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Hammond Samantha J (2023) Silicon Isotopes Reveal How Fjords Modulate Reactive Silicate Transport from Glaciers to Coastal Regions
Wang T, Ng HC, Hatton J, Hammond SJ, Woodward EMS, Meire L & Hendry KR
(2023) Investigating the Enrichment of Critical Metals in Granitic Pegmatites from NE Scotland: Melting Process or Protolith?
Webster TJ, Argles T, Jenner FE, Goodenough K, Hammond SJ, Harris NBW & Kunz BE
(2023) Geochemical Signatures of Pelitic Melt Reactions: A Case Study from the Garhwal Himalaya
Oldman CJ, Warren CJ, Spencer C, Argles T, Harris NBW & Hammond SJ
(2022) Volatile Trace Element Emissions from Magmatic Degassing and Lava-Water Interaction during the 2021 Cumbre Vieja Eruption, La Palma
Liu EJ, Edmonds M, Ilyinskaya E, Mather TA, Wood KT, Hammond SJ, Jenner FE, Hernandez PA, Pankhurst MJ & Perez Rodriguez N
(2022) Dynamic Benthic Silicon Cycling in Southwest Greenland Fjords Revealed by Stable Isotopes
Wang T, Hendry KR, Ng HC, Hatton J, Hammond SJ & Woodward EMS
(2022) Global Deep Ocean Circulation Through the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum – A Neodymium Isotope Perspective
Ross PI, van de Flierdt T, Lunt DJ, Steinig S, Sexton P & Hammond SJ
(2021) Analysis of S, Se and Ag in Volcanic Glasses by ICP-Qqq-Ms
Hammond SJ, Kunz BE & Jenner FE
(2020) Cadmium Isotope Fractionation Reveals Genetic Variations in Cd Uptake and Translocation by Theobroma Cacao and Role of NRAMP5 and HMA-Family Transporters
Moore RET, Ullah I, de Oliveira V, Hammond SJ, Strekopytov S, Tibbett M, Dunwell JM & Rehkämper M
(2020) Finding a Pulse: Melt Formation and Timing in the Garhwal Himalaya
Oldman C, Warren C, Spencer C, Argles T, Harris N & Hammond S

Hammond T. (2009) A Stable Isotope Study of Soil Water and Soil CO2 along a Climate Gradient
Gazis C, Hammond T & Larkins C

Hammond W.C. (2002) Seismic Anisotropy and Heterogeneity beneath the MELT Region
Toomey DR & Hammond WC

Hammons J. (2015) Multiscale Effects of Reactivity and Flow Rate on Porosity during Dissolution of Carbonates
Anovitz L, Novack C, Prisk T, Ilavsky J, Hammons J, Mildner D, Wasborough M, Jacobson D & Hussey D

Hammor D. (2019) Witness of UHP Metamorphism in the Western Mediterranean
Bruguier O, Bosch D, Caby R, Vitale-Brovarone A, Fernandez L, Hammor D, Laouar R, Ouabadi A & Abdallah N
(2011) Origin and Signficance of Basic and Ultrabasic Outcrops from Northeastern Algeria (Edough Massif)
Bosch D, Hammor D, Bruguier O, Caby R & Mechati M
(2008) Sampling an Active Continental Paleo-Margin: A LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Zircon Study from the Adrar des Iforas (Mali)
Bruguier O, Bosch D, Caby R, Galland B & Hammor D
(2007) Miocene Incorporation of Peridotites into the Lower Crust during Opening of the Algerian Basin: Insight from U-Pb LA-ICP-MS Analyses
Bruguier O, Bosch D, Hammor D & Caby R

