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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Hou Z (2006) 40Ar/39Ar ages of rocks and ores from the Muluozhai REE deposit in Mianning County, Sichuan Province and their geological significances
Tian S, Hou Z, Ding T & Yuan Z
(2005) Geochemistry of Carbonatites in Lizhuang REE Deposit, Sichuan, China
Tian S, Hou Z & Ding T
(2003) Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon Isotope Studies on the Xiaotongguanshan Skarn Cu Deposit, Anhui, China
Tian S, Ding T, Hou Z, Yang Z, Wang Y & Meng Y

Hou Zeng Qian (2014) Fluid Origin of Jilong Vein Type Cu Deposit in Tibetan Plateau
Liu Y, Hou Z, Yang Z & Tian S
(2014) Enriched Mantle Source and Petrogenesis of the Himalayan Collision Zone Carbonatites in Western Sichuan, SW China: Lithium Isotopic Constraints
Tian S, Hou Z, Mo X, Su A, Zhao Y, Hou K & Yang Z
(2014) The Hf-O Isotopes of Porphyry System in the Southern Yare Composite Pluton, Western Lhasa Terrane, Tibet Plateau
Yu F, Hou Z, Zhao Z, Zheng Y, Li Q & Duan L
(2013) Enriched Mantle Source and Petrogenesis of the Miocene Ultrapotassic Rocks in Western Lhasa Block, Tibetan Plateau: Lithium Isotopic Constraints
Tian S, Hu W, Hou Z, Mo X, Yang Z, Zhao Y, Hou K, Zhu D & Zhang Z
(2013) Fluid Electrolytes of Mohailaheng Pb-Zn Deposit in Tibetan Plateau
Liu Y, Hou Z, Yang Z & Tian S
(2011) Geology and Fluid Origin of Mohailaheng Pb-Zn Deposit in Tibet
Liu YC, Hou ZQ, Yang ZS & Tian SH
(2011) Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd Isochron Ages of the Dongmozhazhua and Mohailaheng Pb-Zn Ore Deposits in Yushu Area, Southern Qinghai and their Geological Implications
Tian S, Hou Z, Yang Z, Liu Y & Song Y
(2010) Geochemistry and Genesis of Bedded Siliceous Rocks in Carboniferous in Jiangshan, Zhejiang, China
Guo F, Liu F, Hou Z & Guo G
(2010) Geology and C, H and O Isotopic Geochemistry of Dongmozhazhua Pb-Zn Ore Deposit, Qinghai, China
Liu Y, Hou Z, Yang Z & Tian S
(2010) U-Pb Age and Hf Isotope of Zircon from Granite in Jiaduopule Fe-Cu Deposit, Tibet
Yang Z, Hou Z, Tian S, Meng X & Yu Y
(2010) The Lithium Isotopic Characteristics of Jiajika Rare Metal Deposit in Sichuan, China
Li Z, Tian S, Hou Z, Su A, Li J & Yang Z
(2010) The Lithium Isotope Composition of Maoniuping Complex, Sichuan
Tian S, Su A, Hou Z, Li Z & Yang Z
(2010) The Lithium Isotope Composition of Lizhuang Complex, Sichuan
Su A, Tian S, Hou Z, Li Z & Yang Z
(2008) Ages of Carbonatite and Syenite from the Mianning-Dechang REE Belt in the Eastern Indo-Asian Collision Zone, SW China and their Geological Significance
Tian S, Hou Z, Ding T, Yang Z, Yang Z, Yuan Z, Xie Y, Liu Y & Li Z
(2008) The Distribution of Adakite-Like Rocks in South Anhui Province, China
Liu Y, Yang Z, Hou Z & Tian S
(2007) Geochemical Characteristics of the Mashan Au-S Deposit in Tongling, Anhui Province
Tian S, Hou Z, Yang Z, Ding T, Meng Y, Zeng P, Wang Y & Wang X

