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Horton D. (2018) Exploring Diel Community and Functional Dynamics of Freshwater Wetlands
Horton D, Learman D, Cooper M, Wing AJ, Kourtev P & Uzarski D

Horton F. (2023) Covariance of Radiogenic Isotopes (Sr, Nd, and Pb) and Trace Elements in 2021 Cumbre Vieja Lavas
Cohen M, Horton F, Longpré M-A, Pankhurst M, Blusztajn J & Barry PH
(2023) Rapid 3He/4He Changes in Fagradalsfjall (Iceland) 2021 Lavas
Horton F, Marshall EW, Halldorsson SA, Barry PH, Curtice J & Kurz MD
(2023) Anomalous Vanadium Isotopes in Baffin Island Lavas: Evidence of Core-Mantle Exchange?
Kaare-Rasmussen J, Nielsen SG, Auro M, Peters D, Rizo H & Horton F
(2022) 3He/4He >65 Times the Atmospheric Ratio Measured in Baffin Island Lavas: Evidence of Core-Mantle Exchange?
Horton F, Curtice J, Farley K, Kurz MD, Asimow P, Blusztajn J, Biasi J & Boyes X
(2022) Tungsten Isotopic Compositions of high-3He/4He Baffin Island Lavas
Kaare-Rasmussen J, Peters D, Rizo H & Horton F
(2022) Evolution of 3He/4He Ratios in the 2021 Cumbre Vieja Lavas
Cohen M, Horton F, Longpré M-A, Curtice J & Kurz MD
(2021) Carbonatite Magmatism in Subduction Zones: Evidence from the Khanneshin Volcano in Afghanistan
Horton F
(2020) Neon Isotopes Indicate that Baffin Island and Iceland Lavas Share a Common Origin
Horton F, Kurz M, Curtice J, Asimow P & Farley K
(2017) Olivine Barometry Based on X-Ray Computed Tomography of Fluid Inclusions
Farley K & Horton F
(2017) Focused Heating in Continental Collsion Zones Caused by the Burial of Highly Radioactive Sedimentary Rocks
Horton F

Horton J.W. (2007) The Late Eocene Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure – Status of Research, Insights, and Implications
Horton JW, Gohn G & Powars D

Horton M. (2010) A Desolvating Nebulizer System for U-Series Dating with Multicollector ICP-MS
Horton M & Smith F
(2009) Validation of Line Scan Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Banded Iron Formations by LA-ICP-MS
Horton M, Basu A & Hannigan R
(2008) Line Scan Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Teeth, Otolith, and Banded Iron by LA-ICP-MS
Horton M, Gera S, Freeburg E, Basu A & Hannigan R
(2007) Direct Analysis of Various Geological Materials Using 213 nm and 193 nm Laser Ablation Systems and ICP-MS
Krause P, Horton M & Mann S

Horton R. (2007) Geochemical Characterization of Obsidian Subsources from the Coso Range, California, USA
Draucker A, Baron D, Horton R & Yohe R

Horton T. (2014) The Utility of Paired Isotopic and Diffuse Soil CO2 Flux Investigations in Geothermal Systems
Hanson M, Oze C & Horton T
(2012) Soil Gas Exploration at Rotokawa Geothermal Field, New Zealand
Kennedy B, Bloomberg S, Rissmann C, Horton T, Mazot A, Gravley D & Oze C
(2012) Carbon Dioxide Degassing and Estimation of Thermal Energy Release from White Island Volcano, New Zealand
Mazot A, Bloomberg S, Horton T, Rissmann C, Oze C, Gravley D & Kennedy B

Horvat B. (2021) Uranium and Strontium Isotopes in Recent and Interglacial Tufa in Krka National Park (Croatia)
Lojen S, Zuliani T, Rovan L, Horvat B, Kanduč T, Vreča P, Jamil Q & Štrok M
(2021) Hydrogeochemical Impact on the Karst Watershed of the Krka River in Slovenia Interpreted by U and Th Isotopic Composition
Rovan L, Lojen S, Zuliani T, Horvat B & Štrok M

