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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Huang Bichun (2023) Sulfur Isotope Insights into Sulfur Biological and Geochemical Process in Metal-Sulfide Mine Tailings
Ye H, Huang B, Huang R & Dang Z

Huang Bo (2023) Evidence for Deep Subduction Reveals Modern-Style Plate Tectonics Operated in the Late Archean
Wang L, Hu W, Ning W, Huang B, Chen T & Kusky T
(2022) Discovery and Significance of Early Paleozoic Mafic-Ultramafic Blocks in the Eastern Yidun Terrane, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Zhou W, Xu J, Zhou H, Huang B, Xu Y & Li H
(2021) The Oldest Banded Iron Formations(BIFs) in Yangtze Craton: The Geochronology and Geochemical Characteristics of Mesoarchean Dujiagou BIFs
Zhou H, Zhou W, Wei Y, Huang B, Fu D & Zhou Z

Huang Bor-Shouh (2013) Seismic Evidence for the α-β Quartz Transition beneath Taiwan from Vp/Vs Tomography
Kuo-Chen H, Wu F, Jenkins D, Mechie J, Roecker S, Wang C-Y & Huang B-S

Huang C (2003) Hydrographic Estimates for Developing East Asian Monsoon Proxies in IMAGES South China Sea Studies
Chen M, Huang C & Yu P

Huang C (2004) Mechanism of palygorskite-Cu(alpha) Interaction in Aqueous Suspension System
Chen T, Feng Y, Qing C, Huang C, Xu H & Shi X

Huang Chao (2020) Lithium and Nd Isotopic Constraints on the Origin of Li-Poor Pegmatite with Implications for Li Mineralization
Chen B, Huang C & Zhao H
(2020) Assessment of the Auxiliary Gas Flow and Torch Position Influence on Measurement of Lu-Hf Isotopic Composition of Zircon by a Direct Identification of 177HfO/177Hf Formation Rates with MC-ICP-MS
Huang C, Yang Y-H, Xie L, Wu S, Wang H & Yang J-H
(2020) Isotope Compositions of Three Synthetic Andesite Reference Glass Materials (ARM-1, ARM-2, ARM-3) for in situ Microanalysis
Wu S, Yang Y, Huang C, Wang H, Xie L & Yang J
(2019) A Potential New Zircon Reference Material for Micro-Beam Analysis
Huang C, Wang H, Xie L-W, Yang Y-H, Wu S-T & Yang J-H
(2019) High-Precision Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Characterization of Chinese Geological Standard Glasses (CGSG-1, 2, 4 and 5) Reference Materials by TIMS and MC-ICP-MS
Yang Y, Xie L, Huang C, Wu S & Yang J
(2019) Simultaneous Measurement of Sulfur and Iron Isotopes in Pyrite Using a Femtosecond Laser Ablation System Coupled with Two Multi-Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometers
Xie L-W, Huang C, Yang Y-H, Wu S-T & Yang J-H
(2019) Heavy Li Isotopic Signatures of Enriched Sub-Continental Mantle-Derived Gabbroic Rocks in East China: Evidence for Mantle Metasomatism by Fluids/Melts Released from the Down-Going Paleo-Pacific Slab
Chen B, Huang C & Chen Y
(2017) When did the Paleo-Tethys Ailaoshan Ocean Closed: New Constraints from Detrital Zircon U–Pb Geochronology and Hf Isotope
Xia X, Xu J & Huang C
(2016) New Progresses in Analytical Methods of in situ Sm-Nd Isotope Measurement of Natural Geological Samples by LA-MC-ICP-MS
Yang Y-H, Yang J-H, Wu F-Y, Xie L-W & Huang C
(2016) An Epidote Standard for in situ LA-MC-ICP-MS Sr Isotope
Chen J, Huang C, Yang J, Yang Y & Xie L
(2016) Helium Isotopic Compositions of Ore-Forming Fluid from the Xintianling Tungsten Deposit and the Furong Tin Deposit, the Nanling Range: Implications for the Origin and Evolution of the Ore-Forming Fluid of the Qitianling Pluton
Huang C & Chen B

