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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Homoky William B (2021) A Pronounced Eu Anomaly in Dissolved Seawater REE Patterns Close to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Selzer S, Hsieh Y-TA, Holdship P, Resing JA, Tagliabue A, Annett A, Homoky WB & Henderson GM

Homoky William B. (2023) Ligand-Induced Isotopically Heavy Zn Release during Marine Birnessite Transformation to Todorokite
Wang Z, Li W, Homoky WB, Little SH & Peacock CL
(2023) Production of Geopolymerised Organic Carbon in Association with Iron at Hydrothermal Vents
Moore OW, Lough AJM, Woulds C, Homoky WB, Curti L & Peacock CL
(2022) Iron & Manganese Catalysis of Reactive Organic Carbon Molecules into Stable Forms within Marine Sediments
Moore OW, Curti L, Woulds C, Bradley JA, Mills BJW, Homoky WB, Xiao K-Q, Babakhani P, Fisher BJ & Peacock CL
(2022) The Unreconciled Significance of Terrigenous Iron Supply for the Ocean Carbon Cycle
Homoky WB
(2018) Investigating the Isotopic Signature and Release of Iron Sourced from Sediments to the UK South Atlantic GEOTRACES GA10 Section
Summers B, Homoky W, Mills R, John S & Conway T
(2018) Barium Isotopes in South Atlantic Sediment Pore Waters
Hsieh Y-T, Bridgestock L, Homoky WB & Henderson GM
(2013) Assessing the Dissolution of Marine Sediment with 230Th, and the Impact of Dissolution on Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th
Deng F, Henderson G, Thomas A, Homoky W & Mills R
(2013) Suboxic Sediments as an Oceanic Sink of Isotopically-Light Cadmium
Horner TJ, Homoky WB, Georgiev SV, Stein HJ, Hannah JL, Mills RA, Rehkämper M & Henderson GM
(2013) Diagenetic Mobilisation of Fe and Mn in Hydrothermal Sediments
Aquilina A, Homoky WB, Hepburn LE, John SG, Conway TM, Lyons T & Mills RA
(2013) Fluid Flow and Redox Metal Cycling in Cayman Trough Hydrothermal Sediments
Mills RA & Homoky WB
(2013) Trace Metal Inputs from River-Fed and River-Starved Margin Sediments of the South Atlantic Ocean
Homoky WB, Mills RA, Hsieh Y-T, Hembury DJ, Woodward EMS & Henderson GM
(2011) Quantifying Fluxes of Metals to Surface Waters of the South-East Atlantic
Henderson GM, Achterberg E, Baker A, Chance R, Geibert W, Homoky W, Hwieh Y-T, Klunder M, Lohan M, Martin P, Mills R, Milne A, Palmer M, Sanders R, Thomas A, Wake B & Woodward M

Homolka K.K. (2023) Iron Redox Dynamics Across Coastal Terrestrial-Aquatic Interfaces: Field Study in The Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay Regions
Stetten L, Boyanov MI, O'Loughlin EJ, Bailey V, Day D, Homolka KK, Hopple AM, Kovach M, Bittencourt Peixoto R, Machado-Silva F, Mcdowell NG, Megonigal P, Wilson S, Myers-Pigg AN, Otenburg O, Ward ND, Weintraub M & Kemner KM

Homolova V. (2013) Diffusive Fractionation of Lithium Isotopes in Polycrystalline Olivine
Homolova V & Watson EB
(2011) Diffusive Fractionation of Transition Metals in Grain Boundaries
Homolova V, Watson EB & Thomas JB

Homonnay Z. (2002) Trace Element and Isotopic Evidence for Subduction-Related Carbonate-Silicate Melts in Mantle Xenoliths from the Pannonian Basin, Hungary
DemÈny A, Vennemann T, Hegner E, Embey-Isztin A, Homonnay Z & Milton A
(2000) Stable Isotope, FeIII/FeII, and Trace Element Evidence for Subduction-Related Fluids in the Upper Mantle beneath the Pannonian Basin
Demeny A, Vennemann T, Homonnay Z, Embey-Isztin A & Dobosi G

