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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Holland Alexandra (2019) Phosphorus, not the Limitation it was Thought to be?
Holland A, Berk-Pinto B, Larose C, Vogel T, Layton R, Tranter M & Anesio A
(2019) Dining on Dust? Examining the Link between Mineral Dust and Microbial Life in Supraglacial Habitats
McCutcheon J, Williamson C, Cook J, Tedstone A, Lutz S, Wilson S, Stockdale A, Holland A, McQuaid J, Tranter M & Benning LG
(2019) Phototransformation of Dissolved Organic Carbon on the Greenland Ice Sheet
Nicholes M, Williamson C, Tranter M, Yallop M, Holland A & Anesio A
(2017) The Geochemistry of Surface Ice on the Greenland Ice Sheet and its Effect on the Primary Production of Microbes
Holland A, Williamson C, Sgouridis F, Tranter M & Anesio A
(2017) Geochemical and Microbiological Gradients along Arctic Chronosequences
Wojcik R, Donhauser J, Holm S, Malard L, Holland A, Frey B, Wagner D, Pearce D, Anesio A, Hovelmann J & Benning LG

Holland Alisia (2018) Compound-Specific Degradation of Phosphorus Sources by the Marine Diatoms Thalassiosira spp.
Holland A, Sanders J, Mollett D, Duhamel S, Tang Y & Diaz J

