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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Hu Guoyi (2020) Experimental Proof on Methane Polymerization Caused Isotopic Reversals of Natural Gas Formed at over Maturity
Mi J, Hu G & He K
(2018) Characteristics of Sinian and Cambrian Natural Gases in Sichuan and Tarim Basins, China
Wang Z, Li Y, Gong D & Hu G
(2017) A Simple Analytical Method for Phenols in Geological Organic Matter
Fang C, Zhai J, Huang L, Hu G & Zhang S
(2016) The Demethylation of Light Alkyl Aromatics and its Effect on the Gas Generation from Coal in the High and over Maturity
Hu G, Zhang S & Mi J
(2015) Contribution from the Cracking of Dispersed Liquid Hydrocarbons for Deep Gas
Wang Z, Wang D, Hu G & Li Y
(2009) The Geochemical Characteristics of Natural Gas and its Origin in Tazhong Uplift of Tarim Basin, China
Hu G, Li J & Li Z

Hu Guyue (2011) Concurrence of Mid-Miocene High Sr/Y Granite and Leucogranite in the Yardoi Gneiss Dome, Tethyan Himalaya, Southern Tibet
Zeng L, Gao L-E, Xie K & Hu G
(2010) Constrains on the Timing of Partial Melting Events in the Sulu UHP Rocks
Zeng L, Gao L-E, Yu J & Hu G

Hu H (2005) Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of Pollucite from No.3 Rare Metal Pegmatite Dyke, Koktokay, China
Hu H, Wang R, Zhang A & Xu S

Hu Haiyang (2022) What Drives Melt Fraction Change and Chemical Differentiation in Mush Reservoirs?
Hu H, Jackson MD & Blundy JD
(2021) The Role of Reactive Flow in Driving Melt Fraction Change and Chemical Differentiation in Mush Reservoirs
Hu H, Jackson MD & Blundy JD

Hu Haiying (2012) The Reduction and Surface Complexation of Mercury by Geobacter sulfurreducens PCA
Hu H, Zheng W, Schaefer J, Feng X, Liang L, Dwayne E & Gu B
(2009) The Grain Boundary Conductivities of the Peridotite at High Pressure
Dai L, Li H, Hu H & Shan S

Hu Han (2018) Abiotic Methane in HP Ophicarbonates from Chinese Southwestern Tianshan: Implications for Immiscible Hydrocarbon Fluids in Subduction Zones
Peng W, Zhang L, Shen T & Hu H

Hu Hao (2019) A Genetic Link between Iron Skarn Mineralization and IOA Deposits
Harlov D, Hu H & Li J
(2018) Apatite as a Fluid Recorder during the Genesis and Evolution of IOA Deposits
Harlov D & Hu H
(2017) Experimental Fluid-Aided Alteration of Magnetite in IOA Deposits
Hu H, Harlov D & Li J-W
(2016) The Daye Iron Deposit, East China: A Possible Missing Link between Kiruna-Type and Iron Skarn Ores
Hu H, Li J-W & Duan Z

Hu Hongqing (2020) Effects of Low Molecula R Weight Organic Acids on the Cu Accumulation by Castor Bean and the Soil Enzyme Activities
Huang G & Hu H
(2018) Cu Distribution, Root Exudates in Rhizosphere Soils and their Effects on Cu Accumulation in the Cu-Tolerant Plant: Castor Bean (Ricinus communis L.)
Huang G & Hu H

Hu Hsun Ming (2020) Stalagmite-Inferred Hydroclimate Records during 72-112 ka from Hokkaido, Japan
Yang CY, Hu HM, Wu CC, Watanabe T, Watanabe T, Mii HS, Lin HT & Shen CC

Hu Hsun-Ming (2022) Double-Plunge Structure of the East Asian Summer Monsoon during Heinrich Stadial 1 Recorded in Xianyun Cave, Southeastern China
Qiu W, Zhang X, Jiang X, Hu H-M, Ma L, Xiao H, Cai B & Shen C-C
(2019) Non-Stationary North Atlantic Oscillation Forcing on Mediterranean Hydrology Since the Middle Holocene
Hu H-M, Lee S-Y, Shen C-C, Michel V, Valensi P, Spötl C, Hsu H-H & Starnini E
(2016) Statistical U-Th Dating Results of Speleothem from South Europe
Hu H-M, Shen C-C & Michel V
(2016) Heinrich Events in a Stalagmite Record from Central Mie, Japan
Mori T, Kano A, Hu H-M, Shen C-C & Kashiwagi K

Hu Hsunming (2018) Western North Pacific Monsoon Variability Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Partin J, Quinn T, Shen C-C, Erb M, DiNezio P, Okumura Y, Siringan F, Cardenas MB, Thirumalai K, Lin K, Wu C-C, Banner J, Hu H, Jackson C & Taylor F

