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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Honeyman A. (2023) Using Statistical and Machine Learning to Explain the Threat of Arsenic in Groundwater in the San Luis Valley, Colorado, USA
Honeyman A, Lopez A, Blythe C, James K, Smith R & Fendorf S

Honeyman B. D. (2001) Application of Semi-Empirical Surface Complexation Models to Metal and Radionuclide Transport
Davis JA, Kohler M, Meece DE, Sanpawanitchakit C, Kent DB, Curtis GP & Honeyman BD

Honeyman Bruce (2009) Uranium Partitioning to Nanoparticulate Phases: Measurements with Fl FFF-ICP-MS
Lesher E, Ranville J & Honeyman B
(2009) Uranium Transport at the Intermediate Scale: Micro-Scale Causes of Macro-Scale Effects
Miller A, Rodriguez D & Honeyman B
(2008) Physicochemical Controls on Uranium(VI) Migration at the Intermediate Scale
Miller A, Rodriguez D & Honeyman B

Hong B. (2013) Abrupt Variations of Indian and East Asian Summer Monsoons during the Last Deglacial Stadial and Interstadial
Hong B, Hong Y, Uchida M, Shibata Y & Zhu Y

Hong C. (2020) The Geochemistry of Tibetan Lavas: Geodynamic Implications
Saal A, Yakovlev P, Clark M, Hong C, Niemi N & Mallick S

Hong D. (2019) Petrogenesis of the Triassic Rhyolites in the East Kunlun Orogenic Belt, Northern Tibetan Plateau and their Tectonic Implications
Shao F, Niu Y, Liu Y, Kong J & Hong D

Hong F.
(2014) Analysis of the Oil Secondary Migration Micro Process
Jiang L, Bao D, Hong F, Hao J & Zheng Y
(2014) Accumulation Mechanism Analysis on Tight Sandstone Gas
Fan Y, Bao D, Jiang L, Hong F & Hao J
(2014) Analysis of Hydrocarbon Migration Direction in Lunnan Area, Tarim Basin
Han J, Bao D, Jiang L, Hong F & Zheng Y
(2014) Causes of High Pour-Point Oil in Lunnan Area, Tarim Basin
Han J, Bao D, Jiang L, Hong F & Zheng Y
(2014) Origin and Evolution of Waters in the Hancheng Coal Seams, the Ordos Basin, as Revealed from Water Chemistry and Isotope (H, O, 129I) Analyses
Ma X, Song Y, Liu S, Jiang L, Hong F & Hao J
(2013) Stability Analysis on Hydrocarbon Secondary Migration Pathway
Jiang L, Bao D, Hong F, Hao J & Fan Y

Hong G.H. (2017) Human Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in PM10 of Road Deposited Sediments (RDS) in the Major Industrial Areas along the Coast of South Korea
Choi JY, Jeong H, Ra K, Lee SY, Won EJ, Kim K-T, Kim KR, Kim ES, Yang DB & Hong GH
(2016) Effect of Sediment Resuspension on the Cycling of Nutrients in the East China Sea
Kim SH, Rho T, Choi KY, Hong GH & Kim NH
(2016) Distrbution of Pu in the Coral of the Northwest Pacific Ocean
Hong GH, Kim SH, Lee H, Kawahata H, Siringan FP, Anderson DM, Ketterer ME & Baskaran M
(2016) Magnetic and Chemical Characteristics of Volcanogenic Black Sand found on a Beach of Jeju Island, South Korea: Remediation and Beneficial Use
Choi JY, Hong GH, Kim K & Yang DB
(2015) Characteristics of Marine Aerosol Particles in the Southern Sea of Korean Peninsula
Kim SH, Hong GH, Kim Y-I & Chung CS
(2014) Uptake and Retention of Artificial Radionuclides from Seawater in the Oyster Crassostrea gigas
Hong G, Kim S, Lee H, Kim Y & Oh S
(2014) On the Role of 210Bi on the Apparent Disequilibrium of 210Pb-210Po Pair in the Sea
Kim SH, Hong GH, Kim Y-I & Kim S
(2014) Why There are Variations in the 134Cs/137Cs Activity Ratios of the Global Data Set of Fukushima-Derived Radiocesium?
Baskaran M & Hong GH
(2013) Distribution, Fluxes in the Water Column and Early Diagenesis in the Bottom Sediments of 210Po and 210Pb in the Sea
Hong GH, Lee HM, Baskaran M, Kim SH, Kim YI & Kim CJ
(2013) Characterization of the Primary Productivity Using a Year-Long High Resolution Sediment Trap Experiment in the Southwestern Part of the East/Japan Sea
Kim SH, Hong GH, Kim YI, Chung CS, Choi KY & Kim YH

Hong Haitao (2020) Geochemical Characteristics and Significances of Rearranged Hopanes in Jurassic Source Rocks in the Center Sichuan Basin
Lu X, Li M, Tang Y, Hong H, Zhang J & Yang X
(2020) Diagenesis and Genetic Mechanism of Tight Oil Reservoir of the Mid-Permian, Jimusar Sag, China
Zhang S & Hong H
(2018) Source of Organic Matter of Neoproterozoic to Early Cambrian Shale from South China
Wang N, Li M & Hong H

Hong Hoabin (2015) Magnetism of Chromium-Rich Spinel in Serpentinized Ultramafic Complexes
Hong H & Yu Y

