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Holliday Kiel (2012) Discriminating Factors Affecting Incorporation: Comparison of the Fate of Eu3+/Cm3+ in the Sr Carbonate/Sulfate System
Holliday K, Chagneau A, Schmidt M, Claret F, Schaefer T & Stumpf T
(2011) Interactions of Eu(III) and Cm(III) with Celestite and Strontianite: Precipitation Kinetics and Uptake Mechanisms Characterisation
Chagneau A, Holliday K, Schmidt M, Stumpf T & Schäfer T
(2011) Using TRLFS to Explain Increased Uptake of Eu(III) and Cm(III) into Biologically Produced Apatite
Holliday K, Handley-Sidhu S, Renshaw J, Macaskie L & Stumpf T
(2010) Using Time Resolved Laser Spectroscopy to Probe Apatite Containing Europium and Curium
Holliday K, Schmidt M & Stumpf T

Holliday Kiel (2015) Actinide Pyrochlores: Fabrication and New Structural Insights
Finkeldei S, Brandt F, Stennett M, Holliday K, Hyatt N & Bosbach D
(2015) Composition and Redox Conditions in Historic Nuclear Fallout
Holliday K, Booth C, Pacold J, Dierken J, Monroe M, McClory J & Hutcheon I
(2014) Site-Selective TRLFS of Eu(III) Doped Rare Earth Phosphates for Conditioning of Radioactive Wastes
Huittinen N, Arinicheva Y, Holthausen J, Holliday K, Neumeier S & Stumpf T

Holliday M.E. (2022) Emplacement Timing of the Markagunt Gravity Slide (Utah, USA): An Example of Instantaneous Lithospheric Change
Holliday ME, Rivera T, Sprain CJ, Jicha B, Malone D, Biek R, Braunagel M, Griffith A, Hacker D & Mayback D

Holliger C. (2016) A Plume Scale Model of Chlorinated Ethene Degradation
Murray A, Broholm M, Badin A, Hunkeler D, Holliger C, Maillard J & Binning P
(2009) Influence of Environmental Factors on the Structures of Bacterial Communities in a Chloroethene – Contaminated Aquifer
Shani N, Rossi P & Holliger C

Hollinetz S.M. (2022) Bulk Inclusion Micro-Zircon U-Pb Geochronology: A New Tool to Date Low-Grade Metamorphism
Hollinetz SM, Schneider DA, McFarlane C, Huet B, Rantitsch G & Grasemann B

Hollingham M. (2013) Influence of Different Organic Carbon Substrates on Denitrification Rates in Riparian Sediment
Hollingham M, Couture R-M, Rezanezhad F & Van Cappellen P

Hollings Pete (2013) Development of Fertile Magma at El Teniente, Chile: Implications for Porphyry-Style Mineralisation
Baker M, Hollings P & Cooke D
(2013) The Selva Negra: A Favourable Setting for Alkalic Au Mineralisation
Jansen N, Hollings P & Martinez-Legorreta F
(2013) Tectonic Evolution of the Cerro Casale Cu-Porphyry System, Chile: Implications for Mineralisation
Hollings P, Chen H & Cooke D
(2011) Nitrogen Isotopes and Geochronology of the Musselwhite Au Mine, Canada
Hollings P, Isaac C, Biczok J, Maas R & Friedman R
(2006) Tectonic triggers for giant porphyry and epithermal deposits of the circum-Pacific region
Cooke D, Hollings P & Walshe J
(2002) Magmatic Fluids Coexisting with Felsic Melts: An Example from Rio Blanco Rhyolite, Chile
Davidson P, Kamenetsky V, Hollings P, Cooke D & Frikken P

Hollings Peter (2022) The Geology, Geochemistry, and Magmatic Evolution of the Legris Lake Mafic-Ultramafic Complex
Bain WM, Hollings P & Djon L

Hollingsworth E.H. (2023) Spatial Patterns of Fossil Carbon Mobilisation during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Hollingsworth EH, Pancost RD, Dickson AJ, Badger M, Elling F, Freeman KH, Baczynski A & Inglis GN

Hollingsworth N. (2017) Enhanced Photo-Response of FeS2 Films: The Role of Marcasite-Pyrite Phase Junctions
Wu L, Dzade NY, Gao L, Scanlon DO, Hollingsworth N, Weckhuysen BM, Hensen EJM, Leeuw NHD & Hofmann JP
(2016) Bio-Inspired Nano-Sulfides Catalyse the Production of Organics from CO2
de Leeuw NH, Roldan A & Hollingsworth N
(2016) Greigite: Synthetic Routes and Catalytic Testing for CO2 Reduction
Hollingsworth N & de Leeuw N
(2013) Nano Iron Sulfides for Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Goodall J, Hollingsworth N, Roffey A, Hogarth G, Holt K & Darr J
(2012) Novel Synthesis of Iron Sulfide for Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Goodall J, Islam H-U, Hollingsworth N, Roffey A, Holt K, Hogarth G, Sankar G & Darr J

Hollins Simon (2006) A combined multidisciplinary kinetic modeling approach for determination of coastal ecosystem contaminant fluxes
Szymczak R, Twining J, Hollins S, Mazumder D & Creighton N
(2006) Stable isotope tracing of water exchange along a dryland river
Cendon Sevilla DI, Gibson J, Sadek M, Stone D, Hughes C, Hankin S & Hollins S
(2002) Nu 1700: A New Large-Geometry High-Resolution Multiple Collector ICP-MS
Halliday AN, Freedman P, Oberli F, Baur H, Hollins S & Levasseur S

