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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Houk S. (2015) Doubly Charged Argide Ion Interferences in the ICPMS
Hattendorf B, Gusmini B, Dorta L, Houk S, Reiher M & Günther D

Houle D. (2018) Does Trace Metal Dynamics in Moss Controls Biological N2 Fixation in Boreal Forest?
Le Monier P, Renaudin M, Bradley R, Houle D & Bellenger J-P

Houle Marie-Andrée (2016) Sub-Micron Chemically-Specific 3D Imaging and Spectroscopy of Geologic Materials with Multimodal, Nonlinear Optical Microscopy
Burruss R, Houle M-A & Stolow A

Houle Michel G. (2002) Geochemical, Mineralogical, Textural, and Fluid Dynamic Constraints on Endogenous Growth in Differentiated Komatiite Flows
Lesher CM, Houle MG, Levesque M, Gibson HL, Williams DA & Kerr RC

Houlton Benjamin (2020) Sedimentary Rock and the Input of Nitrogen from Weathering Reactions Worldwide
Houlton B
(2017) Kinetic Controls on Isotopic Fractionation of Soil Denitrification
Walker R & Houlton B
(2017) Nitrogen Inputs via Rock Weathering Point to Higher CO2 Uptake Capacity of Terrestrial Biosphere Than Previously Suggested
Dass P, Houlton B, Wang Y, Pak B, Morford S & Warlind D
(2017) Multi-Model Constraints on Bedrock Nitrogen Inputs to the Terrestrial Biosphere
Houlton B, Morford S, Mitchell S & Dahlgren R
(2017) Bedrock Nitrogen Influences Ecosystem Nitrogen Cycling
Dynarski K, Mitchell S, Morford S & Houlton B
(2014) Development of a New Proxy for Past Terrestrial Nitrogen Cycles from Chlorophyll Degradation Products in Soil
Enders S, Houlton B, Freeman K, Ohkouchi N, Chikaraishi Y, Ogawa N & Suga H

Houlton Benjamin Z. (2022) Water and Plant Regulation of Enhanced Olivine Weathering in Red Clover Mesocosms
Holzer IO, Nocco MA & Houlton BZ

Houlton H. (2022) Geoscience Resources on Opportunities in the Workforce (GROW): Helping Students Navigate Careers Beyond Academia
Paytan A, Wood M & Houlton H

Houot S. (2013) Stable Soil Carbon Decomposition is More Sensitive to Temperature. Evidence from Long Term Bare Fallow Experiments
Lefevre R, Barré P, Bardoux G, Christensen B, Girardin C, Houot S, Katerrer T, Moyano F, van Oort F & Chenu C

Hourigan J (2005) Laser-Ablation ICP-MS Zonation-Dependent Alpha-Ejection Correction of Zircons in (U-Th)/He Chronometry
Hourigan J, Reiners P, Brandon M & Plank T

Hourigan Jeremy (2018) Advanced Noble Gas Analytical Systems Control Using Embedded Real-Time Process Hardware and Software
Hourigan J & Grove M
(2018) Exploration of More Natural and Efficient Heating of K-Feldspar for 40Ar/39Ar Thermal History Analysis
Grove M, Hourigan J & Lovera O
(2014) The Laser and the Damage Done
Hourigan J & Steely A
(2014) A Multi-Sample Diffusion Cell for Noble Gas Analysis
Hourigan J, Grove M & Peterman E
(2012) 10Be Basin Averaged Erosion Rates from the Cordillera Blanca, Peru: A Record of Interacting Climate and Tectonics
Hodson K, Hall S, Michalak M, Farber D & Hourigan J
(2003) Zircon He-Pb* Dating: Approaches and Applications
Hourigan J, Reiners P, Mattinson J, Campbell I, Nicolescu S & Allen C

House B. (2019) Sustained Role of a Mantle Plume in Ethiopia and Afar
House B, Hammond J, Keir D, Gallacher R, Hilton D, Scarsi P, Abebe T, Halldorsson S & Castillo P

House C (2005) Carbon Isotopic Characterization of Archaea Inhabiting Deeply Buried Sulfate/methane Transition Zones
Biddle J, Lipp J, Sturt H, Anderson R, Elvert M, Kelly T, Brenchley J, Hinrichs K & House C

House C (2005) Cultivation of Deeply Buried Microbes Shows Influence of Geochemistry
Biddle J, House C & Brenchley J

House C (2004) Using Genomes to Speculate on Early Microbial Evolution & Environments
House C, Zerkle A & Fitz-Gibbon S

House C. H. (2001) ?13C Ion Probing and Fluorescent in situ Hybridization: Direct Evidence of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Mediated by an Archaeal/Bacterial Consortium
Orphan VJ, House CH, Hinrichs KU, McKeegan KD & DeLong EF

House C. H. (2001) Using Homolog Groups to Create a Whole-Genomic Tree of Free-Living Organisms: An Update
House CH & Fitz-Gibbon ST

