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Hyacinthe Christelle (2002) Composition and Chemical Reactivity of an Iron-Phosphorus-Manganese Phase in a Freshwater Estuarine Sediment
Hyacinthe C, Hyacinthe C & Van Cappellen P
(2002) Composition and Chemical Reactivity of an Iron-Phosphorus-Manganese Phase in a Freshwater Estuarine Sediment
Hyacinthe C, Hyacinthe C & Van Cappellen P

Hyams-Kaphzan O. (2022) The Combined Effects of Rising Temperature and Salinity may Halt the Future Proliferation of Symbiont-Bearing Foraminifera as Ecosystem Engineers
Kenigsberg C, Titelboim D, Ashckenazi-Polivoda S, Herut B, Kucera M, Almogi-Labin A, Hyams-Kaphzan O & Abramovich S

Hyatt Neil (2020) Understanding the Dissolution of Advanced Doped Nuclear Fuels for Geological Disposal
Smith H, Cordara T, Mohun R, Stennett M, Hyatt N & Corkhill C
(2020) Nanoscale Mechanism of Formation of UO2 Through Uranium Reduction by Magnetite
Pan Z, Bartova B, LaGrange T, Kvashnina K, Butorin S, Hyatt N, Stennett M & Bernier-Latmani R
(2016) Mineralogical, Geochemical and Radiological Characterisation of Weathered Uranium Ore
Corkhill C, Crean D, Makepeace C, Bailey D, Stennett M & Hyatt N
(2015) Aqueous Durability of Nuclear Waste Glasses in High-Ph Environments
Backhouse D, Corkhill C, Hyatt N & Hand R
(2015) Interactions between Vitrified Nuclear Wastes and High pH Solutions: An Experimental and Natural Analogue Approach
Mann C, Hyatt N, Provis J, Milodowski A, Field L, Shaw R & Corkhill C
(2015) Actinide Pyrochlores: Fabrication and New Structural Insights
Finkeldei S, Brandt F, Stennett M, Holliday K, Hyatt N & Bosbach D
(2015) Functional Engineered Barriers for Geological Repositories: A Mineralogical Approach to Improved Radionuclide Sorption
Corkhill C, Bridge J, Crean D, Vigor J, Tappero R, Provis J, Murray C, Tang C & Hyatt N
(2013) Characterisation of Depleted Uranium Munitions Residues by Synchrotron X-Ray Microanalysis
Crean D, Livens F, Stennett M, Grolimund D, Borca C & Hyatt N
(2013) The Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel: The Effect of High Energy Surface Sites on Dissolution Rate
Corkhill C, Bailey D, Thornber S, Stennett M & Hyatt N
(2012) Reducing the Uncertainty of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dissoluon: An Investigation of UO2 Analogue CeO2
Corkhill C, Bailey D, Stennett M & Hyatt N
(2011) Nuclear Imaging of 99mTc Transport and Immobilisation Through Porous Media
Corkhill C, Bridge J, Hillel P, Utton C, Hyatt N, Banwart S & Romero-Gonzalez M

Hyatt Neil C (2020) Synthesis, Characterisation and Dissolution of Simulant Chernobyl and Fukushima Fuel Debris
Gausse C, Stennett M, Bailey D, Barlow S, Ding H, Lawson S, Hyatt N & Corkhill C
(2020) Insights into the Fabrication and Structure of Plutonium Pyrochlores as Nuclear Waste Form
Finkeldei S, Stennett M, Kowalski P, Hyatt N, Bosbach D & Brandt F

Hyatt Neil C. (2019) Uranium(V) Persists as Uranium Oxide Nanowires during U(VI) Reduction by Magnetite
Pan Z, Bártová B, Lagrange T, Butorin S, Hyatt NC, Stennett MC, Kvashinina K & Bernier-Latmani R

Hybler J. (2013) Characterisation of Cronstedtite Synthesized by Iron Clay Interaction in a Cooling Procedure
Pignatelli I, Mugnaioli E, Hybler J, Mosser-Ruck R & Cathelineau M