Huang Chenchen (2020) Tracing the Sources and Microbial Degradation of PCBs in Field Sediments by a Multiple-Line-Of-Evidence Approach
Huang C, Zeng Y, Luo X & Mai B

Huang Cheng (2017) Multi-Stage Mineralization at Huangshaping W-Mo-Cu-Pb-Zn Polymetallic Deposit, Southeastern China: Constraints from Fluid Inclusions, Trace Elements, and Isotopes
Li X, Huang C & Wang C

Huang Chenhui (2023) Chemical Weathering Characteristics of Lime Soil and the Main Influencing Factors in Guilin, Guangxi Province, China
Wu H, Huang C, Huang Q & Li T

Huang Chun Yuan (2016) Absolute Dated Greenland Interstadials Recorded in Stalagmite from Southern Turkey
Baykara MO, Mii H-S, Huang CY, Wu C-C & Shen C-C

Huang Chun-Chang (2020) Two-End-Member Mixing in the Fluids Emitted from a Sediment Hosted Geothermal System, Mud Volcano Lei-Gong-Huo, Eastern Taiwan: Evidence from Sr Isotopes
Chao H-C, You C-F & Huang C-C

Huang Chun-Yuan (2017) Processes Involved in Massive Gas Hydrate Formation in the Sea of Japan as Inferred from U-Th Ages of MDAC and from H2S Concentrations of Hydrates
Matsumoto R, Snyder G, Hiruta A, Kakizaki Y, Tanahashi M, Kakuwa Y, Chang Y-W, Huang C-Y & Shen C-C

Huang Chunju (2023) Mercury Isotope Constraints on the Timing of Intrusive-Extrusive Magmatism during the End-Triassic Mass Extinction
Hua X, Yin R, Kemp DB, Huang C & Shen J
(2022) Interpreting Variability in Hg Concentrations and Hg-Isotopes Across Intervals of Large-Scale Volcanism: A Case Study from the End-Triassic
Hua X, Kemp DB, Yin R, Shen J, Jin X, Song Y & Huang C
(2022) Shallow and Deep Ocean Fe Cycling and Redox Evolution Across the Pliensbachian-Toarcian
Chen W, He T, Kemp DB, Xiong Y, Izumi K, Cho T, Huang C, Newton RJ & Poulton SW
(2018) Astrochronology of the End-Permian Extinction and the Early-Middle Triassic
Li M, Huang C, Ogg J, Hinnov L, Zhang Y, Chen W & Tian W

Huang Daikuan

Huang Dan (2013) Source and Geochemical Characteristics of Carbon and Nitrogen in Poyang Lake Sediments
Zhou W, Huang D, Lou Q, Li L & Hu C
(2013) Hydrochemistry and Isotope Evidence of Groundwater Evolution and Recharge in Poyang Lake, South China
Hu C, Zhou P, Huang D, Li L & Zhou W

Huang Dekun

Huang Ding-Ling (2017) From Source Disequilibrium Melting to Magmatic Homogenization Recorded by Hf Isotopes in Zircons
Wang X, Wang D, Tang M & Huang D-L

Huang Dongyang (2021) Nb-Ta Paradox and the Redox State of Earth's Primordial Magma Ocean
Huang D, Badro J & Siebert J
(2021) Earth’s Volatile Accretion as Told by Cd, Bi, Sb and Tl Core–mantle Distribution
Kubik E, Siebert J, Blanchard I, Agranier A, Huang D, Mahan B & Moynier F
(2019) Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Investigation of SiO2 Precipitation in Earth’s Core
Huang D, Badro J, Brodholt J & Li Y
(2017) Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Core-Mantle Interactions
Huang D & Badro J

Huang Doreen Yu-Tuan (2021) Using Soil Ancient DNA for the Reconstruction of Past Environments: Insights in the New Applications of Paleosols on Well-Dated Tephras
Huang DY-T, Rodriguez S, Klaminder J, Dugmore A & Cutler N

Huang E. (2014) Short-Term Protein Stable Isotope Probing of Microbial Communities to Associate Functions with Taxa
Lipton M, Slysz G, Steinke L, Ward D, Moran J, Metz T, Kim Y-M, Lindeman S, Huang E, Anderson G, Payne S, Bryant D, Cole J & Gritsenko M
(2014) Spatially-Resolved Carbon Flow Through a Hypersaline Microbial Mat
Moran J, Riha K, Cory A, Kim Y-M, Huang E, Metz T, Lipton M, Courtney S, Lindemann S & Fredrickson J

