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Huang Jian (2018) Zinc Isotope Constraint on the Petrogenesis of Fe-Rich Peridotites and Pyroxenites of the Bohemian Massif
Huang J, Ackerman L & Huang F
(2018) Iron and Vanadium Isotopic Compositions of Cenozoic Basalts from Eastern China
Chen Z, Ding X, Huang J, Yu H & Huang F
(2018) Inter-Mineral Magnesium and Iron Isotope Fractionations in Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphosed Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks
Li W-Y, Zhang S-Y, Huang J, Huang F & Xiao Y
(2018) Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Crustal Melting and Magma Differentiation: A Granite and Mineral-Pair Perspective
Wang Y, He Y, Wu H, Zhu C, Huang J & Li S

Huang Jian (2019) Zinc, Magnesium and Oxygen Isotope Evidence for the Origin of Roberts Victor Mantle Eclogites
Huang J, Huang J & Huang F
(2019) Low δ44/42Ca Widely Observed in Continental Basalts from Eastern China: Signal of Recycled Carbonate Versus Isotope Fractionation Created by Magmatic Processes
He Y, Meng X & Huang J

Huang Jian (2012) Mantle Evolution from Plate Subduction to Post-Orogenic Extension: Evidence from Permo-Triassic Mafic Dike Swarms in Northern Tibet Plateau
Ma C, Zhang J, Xiong F, Liu B, Huang J & Wang B

Huang Jian (2021) Zn Isotopic Compositions of the Asian Mineral Dust
Zhang X, Huang J, Gong Y, Zhang L & Huang F
(2021) West Pacific Slab Subduction-Induced Carbonate Cycle in Eastern China during the Early Cretaceous
Jiang D, Xu X, Wang X-J, Huang J & Huang F

Huang Jian-Guo (2011) The Geochemistry of Fluid Inclusions in Yimen Sanjiachang Copper Deposits
Wang L, Han R-S, Tang G, Hu Y-D & Huang J-G
(2011) Geochemical Characteristics and Geological Significance of the Basic Intrusive Rocks in Shifengshan Copper Deposit, Yimen, Yunnan, China
Huang J-G, Han R-S & Wang L
(2010) Geochemistry Feature of F10 Fault and Ore Prospecting in Fengshan Copper Deposit, Yimen, Yunnan, China
Huang J, Han R & Wang L
(2009) Geochemical Evidence for Tectonic Setting of the Langjiexue Group in Langxian County, Tibet, China
Huang J-G, Han R-S & Li B
(2009) Tectono-Geochemistry Anomaly Horizontal Zoning Features of 59# Orebody in the Yimen Fengshan Copper Deposit, Yunnan, China
Wang L, Han R-S, Huang J-G, Li B & Hu Y-D

Huang Jianping (2014) Time-Space Relationships of Ore-Related Igneous Activity: Lishui Basin, Middle and Lower Yangtze River
Wang L, Huang J & Griffin WL

Huang Jie (2017) High-Resolution Clay Minerals Record in the South Yellow Sea over the Past 3.5 Ma: Links to Evolution of Yellow/Yangze River and Paleoenvironmental Changes
Zhang J, Wan S, Huang J, Li A & Li T
(2012) Sedimentary Evolution in the Northern South China Sea Since Oligocene and its Responses to Tectonics
Li A, Huang J, Jiang H & Wan S

Huang Jin-Xiang (2018) Silicic Fluid Microinclusions in a Metasomatised Eclogite from Roberts Victor
Elazar O, Kessel R, Huang J-X & Navon O
(2017) Moissanite in Volcanic Systems: Super-Reduced Conditions in the Mantle
Huang J, Xiong Q, Griffin W, Martin L, Toledo V & O'Reilly S
(2017) Recrystallisation and Shorted-Lived Lattice Disruptions along Mantle Fluid Pathways
Greau Y, Henry H, Huang J-X, Griffin WL & O'Reilly SY
(2017) CH4 Interaction with Basalt Magma: Super-Reducing Conditions beneath Mt Carmel, Israel
Griffin WL, Gain SEM, Huang J, Toledo V & O'Reilly SY
(2016) Deep Carbon: SiC in Mantle- and Mantle-Generated Rocks
Huang J-X, Griffin W, Martin L, Toledo V & O'Reilly S
(2016) Upwelling of the SE Australian Lithosphere: Thermo-Tectonic Evolution of Garnet Pyroxenite Xenoliths from Western Victoria
Lu J-G, Xiong Q, Griffin WL, Huang J-X, O'Reilly SY, Satsukawa T, Zheng J-P & Pearson N
(2015) Mg and Fe Isotope Geochemistry of Garnet Peridotites from the Kaapvaal and Siberia Cratons
An Y, Huang F, Huang J, Griffin WL & Liu C
(2015) Mg Isotopes in Roberts Victor Xenolithic Eclogites: no Crustal Origin
Huang J-X, Griffin W, Xiang Y, Xie L, Pearson N & O'Reilly S
(2013) Unmasking Enigmatic Xenolithic Eclogites: Progressive Metasomatism on a Key Roberts Victor Sample
Huang J-X, Griffin W, Greau Y, Pearson N & O'Reilly S

