilkes H & Horsfield B
Haberhauser G.
Stable Nitrogen Isotopic Chemistry of Nitrate in GISP II Ice
Lyons W, Wagenbach D, Stanzick A, Haberhauser G & Welch K
Haberle R.
Constraining Hesperian Martian PCO2 from Mineral Analysis at Gale Crater
Bristow T, Haberle R, Blake D, Vaniman D, Grotzinger J, Siebach K, Des Marias D, Rampe E, Eigenbrode J, Sutter B, Fairén A, Mischna M & Vasavada A
Haberle S.
Historical Deposition and Fluxes of Mercury (Hg) in Papua New Guinea
Schneider L, Haberle S, Cooke C, Maher W & Hintelmann H
Habermann D.
Preservation and Chemical Alteration of Biogenic Francolite and Calcite from Marine Organism
Habermann D, Banerjee A, Goette T, Meijer J, Stephan A & Richter DK
Investigation of Manganese in Salt- and Fresh-Water Pearls
Habermann D & Banerjee A
Habermann M.
Phase Equilibria of a S- and C-Poor Lunar Core
Righter K, Pando K, Go M, Danielson L & Habermann M
Metal-Silicate-Sulfide Partitioning of U, Th, and K: Implications for the Budget of Volatile Elements in Mercury
Habermann M, Boujibar A, Righter K, Danielson L, Rapp J, Righter M, Pando K, Ross D & Andreasen R
Haberstroh P.
Investigating Marine Organic Matter Diagenesis Using STXM and Carbon K-Edge XANES
Brandes J, Haberstroh P & Wirick S
Haberthur D.
Determination of Reaction Rates at Crystal Surfaces Using 4D X-Ray Microtomography
Noiriel C, Saldi G, Oursin M, Daval D & Haberthur D
Habib A.
Horizontal Mass Flux of Aerosols in Taklamakan Desert Area Using Balloon Borne Measurements
Chen B, Habib A, Shi G & Iwasaka Y
Habicht H.
Using Geochemical Data to Constrain the Climatic and Ice-Cover History of Greenland
Keisling B, Habicht H, Castañeda I, Brigham-Grette J & DeConto R
Terrestrial Arctic Climate from Lake El’gygytgyn: Normal vs. Super Interglacial Teleconnections
Brigham-Grette J, Castañeda I, Deconto R, Roychowdhury R, DeWet G, Habicht H, Keisling B & Daniels W
Habicht K.S.
The Bacterial C-Isotope Archive: Modern Anoxygenic Phototrophs Elucidate Past Processes in S and Fe-Rich Systems
Posth NR, Bristow LA, Habicht KS, Cox RP & Canfield DE
Large 34S Depletions of Reduced Sedimentary Sulfides at Low Sulfate Concentrations in an Iron-Rich Lake Dominated by Anaerobic Methane Oxidation
Weber HS, Thamdrup B & Habicht KS
Multiple Sulfur Isotope Model of Temperature Dependent Isotope Fractionation in Archaeoglobus Fulgidus
Harms B, Mitchell K, Habicht K, Hoek J & Farquhar J
Metatranscriptomics of the Green Sulfur Bacteria in a Meromictic Swiss Lake (Lago di Cadagno)
Cox R, Habicht K, Miller M, Storelli N, Tonolla M & Frigaard N-U
The Effect of High Concentrations of Green Sulfur Bacteria on the Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle of Lago di Cadagno
Habicht K, Frigaard NU, Johnson B, Andersen J, Falkenby L & Miller M
Isotope Study of S-Cycle of Lago di Cadagno
Farquhar J, Canfield D, Zerkle A & Habicht K
Proteomic Study of Chlorobium clathratiforme in Lago di Cadagno, Switzerland
Habicht KS, Miller M, Nielsen LF, Frigaard N-U & Andersen JS
Multiple Isotope Effects Associated with Biogeochemical Networks
Farquhar J, Johnston D, Wing B, Ono S, Canfield D & Habicht K
Using 33S to Differentiate Biotic and Abiotic Suflur Isotope Signatures
Johnston D, Farquhar J, Wing B, Canfield D & Habicht K
Microbial Sulfate Reduction and Methanogenesis in the Archean Ocean
Habicht K, Gade M, Thamdrup B, Berg P & Canfield D
Constraining Sulfate Levels in Archean Oceans
Canfield D, Habicht KH, Thamdrup B & Berg P
The Effect of Sulfate Concentration on the Sulfur Isotope Fractionation during Sulfate Reduction by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
Habicht K & Canfield DE
Habicht M.H.