Huang F (2006) 231Pa excesses in subduction zone magmas: indicators of melting rates and processes in the mantle wedge
Huang F & Lundstrom C
(2006) Thermal migration of AGV-1: implications for granitoid genesis and diversity in igneous rocks
Lundstrom C & Huang F
(2004) Interface Interactions in Nanoparticle Aggregates
Huang F, Gilbert B, Zhang H, Finnegan M, Rustad J, Kim C, Waychunas G & Banfield J
(2003) Nanoparticles: Size-Structure-Reactivity Interrelationships
Banfield J, Huang F, Gilbert B, Zhang H, Moreau J & Waychunas G

Huang F. (2018) Fe–Ti-Oxides Down to the Nanoscale: Ores from Layered Intrusions
Gao WY, Ciobanu CL, Cook NJ, Huang F, Slattery A & Song D

Huang Fang (2023) High-Pressure Experimental and Thermodynamic Constraints on the Solubility of Carbonates in Subduction Zone Fluids
Lan C, Tao R, Huang F, Jiang R & Zhang L
(2023) Tracing the Source and Transport of Hg during Pedogenesis in Strongly Weathered Tropical Soil Using Hg Isotopes
Gao X, Yuan W, Chen J, Huang F, Wang Z, Gong Y, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Zhang T & Zheng W
(2023) Barium Isotope Fractionation during Slab Dehydration as Revealed by Studies on UHP eclogite-Hp Vein Systems
Li W, Gu X, Xu J, Yu H & Huang F
(2023) PyDEW: A Python Interface for Calculations with the Deep Earth Water Model
Matthews S, Ghiorso MS, Sverjensky DA, Huang F & Siron G
(2023) Existence of the Big Mantle Wedge beneath East Asia Continental Margin Before 123 Ma
Jiang D, Xu X, Deng G, Erdmann S & Huang F
(2023) Ba Isotopes Reveal the Role of Magmatic Fluids in Lithium Enrichment in Granitic Pegmatites
Deng G, Jiang D & Huang F
(2023) Rubidium Isotopes of Highly Evolved Granites Record the Magmatic-Fluid Interaction Process
Hu X, Jiang D, Deng G & Huang F
(2023) Atom-Trap Trace Analysis of 41Ca/Ca Down to the 10-17 Level
Sun W, Xia T-Y, Ebser S, Jiang W, Yang G-M, Zhu H-M, Fu Y-C, Huang F, Ming G-D, Xia T & Lu Z-T
(2023) Indium (In) Speciation and Equilibrium In Isotope Fractionation between Chloride-Rich Aqueous Solution and Minerals
Duan H & Huang F
(2023) Seawater Contribution to the Early Cambrian (ca. 521 Ma) Polymetallic Mo-V Mineralization in the Yangtze Block and Widespread Oceanic Oxygenation: Clues from V Isotopes
Dong L, Wei W & Huang F
(2022) Large Mg and Fe Isotopic Variations in Hawaiian Olivines
Huang S, Valentine A, An Y, Pinko J & Huang F
(2022) Interpretable Machine Learning to Predict Mantle Metasomatism Worldwide
Qin B, Huang F, Huang S, Python A, Chen Y & Zhang Z
(2022) Data-Driven Methods and Applications in Mineral Exploration
Huang F, Williams M, Cole D, Noble R & Uvarova Y
(2022) First-Principle Calculations of Equilibrium Mg Isotopic Fractionations Among Mg-Phosphates and the Implications for Tracing the Existence of Struvite in Planetary Waters
Xiao Z, Hao J, Liu C & Huang F
(2022) Molecular Dynamics Insights of NaCl-Bearing Fluids at deep-Earth Conditions
Papasergio AE, Mei Y & Huang F
(2022) Synthesis/destruction of Building Blocks of Life during Impact-Induced Hydrothermal Activities on the Primitive Earth?
Jiang H, Ju P, Cheng W, Zhou G-T, Huang F & Hao J
(2021) History of Geochemistry in Mainland China
Huang F, Li Y, Hao J & Li W