House Christopher (2023) Biogeochemical Aquifer Changes Driven by Methane Migration from Leaking Oil and Gas Wells: Observations from Laboratory to Field
Shaheen SW, Wen T, Lloyd M, House C, Roden EE & Brantley SL
(2023) A Perspective on Life and its Environment(s) during the Great Oxygenation Event from Apatite and Dolomite Petrochronology of Microbialites: The 2.4-2.2 Ga Turee Creek Group, Western Australia
Soares GG, Garber JM, House C & Reimink JR
(2022) Searching for Mineralogical Evidence for the Clay-Sulfate Transition Region in Gale Crater, Mars Using the Sample Analysis at Mars-Evolved Gas Analyzer (SAM-Ega) Onboard the Curiosity Rover
Clark J, Sutter B, Wong G, Lewis J, McAdam A, Archer D, Mahaffy P, Franz H, Eigenbrode J, Freissinet C, Stern J, Glavin DP, Steele A, Knudson C, House C, Malespin C & Ming DW
(2018) The Plausibility of an Iron-Sulfur Linked pre-Rna
Rodriguez L & House C
(2009) Microbial Community Stratification in TOC-Depleted Marine Subsurface Sediments of the Pacific Ocean
Durbin A, Biddle J, Martino A, House C, Fischer J, Spivack A, Schrum H, D'Hondt S & Teske A
(2007) The Ties that Bind: Dynamics of Syntrophic Associations in Marine Methane Seeps
Orphan V, Pernthaler A, Dekas A, Gammon C & House C
(2007) Metagenomics of Deeply Buried Marine Sediments
Biddle J, House C, Fitz-Gibbon S, Schuster S & Brenchley J
(2007) Nickel Stable Isotopes as Biogeochemical Tracers
Cameron V, Vance D, Archer C & House C
(2002) Direct Phylogenetic and Isotopic Evidence for Multiple Groups of Archaea Involved in the Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Orphan V, House C, Hinrichs K-U, McKeegan K & DeLong E

House Christopher H. (2023) Method Development of Uracil Kinetic Degradation to Measure Position-Specific Stable Carbon Isotope Values
Munoz EC, House CH, Freeman KH & Baczynski A
(2023) A Multi-Scale, Spatially-Resolved Textural and Geochemical Approach to Interpreting Paleoproterozoic Biosignatures
Barlow (she/her) EV, Garber JM, Nomchong BJ & House CH
(2022) Reliability of Phosphorites as a Deep-Time Environmental Indicator: Apatite Petrochronology of the 2.4 Ga Turee Creek Group in Western Australia
Soares GG, Garber JM, House CH & Reimink JR
(2022) Additional Evidence for a Sulfur-Cycling Microbial Community Preserved in Chert from the c. 2.4 Ga Turee Creek Group
Barlow (she/her) EV, House CH & Van Kranendonk MJ

Houseknecht D.W. (2023) Geochemical Parameters of Naturally Occurring Solid Hydrocarbons and Implications for their Use in Lithium Metal Batteries
Jubb AM, Stokes R, McAleer RJ, Houseknecht DW, Hackley PC & Day-Stirrat R

Houseman G (2006) The impact of body forces on Archaean orogenic processes
Rey P & Houseman G

Houseman Gregory (2013) Lithospheric Mantle Downwelling beneath the Southeast Carpathians
Houseman G, Lorinczi P, Ren Y & Stuart G

Houser C. (2021) Joint Seismological-Geodynamical Assessment of Lower Mantle Temperature and Composition Variations
Su J, Houser C, Hernlund J & Deschamps F
(2017) Persistence of Large-Scale Heterogeneity in the Earth’s Mantle
Ballmer M, Nakagawa T, Houser C, Hernlund J, Waszek L, Schmerr N, Wentzcovitch R, Ritsema J & Hirose K
(2016) A 3D Temperature Map of the Lower Mantle
Houser C & Wentzcovitch R
(2008) S and P Travel-Time Curves: Using Raw Data to Constrain Mineralogical and Chemical Changes Near the CMB
Houser C & Hernlund J

Housh T. (2008) A Melt Inclusion Investigation of Crustal Contamination: A Case Study at Paricutin Volcano
Rowe M, Peate D, Ukstins-Peate I & Housh T
(2007) In situ U-Pb Analysis of Detrital Titanite: A New Provenance Technique Applied to Enigmatic Metasedimentary Cover Sequences in SW Scotland
McAteer C, Daly S, Flowerdew M, Connelly J, Housh T & Whitehouse M
(2007) Detector Strategies to Measure Osmium Isotope Ratios in Small Samples by NTIMS
Schwieters J, Tuttas D, Bouman C, Lassiter JC & Housh TB

Houshmandzade A. (2005) Epithermal Gold District in Southeast Iran
Karami Z & Houshmandzade A

Houssard P. (2016) Mercury Stable Isotope in Skipjack Tuna (Katsuwonus Pelami), a Tracer of Methyl Mercury Spatial Distribution in Ocean?
Itai T, Point D, Sonke J, Lorrain A, Munaron JM, Houssard P, Kamei T & Tanabe S

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