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Huang Shichun (2018) Calcium Isotopic Composition of Mantle Olivines
Zhang Z, Zhao X, Huang S & Zhu H
(2018) Melt/rock Interaction in the Mesozoic Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Eastern North China Craton: Fe Isotopic Evidence
Zhao X, Huang S, Qi Y, Huang F & Zhang H
(2018) Mg Isotope Compositions of Hawaiian Lavas
DeFelice C, Hu Y, Wang S-J, Huang S & Teng F-Z
(2018) Ice-Vii Inclusions in Ultradeep Diamonds
Tschauner O, Huang S, Wu Z, Greenberg E & Prakapenka V

Huang Shichun (2014) Lack of Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Magma Differentiation
Zhang H, Huang S, Teng F-Z, Helz RT & Jacobsen SB
(2014) Missing Pb, High 3He/4He, Ancient Sulfides and Continental Formation
Huang S, Lee C-T & Yin Q-Z
(2013) Sm/Nd Ratio of the Earth
Huang S, Jacobsen S & Mukhopadhyay S
(2013) Silicon Isotope Fractionation between the Upper and Lower Mantle of the Earth
Huang F, Wu Z & Huang S
(2013) First-Principles Investigations of Equilibrium Calcium Isotope Fractionation between Orthopyroxene and Clinopyroxene
Feng C, Qin T, Huang S, Wu Z & Huang F
(2012) Relationship between the Isotopic Compositions of Earth and Chondrites: Constraints from Calcium Isotopes
Huang S & Jacobsen S
(2012) Enstatite Chondrites and the Composition of the Earth
Jacobsen S, Petaev M & Huang S
(2011) En Echelon Volcanic Chains at Hotspots as Probes of the Deep Mantle
Hall P, Huang S & Jackson M
(2011) Diverse Mantle Sources for Ninetyeast Ridge Volcanoes
Meleney P, Frey F, Pringle M, O'Brien E, Huang S, Nobre Silva I & Weis D
(2010) The Geochemical Similarities between Double Volcanic Trends at Hawaii and Samoa
Huang S & Jackson M
(2010) Diffusion-Driven Kinetic Magnesium and Iron Isotope Fractionation in Hawaiian Basalts and Olivines
Teng F-Z, Dauphas N, Huang S & Helz R
(2009) Sampling of Geochemical Heterogeneities within the Hawaiian Plume: A Case Study of 143Nd/144Nd
Huang S & Jacobsen S
(2008) Transition Metal Geochemistry of Hawaiian Magmas
Huang S & Humayun M
(2008) 1 Ga Old Plume-Derived Peridotite Xenoliths from Kauai, Hawaii
Bizimis M, Salters V, Huang S & Clague D
(2007) Geochemical Structure of the Hawaiian Plume: Inferences from Mahukona Volcano
Huang S, Abouchami W, Blichert-Toft J, Clague D, Cousens B & Frey F

Huang Shipeng (2012) The Co-evolution of Prokaryotes-Eukaryotes and Ocean Chemistry on the North China Craton during Mesoproterozoic (1.6 – 1.3 Ga)
Wang C, Wang M, Xu J, Li Y, Yu Y, Bai J, Dong T, Wang J, Huang S, Zhang X, Wang L, Xiong X & Gai H
(2011) Geochemical Characteristics of Natural Gas Reservoired in Lower Triassic Jialingjiang Formation in Naxi-Hejiang Area, Southern Sichuan Basin, China
Huang S & Tao X

Huang Shipeng (2014) Geochemical Characteristics of Ordovician Natural Gas and Its Applications in the Division of Hydrocarbon Accumulation Assemblages in Sichuan Basin
Xu A, Wang Z, Huang S & Zhai X
(2014) Secular Variations in Organic and Inorganic Carbon Isotope of the Mesoproterozoic (1.7–1.3 Ga) Sedimentary Successions on the North China Craton
Wang C, Zhang Z, Wang M, Li Y, Huang S, Wang J, Zhang X, Gai H & Xiong X

Huang Shipeng (2015) Geochemical Characteristics of the Marine/Terrestrial Shale Gas in China
Dai J, Dong D, Ni Y, Wu W, Gong D & Huang S