(2021) Mercury Isotopic Fractionation in Latosol Profile Developed from Strongly Weathered Basalt
Gao X, Zhang Y, Huang F, Chen J & Zheng W
(2021) Determination of Vanadium Isotope Compositions in Carbonates Using a Fe Co-precipitation Method and MC-ICP-MS
Dong L, Wei W & Huang F
(2021) Tracing the Evolution of the Global Marine Redox Conditions from the Late Ediacaran to Early Cambrian: Clues from Vanadium Isotopes
Wei W & Huang F
(2021) Zn Isotopic Compositions of the Asian Mineral Dust
Zhang X, Huang J, Gong Y, Zhang L & Huang F
(2021) West Pacific Slab Subduction-Induced Carbonate Cycle in Eastern China during the Early Cretaceous
Jiang D, Xu X, Wang X-J, Huang J & Huang F
(2021) Constraints of Barium Isotopes on Oceanic Crust Recycling in the Mantle
Zhang G, Zhao Z & Huang F
(2021) Solubilities of Carbonate Minerals in Aqueous Fluids Under Subduction Zone Conditions: Constraints from High-Pressure Experiments and Thermodynamic Models
Lan C, Tao R, Huang F, Jiang R & Zhang L
(2021) Ca Isotope Composition of the Altered Oceanic Crust from the IODP Site 1256 at the East Pacific Rise
Hu L, Qi Y, Kang J & Huang F
(2021) Experimental Determination of Zinc Isotopic Fractionation between Aqueous Fluids and Silicate Magmas
Guo H, Xia Y, Wu F & Huang F
(2021) How Precise and Accurate Can Mg Isotope Data Be by Using the Sample-Standard Bracketing Method?
Huang F, Wang W & Kang J
(2021) First-Principle Calculations of Equilibrium Barium Isotope Fractionation between Silicate Minerals and its Implications
Xiao Z, Wang W, Wu Z & Huang F
(2021) Vanadium Isotope Fractionation during Magma Differentiation in the Gangdese Batholith, Southern Tibet
Lv W, Huang F & Wang R
(2021) The Zirconium Isotope Composition of the Mantle and Upper Continental Crust Through Time
Tian S, Moynier F, Inglis E, Rudnick RL, Huang F, Chauvel C, Gaschnig RM, Creech J & Puchtel IS
(2021) Modification of Fluids in Subduction Channel: Evidence from Barium Isotopes of Western Alps Whiteschis
Chen A, Gu X, Zeng Z, Xiao Z, Chen Y-X & Huang F
(2021) Barium Isotope Constraint on the Formation of A-Type Granites and Tin Mineralization in South China
Deng G, Jiang D & Huang F
(2020) Effect of Diagenesis on Ba Isotope Composition of Barites in from the Tarim Basin, NW China
Tian L-L, Zhou X-Q & Huang F
(2020) Dramatic Changes in the Biogeochemical Cycle of Barium Isotopes in the Ediacaran Yangtze Platform
Wei W, Zeng Z, Tian L-L & Huang F
(2020) Low-δ56Fe Ferrobasalt Reveals the Iron Cycle of the Awulale Arc Belt, Western Tianshan (China)
Yan S, Niu H-C & Huang F
(2020) Phosphorus Limitation on Primary Production in Archean Ecosystems
Hao J, Knoll A, Huang F, Schieber J, Hazen R & Daniel I
(2020) Experimental Determination of Barium Partitioning and Isotope Fractionation between Aqueous Fluid and Silicate Melt
Li W-Y, Guo H, Nan X-Y & Huang F
(2020) Calcium Isotopic Compositions of Arc Magmas: The Absence of Subduction Signal
Kang J, Qi Y, Yu H, Zhang Z & Huang F
(2020) Digging into Deep Time & Deep Cover
Williams M, Klump J, Barnes S & Huang F
(2020) The Effect of Core Formation on Vanadium Isotopic Compositions of the Mantle of Rocky Planets
Zhang S, Zhang H, Lv W, Bai R, Zhang X & Huang F
(2020) Revealing the Subduction Zone Sulfur Recycling: The Slab Perspective