Homrighausen S. (2021) The Rio Grande Rise is a Large Igneous Province, not a Detached Microcontinent
Hoyer PA, Haase KM, Regelous M, O'Connor JM, Homrighausen S & Geissler WH
(2020) Is the Rio Grande Rise a Large Igneous Province or a Microcontinent?
O'Connor JM, Hoyer PA, Haase KM, Regelous M, Homrighausen S, Geldmacher J & Geissler W
(2020) Compositionally Distinct Overlying Hotspot Tracks in the South Atlantic: Do Primary Mantle Plumes Trigger Secondary Upwellings?
Homrighausen S, Hoernle K, Zhou H, Geldmacher J, Wartho J-A, Hauff F, Werner R, Jung S & Morgan JP
(2018) Geochemistry of South Atlantic Hotspots: Intimate Association of EMI & HIMU End Members
Hoernle K, Homrighausen S, Hauff F, Werner R, Portnyagin M, Geldmacher J, Garbe-Schönberg D, van den Bogaard P & Wartho J

Homura Y. (2015) Trace Amounts of Halogens (Cl, Br and I) in Mantle Xenolith Samples
Sekimoto S, Ebihara M, Shirai N, Homura Y & Ohtsuki T

Hon R. (2018) Chemistry of Stream Water for 6th Grade Students
Besancon J, Hon R & Shaller J
(2015) Geochemistry of Arsenic in Central Massachusetts, U.S.A
Hon R, Brandon W, Hildum B, Ahmed S, Doherty K & Xie Y
(2012) Arsenic Speciation and Stable Isotope Chemistry in an Arsenic Contaminant Plume at a Landfill Site
Hildum B, Hon R & Ahmed S
(2011) New Data on Unexpectedly High Arsenic Concentrations within a Landfill Plume in Central Massachusetts, U.S.A
Hon R, Xie Y, Soeller C, Brandon WC & Simeone RJ

Honarmand M. (2023) Late Neoproterozoic Takab Iron Formation, NW Iran: Implication for BIF Depositional Setting
Honarmand M, Nabatian G, Delpech G, Bayon G, Wagner-Raffin C, Boudouma O, Monsef I & Orberger B
(2020) Platinum-Group Element Geochemistry of Porphyry Cu ±Au Ore-Bearing and Barren Suites in the Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Assemblage, Iran
Hwang J, Park J-W, Wan B & Honarmand M

Honda A. (2016) The JAEA Thermodynamic Database for Reactions between Groundwater, Cement, Clay, Zeolite and/Or Rock Forming Minerals
Walker C, Arthur R, Wakiya A, Sutou S, Sasamoto H, Oda C, Mihara M & Honda A

Honda H (2003) 20um Spectrosocpy from Large Ground-Based Telescopes: Primary Results and its Potential
Miyata T, Kataza H, Okamoto Y, Sako S, Honda M & Onaka T
(2003) Silicate Dust Crystallization Around Low-Mass Young Stars
Honda M, Kataza H, Okamoto K, Miyata T, Yamashita T & Sako S
(2003) Unusual Noble Gas Compositions in Polycrstalline Diamonds from the Jwaneng Kimberlite, Botswana
Honda M, Phillips D & Harris J
(2003) Spontaneous Selection of Peptide Groups In Prebiotic Evolution
Honda H, Koyama A, Nemoto A, Kikuchi N, Imai E & Matsuno K
(2003) Fluctuations of Re-Os Isotopic Systematics in Loess-Paleosol Sequences from the Yili Basin, NW China
Honda M, Yabuki S, Suzuki K, Wei Y & Tatsumi Y
(2003) Prebiotic Oligomerization of Amino Acids in Lipid Vesicles in Hydrothermal Environments
Imai E, Furuuchi R, Nemoto A, Hatori K, Honda H & Matsuno K
(2003) Enantiomeric Excess of Amino Acids in Hydrothermal Environments
Nemoto A, Horie M, Imai E, Honda H, Hatori K & Matsuno K
(2003) Cosmogenic Radionuclides in Large Iron Meteorites
Noguchi M, Honda M, Matsuzaki H, Oura Y & Nagai H
(2003) Evaluation of Nucleogenic Component in Cosmogenic 21Ne Surface Exposure Dating
Fujioka T, Honda M, Chappell J, Fifield K, Fabel D & Nishiizumi K
(2001) The Origin of Noble Gas Isotopic Heterogeneity in Icelandic Basalts
Dixon ET, Honda M & McDougall I