Hollins Suzanne (2016) Evolution of Chemical and Isotopic Composition of Inorganic Carbon in the Unsaturated and Saturated Zones of a Semi-Arid Zone Environment
Meredith K, Han L, Hollins S, Cendon D, Jacobsen G & Baker A
(2014) Using Trace Element and Halide Isotopes to Understand Salinization Mechanisms of Groundwaters from an Arid Aquifer
Meredith K, Hollins S, Tomascak P, Moriguti T, Frape S & Nakamura E

Hollis Cathy (2022) Clumped Isotope of Carbonate Minerals in the Tara Deep Zn-Pb Orebody: Re-equilibration and Limitations for the Study of Ore Genesis Geochemistry
Clog MD, Boyce A, Drummond D & Hollis C
(2019) Listwanitization as a Source of Mg for Dolomitization: Field Evaluation in Atlin, British Columbia
Robertson H, Corlett H, Hollis C, Kibblewhite T & Whitaker F

Hollis Chris J. (2022) Mid-Miocene Ocean Temperatures from Paired Coccolith Δ47 and Foraminifera Mg/Ca Ratios
Defliese WF, Crundwell M, Bostock H & Hollis CJ
(2021) Assessing the Evolution of Primary Productivity at Distal Sections from Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction
Sosa Montes de Oca C, Rodrigo-Gámiz M, Huang Y, Taylor KWR, Hollis CJ, Martínez-Ruiz F, Rodríguez-Tovar FJ, Castro JM, Quijano ML & Pancost RD

Hollis Christopher (2012) A Critical Evaluation of TEX86 Derived Sea Surface Temperatures in the Paleogene
Pancost R, Taylor K & Hollis C
(2012) A Clumped Isotopes Perspective on Sea Surface Temperatures in the Eocene Southern High Latitudes
Douglas P, Ivany L, Beu A, Hollis C, Houben A, Sluijs A & Affek H
(2011) Response of Continental Biogeochemical Processes to Short- and Long-Term Global Warming
Pancost R, Taylor K, Hollis C, Handley L, Rees-Owen R, Crouch E & Schouten S
(2011) Late Paleocene Sea Surface Cooling in Southeast New Zealand
Taylor K, Hollis C, Handley L, Morgans H, Crouch E, Schouten S & Pancost R
(2009) Mg/Ca Ocean Paleo-Temperatures from New Zealand Foraminifera in the Eocene Greenhouse World
Creech J, Baker J, Hollis C, Morgans H & Crouch E
(2008) Integrated Biomarker Records Reveal Complex and Dramatic Changes in High Latitude Climate during the Paleogene
Handley L, Hollis C, Crouch E, Schouten S, Huber M, Morgans H, Pearson P, Sinninghe Damsté J, Burgess C & Pancost R

Hollis Christopher (2019) Re-Os Depositional Age and Geochemistry of the Late Paleocene Waipawa Formation, New Zealand
Rotich E, Handler M, Naeher S, Selby D, Hollis C & Sykes R

Hollis Christopher (2015) Tracing the Efficiency of Chemical Weathering Through Magnetic Properties of Sediment: An Eocene Case Study
Dallanave E, Bachtadse V, Hollis C, Strogen D, Collot J, Maurizot P & Dickens G

Hollis Christopher J. (2023) The Role of Volcanism in Catalysing Rapid Global Warming Events of the Early Eocene: Evidence from Mercury Records
Green CE, Dickson AJ, Mather TA, Frieling J, van den Boorn SHJM, van der Ploeg R, Grimes ST, Davies M & Hollis CJ

Hollis G. (2014) Characterization of the Acidophilic, Iron Reducer, Geobacter sp. FeAm09
Healy O, Souchek J, Heithoff A, LaMere B, Pan D, Hollis G, Yang W, Silver W & Weber K

Hollis J (2006) High precision LA-SF-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating of Archaean gneisses, southern West Greenland
Hollis J, Frei D, Gerdes A, Garde A & Van Gool J

Hollis Joseph (2023) Characterization of Silicate Minerals in Alfalfa, Maaz Unit of Jezero Crater Floor, Mars
Yanchilina A, Morris RV, Schmidt M, Corpolongo A, Jakubek R, Van Hoesen D, Murphy A, Sharma S, Smith RJ, Steele A, Hollis J, Uckert K, Bleefeld B, Wu MK, Burton A, Lee CH, Lopez-Reyes G, Pedersen DAK, Bhartia R, Minitti ME & Sobron P

Hollis K. (2004) Importance of Immiscible CO2-H2O Fluids for Geochemical Processes in Low to Moderate Temperature Crustal Environments
Kaszuba J, Williams L, Janecky D & Hollis K

Hollis Steve (2020) The Application of Pyrite Chemistry to Hydrothermal Base Metal Deposits: An Example of Irish-Type Zn-Pb Mineralization
Doran A, Hollis S, Piercey S & Menuge J

Hollis Steven (2020) Critical Metal Signature of Sphalerite in Irish-Type Carbonate-Hosted Zn-Pb Deposits
Zhou L, Hollis S, McClenaghan S, Riegler T, Guven J & Hitzman M
(2013) Actively Forming Kuroko-Style Massive Sulfide Mineralisation and Hydrothermal Alteration at Iheya North, Okinawa Trough
Yeats C & Hollis S

Hollis W.K. (2008) Microbially Enhanced Carbonate Mineralization and the Geologic Containment of CO2
Mitchell AC, Phillips AJ, Kaszuba JP, Hollis WK, Cunningham AB & Gerlach R

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