Huang Shipeng (2016) Effect of Gypsum-Salt Rocks on Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Marine Carbonate Strata, China
Hu S, Wang T, Liu W, Xu A, Shi S & Huang S
(2016) Natural Gas Genesis and Sources in the Zizhou Gas Field, Ordos Basin, China
Huang S, Fang X & Feng Z

Huang Shiqiang (2021) Scheelite Trace Element Composition: Magmatic Versus Metamorphic Hydrothermal Deposits
Liu K, Chang Z & Huang S
(2021) In situ Rb-Sr Dating of Muscovite by LA-ICP-MS/MS
Huang S & Chang Z
(2021) Applications of Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS (ICP-MS/MS, or ICP-MS QQQ) in Economic Geology
Chang Z, Huang S, Kirschbaum M & Piurkowsky S

Huang Shiwei (2018) Multi-Parameter Identification of Dolomite Genesis and Controlling Factors of Dolomite Reservoir in Yingshan Formation of Gucheng Area, Tarim Basin, NW China
Zhang Y, Shen A, Zheng X, Huang S & Shao G

Huang Sichung (2016) Coupled Extremely Light Calcium and Iron Isotopes in Peridotites from Northern China
Zhao X, Zhang Z, Huang S, Liu Y, Zhang H & Li X
(2016) Iron and Calcium Isotopic Compositions of Continental Basalts from the North China Craton
Zhang Z, Zhao X, Huang S & Huang F
(2016) Mass-Dependent Stable Isotopic Constraints on the Moon Formation Giant Impact Model
Huang S, Petaev M, Wang W, Sedaghatpour F, Lock S, Wu Z, Stewart S & Jacobsen S

Huang Sihan (2019) Laboratory Experiment to Study Solute Transport in Coastal Environments
Guo M, Wan J & Huang S

Huang Sixing (2015) Microbial Metabolic Activities Shaping Pelagic Iron-Rich Aggregates (Iron Snow)
Lu S, Huang S, Gaspar M, Miot J, Neu T, Overman J, Marz M, Benzerara K, Küsel K & Cooper R

Huang Tao (2020) Footprints of Dioxins in Global Pork Meat Trade
Ma J, Chen K, Huang T & Tao S
(2018) Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia in the Pearl River Estuary, China
Guo X, Guo L, Wang L, Huang T, Su J & Li Y
(2017) Oceanographic Mechanisms and Penguin Population Increases during the Little Ice Age in the Southern Ross Sea, Antarctica
Yang L, Sun L, Emslie S, Huang T, Gao Y, Yang W, Chu Z & Wang Y
(2009) Determination of Dissolved Cu in Jiaozhou Bay By Catalytic Kinetic Spectrophotometry
Yang R, Shi X, He F & Huang T

Huang Tian Zheng (2019) Prokaryote Dominated Biological Pump Delayed Animal Evolution
Huang TZ & Shen B

Huang Tian-Yi (2023) Temporal Evolution of the Upper Continental Crust Revealed by Potassium Isotope Geochemistry of Glacial Diamictites
Teng F-Z, Huang T-Y, Rudnick R & Gaschnig RM
(2022) Potassium Isotope Fractionation during Granitic Magmatic Differentiation: Mineral-Pair Perspectives
Huang T-Y, Teng F, Wang Z-Z, He Y & Wu F-Y
(2022) Extensive Crystal Fractionation of High-Silica Magmas Revealed by Potassium Isotopes
Wang Z-Z, Teng F-Z, Wu F-Y, Liu Z-C, Liu X-C, Liu S-A & Huang T-Y
(2018) Potassium Isotopic Composition of the Upper Continental Crust
Huang T-Y, Teng F-Z, Rudnick R, Chen X-Y, Hu Y, Liu Y-S & Wu F-Y

Huang Tianci (2023) Geochronological and Geochemical Constraints on the Mineralization of the Weilasituo Sn-Li-Rb Deposit, Inner Mongolia, China
Huang T, Lv X & Chen C

Huang Tianming (2020) Field and Laboratory Studies of the Water Chemistry Evolution of Flowback Fluids from a Shallow Shale Gas Well
Huang T, Li Z, Mayer B, Nightingale M, Pang Z, Li X & Li G