Honda Haruki (2020) Evidence for Decoupling of Climate and Carbonaceous Aerosol over the Past 160 kyrs
Honda H, Seki O, Ono K & Iizuka Y

Honda Hisami (2017) Submarine Groundwater Discharge: A Hidden Pathway of Fukushima Derived Cesium to the Ocean off Japan
Sanial V, Buesseler K, Charette M, Nagao S, Tanaguchi M, Honda H & Casacuberta N

Honda Maki (2016) Analysis for Chlorine and Iodine in Natural Samples by SEC Coupled with ICP-Qqq
Honda M, Sueki K, Tomita R, Sakaguchi A & Sasa K

Honda Makio (2019) Importance of Biogenic Opal in the Biological Pump
Honda M
(2016) Seasonal Variations in Nitrogen Isotope Ratios of Amino Acid of Settling Particles in the Western Subarctic North Pacific
Yoshikawa C, Ogawa N, Chikaraishi Y, Fujiki T, Harada N, Honda M & Ohkouchi N
(2016) Resuspension and Lateral Transport of Radiologically-Contaminated Seafloor Sediment off Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Honda M, Buesseler K, German C, Otosaka S, Black E, Kawakami H, Manganini S & Pike S
(2008) Water Mass Structure along 47°N In The North Pacific: Rare Earth Elements Influenced By Marginal Seas
Zhang J, Bai L-L, Nahar MS, Honda M & Harada N

Honda Masahiko (2019) Helium Isotope Signatures of the Mantle Transition Zone
Timmerman S, Honda M, Burnham A, Amelin Y, Woodland S, Pearson G, Jaques L, Le Losq C, Bennett V, Bulanova G, Smith C, Harris J & Tohver E
(2018) Noble Gases and Halogens in the Oman Ophiolite
D'Andres J, Kendrick M & Honda M
(2016) Performance of a High Resolution, Multi-Collector, Noble Gas Mass Spectrometer Helix MC Plus Installed at the Australian National University
Zhang X, Honda M & Hamilton D
(2015) Subduction of Halogens and Noble Gases: Constraints from Metagabbros
Kendrick M, Honda M & Vanko D
(2015) Atmospheric 21Ne Abundance Determined by the Helix-MC Plus Mass Spectrometer
Honda M, Zhang X, Phillips D, Deerberg M, Schwieters J & Hamilton D
(2014) Performance of the Helix-MC Multi-Collector Mass Spectrometer – Resolution of Argon Isobaric Interferences
Honda M, Zhang X, Phillips D, Matchan E, Szczepanski S, Deerberg M, Hamilton D, Krummen M & Schwieters J
(2012) Extremely High Iodine and Noble Gas Abundances in Forearc Serpentinites
Kendrick M, Honda M, Pettke T & Phillips D
(2011) Halogens (Cl, Br, I) in Basalt Glasses
Kendrick M, Kamenetsky V, Woodhead J, Phillips D & Honda M
(2010) Distinct Neon Isotope Compositions found in Polycrystalline Diamonds and Framesites from the Jwaneng Kimberlite Pipe, Botswana
Honda M, Phillips D, Harris J & Matsumoto T
(2010) Volatile Subduction in Serpentinites
Kendrick M, Scambelluri M, Honda M & Phillips D
(2009) Constraints on Fluid-Rock Interaction and Magmatic Noble Gas Signatures in Hydrothermal Fluids
Kendrick M, Honda M & Phillips D
(2009) Cosmogenic Neon Exposure Dating of Young Basalt Lavas in Australia
Honda M, Chivas A & Phillips D
(2002) A Mission to Really Early Earth: When Did the Earth Become Suitable for Habitation?
Harrison M, Mojzsis SJ, Pidgeon RT, Ireland TR, Bennett V & Honda M