Horvat M (2003) Mercury Speciation in an Esturay Influenced by Past Mercury Mining Activities
Horvat M, Kotnik J, Covelli S, Piani R, Gibicar D & Logar M

Horvat M (2003) Speciation of Mercury in River Water Near Idrija Mercury Mine, Slovenia
Tomiyasu T, Horvat M, Logar M, Kotnik J, Rajar R & Akagi H

Horvat Milena (2023) Methylmercury Detection Through Changes in the Electrical Conductivity Across Gold Films with MerB (Organomercurial-Lyase) Functionalized Nanoparticles
Mabes Raj AFPA, Rijavec T, Horvat M, Lobnik A, Kosak A & Lapanje A
(2023) Traceable Calibration for Ambient Air GOM Measurements Using Non-Thermal Plasma Oxidation of Elemental Mercury
Vijayakumaran Nair S, Gačnik J, Živković I, Andron TD, Ali SW, Kotnik J & Horvat M
(2022) Normalized Wet Deposition of Total Mercury Reflects Concentration Gradient in Surface Seawater
Živković I, Gacnik J, Jozic S, Kotnik J, Solic M & Horvat M
(2021) Towards a Better Understanding of Mercury (Hg) Dynamics in the Marine Environment
Gindorf S, Kleindienst A, Malberti LM, García Arévalo IG, Torres-Rodriguez N, Amptmeijer D, Amouroux D, Point D, Knoery J, Guyoneaud R, Lorrain A, Bieser J, Horvat M, Schrum C, Tessier E, Sonke JE, Jonsson S & Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E
(2021) Global Mercury Observation Training Network (GMOS-Train)
Horvat M, Sonke JE, Heimbuerger-Boavida L-E, Lobnik A, Jonsson S, Dommergue A, Pirrone N, Amouroux D, Ebinghaus R, Knoery J, Corns W, Lapanje A, Kocman D, Hedgecock IM, Bieser J, Matthias V, Schrum C, Lorrain A & Point D
(2012) Mercury Speciation in Deep-Sea Waters of the Mediterranean Sea
Ogrinc N, Vahaia M, Bratkia A, Kotnik J, Sprovieri F, Pirrone N & Horvat M
(2010) Indicators of Mercury Reactivity and Bioavailability in a Torrential River System Impacted by Former Mercury Mining
Horvat M, Žižek S, Toman MJ, Ogrinc N, Kanduč T & Kocman D
(2007) Distribution of Mercury and Methylmercury in Deep-Sea Surficial Sediments of the Mediterranean Sea
Ogrinc N, Kotnik J, Fajon V, Kocman D, Zizek S, Horvat M & Pirrone N
(2007) Distribution of Mercury in Soil Near Idrija Mercury Mine, Slovenia
Tomiyasu T, Matsuyama A, Imura R, Horvat M, Kotnik J, Kocman D & Fajon V

Horváth A.

Horváth É. (2008) High Arsenic Content of Shallow Groundwater in Young Basins
Szocs T, Horváth I, Bartha A, Bertalan É, Tóth G, Ballók M & Horváth É

Horváth I. (2008) High Arsenic Content of Shallow Groundwater in Young Basins
Szocs T, Horváth I, Bartha A, Bertalan É, Tóth G, Ballók M & Horváth É

Horvath P (2004) Amphibole-Bearing Assemblages as Indicators of Microdomain-
Horvath P & Arkai P

Horváth Péter (2007) Pre-Variscan Barrovian Metamorphism in the Eastern Part of the Slavonian Mountains, Tisia Unit (NE Croatia): Application of Quantitative Phase Diagrams and Monazite Age Dating
Horváth P, Balen D, Finger F, Humer B, Tomljenovic B & Árkai P