Huang Tianyi (2022) A Quest for a New Paleoredox Proxy: Cold-Water Corals & Chromium Isotopes
Matos L, Boyle EA & Huang T
(2021) Using Chromium Isotopes to Study Chromium Cycling in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zones
Huang T & Boyle EA
(2020) The Distribution and Isotopic Composition of Dissolved Chromium and Trivalent Chromium in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zones
Huang T & Boyle E
(2019) Anomalously High Chromium Isotope Ratios in Shelf Bottom Waters of the Bering and Chukchi Seas
Moos S, Boyle E & Huang T
(2019) Cr Reduction in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Oxygen Deficient Zone Revealed by Cr Isotope Signatures
Huang T, Boyle E & Moos S

Huang Tianzheng (2021) A Prolonged Ice-Age in the Late Ediacaran Period: A Possible Fuse of Animal Evolution?
Wang R, Shen B, Lang X, Wen B, Ma H, Peng Y, He R, Li C, Huang T & Zhou C
(2021) Mg Isotope Proxy Constrain Both Erosion and Chemical Weathering Change in Deep Time
Huang T & Shen B
(2021) Reset of Mg Isotopic Composition of Limestone in Late Diagenesis
Xiang K, Shen B, Huang T & Li C
(2016) Isotopic Variations of Pb, Zn and Tl during Smelting Activities and their Environmental Implications
Liu J, Wang J, Chen Y, Shen C, Xie X, Huang T, Lin Y, Li Y & Liang X

Huang Tzu Hao (2021) Sequential Extraction of Biogenic, Authigenic and Lithogenic Silicas and Silicates from Marine Sediments
Huang TH

Huang Tzu-Hao (2023) Unveiling Early Si Diagenesis in Ulleung Basin Using Si Isotope
Huang T-H, Sun X, Kim J-H, Torres ME & Hong W-L
(2023) The Modern Freshwater Component in Baltic Sea Glacial Clays
Chen N-C, Mörth C-M, Hong W-L, Roth F, Andrén T, O'Regan M, Stranne C, Huang T-H, Gyllencreutz R, Regnell C, Linderholm A, Humborg C & Jakobsson M
(2017) Fluid Temperature and Composition Associated with Displacement of the Chelungpu Fault in Taiwan
Huang T-H, Wang P-L, Chiu M-F, Lin L-H & John C

Huang W (2003) Catalysis and the Emergence of the RNAWorld
Ferris J, Huang W, Joshi P, Miyakawa S, Pitsch S & Wang K
(2001) A Novel Method to Investigate the Mixing Processes of Dissolved Oxygen and a Plume in Porous Media
Huang W, Lerner DN, Smith CC & Thornton SF
(2000) A Study of Transverse Dispersion in a UK Aquifer
Huang W, Lerner D, Smith C & Thornton S

Huang Wei (2017) Active and Relict Hydrothermal Mineralization at the Longqi-1 field,Southwest Indian Ridge
Liang J, Tao C, Yang W, Huang W, Li H & Liao S
(2002) The Novel Application of an Oxygen Sensitive Fluorescent Indicator to Investigate Biodegradation Processes at a Plume Fringe in Porous Media
Huang W, Lerner D, Colin S, Zheng C & Oswald S

Huang Weihua (2023) Nitrogen Impacts on Structural Stabilities of Silicates
Huang W & Yang Y
(2022) Estimating Ferric Iron Content in Clinopyroxene Using Machine Learning Models
Huang W, Lyu Y, Du M, He C, Gao S, Xu R, Xia Q-K & Zhang Z
(2020) Stability of Ammonium in Feldspar at High Temperatures :implications for Nitrogen Preservation and Transport in the Deep Earth
Huang W & Yang Y

Huang Weilin (2020) Reductive Dehalogenation of Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutant by Iron Sulfides
Zhong Y, Li D, Zhu X, Huang W & Peng P

Huang Weilin (2016) Aggregation Kinetics of Soot Nanoparticles in Wet Environments
Chen C & Huang W
(2016) Differential Uptakes of Fe, Zn and Cd by Hydroponically Grown Rice
Liu J, Song Z, Li F, Liu C, Huang W & Reinfelder J
(2016) Effects of Iron Speciation on Cadmium and Arsenic Availability in Paddy Soils
Yu H, Liu C, Li F & Huang W

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