Honda Masatoshi (2002) Re-Os Isotopic Systematics of the Taklimakan Desert Sands, Moraines and River Sediments Around the Taklimakan Desert, and of Tibetan Soils
Hattori Y, Suzuki K, Honda M & Shimizu H
(2002) Osmium Isotopic Signature of EM1 Deduced from Rarotonga Island, Polynesia
Thompson G, Suzuki K, Tatsumi Y & Honda M
(2002) Geochemistry of Loess Sections from High Altitude Region, Yili Basin, NW China
Yabuki S, Ye W, Kanayama S, Honda M & Chang Q

Honda T. (2014) Chemical Forms of Radioactive Cs in Recent Airborne Particulate Matters in Japan
Hirose M, Nakamachi K, Kikawada Y, Oi T, Honda T & Hirose K
(2013) Can Radioactive Cesium be Used as a Hydrological Tracer for Crater Lake Study?
Kikawada Y, Okawa A, Nakamachi K, Honda T, Oi T & Hirose K
(2009) Depleted Uranium found in Japanese Reference Fallout Material for Activity Measurements
Kikawada Y, Oda K, Yamauchi R, Nomura M, Honda T, Hirose K & Oi T
(2008) Uranium Isotope Ratios in Atmospheric Deposits in Japan
Kikawada Y, Oda K, Nomura M, Honda T, Oi T & Hirose K

Honda-McNeil M. (2022) Transition Metal Mobility and Recoverability from Weathered Serpentinite and Serpentinite Skarn Tailings from Lord Brassey Mine, Australia and Record Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Honda-McNeil M, Wilson SA, Locock A, Mililli B, Zeyen N, Wang B, Turvey C, Vessey C, Patel AS, Hamilton J, Howard DL, Paterson DJ, Southam G, Poitras J, Jones TR & Jowitt S
(2021) Transition Metal Mobility and Recovery from Weathered Serpentinite and Serpentinite Skarn Tailings from Lord Brassey Mine, Australia and Record Ridge, British Columbia, Canada
Honda-McNeil M, Wilson S, Mililli B, Zeyen N, Wang B, Turvey C, Vessey C, Patel A, Locock A, Hamilton J, Paterson DM, Southam G, Poitras J, Jones T & Jowitt S
(2020) Transition Metal Mobility and Partitioning in Weathered Tailings, Serpentinite and Skarn from the Lord Brassey Mine, Tasmania, Australia
Honda-McNeil M, Wilson S, Millili B, Zeyen N, Wang B, Turvey C & Jowitt S
(2020) Migration of Transition Metals and Potential for Mineral Carbonation during Acid Leaching of Kimberlite Mine Tailings
Wang B, Zeyen N, Wilson S, Honda-McNeil M, Von Gunten K, Alessi D, Southam G, Jones T, Hamilton J & Paterson D

Hondo T. (2016) Development of Laser Post-Ionization SNMS for in situ U-Pb Chronology
Kawai Y, Matsuda T, Miya K, Yabuta H, Aoki J, Hondo T, Ishihara M, Toyoda M, Nakamura R & Terada K

Hondoh T. (2013) Chemical Compositions of Soluble Aerosols Around the Last Termination in the NEEM (Greenland) Ice Core
Oyabu I, Iizuka Y, Karlin T, Fukui M, Hondoh T, Leuenberge D, Fischer H, Schüpbach S, Gfeller G, Mulvaney R & Hansson M

Honey D.J. (2014) Heme B Distributions in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean are Influenced by Iron Demand for Nitrogen Fixation
Honey DJ, Schlosser C, Snow J, Moore CM, Achterberg EP & Gledhill M
(2013) Heme B in Particulate Material from the Atlantic and Southern Ocean
Gledhill M, Honey DJ, Rijkenberg MJ, Nielsdottir MN & Achterberg EP

Honeycutt C (2006) Unsupervised Classification and Analysis of 2D Data Using Wavelet Transform Techniques
Honeycutt C & Plotnick R

Honeycutt C W (2006) One dimensional physico-chemical ecological ocean model: potential applications to Proterozoic biogeochemical cycling
Honeycutt C, Bjerrum C & Canfield D
(2005) Impacts of Iron and Aluminum Ions on Solubility of Phosphates Associated with Natural Organic Matter
He Z, Ohno T, Erich MS & Honeycutt CW

Honeycutt Chris (2009) Anoxic and Oxic Phototrophic Primary Production during the Precambrian
Honeycutt C, Bjerrum C & Canfield D

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