Hyde B.
(2012) Weathering & Heterogeneous Phase Distribution in Brachinite NWA 4872
Hyde B, Day J, Tait K, Ash R & Holdsworth D
(2012) Reconstructing a Young Martian History with Igneous Microbaddeleyite Rimmed by Metamorphic Zircon
Moser D, Chamberlain K, Tait K, Schmitt A, Barker I, Hyde B & Darling J
(2012) A Textural and Mineralogical Assessment of NWA 3118
Barlet G, Davis D, Moser D, Tait K, Hyde B & Barker I

Hyde D. (2002) Late Archean Komatiites and BIFs, Woodburn Lake Group, Churchill Province, Nunavut
Jenner G, Shirey S, Hyde D, Elkins L, Kjarsgaard B & Kerswill J

Hyde E. (2020) Sulfide, Sulfite, and Sulfate Production from Organic Sulfur in Archean Oceans and Modern Lakes
Katsev S, Fakhraee M, Hyde E, Petersen M, Sheik C & Schreiner K

Hyen I-H. (2016) Geochemical Assessment of Vanadium Distribution In Groundwater of Jeju Volcanic Island
Jeong J-H, Kim H-R, Hyen I-H, Kam S-K, Moon S-H & Yun S-T

Hyeong K. (2020) Leaching Patterns of Metal from Different Types of Sulfide Minerals
Jeong H, Ra K, Choi J-Y, Hyeong K & Yoo C-M
(2020) Low Sedimentation Rate and the Formation of REY-Rich Mud: An Example from the NE Equatorial Pacific
Kim MG, Hyeong K & Yoo CM
(2019) Compositions of Rare Earth Elements in Deep-Seabed Mineral Deposits and Implications for Rare Metal Resources
Moon J-W, Pak S-J, Hyeong K & Choi SK
(2019) Environmental Impact of Toxic Metal Elution from Manganese Nodule Under a Deep-Sea Mining
Lee J, Jeong H, Ra K, Choi J, Kim K-T, Kim E-S & Hyeong K
(2015) Reconstruction of Paleo Productivity in the Central Equatorial Pacific Ocean during the Mid-Pleistocene Using Lipid Biomarker Approach
Badejo AO, Seo I, Hyeong K & Ju S-J

Hylén A. (2023) Hawaiian Beaches as Natural Analogues for Long-Term Rates and Impacts of Coastal Enhanced Silicate Weathering
Kreuzburg M, Hylén A, Winardhi C, Cole D, VanHeurck B, DeWolf S, Goosens C, Romaniello SJ, Monserrat F, Cnudde V & Meysman FJR
(2021) Deep-Water Inflow Event Increases Sedimentary Phosphorus Release on a Multi-Year Scale
Hylén A, van de Velde S, Kononets M, Luo M, Almroth-Rosell E & Hall POJ
(2021) A 20-Year Time Series of Baltic Sea Benthic Phosphorus Fluxes: A Long Term and System-Scale View on the Anoxia-Eutrophication Feedback
Hylén A, van de Velde S, Almroth-Rosell E, Kononets M & Hall POJ
(2019) Benthic Nitrate Reduction Processes Following Natural Bottom Water Oxygenation
Hylén A, Bonaglia S, Marzocchi U, Robertson E, Kononets M & Hall P

Hylton S. (2009) Detecting Asbestos-Promoted •OH Using APF
Fokin M, Cohn C, Hylton S & Schoonen M
(2009) An in Vivo and in Vitro Evaluation of Mineral-Induced Formation of Reactive Oxygen Species
Hylton S, Schoonen M & Tsirka S

Hyman J. (2021) Elucidating the Effect of Subsurface Structure on Mineral Dissolution Rates Using Reactive Transport Modeling
Andrews E, Hyman J, Sweeney M, Moulton D & Navarre-Sitchler A

Hyndman R. (2020) Paleogene to Neogene Alkaline Lavas as a Probe of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) beneath Western Canada
Canil D, Hyndman R & Fode D