Li J-L, Schwarzenbach E, John T, Ague J & Huang F
(2019) Barium Isotope Characteristic of the Hawaiian Lavas
Nan X-Y, Kang J-T, Yu H-M, Huang S-C & Huang F
(2019) Silicon Isotopic Compositions of Metaperidotites from the Franciscan Complex- Implications for the Si Isotope Fractionation during Subduction Dehydration
Wang B, Li W, Deng G, Huang F & Yu H
(2019) Barium Isotopic Characteristics of Metamorphic Rocks from Continental Subduction Zones
Xu J, Li W-Y, Wang S-J, Nan X-Y, Yu H-M & Huang F
(2019) Network Analysis on Geochemical and Biological Signatures from Cerro Negro Volcano and Implications for Life on Ancient Martian
Huang F, Fischer A, Collins C, Eleish A, Fox P, Hynek B, McCollom T, Prabhu A & Rogers K
(2019) Equilibrium Inter-Mineral Titanium Isotope Fractionation: Implication for Ti Isotope Behaviors during Magmatic Differentiation
Wang W, Huang S, Huang F, Zhao X & Wu Z
(2019) Assessing the Interference Effects on Cd Isotope Analyses for Soils and Rocks with Double Spike Correction by MC-ICP-MS
Yu H-M, Liu M & Huang F
(2019) Kinetic Ca-Fe Isotope Fractionation in Xenoliths Overprinted by Plume-Lithosphere Interaction
Kang J, Hao Y, Liu F, Zhu H, Zhang Z & Huang F
(2019) Barium Isotopes Reveal Pervasive Recycling of Oceanic Crust in the Source of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
Huang F, Nan X & Yu H
(2019) Zinc, Magnesium and Oxygen Isotope Evidence for the Origin of Roberts Victor Mantle Eclogites
Huang J, Huang J & Huang F
(2019) Understanding Molybdenum and Uranium Isotope Systematics in Continental Margin Sediments
He Z, Clarkson M, Andersen M, Archer C, Huang F & Vance D
(2019) Experimental Investigation on the Equilibrium V Isotope Fractionation between Metal and Silicate Melts and Implications for Planetary Differentiation
Zhang H, Zhang S & Huang F
(2019) Fe Isotope Fractionation in Paddy Soils Originated from Lacustrine Sediments and Red Clay
Qi Y, Zhang G, Huang F, Li D, Yu H & Cheng W
(2019) The Composition of the Lunar Core Through Zinc and Copper Isotopes
Xia Y, Kiseeva K, Wade J & Huang F
(2018) Zinc Isotope Constraint on the Petrogenesis of Fe-Rich Peridotites and Pyroxenites of the Bohemian Massif
Huang J, Ackerman L & Huang F
(2018) The Vanadium Isotopic Composition of the BSE: Constraints from Peridotites and Komatiites
Qi Y, Wu F, Ionov D, Puchtel I, Nicklas R, Yu H, Kang J, Li C & Huang F
(2018) Iron and Vanadium Isotopic Compositions of Cenozoic Basalts from Eastern China
Chen Z, Ding X, Huang J, Yu H & Huang F
(2018) Reaction Controlled Kinetic Inter-Mineral Ca Isotope Fractionation between Orthopyroxene and Clinopyroxene
Kang J, Hao Y, Liu F, Zhu H, Zhang Z & Huang F
(2018) Barium Isotopes Evidence of Recycled Metasomatized Mantle Wedge in the Mantle Source of Azores OIB
Yu H-M, Nan X-Y, Widom E, Kuentz D & Huang F
(2018) Melt/rock Interaction in the Mesozoic Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Eastern North China Craton: Fe Isotopic Evidence
Zhao X, Huang S, Qi Y, Huang F & Zhang H
(2018) The Composition of the Lunar Core Through Zinc and Copper Isotopes
Xia Y, Kiseeva K, Huang F & Wade J
(2018) The Vanadium Isotope Evidence for Emergence of Felsic Crust after 3 Ga
Huang F, Tian S, Rudnick R, Qi Y, Wu F, Cai Y & Gaschnig R