Holland G. (2023) Compositional Variations in the Azores Mantle Source: Insights from Lava-Hosted Xenoliths
McLaughlin M, Clay P, O'Driscoll B, Burgess R & Holland G
(2020) Using Methane Clumped Isotopes to Investigate Thermal Generation of Longmaxi Shale Gas in Sichuan Basin, China
Chen C, Wang Y, Holland G & Zhou Z
(2020) Using Noble Gases to Trace the Origin and Accumulation of Helium in Weiyuan Gas Field, Sichuan Basin
Zhong W, Qin S, Holland G & Zhou Z
(2020) Origin and Accumulation Mechanisms of Wufeng-Longmaxi Shale Gas in the Sichuan Basin, China
Beagle JR, Cao C, Wang Y, Holland G & Zhou Z
(2018) Quantifying Natural Gas and Groundwater Interaction with Noble Gases in the Sichuan Basin, China
Zhou Z, Li Y, Holland G, Qin S & Wang Y
(2018) Helium Characteristics in Granites from North Qinling Orogen, China: Implications for Granite as an Effective Helium Source Rock
Zhang W, Li Y, Zhao F, Zhou Z, Holland G, Han W & Zhou J
(2018) Fluid Evolution of Krafla Geothermal Field, Iceland, as Traced by Noble Gas and Stable Isotopes
Li Y, Zhou Z, Holland G, Zwahlen C, Markusson S & Wang Y
(2018) Primordial and Recycled Noble Gases in the Deep Mantle
Street K, Hartley M, Holland G, Burgess R, Waters E, Shorttle O & Haldorsson SA
(2017) Quantifying Subducted Volatiles from the Leka Ophiolite, Norway
Carter E, O'Driscoll B, Burgess R, Clay P & Holland G
(2017) Noble Gas and Stable Isotope Characteristics of Hydrothermal Fluid System, Krafla, Iceland
Li Y, Zhou Z, Markusson S, Zwahlen C & Holland G
(2016) High Precision Noble Gas Analyses Using Isotopx NGX
Holland G, Tootell D & Zhou Z
(2016) Defining the Residence Times of Fluids within Precambrian-Aged Systems
Warr O, Sherwood Lollar B, Fellowes J, Sutcliffe C, McDermott J, Sica C, Holland G, Mabry J & Ballentine C
(2015) Understanding Carbon Dioxide Emplacement Processes Using Noble Gases and Stable Isotopes
Holland G, Zwahlen C, Kampman N, Zhou Z, Ballentine C & Dennis P
(2015) Determining the Mean Residence Age of Precambrian Fluid Systems
Warr O, Sherwood Lollar B, Fellowes J, Sutcliffe C, McDermott J, Holland G, Mabry J & Ballentine C
(2015) How Old are CO2 Reservoirs? A New Method to Determine Directly the Emplacement Time of CO2 Through Noble Gas and Stable Isotope Diffusion Profiles
Zwahlen C, Holland G, Kampman N & Dennis P
(2013) Reduced Gas Flux from Precambrian Cratons – Implications for Subsurface Microbiology
Sherwood Lollar B, Holland G, Li L, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Slater GF, Onstott TC & Ballentine C
(2013) Deep Fracture Fluids Isolated in the Crust Since the Precambrian
Holland G, Sherwood Lollar B, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Slater G & Ballentine C
(2012) The Oldest Isolated Life-Bearing Macrosystem on the Planet?
Ballentine C, Holland G, Slater G, Li L, Laccrampe-Couloume G & Sherwood Lollar B
(2012) Brines and Saline Fracture Waters in the Terrestrial Subsurface: A Niche for the Deep Biosphere and Unique Analog for Mars
Li L, Sherwood Lollar B, Holland G, Slater GF, Ballentine CJ & Lacrampe-Couloume G
(2012) Network of Terrestrial Subsurface Sites in Precambrian Shields: Insights for Early Earth and Mars
Sherwood Lollar B, Onstott TC, Kieft TL, Li L, van Heerden E, Slater GF, Moser DP, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Holland G & Ballentine CJ
(2011) Noble Gases from the Precambrian Shield of Canada
Holland G, Sherwood Lollar B, Li L, Lacrampe-Couloume G, Slater G & Ballentine C
(2011) Slab-Derived Halogens and Noble Gases with a Marine Pore-Fluid Signature
Sumino H, Ballentine C, Burgess R, Endo S, Yoshida K, Mizukami T, Holland G, Wallis S & Hirajima T
(2010) Kr and Xe and the Origin of Noble Gases in the Mantle and Atmosphere
Ballentine C & Holland G
(2009) CO2 Dissolution in Formation Water as Dominant Sink in Natural Gas Fields
Gilfillan S, Sherwood Lollar B, Haszeldine S, Holland G, Blagburn D, Stevens S, Schoell M, Cassidy M, Ding Z, Zhou Z, Lacrampe-Couloume G & Ballentine C
(2009) Primordial Krypton in the Terrestrial Mantle is not Solar
Holland G, Ballentine C & Cassidy M
(2008) Performance of a Multicollector Mass Spectrometer for Heavy Noble Gas Analysis
Holland G & Ballentine C
(2008) The Geological Storage of CO2: Quantification of Natural Gas/ Groundwater Interaction
Ballentine CJ, Gilfillan S, Holland G, Zhou Z, Sherwood Lollar B & Cassidy M
(2007) Seawater Recycling into the Deep Mantle – And the Source of 3He?
Ballentine C, Brandenburg J, Van Keken P & Holland G
(2006) Seawater subduction controls the heavy noble gas composition of the mantle
Holland G & Ballentine C
(2006) Developing Phase Interaction Models to Apply Noble Gases to the Problem of Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Ballentine CJ, Gilfillan S, Holland G, Zhou Z & Mackintosh S
(2006) New insights into geologic CO2 sequestration from natural analogues of the Colorado Plateau and Rocky Mountain provinces, USA
Gilfillan S, Ballentine C, Holland G, Sherwood Lollar B, Stevens S, Schoell M & Cassidy M
(2005) The Noble Gas Character of Mantle Fluids Associated with Cenozoic Volcanism in the SW USA
Gilfillan S, Ballentine C & Holland G
(2002) I-Xe Analyses of Chainpur Chondrules
Busfield A, Holland G, Bridges J, Gilmour J & Turner G
(2002) Xenon Isotopes in Nanodiamonds
Holland G, Gilmour J, Verchovsky S & Turner G
(2000) New Ar-Ar Data on Nakhla Minerals
Burgess R, Holland G, Fernandes V & Turner G

