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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Huang Kuan-Ying (2017) High Precision Fe Isotopes of Human Blood for Adults
Huang K-Y, Liang Y-H, Lee D-C & Pang K-N

Huang Kun (2019) Effects of Groundwater Flow Field Characteristics on Uranium Mineralization in Yili Basin
He Y, Wang Z, Huang K, Wang Y & Wan J

Huang Kuo-Fang (2018) Reconstruction of Deglacial Surface Ocean pH in the South China Sea Using Boron Isotopes in Foraminifera
Sun LY-J, Huang K-F, Ren H, Chen M-T & Liu Z
(2018) Tracing Sources of Industrial Waste and Anthropogenic Pollution Using Sr, Nd and Pb Isotopes
Wu P-C, Huang K-F & Lee D-C
(2018) Partitioning Environmental Controls on Benthic Foraminifera Elemental Composition: Implications for Paleo-Temperature Reconstruction
Guo W, Oppo D, Huang K-F & Yu J

Huang Kuo-Fang (2014) Evaluation of Stable Strontium Isotopic Fractionation during Continental Weathering Processes
Liu H-C, You C-F, Huang K-F & Sun Y-B
(2014) Seawater Th Isotopes in the U. S. North Atlantic GEOTRACES Transect: Sources, Sinks and Cycling
Huang K-F, Robinson LF, Auro ME, Anderson RF, Hayes CT, Fleisher MQ, Edwards RL, Cheng H, Lu Y & Moran SB
(2014) Testing Models of Chemical Scavenging Using Th and Particle Data from GEOTRACES
Lerner P, Marchal O, Lam P, Buesseler K, Hayes C, Huang K-F & Lu Y

Huang Kuo-Fang (2013) Constraining Rates of Trace Element Supply and Removal Using Long-Lived Thorium Isotopes
Anderson R, Hayes C, Fleisher M, Robinson L, Huang K-F, Cheng H, Sha L, Edwards RL, Lu Y & Moran SB
(2012) Towards an Improved Understanding of Paleoceanographic Proxies for Antarctic Intermediate Water Circulation: A Core-Top Perspective
Huang K-F, Oppo DW, Curry WB & Blusztajn JS
(2012) Calibration of the B Isotope paleo-Ph Proxy in the Deep Sea Coral Desmophyllum dianthus; Fine Scale Sampling and 2-D Mapping
Anagnostou E, Foster G, Huang K-F, Sikes E, You C-F & Sherrell R
(2012) Dissolved 231Pa/230Th in the U. S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic Zonal Transect
Anderson R, Hayes C, Fleisher M, Robinson L, Huang K-F, Edwards RL, Cheng H & Moran SB
(2012) Sources, Sinks and Cycling of Seawater 232Th in the North and South Atlantic Basins
Robinson LF, Huang K-F, Auro ME, Anderson RF, Hayes CT, Fleischer MQ, Cheng H, Edwards RL, Moran SB & Saito M
(2009) Riverine Lithium Isotope Systematic during Continental Weathering from an Active Orogenic Belt, Taiwan
Huang K-F, You C-F, Wang R-M & Chung C-H

Huang Kuo-Fang (2016) Li-Be-B Isotopic Systematics in CAIs and Chondrules
Lee D-C, Liu Y-H & Huang K-F
(2016) Boron Isotope Systematics in Small Mountainous Rivers of Taiwan
Huang K-F, Liu Y-H, Wang R-M, Huang J-C & Chen P-H
(2016) Evaluation of Calcite Precipitation on Stable Sr Isotopic Fractionation in the Carbonate-Dominated Environment: Hints from a Cavern River System
Liu H-C, You C-F, Zhou H-Y, Huang K-F & Chung C-H
(2016) The Influence of Weathering Processes on Riverine Uranium Isotopes in Small Mountainous Rivers of Taiwan
Wang R-M, Huang K-F, Huang J-C, Chen P-H & Shih Y-T

Huang Kuo-Fang (2021) The Role of Marine Silicate Weathering in Regulating Marine Carbon Cycle over Geological Time Scales
Hong W-L, Torres ME & Huang K-F

Huang Kuo-Fang (2020) Source Apportionment of PM10 in the Urban-Rural Fringe Area of Central Taiwan Using Chemical Properties and Sr-Nd-Pb Isotope Ratios
Wu P-C, Huang K-F, Hsu C-F, Chen M-N & Liang M-C
(2020) Unique Metal Isotope Signatures from Lava-Seawater Interaction during the 2018 Eruption of Kīlauea
Hawco N, Yang S-C, Foreman R, Funkey C, Dugenne M, White A, Wilson S, Kelly R, Bian X, Huang K-F, Karl D & John S

Huang Kuo-Fang (2022) Barium Isotopes in Atmospheric Aerosols: Tracing Anthropogenic Inputs to the South China Sea
Hsieh Y-TA, Huang K-F, Henderson GM & Ho T-Y
(2022) Aerosol Fe Cycling in the Surface Water of the NWPO: Sources & Transformation
Hsieh C-C, Liao W-H, Huang K-F & Ho T-Y