Huang Jing (2013) The Mercury in the Low Latitude Holocene Peat Profile Associated with Monsoon Variation
Huang J, Zhou L & Zheng X

Huang Jing (2020) Sulfur Isotopic Record Associated with the Late Cambrian Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion (SPICE) from South China
Huang J, Feng L & Chu X
(2020) Coupled Fe‒S Isotope Composition of Sulfide Chimneys Dominated by Temperature Heterogeneity in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems
Wang S, Sun W, Huang J, Zhai S & Li H

Huang Jing (2014) Geochemical Evidence for Ferruginous Marine Conditions Following the Paleoproterozoic Demise of Iron Formation Deposition
Li C, Planavsky N, Love G, Lyons T, Reinhard C, Feng L, Huang J, Zhang Q & Chu X
(2012) A Reevaluation of Early Cambrian Ocean Redox Conditions Through the Iron Geochemical Studies of the Lower Hetang Black Shales in South China
Feng L, Li C, Huang J, Chang H, Li C, Zhang Q & Chu X
(2012) Weathering of Mafic Rocks and Early Animal Evolution in the Ediacaran of South China
Huang J, Chu X, Lyons T, Planavsky N & Wen H
(2012) A Highly Stratified Cryogenian Marine Basin Recorded in the Datangpo Formation, South China
Li C, Love G, Lyons T, Scott C, Feng L, Huang J, Chang H, Zhang Q & Chu X
(2011) What Role did Methane Seeps Play in the Formation of the Doushantuo Cap Carbonate?
Chu X, Huang J & Lyons T
(2009) Terminal Ediacaran Oceanic Anoxia: Evidence from Framboidal Pyrites in the Cherts of Laobao Formation (South China)
Chang H, Chu X, Huang J, Feng L & Zhang Q
(2008) Overturn of Anoxic Deep Ocean Happened at ~551 Ma – Evidences from Isotopes and Trace Elements
Chu X, Huang J & Zhang T
(2007) C and S Isotope Records in Doushantuo Formation: Implication for Redox Fluctuation of the Ediacaran Ocean
Huang J & Chu X

Huang Jing-Li (2011) Research of Three-Dimensional Engineering Geology Strata Modeling in Urban Underground Space
Huang J-L
(2010) Contemporary Geo-Space Use and Environment Improvement
Huang JL & Zhou Y
(2009) Analysis and Evaluation of the Available Rock and Soil Mass in Underground Space in ChangChun, China
Huang J-L, Zhou Y & Liu L
(2009) Determination of Trace B Element in Sedimentary Rock Samples by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Liu L & Huang J-L

Huang Jingyi (2022) Deep Earth Water Model for Predicting the Formation of Immiscible Hydrocarbons in Subduction Zones
Huang J, Sverjensky DA, Daniel I & Vitale Brovarone A
(2021) Formation of Hydrocarbons Favors High Pressure at Subduction Zones Conditions: A Study from in situ Experiments
Huang J, Daniel I, Sverjensky D, Cardon H & Montagnac G
(2018) Mobility of Chromium in Aqueous Fluids as a Function of Temperature, Pressure and Fluid Composition
Huang J, Hao J, Huang F & Sverjensky D

Huang Jinxiang (2019) Zinc, Magnesium and Oxygen Isotope Evidence for the Origin of Roberts Victor Mantle Eclogites
Huang J, Huang J & Huang F

Huang Jiwen (2020) A Study on Hydrocarbon Accumulation Patterns of Ordovician Deep Reservoir in Tahe Oilfield, Tarim Basin
Jia C, Gu Y, Huang J, Qiao G, Chu C & Li M

Huang Jr-Chuan
(2016) Boron Isotope Systematics in Small Mountainous Rivers of Taiwan
Huang K-F, Liu Y-H, Wang R-M, Huang J-C & Chen P-H
(2016) The Influence of Weathering Processes on Riverine Uranium Isotopes in Small Mountainous Rivers of Taiwan
Wang R-M, Huang K-F, Huang J-C, Chen P-H & Shih Y-T

Huang Jun (2016) Comparison of Dual Nitrate Isotopes in Aerosols Sampled at Two Typical Cities, Southwest China
Li X-D, Yang Z, Li Q-K, Cui G-Y, Huang J & Tao Y-L
(2010) Small Volcano Swarms on the Moon: Common Volcanic Edifices on Terrestrial Planets
Xiao L, Huang J, He Q & He X