(2018) Mixing of Saline and Carbonatitic Fluids To Form Peridotitic Panda Diamonds
Sverjensky D & Huang F
(2018) Mobility of Chromium in Aqueous Fluids as a Function of Temperature, Pressure and Fluid Composition
Huang J, Hao J, Huang F & Sverjensky D
(2018) Barium Isotope Compositions of Lesser Antilles Forearc Sediments from DSDP Sites 543 and 144
Nan X, Yu H, Huang F, Zhu H & Zhang Z
(2018) Inter-Mineral Magnesium and Iron Isotope Fractionations in Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphosed Mafic-Ultramafic Rocks
Li W-Y, Zhang S-Y, Huang J, Huang F & Xiao Y
(2017) Magnesium and Iron Isotopic Compositions of Subduction-Zone Fluids
Huang J, Guo S & Huang F
(2017) Barium Isotopic Composition of the Mantle Constrained by Carbonatites
Li W-Y, Huang F, Yu H-M, Xu J, Halama R & Teng F-Z
(2017) Monthly-Resolved Coral Barium Isotopic Records in the South China Sea and its Paleoceanographic Implication
Li X, Zeng Z, Liu Y, Yu H, Huang F & Shen C-C
(2017) Partitioning of V, Sc, Zn, and Fe between Upper Mantle Minerals and Hydrous Basalts
Xia Y, Huang F & Zhang H
(2017) Exploring Ca Isotope Systematic in the Earth’s Mantle
Huang F, Zhang Z-F, Kang J-T, Qi Y, Zhou C & Wang W-Z
(2016) Magnesium and Iron Isotope Fractionation during Subduction: Perspectives from Jadeitites
Chen Y, Huang F & Su B
(2016) The Compositional Effect on Ca-Mg Isotope Fractionations Among Carbonates: First-Principles Investigations
Wu Z, Wang W, Qin T & Huang F
(2016) Fractionation of V Isotopes during Magma Differentiation
Huang F, Tian S-Y & Wu F
(2016) Copper Isotopic Fractionation in Paddy Soils of Suzhou, China
Yu H, Liu Y & Huang F
(2016) Copper Isotope Fractionation during Partial Melting and Melt Percolation in the Mantle
Huang J, Huang F, Wang Z-C, Zhang X-C, Chen S & Yu H-M
(2016) Barium Isotopic Composition of the Upper Continental Crust
Nan X, Yu H, Xu J, Li W & Huang F
(2016) Iron and Calcium Isotopic Compositions of Continental Basalts from the North China Craton
Zhang Z, Zhao X, Huang S & Huang F
(2016) Barium Isotope Composition of a Laterite Profile Derived from Extremely Weathered Basalt
Gong Y, Nan X, Yu H, Zeng Z & Huang F
(2016) Silicon Isotopic Fractionation in Laterites from Guangdong, South China
Li Y-H, Yu H-M, Gu X-F & Huang F
(2016) Silicon Isotope Geochemistry of Altered Oceanic Crust
An Y, Yu H & Huang F
(2016) Recycled Nitrogen Fixed in Arc Lavas
Li L, Huang F & Cartigny P
(2016) Melt Composition Effect on the FRTM and HFSE Partitioning between cpx and Silicic Melts
He Z-W, Zhang X-C, Zhang H-L & Huang F
(2016) Vanadium Isotope Fractionation in Low-Temperature Environments
Wu F, Qi Y, Zhang F, Algeo T, Yu H & Huang F
(2016) Aqueous Acetate Coexisting with Immiscible Fluid Isobutane at Subduction Zone Pressures
Huang F, Daniel I, Cardon H, Montagnac G & Sverjensky D
(2015) High-Precision Ba Isotope Analysis Method by MC-ICP-MS
Nan X, Wu F, Yu H & Huang F
(2015) Mg and Fe Isotope Geochemistry of Garnet Peridotites from the Kaapvaal and Siberia Cratons
An Y, Huang F, Huang J, Griffin WL & Liu C
(2015) Copper and Zn Isotope Compositions of Altered Oceanic Crust from IODP Site 1256 at the East Pacific Rise
Huang J, Liu S-A, Gao Y, Xiao Y & Huang F
