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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Huang Rong (2023) Post-Stishovite Transition of Eclogitic Stishovite: Insights from in situ XRD and Ultrasonic Interferometry
Rosenthal A, Crichton W, Thomson AR, Druzhbin D, Myhill R, Huang R & Brodholt J
(2022) The Ferric Iron Contents of Lower Mantle Minerals and their Use in the Determination of Deep Diamond Formation Conditions
Frost D, Melai C, McCammon C, Boffa Ballaran T, Miyajima N & Huang R
(2021) Diamond Formation Through Mineral Hydration at the Base of the Transition Zone
Frost D, Huang R, McCammon C & Boffa Ballaran T
(2017) Thermodynamic Constraints on the Mineralogy of the Lower Mantle
Frost D, Huang R, Armstrong K & Boffa Ballaran T
(2017) Tracing an Intraoceanic Paleozoic Subduction Zone in Western Junggar of China by Geophysical Imaging
Xu Y, Liu Y, Wu S, Yang B, Zhang S, Huang R, Yang Y, Wang Q & Zhu L

Huang Ru-Jin (2023) Optical Properties, Chemical Composition and Sources of Atmospheric Brown Carbon Aerosol
Huang R-J, Yuan W, Yang L & Liu Y
(2011) Time-Resolved Emission of Iodine from Seaweed Measured with a New On-Line Mass Spectrometric Technique
Kundel M, Thorenz U, Bosle J, Huang R-J & Hoffmann T

Huang Rui (2013) Effects of Glycine on Oligomerization of Methionine Under High Temperature and High Pressure
Huang R, Furukawa Y & Kakegawa T

Huang Ruifang (2014) The Close Association between Oxidized Magmas and Porhyry Deposits
Sun W, Li H, Huang R, Ding X, Ling M, Li C & Liang H

Huang Ruifang (2011) A Critical Look at the Titanium-in-Quartz (TitaniQ) Thermobarometer
Huang R & Audetat A

Huang Ruifang (2019) Contrasted Effect of Pyroxene and Spinel on the Production of Molecular Hydrogen (H2) during Serpentinization of Olivine
Huang R, Sun W & Ding X

Huang Ruifang (2020) Effect of pH on the Kinetics of Peridotite Serpentinization: An Experimental Study
Huang R, Sun W & Ding X

Huang Ruifang (2023) The Effect of Fluid Salinity on the Reaction Rates and Molecular Hydrogen (H2) Formation during Peridotite Serpentinization
Huang R, Sun W & Shang X

Huang Ruifang (2017) The Production of Molecular Hydrogen and Methane during Serpentinization: Influence of Pyroxene and Spinel
Huang R, Sun W, Ding X & Zhan W

Huang Ruimin (2023) Sulfur Isotope Insights into Sulfur Biological and Geochemical Process in Metal-Sulfide Mine Tailings
Ye H, Huang B, Huang R & Dang Z

Huang Runqiu (2008) Na-Metasomatism of Root Facies of Hydrothermal Deposit in Xiaowan Erea, Southwest China
Wang J, Huang R & Li Z

Huang S (2006) Nanoparticulate nickel sulfides formed in low temperature aqueous solutions.
Huang S, Ohfuji H, Lammie D, Wess T, Bell A, Vaughan D, Oldroyd A & Rickard D
(2005) Depleted Rejuvenated-Stage Source Component in Hawaiian Shield-Stage Lavas
Huang S, Frey F, Blichert-Toft J, Fodor R & Xu G
(2005) Effects of Reaction Kinetics on Mixed Volatile (CO<->2<$>-H<->2<$>O) Decarbonation Reactions in Contact Aureoles
Bowman J & Huang S
(2005) Haze and Pollution Sources over the Grand Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks
Huang S, Popp C, Arimoto R & Martin R
(2004) Discussion on Geochemical Characteristics and Genesis of Magma in Shizishan Orefield, Tongling Area, Anhui Province, Eastern China
Xu Z, Lu X, Ling H, Huang S, Hua M & Gu L
(2003) Characteristics and Evolution of Ore-Forming Fluid in Dongguashan Copper Deposit, Anhui Province, China
Xu Z, Lu X, Huang S, Ni P, Hua M & Lu J

Huang Sajiin (2002) Comparative Thermal Models for Subduction Zones: Evaluation of Slab Contributions to Volcanic Arc Magmas
Leeman W, Huang S & Tonarini S
(2002) Modeling the Effects of Reaction Kinetics, Diffusion-Dispersion, and Fluid Infiltration on Mixed-Volatile (CO2-H2O) Metamorphic Reactions
Roselle GT, Bowman JR & Huang S