Hammouda T. (2023) Solubility of CO2 in Mafic Melts up to 8.5 GPa, Measured by Raman Spectroscopy
Sarda P, Amalberti J, Le Losq C, Sator N, Hammouda T, Chamorro-Pérez E, Guillot B, Le Floch S & Neuville D
(2023) Experimental in situ Monitoring of Metal Vaporisation from Molten Enstatite Chondrite
Lécaille M, Hammouda T, Vlastelic I, Piro J-L, Pointud F & Charlier B
(2023) Mapping the Redox State of the Young Solar System Using Ytterbium Valence State
Hammouda T, Frossard P, Boyet M, Bouvier A, Newville M & Lanzirotti A
(2021) Is There a Global Carbonate Layer in the Oceanic Mantle?
Hammouda T, Manthilake G, Goncalves P, Chantel J, Guignard J, Crichton W & Gaillard F
(2019) Sm and Nd Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in EL and EH Chondrites
Frossard P, Boyet M, Bouvier A & Hammouda T
(2019) Rare Earth Elements Partitioning between Sulphides and Melt: Evidence for Yb2+ and Sm2+ in EH Chondrites
Ingrao N, Hammouda T, Boyet M, Vlastelic I, Moine B, Devidal J-L, Testemale D, Hazemann J-L, Proux O & Mathon O
(2017) Behaviour of Rare Earth Elements during the Earth’s Core Formation
Faure P, Bouhifd A, Boyet M, Hammouda T & Manthilake G
(2017) Melt-Sulfide Rare Earth Elements Distribution Under Reduced Conditions
Ingrao N, Hammouda T, Boyet M, Vlastelic I, Devidal JL, Moine B & Mathon O
(2016) Elements Partitioning during Mercury’s Two Shells Core Formation
Cartier C, Namur O, Charlier B & Hammouda T
(2014) Redox Control on Nb/Ta Fractionation: New Constraints on the Earth-Moon System
Cartier C, Hammouda T, Boyet M, Bouhifd MA & Devidal J-L
(2013) Cerium Isotope Systematics of Oceanic Carbonatites
Doucelance R, Bellot N, Boyet M & Hammouda T
(2013) Nb/Ta Decoupling Under Low Fo<sub>2</Sub>
Cartier C, Hammouda T, Bouhifd MA, Boyet M & Devidal J-L
(2013) Major Melting on EL Enstatite Chondrite Parent Body
Hammouda T, Boyet M, Moine B, Cartier C & Devidal J-L
(2012) The Role of Sulfides on High Field-Strength Element Budget during Enstatite Chondrite Melting
Hammouda T, Cartier C, Boyet M, Moine B & Devidal J-L
(2011) The Deep Carbon Cycle Confronted to Mantle Electrical Conductivities
Hammouda T, Gaillard F, Guillot B, Tarits P, Sator N, Micoulaut M & Hautot S
(2002) Silicon, Sulphur and Carbon Behaviour during Core/Mantle Segregation
Siebert J, Malavergne V, Guyot F, Hammouda T, Combes R & Martinez I

Hammoumi O. (2009) The Tritium as an Indicator for Landfill Leachate Pollution (Case of Mediouna Landfill, Morocco)
Fekri A, Wahbi M, Benbouziane A, Hammoumi O & Marah H

Hamon C. (2012) Microbial Characterization of Groundwater from Boreholes at CRL
Stroes-Gascoyne S, Beaton D, Audette-Stuart M, King-Sharp K, Festarini A, Hamon C, Rose S & Bellan L

Hamon J. (2021) Understanding the Formation of Carbonates on Mars: Experimental Approach
Gil-Lozano C, Baron F, Gaudin A, Lorand J-P, Fernandez V, Hamon J & Mangold N

Hámor-Vidó M. (2015) A Multi-System Geochronology of Cenozoic Tuffs in the Western Pannonian Basin with Implications for Interpretation of (U-Th)/He Data
Danišík M, Fodor L, Dunkl I, Gerdes A, Csizmeg J, Hámor-Vidó M, McDonald B & Evans N

Hamouda R. (2019) Urban Influence on Organic Matter Preservation in Different Mediterranean Paralic Ecosystem
Ouertani N & Hamouda R
(2018) Significance of the Identification of Methylhopane Biomarker Hydrocarbons in the Holocene Sediments. Case of the « Lac sud de Tunis »
Ouertani N, Hamouda R & Belayouni H
(2016) Evolution of Lipid Biomarkers as Indicators of Environmental Changes in an Anoxic Lagoon: "Lac de Tunis"
Ouertani N, Hamouda R & Belayouni H
(2007) Evolution of Anoxic Aquatic Systems Under Urban Environments: Case of 'Lac Sud' Tunisia
Ouertani N, Hamouda R & Belayouni H
(2007) Diagnosis of Pollution State of the Coasts in the Vicinity of an Oil Terminal: Bioremediation Effect
Hamouda R, Ouertani N & Belayouni H

