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Hollister Adrienne (2020) Distribution and Size Fractionation of Dissolved Cobalt and Nickel along the Amazon Estuary and Mixing Plume
Hollister A, De Carvalho LM, Gledhill M & Koschinsky-Fritsche A

Hollister Adrienne P. (2019) An Experimental Study of Trace Metal Regeneration and Implications for the Amazon River Estuary
Hollister AP, Buck KN, Hubbard K, Robert M, Tilney CL, Schlosser C, Martha G & Koschinsky A

Hollister K. (2019) Aquatic Leaf Wax δ2H in Lakes with Contrasting Residence Times Reflects Arctic Precipitation Seasonality
Thomas E, Hollister K, Cluett A, Corcoran M & Briner J

Hollister L. (2013) Natural Cu-Al-Fe Metallic Quasicrystals in the New CV3 Meteorite Find, Khatyrka
Hollister L, Andronicos C, Bindi L, Distler V, Eddy M, Eiler J, Guan Y, Kostin A, Kryachko V, MacPherson G, Steinhardt W, Yudovskaya M & Steinhardt P
(2008) Formation of New Continental Crust in Western British Columbia during Transpression and Transtension
Hollister L & Andronicos C

Hollmann B.E. (2016) Climbing the Crustal Ladder: Magma Storage-Depth Evolution during a Volcanic Flare-Up
Gualda GAR, Gravley DM, Connor MR, Hollmann BE, Pamukcu AS, Bégué F, Ghiorso MS & Deering CD

Holloway C. (2019) Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Nutrient Fluxes in a Natural Mangrove Versus an Artificial Canal Estate
Wadnerkar PD, Batsaikhan T, Correa RE, Conrad SR, Davis K, Holloway C, White S, Sanders CJ & Santos IR

Holloway J. M. (2001) Environmental Mineralogy and Petrology of Nitrogen: Occurrences and Biogeochemical Implications
Holloway JM & Dahlgren RA

Holloway Jean (2013) Subsurface Mineral Weathering in Transient Layers of Permafrost in the Canadian High Arctic
Lafreniere M, Montross S, Holloway J & Lamoureux S

Holloway JoAnn (2018) Processes Controlling Mercury Concentration and Speciation in Yellowstone Thermal Waters
Holloway J, McCleskey B, Roth D, Nordstrom K, Krabbenhoft D & DeWild J
(2014) Use of δ34S of Sulfate in Hydrogeochemical Investigations of a Prairie Pothole Salt Ring
Mills C, Goldhaber M, Stricker C & Holloway J
(2014) Watershed Effects of Historic Chromite Mining in Northern California, USA
Holloway J, Mills C, Kraus J & Goldhaber M
(2012) Dissolved Organic Matter Characterization for a Prairie Potholes Ecosystem
Holloway JM, Goldhaber MB, Mills CT, Aiken GR & Butler KD
(2010) Microbial Community Structure and Methylmercury Production in a Managed Wetland Ecosystem
Holloway J, Mills C, Marvin-DiPasquale M, Alpers C, Windham-Meyers L, Fleck J & Goldhaber M
(2010) Weathering Textures and Chemical Changes of Cr-Bearing Spinels, California
Diehl S, Morrison J, Goldhaber M & Holloway J
(2009) Geochemical Landscape Studies of Geogenic Trace Elements in Northern California, USA
Goldhaber M, Morrison J, Holloway J, Mills C & Wanty R
(2008) Influence of Soil Geochemistry on Microbial Community Structure in a Northern California Watershed
Holloway J, Scow K & Goldhaber M
(2008) Weathering and Transport of Cr and Ni in Northern California Soils
Morrison J, Goldhaber M, Lee L, Holloway J & Richard W
(2007) A Coordinated Continental and Regional Soil Geochemical Survey of North America
Goldhaber M, Smith D, Morrison J, Wanty R & Holloway J

Holloway JoAnn M (2023) Arsenic as a Mining Remediation and Restoration Challenge in the Salmon River Mountains, Idaho, U.S.A
Holloway JM, McGee BN, Choate LM, Lund K & Granitto M
(2022) Impact of Historical Mercury and Gold Mining on Freshwater Fisheries Habitat
Holloway JM, Kraus JM, McGee BN, Pribil M & Rutherford D
(2021) Pathways for Mobilization and Fisheries Impacts of Mercury from the Cinnabar Mine Site, Idaho, USA
Holloway JM & McGee BN

Holloway JoAnn M. (2019) Insights to Hydrothermal Processes Using Mercury Isotope Ratios
Holloway JM, Janssen SE, Krabbenhoft DP, McCleskey RB & Nordstrom DK
(2017) Nitrogen Cycling in Yellowstone National Park Thermal Waters
Holloway JM, Nordstrom DK & Böhlke JK