Continental Temperature Variability in the Beringian Arctic during the Past 3.6 Ma: The Lake El’gygytgyn MBT/CBT Record
Castaneda IS, Salacup J, de Wet G, Habicht MH, Keisling B, Phu V, Johnson J & Brigham-Grette J
Habig J.
Direct Measurements of Isotopic Fractionation Factors of Water Vapor over Ice for Temperatures Below 235 K
Lamb K, Clouser B, Sarkozy L, Stutz E, Kühnreich B, Landsberg J, Habig J, Hiranuma N, Wagner S, Ebert V, Kerstel E, Möhler O, Saathoff H & Moyer E
Water H218O Isotope Studies in the AIDA Cloud Simulation Chamber
Kühnreich B, Landsberg J, Habig J, Wagner S, Moyer EJ, Saathoff H, Ebert V & Kerstel E
Applications of Absorption Spectroscopy for Water Isotopic Measurements in Cold Clouds
Moyer E, Sarkozy L, Lamb K, Clouser B, Stutz E, Kuhnreich B, Landsberg J, Habig J, Hiranuma N, Wagner S, Ebert V, Kerstel E, Moehler O & Saathoff H
Habler G.
The Behavior of Mineral Inclusions at a Reaction Interface
Baldwin L, Li C, Habler G, Ballhaus C & Abart R
New Data on Anisotropy and Composition Dependence of Na/K-Interdiffusion in Alkali Feldspar
Schaeffer A-K, Petrishcheva E, Habler G, Abart R & Rhede D
The Behaviour of Submicron Inclusions during Host Deformation
Griffiths TA, Habler G, Abart R & Rhede D
Deformation-Related Chemical Alteration of Meta-Pegmatites
Eberlei T, Habler G, Abart R & Grasemann B
Nucleation and Growth of Acicular Rutile in Garnet: A Case of Open System Precipitation
Proyer A, Habler G, Abart R, Wirth R, Krenn K & Hoinkes G
Habraken W.J.E.M.
Biomineralization Pathways of Regenerated Sea Urchin Spines
Albéric M, Bertinetti L, Habraken W, Gilbert P, Fratzl P & Politi Y
Influence of Additives on Phase Behavior and Crystallization of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Zou Z, Bertinetti L, Politi Y, Weiner S, Addadi L, Fratzl P & Habraken WJEM
Experimental Evidence for a Spinodal Region in the Phase Diagram of Calcium Carbonate
Zou Z, Habraken W, Bertinetti L, Politi Y, Vidavski N, Gal A, Weiner S, Addadi L & Fratzl P
The Elusive Structure of Nanocrystals
Jensen A, Zou Z, Politi Y, Bertinetti L, Fratzl P, Schneck E & Habraken W
Structural Changes and Thermodynamic Pathways during the Heat-, and Moisture Induced Crystallization of Biogenic and Synthetic Amorphous Calcium Carbonate: An in situ Study
Politi Y, Habraken W, Bertinetti L & Fratzl P
The Discovery and Role of Non-Stoichometric Complexes of Calcium Carbonate in the Solution Precipitation of Vaterite
Smeets P, Habraken W, Bertinetti L, Nudelman F & Sommerdijk N
Habryn R.
Geochemical Signature of Pyrite as a New Proxy Toward Mineralization Center – A Case Study from the Myszków Mo-Cu-W Porphyry Deposit, Poland
Naglik B, Dumańska-Słowik MA, Dimitrova D, Woszczyna M, Sosnal A, Habryn R, Toboła T & Pršek J
Geochemistry of Porphyry-Style Pyrite as a Tool for Vectoring Boiling Horizons: An Example from Myszków Mo-Cu-W Deposit (Poland)
Naglik B, Dumańska-Słowik MA, Toboła T, Dimitrova D, Derkowski P, Zieliński G, Habryn R & Markowiak M
Habuchi M.
Arsenic and Mercury Emission from Magmatic Fluid from Active Iwo-Yama, Kirishima Volcanoes, Japan
Masuda H, Mori K, Habuchi M, Ishibashi J, Ikawa R & Takeuchi A
Hach P.
Offshore Transport of a Key Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria from the SUP05 Clade Sustains ‘cryptic Sulfur Cycling’ in the the Oxygen Minimum Zone of the Peru Upwelling
Callbeck C, Lavik G, Ferdelman T, Fuchs B, Gruber-Vodicka H, Hach P, Littmann S, Schoffelen N, Kalvelage T, Thomsen S, Schunck H, Löscher C, Schmitz R & Kuypers M
Hachenberger A.
Fluoride Circulation from Geothermal Fluids to Surface Waters and in Volcanic Rocks of the Aluto Volcanic Complex (Ethiopia)
Regenspurg S, Virchow L, Wilke F, Zimmer M, Joilie E, Hachenberger A, Yirgu G & Filfilu E