Holland H. (2013) Evidence from Fluid Inclusions Extends the Record of Seawater Chemistry by ~300 Million Years, from ~544 Ma to ~830 Ma
Spear N, Holland H, Garcia-Veigas J, Lowenstein T & Giegengack R
(2011) Oxygen Overshoot and Recovery during the Early Paleoproterozoic
Bekker A & Holland H
(2010) Volcanic Gases and the Oxygenation of the Atmosphere
Holland H
(2004) Sea Level, Sediments, and the Composition of Phanerozoic Seawater
Holland H
(2004) Dating the Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen
Bekker A, Holland H, Wang P, Rumble Iii D, Stein H, Hannah J, Coitzee L & Beukes N
(2004) Prebiotic Methane Abundance in the hydrogen/CO2-rich Atmosphere
Pavlov A, Tian F, Toon O & Holland H
(2003) Chondritic Initial 187Os/188Os in Paleoproterozoic Shale (Seawater) and Onset of Oxidative Weathering
Hannah J, Stein H, Bekker A, Markey R & Holland H
(2002) MIF of S, Oölitic Ironstones, Redox Sensitive Elements in Shales, and the Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen
Bekker A, Bekker A, Holland HD, Rumble Iii D, Wang P-L & Coetzee LL
(2001) Toward an Explanation for the Great Oxidation Event between ca. 2.3 and 2.0
Holland HD & Yang W

Holland James (2016) Arsenic Speciation in Bituminous Coal Fly Ash and Transformations in Response to Redox Conditions
Deonarine A, Kolker A, Foster A, Doughten M, Holland J & Bailoo J

Holland Joseph (2010) Monitoring the Interaction of Divalent Metal Ions with Surface Bound ssDNA Using Second Harmonic Generation
Holland J, Malin J, Jordan D & Geiger F

Holland Kate (2018) Constraining Foraminiferal CaCO3 Formation Mechanisms from Aggregate Geochemical Data
Branson O, Holland K & Eggins S
(2018) Planktic Foraminifers Produce Vaterite Shells. Big Deal or so What?
Eggins S, Branson O, Holland K & Jacob D
(2015) Probing the Internal Calcification Chemistry of O. Universa Using B/Ca
Holland K, Eggins S, Hönisch B, Haynes L, Russell A & Fehrenbacher J
(2014) Effect of Seawater Mg/Ca Ratio on Planktic Foraminifera Stable Isotope and Mg/Ca Composition
Hönisch B, Baptist C, Eggins S, Holland K, Spero H & Swart P

Holland Katherine (2017) How Confident can We be in Foraminifer Shell Mg/Ca Thermometry?
Holland K, Eggins S, Spero HJ, Hönisch B, Allen KA, Haynes LL & Russell AD
(2017) Precipitation Rate Controls on Foraminiferal Geochemistry
Branson O, Holland K, Fehrenbacher J, Russell A & Eggins S
(2017) Revisiting Mg Isotopic Fractionation in Foraminifera
Sadekov A, Langer G, Misra S, Lloyd N, Kaczmarek K, Mewes A, Holland K, Eggins S, Allen K, Bijma J & McCulloch M

Holland Katherine D (2023) Crustose Coralline Algae Dissolution Buffers Coral Reef Environments
Branson O, Ellwood MJ, Cornwall C, Maher W, Sun Y, Holland KD, Goodarzi P, Martin H & Eggins S

Holland L. (2017) Diamond’s Biggest Outreach Project: 1000 Samples, 100 Schools, 1 Great Big Experiment
Parker J, Murray C & Holland L

Holland M. (2020) Muscovite MDD: In Vacuo Argon Release via Volume Diffusion
Heizler M, Holland M & Long S

Holland Steve (2014) Weathering Evolution of Nickel and Sulfur in Pyrrhotite within a Low-Sulfide, Granitic, Mine-Waste Rock in the Canadian Arctic
Langman J, Holland S, Sinclair S, Wilson D, Smith L, Sego D & Blowes D