Holloway John R. (2014) Formation of Organic Aerosol in the Outflow from Urban Areas in the Southeastern United States
de Gouw J, Middlebrook A, Brock C, Gilman J, Graus M, Holloway J, Lerner B, Liao J, Trainer M, Warneke C & Welti A
(2010) Abiotic Organic Synthesis in Clays
Holloway J, Williams L, Canfield B, Dick J, Hartnett H & Shock E
(2009) How Much Biogenic SOA Is Present In The Northeastern U.S.?
de Gouw J, Warneke C, Montzka S, Brioude J, Holloway J, Parrish D, Fehsenfeld F, Atlas E, Weber R & Flocke F
(2002) Bubble Nucleation as Trigger for Dike Initiation in the Mantle
Lensky NG, Niebo RW, Holloway JR, Lyakhovsky V & Navon O
(2002) Stability of Hydrous Minerals in Subducting Eclogitized Crust: New Experimental Perspectives
Forneris J & Holloway JR
(2002) Changes in Volatile Speciation during Magma Generation, Crystallization and Degassing
Holloway J
(2002) Smectite Incubation of Organic Molecules Under Seafloor Hydrothermal Conditions
Williams L, Canfield B, Holloway J & Williams P
(2001) Isotopic and Elemental Partitioning of Boron between Hydrous Fluid and Melt
Hervig RL, Moore G, Holloway JR & Williams LB

Holloway Matthew (2016) Synthesis of Single- and multi-Ree Carbonates between 40 and 200℃
Holloway M, Ngwenya B, Butler I & Mosselmans F

Holloway Max (2016) Deconvolving Oxygen Isotope Signatures of Lacustrine Carbonates to Reconstruct the Composition of Paleo- Precipitation
Jourdan A-L, Holmes J, Tindall J & Holloway M

Hollowood S. (2023) Laboratory (Cave-Analogue) Calcium Isotope Fractionation Factors for Aragonite, and their Application to North African Palaeohydrology
Hollowood S, Theaker C, Couper H & Day CC

Hollstein M. (2017) Once Upon a Time, Scientific Fairy Tales Promoting the Discovery, Protection and Use of the Ocean
Reyes Macaya DA, Martínez Méndez G, Elyashiv H, Jackson R, Tamborrino L, Tangunan D, Ruiz-Soto S, Hollstein M, Boehnert S, Schmidt C, Neto Dos Santos C, Wang H, Müller Dum D, Hernandez I, Hohmann S, Creco M, Rossel P, Duran Toro V, Park E & Liu Y
(2016) Tracing Ocean Circulation in the Western Equatorial Pacific with Carbon, Nitrate, and Neodymium Isotopes
Kienast M, Lehmann N, Martinez Mendez G, Hathorne E, Plaß A, Hollstein M, Granger J & Mohtadi M

Hollweg T. (2005) High-Resolution Deglacial Record of Climate Change in Central Florida from Fresh Water Ostracodes
Hastings D, Hollweg T, Flower B, Cronin T, Edgar NT & Quinn T

Holly S. (2009) Certification of Os Concentration and 187Os/188Os for Co-rich Crust MCPt-1 Reference Material:Central Pacific Seamount Zone
Du A, Qu W, Holly S, Yang G, Judy H, Yang S & Li C

Holm D. (2002) Timing of Metamorphism and Stabilization of Paleoproterozoic Laurentia
Schneider D & Holm D

Holm F. (2004) Origin and Formation of the Rhyolites in the Eastern Volcanic Flank Zone, Iceland
Holm F, Trønnes R, Karlsson H & Grönvold K

Holm M. (2016) Biogeochemical Cycling of Arsenic and Phosphorus in Shallow Submarine Hydrothermal Sediments
Callac N, Holm M, Posth N, Ivarsson M, Kilias S & Chi Fru E