Hou Zeng-Qian (2020) Recycled Volatiles Determine Fertility of Porphyry Deposits in Collisional Settings
Xu B, Griffin W, O’REILLY S, Hou Z-Q, Lu Y, Belousova E, Chen Z-Y & Xu J-F
(2019) Post-Collisional Magmatism and Porphyry Deposit Formation in Southern Tibet
Wang R, Hou Z-Q, Yang Z-M, Zhu D-C, Weinberg R, Collins W & Richards J

Hou Zengqian (2019) Origin and Evolution of the Gacun Volcanic-Hosted Massive Sulfide Deposit in Sichuan,China: Hf and U-Pb Isotopic Evidence
Yang D, Hou Z, Zhao Y, Hou K & Tian S
(2018) Lithium Isotopic Evidence for Subduction of the Indian Lower Crust beneath Southern Tibet
Tian S, Hou Z, Mo X, Tian Y, Zhao Y, Hou K, Yang Z, Hu W, Li X & Zhang Y
(2018) Magnesium Isotopic Compositions of Himalayan Leucogranites and the Indian Lower Continental Crust
Li X, Tian S, Teng F, Hou Z & Yang Z
(2017) Ultrapotassic Rocks and Xenoliths from South Tibet: Contrasting Styles of Interaction between Lithospheric Mantle and Asthenosphere during Continental Collision
Xu B, Griffin W, Xiong Q, Hou Z, O'Reilly S, Guo Z, Pearson N, Gréau Y, Yang Z-M & Zheng Y
(2016) Alteration and Mineralization of Carbonatite-Syenite Complexs in the Mianning-Dechang REE Belt, Sichuan Province, Southwest China
Liu Y & Hou Z

Hou Zhangshuan (2020) Quantifying Drivers of Methane Hydrobiogeochemistry in a Tidal River Floodplain
Hou Z, Ward N, Yabusaki S, Waichler S, Norwood M, Myers-Pigg A & Indivero J

Hou Ziming (2015) Coal Measure Rocks Evaluation of the Pan-Sanjiang Basin in the Northeastern China
Liu M & Hou Z

Houben Alexander (2015) Paleoenvironmental Controls on Sweetspots in Early Toarcian Black Shales
Goldberg T, Houben A, Nelskamp S, Wasch L, Boxem T & Verreussel R

Houben Alexander J.P. (2012) A Clumped Isotopes Perspective on Sea Surface Temperatures in the Eocene Southern High Latitudes
Douglas P, Ivany L, Beu A, Hollis C, Houben A, Sluijs A & Affek H
(2010) Parallel Trends in Middle Eocene Temperatures and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration?
Bijl PK, Houben AJP, Schouten S, Bohaty SM, Sluijs A, Reichart G-J, Sinninghe Damste JS & Brinkhuis H

Houben D. (2017) Distribution and Fractionation of Rare Earth Elements along the Jurien Bay Dune Chronosequence
Giet C, Hayes PE, Faucon M-P, Houben D, Lambers H & Pourret O

Houben S. (2013) Isotopic Fingerprint of Ice-Rafted Debris from the Antarctic Margin: A Spatial Record of Initial Ice Growth
van de Flierdt T, Kim S-E, Cook C, Hemming S, Williams T, Pierce E, Bohaty S, Passchier S, Roehl U & Houben S
(2009) Evolution of Sea Surface Temperatures in the Eocene and Oligocene Reconstructed Using Organic Proxies
Schouten S, Bohaty S, Houben S, Bijl P, Sluijs A, Eldrett J, Harding I, Sinninghe Damste J & Brinkhuis H

Houchin S.K. (2022) The Oxidation State of Uranium in Zircon from U M4-edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Houchin SK, Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, Newville M, Lanzirotti A & Pavia F

Houde V. (2015) Intracrystalline Deformation of Magmatic Olivine: A microXRD, EBSD, and EPMA Study of Lavas from the Southern Chilean Andes
Vinet N, Flemming R, Houde V, Morgado E, Morata D & Barra F

Houécande O. (2016) Release of Contaminants from a Steel Slag Landfill and its Impact on Groundwater
Houécande O, Lavastre V & Moutte J