Horvath Peter (2018) Characterization of Lower Crustal Xenoliths from the Wyoming Craton, Montana (USA), Using Accessory Mineral Chemistry and Geochronology with Implications For Lower Crustal Evolution
Thakurdin Y, Bolhar R & Horvath P

Horváth Péter (2013) A Distinct Tectono-Metamorphic Evolution at the Southern Edge of Tisia Mega-Unit Revealed by Monazite and Xenotime Age Dating
Balen D, Horváth P, Finger F & Konečný P

Horváth T. (2000) Geochemistry of Lower Jurassic Organic-Rich Sediments from the Mecsek Mountains, Southern Hungary
Raucsik B, Tolnai B, Horváth T, Szilágyi V & Hetényi M

Horwath W.R. (2014) Beyond the Cellulose: Measuring Shifts in Water Regime Using Oxygen Isotopes of Plant Lipids
Silva L, Pedroso G, Doane T, Mukome F & Horwath W
(2014) Quantifying Water Balance Carbon Storage Relationships Using Oxygen Isotope Ratios of Plant Lipids
Maxwell T, Silva L, Pedroso G, Mukome F & Horwath W
(2014) Examining the Impacts of Pyrogenic Carbon on Organic Matter Storage in Forest Soils
Buelow MC, Mukome FND, Boyce A, Sayre M, Robertson G, Jenkins BM, Horwath WR & Parikh SJ
(2014) Speleothem Reconstruction of Last 1, 500 Years of Brazilian Climate
Wong C, Silva L, Montanez I, Cooper K & Horwath W
(2011) Developing Models to Assess Fine Scale Energy Change in Soil Organic Matter Under Different Forest Managements
Liles G & Horwath W

Horwell C. (2015) Volcanic Ash Activates the NLRP3 Inflammasome in Macrophages in Vitro
Damby D, Duewell P, Horwell C, Baxter P, Kueppers U, Schnurr M & Dingwell D
(2015) Particulate Matter Produced during Commercial Sugarcane Harvesting and Processing: A Respiratory Health Hazard?
Le Blond J, Williamson B, Horwell C, Oppenheimer C & Strekopytov S

Horwitz R. (2012) Potential Impacts to Ecosystem Health and Water Quality from Marcellus Shale Drilling
Velinsky D, Zelanko P, Anderson F, Horwitz R & Mead J

Horz F. (2016) Phase Transformations of Granular Zircon: To the Beyond, and Back
Cavosie AJ, Timms NE, Hagerty JJ & Horz F

Hos Çebi F. (2007) Environmentally Hazardous Trace Elements of Eocene Coal Deposits in the North Anatolia, Turkey
Hos Çebi F & Korkmaz S

Hoş-Çebi F. (2017) Rock-Eval Pyrolysis Characteristics of Westphalian Aged Coal Beds in Kozlu, Zonguldak/Turkey
Erdoğan MS, Kara Gülbay R, Çevik S, Yaylalı Abanuz G, Hoş Çebi F & Korkmaz S
(2015) Fuel Production from Plastics and Organic Wastes with Geologic (Mineralogical) Catalysts to be Used for Motor Vehicles and Heavy Machinery
Sarikap MC & Hoş-Çebi̇ F
(2015) Organic Geochemistry of Çan (Çanakkale) Miocene Coals, Saturated and Aromatic Biomarker Distributions
Hoş-Çebi F

Hosaka M. (2016) NINS Astrobiology Center Project: The Origin of Terrestrial Bioorganic Homochirality Relevance to Asymmetry of the Universe – Approaches with Synergy Effects of Observations, Experiments and Computations
Takahashi J-I, Katoh M, Tamura M, Kobayashi K, Umemura M, Kusakabe N, Kwon J, Takashima Y, Hosaka M, Zen H, Matsuo K, Tadokoro D, Kamei Y, Ehara M, Fukuda R, Shiraishi K & Shinojima H

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