Hynek B (2005) The Past Geochemical Environment of Meridiani Planum, Mars, and its Implications for Astrobiology
Hynek B & McCollom T

Hynek Brian (2019) Network Analysis on Geochemical and Biological Signatures from Cerro Negro Volcano and Implications for Life on Ancient Martian
Huang F, Fischer A, Collins C, Eleish A, Fox P, Hynek B, McCollom T, Prabhu A & Rogers K
(2018) Sulfur Cycling at Meridiani, Mars
Hynek B & Szynkiewicz A
(2017) Hydrothermal Systems as Abodes for Life on Ancient Mars
Hynek B
(2013) Volcanic Acid-Sulfate Analogs for Early Mars
Hynek B, McCollom T, Rogers K & Marcucci E
(2010) Acid-Sulfate Weathering Pathways at Cerro Negro, Nicaragua
Marcucci E, Hynek B & McCollom T

Hynek S. (2023) Distribution and Characteristics of Uranium and Rare Earth Elements in Southeast Utah, USA
Blake J, Tomaszewski EJ, Walton-Day K, Hynek S, Mixon R & DiViesti D
(2016) Coupling between Erosion and Weathering at Hillslope, Watershed, and Global Scales
Larsen I, Eger A & Hynek S
(2015) The Interplay of Regolith Evolution and Watershed Hydrodynamics in a First-Order Watershed
Sullivan P, Hynek S, Gu X, Singha K, White T, West N, Kim H, Clarke B, Duffy C & Brantley S

Hynes Andrew (2012) Protracted Tectonometamophic History at the Base of an Orogenic Channel in the Southeastern Canadian Cordillera
Gervais F, Crowley JL, Hynes A & Ghent E

Hynes Anne (2014) Electric Cable Bacteria in Hudson River Sediments
Gorby Y, Hynes A & Lis L

Hynes Anthony (2010) Development of a Method to Speciate Gaseous Oxidized Mercury Using Thermal Decomposition
Swartzendruber P, Bauer D, Ter Schure A & Hynes A
(2010) Deployment of a Compact Sequential 2 Photon LIF Detection System for Gaseous Elemental Mercury at Ambient Levels
Bauer D, Swartzendruber P & Hynes A

Hyobu Y. (2013) Different Diagenetic Behaviors of As, Mo and Sb in Lake Biwa, Japan
Itai T, Hyobu Y, Kumagai M & Tanabe S

Hyodo A. (2014) Burial Temperatures and δ18O-zoning in Diagenetic Cements of the Eau Claire Fm., Illinois Basin (U.S.A.)
Sliwinski M, Kitajima K, Kozdon R, Hyodo A & Valley J

Hyodo H (2003) New Type of Gas Mass Spectrometer for K-Ar Dating of Quaternary Volcanic Rocks
Itaya T, Okada T, Hyodo H, Endo Y & Tomiyama H
(2003) Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints on the Protolith of Ultra High Pressure Eclogitic Rocks from the Tso-Morari Crystallines, Ladakh Himalaya, India
Ahmad T, Tanaka T, Sachan H, Gouzu C, Hyodo H & Itaya T
(2003) AIRline Analysis for Shocked Chondorites
Fujimoto H, Hyodo H & Ninagawa K
(2003) Cathodoluminescence Study of a Shocked Ordinary Chondrite
Ninagawa K, Fujimoto H, Ohta C, Gucsik A, Hyodo H & Nishido H

Hyodo Hironobu (2019) Simulation of Isotope Redistribution in a Contact Aureole – Excess Argon Wave
Hyodo H
(2016) Excess Argon in Contact Aureoles
Hyodo H, Miki M & Otofuji Y
(2016) Anomaly of Crustal Noble Gases Associated with Fault Movement and Aftershock the 3.11 Northeast Japan Mega Earthquake
Sato K, Kumagai H, Hirose T, Iwata N, Hyodo H & Suzuki K

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