Hu Huan (2023) Variability in Composition of 2.0-Ga Lunar Basalts at Chang'e-5 Landing Site
Boschi S, Wang XL, Hui H, Yin Z, Yue G, Hu H, Zhang W, Chen J & Li W
(2007) Distribution of Cesium Sorption on Micas and Application on Nuclear Waste Disposal
Hu H, Wang R, Zhang A & Xu S

Hu Huanting (2019) The Isotopic Mass Dependence of Respiratory O2 Consumption Revisited and Implications for Primary Productivity Estimates
Yeung L, Ash J, Li B & Hu H
(2015) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Tropospheric O2 during the Mesozoic from Fossil Vertebrate Biominerals
Passey B, Hu H, Lehmann S, Ji H & Levin N
(2014) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Terrestrial Carbonates
Passey B, Hu H, Ji H, Montanari S, Li S, Henkes G & Levin N
(2013) Triple Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Late Cretaceous Dinosaur Eggshells and Implications for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Passey B, Hu H, Montanari S, Li S & Levin N

Hu J (2005) A Model for Calculating the Solubility of gases(CO<->2<$>, H2S, ?) Used for the Sequestration of Global Warming Gases
Duan Z, Sun R & Hu J

Hu Jian (2020) Mud Gas Isotopic Logging Using Mid Infrared Laser Spectromtory
Hu J, Zhu D, Wu S, Lu C, Sneddon A & Tang Y
(2018) Geochemical Heterogeneity in Lake-Type Control Nonmarine Basins from North China and West Africa
Xu F, Cheng D, Hu J, Ding Y & Liu M
(2018) A Novel Method to Better Predict Production Decline from a Gas Isotope Perspective: Similarity on Barnett and Niu Titang Shale
Hu J, Zhu D, Wu S, Zhang H, Sneddon A, Deev A, Gao L & Tang Y
(2017) Status, Source and Ecological Risk Assessment of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Soils from Tibet Plateau, China
Hu J, Li J, Zhu Z, Liu X, Guo Q, Wei R, Tian L, Han X, Kong J, Yang X, Li X, Zhou W & Song G
(2017) Environmental Assessment Using Multiple Stable Isotopes and Heavy Metals in a Chinese Coal Mining Area
Guo Q, Peters M, Strauss H, Han X, Hu J, Bai Y, Kong J & Wang Y
(2017) Multiple Sulfur Isotopes of Sulfate in Beijing PM2.5
Han X, Guo Q, Strauss H, Liu C, Hu J, Kong J & Wang Y
(2017) The Chemical and Isotopic Characteristics of Dissolved Sulfate in Rivers of Songliao Basin, NE China
Lang Y-C, Li S-L, Liu C-Q, Ding H, Yue F, Li X, Zhao Z & Hu J
(2017) Application of Gas Isotope Geochemistry for Exploration, Production and Operations: A Comparsion Study on Tight Oil in Delaware Basin and Bohaibay Basin
Hu J, Wu S, Sneddon A, Ci X, Zhu D, Deev A, Niu Q, Gao L & Tang Y
(2016) Evidences of Petroleum Movement from Organic-Rich Shale/Marlstone into Sandstone-A Case Study from Lacustrine Basin in Huahai Depression, Jiuquan Basin, West China
Hu J & Chen J
(2016) Tracing Sources and Migration Process of Lake Sediments by Using Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes-- a Case Study of Beijing
Guo Q, Wang C, Peters M, Liu C, Hu J, Zhu G & Wei R
(2016) Fractionation of Stable Cadmium Isotopes in the Cadmium Tolerant Ricinus communis and Hyperaccumulator Solanum Nigrum
Wei R, Guo Q, Liu C, Wen H, Yang J, Hu J, Tian L, Han X & Kong J
(2016) Distribution Characteristic and Sources Apportionment of Polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in the Songhua River Drainage Basin, Northeast China
Hu J, Zhao Z, Lang Y, Guo Q, Yang J & Song G
(2015) Chemical and Strontium Isotopic Characteristics of the Rivers Around the Badain Jaran Desert, North China
Liu W, Xu Z, Jiang H, Zhao T, Shi C, Liang C & Hu J
(2015) Source-Rock Oil Expulsion Mechanism and the Hypothesis of Primary Migration: A Typical Lacustrine Geochemical Section Study Case in Jiuquan Basin, NW China
Hu J, Chen J, Ni Y, Huang Z & Zhang B
(2014) Geochemical Characteristics and Oil-Source Correlation of Oil-Sand Extracts of Kelatuo Anticline in the Northern Kashi Sag, NW Tarim Basin, China
Hu J, Wang T, Cui J, Zhang B, Li M & Liu Q
(2014) Characteristic of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Liaohe River Drainage Basin, Northeast China
Hu J, Liu C, Zhang Y & Zhang G
(2013) The Characterastics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Drainage Basin of the Liao River, Northeast China
Hu J, Zhang Y, Liu B, Li S & Guan J
(2011) Contamination by Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Tianjin Rivers, China
Hu J, Liu D, Zhang Y & Zhang G
(2010) Characterization of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Aerosols Around Guiyang City, China
Hu J, Liu D, Zhang G & Zhang Y
(2010) Geochronology and Geochemistry of Peralkaline Metagranites in the Dabie-Sulu Terrane, Eastern China: Constraints on Neoproterozoic Tectonism along the Northeastern Margin of Yangtze Block
Qiu J & Hu J
(2009) A-Type Gneissic Metagranites from Donghai in the SW Sulu Terrane, Eastern China: Geochemical Constraints on the Nature of Protoliths and Tectonic Significance
Qiu J-S, Hu J & Xu X-S
(2008) Geochronological and Geochemical Constraints on Petrogenesis of Late Mesozoic I- and A-Type Granites from the Coastal Area of Northeastern Fujian Province, SE China
Qiu J-S, Jiang S-Y, Xu X-S, Xiao E & Hu J