Hamovit N. (2023) 13CH3D and 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes of Air as a Tool for Understanding Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks
Haghnegahdar MA, Sun J, Hultquist N, Hamovit N, Yarwood SA, Kaufman AJ, Bouyon A, Magen C & Farquhar J
(2022) An Insight into Atmospheric Methane Sources and Sinks Using 13CH3D &amp; 12CH2D2 Clumped Isotopes
Haghnegahdar MA, Hultquist N, Sun J, Dickerson RR, Magen C, Kaufman AJ, Hamovit N, Scott JG, Yarwood S, Chowdhury TR, Bouyon A & Farquhar J

Hamp R. (2020) Thermochemical Modelling of the Subsurface Environment on Enceladus
Hamp R, Olsson-Francis K, Schwenzer S & Pearson V
(2019) Modelling the Rock-Water Interactions in the Sub-Surface Environment of Enceladus
Hamp R, Olsson-Francis K, Schwenzer S, Ramkissoon N & Pearson V

Hampel T. (2020) Reassessing Volatile and Trace Element Mobility at Mount St. Helens (2004-2008) from Amphibole and Melt Inclusion Geochemistry
Hampel T, Rowe M & Kent A

Hampl Ferdinand (2021) Changes in the Bioavailability of iron(III) for Microbial Reduction along a Precipitation Gradient
Sauter L, Schwerdhelm C, Samuels T, Witzgall K, Hampl F, Mueller CW, Riveras N-A, Scholten T, Wagner D, Merino C, Matus F, Neumann T, Kappler A & Bryce C
(2021) Deep Weathering of Subsurface Fe-Bearing Minerals by Fe-Metabolizing Microorganisms in a Semi-Arid Climate
Schwerdhelm C, Hampl F, Sauter L, Merino C, Matus F, von Blanckenburg F, Neumann T, Kappler A & Bryce C

Hampl Ferdinand J. (2022) Weathering-Intensifying and -Mitigating Processes in Granitic Rock along a Climate Gradient of the Chilean Coastal Cordillera
Hampl FJ, Schiperski F, Schwerdhelm C, Stroncik N, von Blanckenburg F & Neumann T

Hampsch A. (2016) Bioavailability of Carbon of a Vermont River Corridor is a Function of Landocver
Perdrial J, Hampsch A & Adair C

Hampshire S. (2007) Oxynitride Glass-Ceramic Microstructures
Falk L, Menke Y, Schneider N & Hampshire S

Hamshaw S.D. (2022) From Pattern to Process and Process to Pattern: Insights on Data-Driven Critical Zone Research from the Big Data Collaborative Network Cluster
Perdrial JN, Underwood K, Swami S, Lee BS, Ul Haq I, Kincaid D, Stewart B, Seybold E, Rizzo D, Li L, Hamshaw SD & Shanley JB
(2021) Assessing Ecohydrological Resilience Across Scales: Opportunities and Challenges for Critical Zone Research
Perdrial J, Bristol C, Ruckhaus M, Seybold E, Stewart B, Abbott BW, Kincaid DW, Underwood K, Hamshaw SD, Shanley JB, Li L, Rizzo D, Lee R, Lewis G & Lee BS

Hamura T. (2014) Impact–driven Ocean Acidification as a Mechanism of K–Pg Mass Extinctions
Ohno S, Kadono T, Kurosawa K, Hamura T, Sakaiya T, Shigemori K, Hironaka Y, Sano T, Watari T, Otani K, Matsui T & Sugita S

Hamza V. (2007) Theoretical and Experimental Arguments for Earth's Heat Flux Being 31±2 TW
Hofmeister A, Hamza V & Criss R

Hamzaoui F. (2017) Occurrence and Geochemistry of Major Ion in Groundwater of Skhira Coastal Aquifer, Center East Tunisia
Hamzaoui F, Trabelsi R, Bouhlila R & Khanfir H

Hamzaoui- Azaza F.
(2017) Geochemical Processes Controlling the Groundwater Quality in Oued Rmel Aquifer of Zaghouan, Northeastern Tunisia
Ameur M, Hamzaoui- Azaza F & Gueddari M

Hamzaoui-Azaza F. (2020) Geochemistry of High Concentrations of Fluoride in Groundwater at Oued Rmel Aquifer (North-Eastern Tunisia), and Risks to Human Health from Exposure Through Drinking Water
Ameur M & Hamzaoui-Azaza F
(2015) Geochemical Evolution Processes of of Oum Ali Thelepte Aquifer, Central Tunisia and It's Suitability for Drinking and Agriculture Use
Hassen I, Hamzaoui-Azaza F & Bouhlila R

Hamzehie Z.

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