Huang Lai-Ming (2010) Weathering Rate of Granite-Derived Soils in the Subtropical China: A Watershed Study
Yang J-L, Zhang G-L & Huang L-M

Huang Leah (2016) Under Pressure: Dissimilatory Sulfate Reduction by Desulfovibrio alaskensis G20
Huang L, Williamson A, Carlson H & Coates J
(2016) Isotopic Biofractionation of Perchlorate
Williamson A, Sturchio N, Heraty L, Huang L & Coates J

Huang Li-Yun (2022) An Experimental Investigation on Arsenic Sorption and Release by Mn-Dioxides
Huang H-W, Yang H-J, Huang L-Y, Chieh C-J, Kung J & Jiang W-T

Huang Li-Zhi (2011) Formation of a Layered FeIII (Hydr)oxide Intercalated with Dodecanoate
Huang L-Z, Ayala-Luis K, Bender Koch C & Hansen HCB

Huang Lijin (2020) Synthesis of Carboxyl-Functionalized Magnetic Porous Organic Polymers for Malachite Green Capture
Huang L & Shuai Q

Huang LiJuan (2020) The Effect of Fluid Redox Potential on Kerogen Pyrolysis at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures
Yang Y, Zhong N, Wu J & Huang L

Huang Lijuan (2020) Microbially-Mediated Formation of Manganese Carbonates Hosted in Cryogenian Black Shales in South China
Ai J, Siljeström S, Zhong N, George S & Huang L

Huang Lili (2020) Origins of the Solid Bitumens in the Guizhong Depression, China: Evidence from Carbon Isotopes, Sulfur Isotopes and Biomarkers
He X, Shen A, Xiong S, Hu Y & Huang L

Huang Liliang (2021) Carbon-Oxygen Isotope Characteristics of Alkaline Lake Dolomitic Shale and its Implications for Reservoir Sedimentation-Diagenesis Process
Yang L, Zhao W, Jiang Z, Huang L, Chang Q, Tang X & Gao Z

Huang Lin (2020) Paleoenvironmental Characteristics of the Jiusi Formation and Potential for Shale Gas Exploration of Zhaotong Shale Gas Demonstration Zone, southwest of China
Wang P, Li X, Huang L, Jia D & Ma L

Huang Lin (2015) Aerosol Carbon Isotopes at Alert, Canada: Understanding Emission Sources of Black Carbon Transported to the Arctic
Huang L, Zhang W, Sharma S, Brook J, Leaitch R, Czimczik C, Santos GM, He K, Duan F & Yang F

Huang Lin (2011) The Crystal Morphology of Aragonite and its Implications in Pumping Pipe of Hot Spring, Taiwa
Lu Y-C, Song S-R, Liu C-M & Huang L

Huang Ling (2017) A Simple Analytical Method for Phenols in Geological Organic Matter
Fang C, Zhai J, Huang L, Hu G & Zhang S
(2009) How to Feed the Deep Biosphere in a Continental Sedimentation Basin
Shuai Y, Zhang S, Su A, Huang L & Wang X

Huang Linqing (2023) High-Precision Zirconium Isotope Analysis of Pacific Seawater Reveals Large Mass-Dependent Fractionations in the Ocean
Huang L, Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, Forsch KO, Arendt CA, Choy CA & Aarons SM
(2022) Insights into Fe Sources and Cycling in Southcentral Alaska from Fe Isotopes
Huang L, Aarons S & Koffman B

Huang Lizhi (2017) Green Rust Synthesis and Reactivity Towards Dehalogenation in Presence of Glycine
Yin W, Huang L, Pedersen EB, Frandsen C, Strobel BW & Hansen HCB

Huang Longbin (2021) Organic Carbon Metabolism of Haloalkaliphilic Heterotrophs Under Alkaline and Saline Conditions – A Potential Role to Treat Alkaline and Saline Wastes
Ma Y, You F & Huang L
(2021) On the Mechanism of Sodic Removal from Bauxite Residue and Bauxite Desilication Products (BDP) Using Microbiogenic Acids
Wang S, Nguyen T, Peng H, You F & Huang L
(2021) Alkaline pH Neutralisation and Mineral Weathering in Fe Ore Tailings Driven by an Acidophilic Iron and Sulfur Oxidising Bacterium, Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
Yi Q, Wu S, Southam G & Huang L
(2020) Plant Biomass Amendment Induced Mineralogical and Geochemical Changes in Magnetite Fe-Ore Tailings
Robertson L, Wu S, You F, Huang L, Southam G & Bond P
(2020) Can Mycorrhizal Fungi Stimulate Mineral Weathering and Soil Formation in Fe Ore Tailings?
Wu S, Liu Y, Huang L, Southam G, Nguyen T & You F
(2019) Direct Phyto-Remediation is not Suitable for Managing and Rehabilitating Sulfidic and Metallic Tailings
Huang L, Liu Y, Wu S & Ngyuen T
(2019) The Effects of a Sulphur Oxidising Bacterial Inoculum and Elemental Sulphur Amendment on Alkaline Iron Ore Tailings pH Stabilisation
Yi Q, Wu S, Huang L & Southam G

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