Hu Jianfang (2016) Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of the Late Cretaceous Songliao Paleo-Lake by Molecular Biomarkers
Hu J, Cao H, Tong X, Xi D & Peng P
(2014) Seasonal Variability in Concentration and Fluxes of Branched GDGTs in Huguangyan Maar Lake and the Implications for the Application of the MBT/CBT Proxy in Lacustrine Settings
Hu J, Zhou H & Peng P

Hu Jianlin (2009) Climate Impacts on Annual-Average Airborne Particle Source Contributions in California
Mahmud A, Zhao Z, Hixson M, Hu J, Chen S-H & Kleeman M

Hu Jianmin (2010) Late Triassic Volcanic Activities at the Northwest Margin of Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China
Ren M, Hu J, Qu H & Yong J

Hu Jianshi (2010) The Role of Intermediates during Metal Carbonation of Forsterite in Wet Supercritical CO2
Felmy A, Kwak J, Hu J, Rosso K, Wang C, Hoyt D, Ilton E, Rustad J & Dixon D

Hu Jianzhi (2018) Ionic Liquid Glassification to Observe Aluminate Ion Speciation in Low Water Alkaline Environments
Graham T, Hu J, Shen Z, Dembowski M, Zhang X, Clark S, Schenter G, Pearce C & Rosso K
(2018) Spectroscopic Features of Tetrahedrally Coordinated Aluminate Dimer, K2Al2O(OH)6
Dembowski M, Graham T, Pouvreau M, Wang H-W, Hu J, Clark A, Rosso K & Pearce C

Hu Jingwen (2019) Vertical Distribution of Archaeal Tetraether Lipids in Suspended Particles from the East China Sea and Implications for Sedimentary TEX86 Records
Li D, Wang Y, Hu J, Cao Y, Li L, Zhang H & Zhao M

Hu Jingya (2019) A New Perspective on Refractory Element Fractionation from REE Isotope Systematics in CAIs
Hu J, Dauphas N, Tissot FLH, Yokochi R & Ireland TJ

Hu Jinping (2023) Albitic Jadeite and Majorite in L6 Ordinary Chondrite Northwest Africa 4137
Effraimidou S, Baziotis I, Xydous S, Sanchez-Valle C, Berndt J, Klemme S, Ma C, Hu J, Ferriere L & Asimow PD

Hu Jun (2022) Microplate Tectonics and Precision Exploration: A New Paradigm to Study Basins, Ore Deposits and Geohazards
Li S, Suo Y, Zhong S, Hu J, Li X, Chen L & Wang G
(2020) Mesozoic Reworking of Late Archean Lower Crust in the North China Craton
Jiang N & Hu J
(2020) Metasomatism of Crust-Mantle Boundary by Melts Derived from Subducted Sedimentary Carbonates and Silicates
Hu J & Jiang N
(2018) What are Asian Speleothem δ18O Telling us? Insights from an Isotope-Enabled Model
Hu J, Emile-Geay J & Nusbaumer J
(2016) Blind Speleothem Calibrations: A Cautionary Tale from Crystal Cave
Hu J & Emile-Geay J

Hu Junxiang (2021) Prebiotic Chemistry of the Hadean Earth Under the Young Active Sun
Airapetian VS, Jin M, Hu J, Li G, Hayworth B, Kobayashi K, Gronoff G & Kasting J

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