Hong Huasheng (2018) Hydro-Biogeochemical Controls on Ammonium Behaviors Across the River-Estuary Interface: Addition or Removal
Yu D, Chen N, Krom M, Cheng P, Yu F, Hong H & Gao X

Hong J (2011) Phase Equilibrium for the Aqueous System Containing Ammonium, Magnesium and Chloride at 323.15 K
Zeng Y, Yu XD, Yang JY & Hong J

Hong Ji Min (2016) Migratory Behaviors of Japanese Eel Anguilla Japonica Using Trace Elemental Distributions in Otolith by LA -ICP -MS
Jeon S, Lee TW, Hong JM, Ryu J-S & Park C-S

Hong Ji-An (2010) Cryogenian Strata of the Northern Margin of Yangtze
Hong J-A & Duan S-H

Hong Jiahong (2016) Aerosol Chemical Characteristics over Dongsha Island in the Northern South China Sea
Tsai F & Hong J

Hong Jihye (2014) Assessment of Groundwater Contamination in Abandoned Mine Areas, South Korea, Using Hydrochemical and Sulfur Isotope Data
Cho Y-R, Yun S-T, Kim D-M, Mayer B & Hong J

Hong Jun (2023) A Test of the Hypothesis that Syn-Collisional Felsic Magmatism Contributes to Continental Crustal Growth Via Deep Learning Modeling and Principal Component Analysis of Big Geochemical Datasets
Lin X, Cicchella D & Hong J

Hong Jungpyo (2021) Assessment of Active Fault Zones by Soil CO2 Flux Measurements in the Yangsan Fault System, South Korea
Hong J, Lee H, Kim H, Lee W, Yu J & Fischer TP
(2021) Latent Magmatism in Non-Volcanic Areas in South Korea
Kim H, Lee H, Hong J, Song J-H, Takahata N & Sano Y

Hong K.S. (2013) Determination of Boron Using Isotope Dilution MC-ICP-MS
Shin HS, Choi MS, Ryu J-S & Hong KS

Hong L-B. (2017) Generation of Intraplate Basalts in an Hetrogeneous Big Mantle Wedge
Xu Y-G, Li H-Y & Hong L-B

Hong M. (2016) The Origin of the Inhibitory Effect of Mg to (Ca, Mg)CO3 Crystallization
Teng H & Hong M
(2013) Effect of Solution Chemistry on the Kinetics of Step Growth
Teng HH & Hong M

Hong Paul (2023) Eu Isotope Fractionation in the Granitoids Derived from Crustal Material and Granitoids Derived from Mantle Material
Lee S-G, Ko K, Song K-Y & Hong P

Hong Peng (2020) Consequence of Hydrocarbon Haze Formation on Global Carbon Cycle Under Anoxic and Mildly Oxidized Environment
Watanabe Y, Tajika E, Ozaki K & Hong P
(2017) Climatic Consequences of Methane Boosting by Photoferrotrophs in the Archean Atmosphere
Ozaki K, Tajika E, Hong P, Nakagawa Y & Reinhard C
(2014) Production Mechanism of Organic Aerosols in a CH4/CO2 Atmosphere by Far UV Light
Hong P, Sekine Y & Sugita S

Hong Peng K. (2021) Haze Formation Limits the Primary Productivity of Marine Anaerobic Ecosystem during the Archean
Watanabe Y, Tajika E, Ozaki K & Hong PK

Hong Q. (2023) Constraining the Anaerobic Oxidation Rate of Sedimentary Organic Carbon in Coastal Seas Using Benthic Fluxes of Rhenium and Uranium
Hong Q, Wei L, Qu Y, Cheng Y, Pinghe C & Chen T
(2021) Impacts of Glacial Retreat on Benthic Iron Supply Using a Radium/Thorium Disequilibrium Approach
Annett A, Cai P, Williams J, Buragohain D, Jones R, Flanagan OG, Vora M, Zwerschke N, Sands C, Barnes D, Scourse J, Shi X, Hong Q, Wei L & Shi X
(2019) Constraining Diagenetic Barium Cycling with Pore-Water Stable Barium Isotopes
Cao Z, Rao X, Hong Q, Hathorne E, Siebert C, Ehlert C, Kasten S & Frank M
(2018) Using 224Ra/228Th Disequilibrium to Quantify Benthic Fluxes of Trace Metals into Pearl River Estuary: From Alkaline Earth Elements (Ba) to Redox Sensitive Metals (U, Mn, and Fe)
Hong Q, Cai P, Geibert W, Cao Z, Stimac I, Liu L & Li Q
(2018) Benthic Respiration Exacerbates Hypoxia in Coastal Seas: New Insights Derived from 224Ra-228Th Disequilibrium
Shi X, Cai P, Liu L, Hsu T-C, Hong Q, Wei L, Li Q, Liu W & Mi P
(2017) Large Fluxes of Dissolved Iron from Coastal Sediments Revealed by 224Ra/228Th Disequilibrium
Cai P, Shi X, Hong Q, Wei L, Mi P, Liu L, Wang Y & Shi X
(2015) Using 224Ra/228Th Disequilibrium to Quantify Benthic Fluxes of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Nutrients into the Pearl River Estuary
Cai P, Shi X, Hong Q, Li Q, Guo X & Dai M
(2015) Influence of Irrigation-Enhanced Benthic Fluxes on the Estuarine Mixing of Solutes in the Jiulong River Estuary, Southeast China
Hong Q, Cai P, Shi X, Liu L & Li Q

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