(2015) First-Principles Investigation of Equilibrium Fractionation of O and Si Isotopes Among Crustal Minerals
Wu F, Qin T, Huang F & Wu Z-Q
(2015) Heterogeneous Mg Isotope Compositions of Volcanic Rocks from the Hailar Basin, NE China
Yu H, An Y & Huang F
(2015) New Metal Complexes in Upper Mantle Fluids
Huang F & Sverjensky DA
(2015) Iron Isotope Systematics of the Tongshankou Porphyry–skarn Cu–Mo Deposit, Eastern China
He Z-W, Huang F, Yu H-M, Chen S, Kang J-T & Zhang X-C
(2015) Calcium Isotopic Fractionation between Clinopyroxene and Orthopyroxen in Mantle Xenoliths from Eastern China
Kang J-T, Zhu H-L, Liu Y-F, Liu F, Wu F, Hao Y-T, Huang F & Zhang Z-F
(2015) Barium Isotope Compositions of Igneous Rocks
Huang F, Nan X, Yu H, Huang S-C & Huang J
(2014) Speciation and Sources of Aqueous Fluids in Diamond Fluid Inclusions
Huang F & Sverjensky D
(2014) Fe Cycling and Isotope Fractionation in Paddy Soils of Suzhou, China
Yu H, Qi Y, Huang F, Zhang G, Li D & Lundstrom C
(2014) Are U-Series Disequilibria in Arc Lavas Inherited from Subducted Slabs or from In-Growth Mantle Melting?
Huang F
(2014) First-Principles Investigation of Equilibrium V Isotope Fractionation in Solution and during Adsorption
Wu F, Qin T, Li X-F, Liu Y, Wu Z-Q & Huang F
(2013) Silicon Isotope Fractionation between the Upper and Lower Mantle of the Earth
Huang F, Wu Z & Huang S
(2013) First-Principles Investigations of Equilibrium Calcium Isotope Fractionation between Orthopyroxene and Clinopyroxene
Feng C, Qin T, Huang S, Wu Z & Huang F
(2012) Mg Isotope Composition of the Bulk Silicate Earth Constrained by First Princeples Calculation
Huang F, Wu Z-Q & Chen L-J
(2011) U-Series Disequilibria of Arc Lavas Revisited: Time-Scales of Magmatism in Convergent Margins
Huang F
(2010) Partial Melts from Thick Lower Continental Crust: Geochemical Characterization and Identification
He Y-S, Li S-G, Hoefs J, Huang F & Liu S-A
(2009) Constraints on Deep Crustal Magma Differentiation by U-Series Disequilibria of Rocks from Southern Peru, Central Volcanic Zone
Huang F, Sørensen E, Holm P, Zhang Z, Lundstrom C & Glessner J
(2008) Fe-Mg Isotope Fractionation in Silicate Melt by Thermal Diffusion
Huang F, Lundstrom C & Lesher C
(2008) Temperature Gradient Driven Magma Differentiation and Isotopic Fractionation
Lundstrom C, Huang F & Glessner J
(2007) Mg and Fe Isotopes as Tracers of Temperature Gradient Driven Diffusive Differentiation
Huang F, Lundstrom C & Ianno A
(2007) Different Mobility of Nb and Ta along a Thermal Gradient
Ding X, Sun W, Huang F, Lundstrom C & Li J
(2007) Magma Differentiation in a T Gradient: Thermal Migration and Soret Effects are not Dead!
Lundstrom C, Boudreau A, Huang F & Ianno A

Huang Fangfang (2023) Experimental Determination of Tin Partitioning between Titanite, Ilmenite and Granitic Melts Using Improved Capsule Designs
Huang F, Xiong X, Wang J, Gao M, Li L & Wei C

Huang Fei (2021) Research on the Process of Amphibole Losing Water may Reveal the Temperature Gradient Inside the Planet
Li Y, Huang F, Gao W, Zhu Q, Shen C, Li M, Sun X & Wang X
(2021) Metamorphic Remobilization and Hydrothermal Superimposition Records in Sulfides from Archean VMS Deposit
Zhao F, Huang F, Chen L, Gao W & Meng L

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