Huang Shan (2013) A Newly Identified Microorganism Affecting the N Cycle: Ammonium Oxidation in Iron Reducing Soils
Huang S & Jaffe PR

Huang Shanshan (2011) Low Temperature Alteration of Serpentinized Dunite; A Case Study from the Leka Ophiolite Complex
Økland I, Thorseth I, Huang S & Pedersen RB
(2011) Hydrogen Production from Low Temperature Olivine Alteration
Huang S, Hellevang H & Thorseth IH

Huang Shaobin (2023) Prediction of Ion Adsorption by Minerals Using Machine Learning Model
Chen K, Guo C, Huang S & Dang Z

Huang Sheng (2014) Seasonal Variations in Nitrate Flux and Isotopic Composition in the Upper Illinois River Basin
Lin J, Huang S, Gonzalez-Meler M, Bohlke JK & Sturchio NC
(2010) Bacterial Diversity in Loess Deposits, Chinese Loess Plateau
Huang S, Chen Y, Pan X, Cui Y, Ji J & Chen J

Huang Sheng-Chieh (2015) Spin Crossover and Hyperfine Interactions of Iron in Ferromagnesite (Mg, Fe)CO3
Huang S-C & Hsu H

Huang Shi-Chun (2019) Barium Isotope Characteristic of the Hawaiian Lavas
Nan X-Y, Kang J-T, Yu H-M, Huang S-C & Huang F
(2019) Titanium Isotopic Fractionation during Magmatic Differentiation
Zhao X, Tang S, Huang S, Li J, Helz R, Marsh B & Zhu X
(2019) Equilibrium Inter-Mineral Titanium Isotope Fractionation: Implication for Ti Isotope Behaviors during Magmatic Differentiation
Wang W, Huang S, Huang F, Zhao X & Wu Z
(2019) Long Geochemical Streaks in the Hawaiian Plume
Huang S, DeFelice C, Mallick S & Saal A
(2019) Magnesium Isotopic Constraints on Alkalic Basalt Evolution: A Case Study at Mauna Kea, Hawaii
DeFelice C, Hu Y, Huang S & Teng F-Z
(2019) First-Principles Investigation of the Equilibrium Fractionation of K Isotopes Among K-Bearing Minerals
Li Y, Wang W, Huang S & Wang K
(2015) Barium Isotope Compositions of Igneous Rocks
Huang F, Nan X, Yu H, Huang S-C & Huang J

Huang Shichun (2020) HIMU Signature Trapped in a Diamond from the Mantle Transition Zone
Huang S, Tschauner O, Yang S & Humayun M
(2020) Redox Controlled Stable Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Planetary Differentiation
Shen J, Qin L, Xia J, Carlson RW, Huang S, Helz RT & Mock TD
(2020) Effects of Continental Subduction-Related Metasomatism on Fe Isotopic Compositions in Mantle Wedge beneath the Dabie UHP Belt, Eastern China
Zhao X, Huang S, Chen Y & Zhang Z
(2020) Crystal Fractionation-Induced Isotope Fractionation in Basalts from Mauna Kea, Hawaii
DeFelice C, Hu Y, Wang W, Teng F-Z, Huang S & Frey F
(2020) An Isotopically Depleted, Rejuvenated Stage Source Component Widely Distributed in the Hawaiian Plume
Frey F, Huang S, Xu G, DeFelice C & Del Toro Contreras C

Huang Shichun (2021) Carbonate Minerals in Trachytes, Ulleung Island, South Korea; Implications for Carbon Recycling in Subduction Zones
Chen S, Ren M, Lee H, Smith E, Huang S, Lee S-G, Lee T & Gao R

Huang Shichun (2023) Depleted Peridotite in the Hawaiian Plume Caused an Increase in Buoyancy and Magma Flux
Beguelin P, Stracke A, Bizimis M, Ballmer M, Huang S & Willig M

Huang Shichun (2022) Large Mg and Fe Isotopic Variations in Hawaiian Olivines
Huang S, Valentine A, An Y, Pinko J & Huang F
(2022) Interpretable Machine Learning to Predict Mantle Metasomatism Worldwide
Qin B, Huang F, Huang S, Python A, Chen Y & Zhang Z

Huang Shichun (2013) An Isotopically Homogeneous Inner Terrestrial Planet Region
Jacobsen S, Petaev M, Huang S & Sasselov D
(2013) Early Solar System 87Rb-87Sr Chronology
Parai R, Huang S & Jacobsen SB

Huang Shichun (2019) Geochemical Evolution of Hawaiian Magmatism from 49 Ma to 25 Ma
Regelous M, Huang S, Haase K, Hauff F, Hoernle K & O'Connor J

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