Holm N.G. (2014) Hydrogen Production Through Olivine Alteration
Neubeck A, Nguyen Thanh D, Hellevang H, Oze C, Bastviken D, Bacsik Z & Holm N
(2014) The Chemical Utility of Serpentinization Products
Oze C & Holm N
(2013) Contribution of Fungi and Bacteria to the Mg Biogeochemical Cycle in Podzolic Soils
Balland-Bolou-Bi C, Bolou-Bi EB, Holmström SJM & Holm NG
(2013) Fe(II) in Early Abiotic Processes
Holm N
(2013) Experimental Studies of Catalytic Properties of Iron II and III Modified Hydrothermal Zeolites
Iñiguez Pacheco JE, Hemminsson C & Holm NG
(2012) Impact of Fungi and Bacteria on the Mobility of Metals (Fe, Al) in Podzolic Soils
Balland-Bolou-Bi C, Holmstroem SJM & Holm NG
(2009) Organic Compounds in Hydrothermal Fluids from Ultramafic-Hosted Vents of the Mid Atlantic Ridge: An Update on Composition and Origin
Konn C, Holm N, Donval J-P & Charlou J-L
(2009) Nitrogen Dynamics in Oceanic Basement and its Implications for HCN and Abiotic Organic Synthesis
Holm N & Neubeck A
(2008) Phosphorylation Underneath the Ocean Floor?
Holm N
(2007) Fossilized Microorganisms from Emperor Seamounts: Evidence for a Deep Sub-Seafloor Biosphere
Ivarsson M & Holm N
(2007) Boron Influence on Biochemical Reactions in Natural Zeolites
Neubeck A, Ivarsson M & Holm N
(2006) Biogenic or abiogenic organics in hydrothermal fluids from ultramafic-hosted vents of the Mid Atlantic Ridge. The first step of the origin of life?
Konn C, Holm NG, Charlou J-L, Donval J-P, Dehairs F & Bouillon S
(2006) Mn as a potential energy source for subseafloor chemoautotrophs
Ivarsson M & Holm N
(2006) Possible Reaction Pathways for the Formation of Organic Compounds in Volcanic Hydrothermal Systems
Dumont M, Holm N & Torssander P
(2002) Microbial Activity in Deeply Buried Marine Sediments
D'Hondt S, Jørgensen BB, Blake R, Dickens G, Hinrichs K & Holm N
(2002) Nitrogen and Carbon Isotopes, and Metals in Waste Work Sediments, Kovik, Sweden
Bohlin H, Mˆrth C-M & Holm NG
(2002) Fate of Prebiotic Adenine
Hansson TK, Cohn C, Larsson H, Sowerby S & Holm N

Holm Paul Martin (2013) Compositional Constraints on the Mantle Below Part of the Andes SVZ
Holm PM, Søager N & Dyhr CT
(2012) New U-Series Isotope Data from the Andean Backarc Indicate Shallow Melting in the Payun Matru Complex
Dyhr CT, Holm PM & Kokfelt TF
(2012) Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf Isotopic Constraints on Mantle Sources in the Payenia Backarc Basalts (Mendoza, Argentina)
Soager N, Holm PM & Thirlwall M
(2012) Subduction Eroded Continental Crust and Sediment Derived Fluid in the Genesis of Arc Magmas in the SVZ, Andes
Holm PM, Soager N & Dyhr C
(2011) Mantle Lithologies from Minor Elements in Olivine: Cape Verde
Barker A, Holm PM & Troll V
(2009) Geochemical Variations in the Erlend Volcano, Faroe-Shetland Channel
Árting U & Holm PM
(2009) A New Trend for the Cape Verde Hotspot Magmas: Isotopic Evidence from Boa Vista
Holm PM, Peate DW, Dyhr CT & Schmith J
(2009) Constraints on Deep Crustal Magma Differentiation by U-Series Disequilibria of Rocks from Southern Peru, Central Volcanic Zone
Huang F, Sørensen E, Holm P, Zhang Z, Lundstrom C & Glessner J
(2009) The Pb-Nd-Sr-Hf-Isotopic Mantle Signature of the Kap Washington Group Volcanics, North Greenland
Duprat H, Holm PM, Thorarinsson S, Tegner C & Barfod G
(2007) Chromite-Rich Cumulates in Mafic Xenoliths, São Vicente, Cape Verde
Hoejsteen B & Holm PM
(2007) Comparison of the Development in Melt Compositions in the Faroe Islands and East Greenland during Continental Breakup in the Paleogene
Holm PM & Søager N
(2007) Evidence for Correlation of Late CFBs from East Greenland and the Faeroe Islands (North Atlantic Igneous Province)
Soeager N & Holm PM
(2006) The volcanic rocks of São Nicolau: Isotopic evidence for the inhomogeneity of the Cape Verde mantle plume
Holm PM & Sørensen RV
(2005) Temporal Variations of a Heterogeneous Mantle Plume Source; Santiago, Cape Verde
Barker A, Holm PM, Peate D & Baker J
(2004) Dykes from Bermuda: Melilitites and Nephelinites
Olsen S, Bernstein S, Holm P, Brooks C, Kokfeldt T, Peate D & Gunn B
(2004) Temporal Changes of Cape Verde Mantle Sources: The Evolution of Santo Antão
Holm P, Wilson J, Christensen B, Hansen L, Hansen S, Hein K & Mortensen A

Holm Paul Martin (2017) Alkaline OIB Melts: Plume or Lithospheric Melts? Constraints from Trace Elements in Olivine
Søager N, Holm PM, Portnyagin M & Garbe-Schönberg D

Holm Paul Martin (2021) Immiscible Melts Associated with Recycled Ocean Crust at Fogo, Cape Verde
Rydeblad EM, Barker AK, Barling J, Ellis BS, Duan H, Troll VR, Pérez Torrado FJ, Carracedo JC & Holm PM
(2021) EM1 Pyroxenite Melts from the SCLM: A Possible Source of the Enriched Isotope Signatures in Andean NSVZ Arc Magmas
Søager N, Holm PM & Hoernle K

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