Hougaard I.W. (2019) Middle to Late Jurassic Climate Changes in the Germanic Basin – δ18O and δ13C of Calcite Fossils
Hougaard IW, Vickers ML, Ullmann C, Schweigert G, Hostettler B, Franz M, Kutz M, Frederiksen JA & Korte C

Hough M. (2006) 3D Mapping of alteration zones: An example from Cohen’s Reef, Walhalla, SE Australia
Hough M, Bierlein F & Ailleres L

Hough Rob (2018) Detail and Context: Using Core-Scale μXRF Imaging to Understand Ore Deposits
Pearce M, Fisher L, Ryan C, Moorhead G, Kirkham R & Hough R

Hough Robert (2017) Atom Probe Analysis of Isotopically-Distinct Nanoscale Pb Reservoirs in Witwatersrand Pyrite
Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Kirkland C, Saxey D, Rickard W & Hough R
(2016) Epitaxy is the Sincerest Form of Replacement
Pearce M, White A, Fisher L, Hough R, Cleverley J & Timms N
(2016) Nanoparticles and Gold Deposit Formation
Pearce M, Gazley M, Fisher L, Hough R, Saunders M & Kong C
(2013) Multiple Fluid Events and Metal Mobility Associated with Formation of IOCG-Type Mineralisation in Gawler Craton
Uvarova Y, Cleverley J & Hough R
(2013) Microstructural Constraints on Porosity Evolution during Carbonate Replacement Reactions
Pearce M, Timms N, Hough R & Cleverley J
(2012) Unravelling the Paragenesis at One of Australia's Highest-Grade Gold Deposits
Cloutier J, Walshe JL, Bath A, Hough RM & Hutchison R
(2012) Magnetite – An Indicator Mineral for Hydrothermal Ore Deposits
Nadoll P, Mauk J, Leveille R, Fisher L & Hough R
(2011) Plant Uptake of Metals of Economic Importance: Laboratory Studies
Lintern M, Hough R, Anand R & Ryan C
(2011) Colloidal Processes in Gold Transport and Deposition
Hough R
(2010) Colloidal Gold Nanoparticles in Ore Systems
Hough R & Noble R
(2010) Trace-Metal Nanoparticles in Pyrite
Deditius A, Utsunomiya S, Reich M, Kesler S, Ewing R, Hough R & Walshe J
(2006) A Synchrotron based study of lateritic, gold bearing, iron oxide nodules
Hough R, Ryan C, Anand R, Etschmann B, Harland C & Decarlo F
(2006) Relating quantitative microstructure to fluid chemistry in pyrite
Hough R & Reddy S
(2006) The Formation Of Ferruginous Pisoliths And The Mobility Of Gold And Pathfinder Elements In The Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Anand R, Hough R, Phang C & Norman M
(2006) Origin and weathering of gold nuggets
Butt C, Hough R, Reddy S & Verrall M
(2006) The next generation of synchrotron fluorescence imaging for geological applications
Ryan C, Siddons P, Moorhead G, Dunn P, Kirkham R, Dragone A, De Geronimo G, Hough R & Etschmann B

Hough T. (2021) Nitrogen Depletion in the Inner Solar System Planets Linked to the Rates of Protoplanetary Accretion and Differentiation
Dasgupta R, Grewal D, Farnell A & Hough T
(2019) The Core-Mantle Partitioning of Nitrogen in Carbon-Undersaturated Ultramafic Systems
Grewal D, Hough T, Tsuno K & Dasgupta R