Huang Junhua (2021) Calibration of Bacterial 3-Hydroxy Fatty Acid Based Palaeoclimate Proxies in Global Soils
Wang C, Bendle JA, Yang H, Yang Y, Hardman A, Yamoah A, Thorpe A, Mandel I, Greene SE, Huang J & Xie S
(2013) Carbon Isotopic Evidence for Methane Release during the End-Permian Mass Extinction
Huang J, Lei L, Luo G & Zhou Q
(2011) Records of Sulfur Isotopic Composition and their Significance from the Permian Strata at Shangsi Section of Guangyuan, Sichuan
Huang J, Li P, Zhao L, Zhou L & Cao J
(2011) The Comparsion of Mo Isotope and Paleo-Oxygenation Parameters in Black Shales from Upper Yangtze Marine Sediments
Zhou L, Su J, Hu Z, Huang J & Zhao L

Huang Junhuang (2013) Return of Archean Low Sulfate Levels during the Earliest Mesoproterozoic Oceans
Luo G, Ono S, Huang J, Li C, Liu J & Xie S

Huang Kaibo (2017) Photodegradation of BDE-15 in Triton x-100 Micellar Solution
Huang K, Lu G & Dang Z

Huang Kan (2012) Simulating Arctic Black Carbon with GEOS-Chem/CMAQModelling System
Fu J, Dong X, Huang K, Cheng M & Storey J

Huang Kang-Jun (2023) Environmental Stabilisation and Biological Diversification in the Aftermath of the Sturtian Snowball Glaciation
Bowyer F, Krause AJ, Song Y, Huang K-J, Fu Y, Shen B, Li J, Zhu X, Kipp MA, van Maldegem LM, Brocks JJ, Shields GA, Le Hir G, Mills BJW & Poulton SW
(2023) Intensified Bioavailable Phosphorus Flux Induced by the Terrestrial Ecosystem Collapse during the End-Permian Mass Extinction
Ju P, Chu D, Hao J, Han Y & Huang K-J
(2022) Magnesium Isotopic Evidence for Staged Enhancement of the East Asian Summer Monsoon Precipitation Since the Miocene
Ma L & Huang K-J
(2020) The Delay Appearance of Cambrian Explosion Linked to Marine N2O Production
Wang Z & Huang K
(2020) Climate Forcing the Evolution of East Asian Summer Monsoon Precipitation Since the Miocene Evidenced by Mg Isotopes in Chinese Loess Deposits
Ma L, Sun Y, Jin Z & Huang K-J
(2020) Widespread Marine Dolomite Precipitation Reveals an Anoxic, High Mg/Ca Neoproterozoic Ocean?
Zhang P, Luo M, Cai Y-P & Huang K-J
(2020) The Reversed Redox Zonation in the Early Cambrian Ocean: The Isotope Evidence from Pyritized Sponge Spicules
Liu Y, Wang R, Ding W, Lang X, Huang K & Shen B
(2020) Magnesium Isotope Behaviors during Authigenic Carbonate Precipitation Driven by Anaerobic Methane Oxidation
Meng Z, Feng D, Zheng X & Huang K
(2020) The Coupling of Marine Sulfur and Iron Cycle in the Wake of Marinoan Snowball Earth
Shen B, Wang R, Fu B, Huang K & Lang X
(2019) Tracking the Metabolic Pathways by in situ Iron and Sulphur Isotope Analyses of Sedimentary Pyrite
Wang R, Shen B, Lang X & Huang K
(2019) Constraints on the Global Mg Cycle from Mg Isotopic Composition of Altered Oceanic Crust
Huang K-J, Teng F-Z, Plank T, Staudigel H, Hu Y & Bao Z-Y
(2019) The Behaviour of Mg Isotopes during Brine Evaporation and its Implications on Ancient Seawater Chemistry
Zhang P, Huang K-J & Luo C-G
(2018) Intense Chemical Weathering during Early Triassic Revealed by Mg Isotopes
Chen X-Y, Teng F-Z, Huang K-J & Algeo T

Huang Kangjun (2010) Evaluation of Ore-Forming Potential by Fractal/Multifractal Analysis
Xie S, Ke X, Huang K, Cheng Q & Bao Z

Huang Ke (2020) Microbial Processes of Arsenic Methylation, Demethylation and Volatilization in Paddy Soils
Zhao F-J, Chen C & Huang K

Huang Ko-Chun (2016) Electron Backscatter Diffraction Study of Iron-Sulfide Nodules in Sediments off SW Taiwan: Implications for Puzzling Early Diagenetic Formation of Iron Sulfides
Huang K-C, Jiang W-T & Huang A-L
(2013) Replacement of Authigenic and Detrital Pyrrhotites by Marcasite and Pyrite in Cold-Seep Sediments Offshore SW Taiwan
Huang K-C & Jiang W-T

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