Houghton B. (2022) Textural and Geochemical Characterization of the 2018 Kilauea Eruption Fissure 17 Products
Soldati A, Cimarelli C, Kuppers U, Houghton B & Dingwell DB
(2020) Tracing Mechanisms of Sulphur Release with Cu and Zn Isotopes in Historical Icelandic Flood Lavas
Gallagher CR, Savage PS, Nowell GM, Houghton BF, Thordarson T & Burton KW
(2020) Products of Littoral Explosions and their Formation Conditions: A Case Study from Episode 58 of Puʻu ʻŌʻō, Kīlauea Volcano, HI
deGraffenried R, Houghton B, Walker B, Beucler O, Cline J, Cockshell W, Evans K, Mourey A, Nelson W, Tisdale C, Tremblay J & Zinn M
(2020) Rheological Characterization of the 2018 Kilauea LERZ Eruptive Sequence
Soldati A, Dingwell D, Houghton B & Walker B
(2019) The Timing and Mechanisms of S Release during the 2014–15 CE Holuhraun and 1783–84 CE Laki Flood Lava Eruptions, Iceland. A Chalcophile Isotope Perspective
Gallagher C, Burton K, Savage P, Thordarson T, Houghton B & Nowell G
(2018) The Timing and Mechanisms of S Release during the 2014–15 Holuhraun and 1783–84 CE Laki Flood Basalt Eruptions, Iceland. A Chalcophile Isotope Perspective
Gallagher C, Burton K, Savage P, Nowell G, Thordarson T & Houghton B
(2013) Mantle Control on Eruption Style at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai’i
Edmonds M, Sides I, Maclennan J, Swanson D & Houghton B
(2013) Challenges in Constraining and Understanding Strombolian Volcanism
Houghton B, Taddeucci J & Edmonds M

Houghton Jacqueline (2021) Race, Racism, and Barriers to the Participation of Black People in the Geological Sciences: How Bad is it? Should We do Something About it? What can We do About it?
Dowey NJ, Jackson CA-L, Barclay J, Fernando B, Giles S, Houghton J, Khatwa A, Lawrence A, Mills K, Newton A, Rogers S & Williams R

Houghton Jennifer (2023) Formation of Mixed-Layer Sulfide-Hydroxide Minerals from the Tochilinite-Valleriite Group during Experimental Serpentinization of Olivine
McCollom T, Hoehler T, Fike DA & Houghton J
(2023) Reconstructing Depositional and Diagenetic Conditions from Bulk and Microscale Sulfur Isotope Records of Sedimentary Pyrite
Fike DA, Houghton J & Jones C
(2021) Impact of Depositional Facies on Marine Sedimentary Pyrite Textures and Sulfur Isotopes: A Case Study of the Early-Mid Pleistocene Transition from the Valle di Manche Section (Crotone Basin, Southern Italy)
Houghton J, Scarponi D & Fike DA
(2021) How Local Depositional Conditions Control Marine Sedimentary Pyrite Sulfur Isotopes: A Framework Integrating Bulk and Micro-Scale SIMS Analyses
Fike DA, Houghton J, Jones C, Bryant RN, Scarponi D, Pasquier V, Halevy I & Aller R
(2017) Pyrite Sulfur Isotopes Reveal Glacial-Interglacial Environmental Changes
Pasquier V, SansJofre P, Rabineau M, Revillon S, Houghton J & Fike DA
(2017) Photographic Film-Based Capture of the Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity in Aqueous δ34SH2S
Houghton J, Moore S, Jones C & Fike D
(2011) Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Focused Flow Through Porous Media due to Mineralization
Houghton J & Urbano L
(2010) Evaluating Fluid Dynamic and Geochemical Perturbations in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems by Subsurface Biofilms Using a Novel Flow-Through Experimental Apparatus
Houghton J & Urbano L

Houghton S. (2005) Isotopic Effects during Cu Sorption onto Goethite
Clayton R, Hudson-Edwards K & Houghton S

Houha B. (2020) Geochemistry of Thermal Waters from Various Geothermal Provinces of Algeria
Chenaker H, Houha B & Mohamedi MR
(2017) Isotope Studies and Chemical Investigations of Hot Springs from North-Eastern Algeria; Fluid-Mineral Interaction
Chenaker H, Houha B & Valles V

Houillier P. (2023) Fractionation of Stable Chlorine Isotopes in the Kidneys of Mice
Aloisi G, Crambert G, Agrinier P, Bardoux G, Cheval L & Houillier P

Houk R. (2005) New Directions in ICP-MS
Houk R

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