Holland Steven (2018) Faro Waste Rock Project: Assessment of Geochemical Evolution of Sulfide-Bearing Waste Rock at the Field Scale
Bao Z, Blowes D, Ptacek C, Bain J, Holland S & Wilson W
(2012) Microbial Hydrogen Sulfide Generation within Syncrude Composite Tailings
Kendra K, Stephenson K, Colenbrander Nelson T, Amores R, Holland S, Penner T & Warren L
(2012) Bacterial Diversity in Athabasca Oil Sands Composite Tailings Components
Holland S, Colenbrander Nelson T, Stephenson K, Kendra K, Penner T & Warren L
(2012) Bacterial H2S Generation in Oil Sands Process Wastes: Where Does it Begin?
Colenbrander Nelson T, Holland SP, Kendra K, Stephenson K, Penner T & Warren LA
(2012) Temporal Variation of Sulfur and Iron Metabolisms within Composite Tailings and Overlying Sand Cap at Syncrude's Mildred Lake Property
Stephenson K, Kendra K, Colenbrander-Nelson T, Amores R, Holland S, Penner T & Warren L

Holland Tim (2019) Millennial Storage of near-Moho Magma
Mutch E, Maclennan J, Holland T & Buisman I
(2012) Updated and Extended Activity Composition Models for Thermodynamic Calculations in Metapelitic Systems
White R, Powell R, Johnson T & Holland T
(2011) Excess Argon Systematics Under HP – LT Conditions: A Tracer for Metamorphic Fluid Connectivity?
Smye A, Warren C, Bickle M & Holland T
(2011) Calculated Stability of Osumilite, Sapphirine and Biotite in K2O-FeO-Mgo-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O-Tio2-O (KFMASHTO)
Taylor-Jones K, Powell R & Holland T
(2010) Rapid Formation and Exhumation of Eclogites in the Eastern Alps
Smye A, Bickle M, Holland T, Parrish R, Condon D, Horstwood M & Cottle J
(2001) Granulite Facies Processes: Constraints from Partial Melting Equilibria Calculated with THERMOCALC
Powell R, White RW & Holland TJB

Holland Tim JB (2023) Comparing Internal and External Buffering of Oxygen Fugacity Using Phase Equilibria Modelling
Weller OM, Holland TJ, Soderman CR, Green EC & Powell R
(2015) The Composition of Melts from a Heterogeneous Mantle: Application of a Thermodynamic Model
Jennings ES, Holland TJ, Shorttle O, Gibson SA & Maclennan J

Hollanda M.H. (2017) 2.0 Ga Collisional Dynamics Unravelled in the São Francisco Craton, Brazil: Paleotectonic Matches with the North China Craton in the Context of Columbia
Teixeira W, Oliveira E, Peng P, Dantas E & Hollanda MH
(2015) Juvenile Plutonic Episode (2.15-2.13 Ga) in the Mineiro Belt, Southern São Francisco Craton: Geochronological and Geochemical Evidences
Teixeira W, Ávila C, Bongiolo E, Hollanda MH, Barbosa N & Vasconcelos F
(2014) Constraining Cooling Temperatures and Ages from Zircon Investigation: Example of a Neoproterozoic Anatexite, Araçuaí Orogen (Brazil)
Hollanda MH, Cavalcante GC & Kawata M
(2013) U-Pb, Nd-Sr and Geochemical Fingerprints of Granitic Magmatism Inside the Paleoproterozoic Mineiro Belt, Southern São Francisco Craton: Evidence from the Ritápolis Batholith
Teixeira W, Ávila CÁ, Bongiolo E, Hollanda MH & Barbosa N

Hollander D. (2018) Benthic Production of an Anammox-Associated Biomarker, Bacteriohopanetetrol II, Under Oxic Gulf of Mexico Waters
Lincoln S, Matys E, Overholt W, Alpheus S, Bosman S, Hastings D, Chanton J, Hollander D, Kostka J, Summons R & Freeman K
(2017) The 1979 Ixtoc-I Oil Spill Revisited
Radovic J, Lincoln S, Silva R, Jaggi A, Romero I, Schwing P, Larson R, Brooks G, Freeman K, Hollander D, Larter S & Oldenburg T
(2009) A Genomic, Stable Isotopic, and Organic Geochemical Analysis of Freshwater Microbialites
Nitti A, Breitbart M, Hollander D, Siefert J & Souza V
(2009) Novel Application of Organic and Inorganic Geochemical Proxies for Exploring Ocean-Continent Linkages over the Last 1400 Years from Gulf of Mexico Sediment
Richey J, Hollander D, Eglinton T & Flower B
(2009) Urban Socio-Economic Factors Affect the Isotopic Composition of Fish Muscle
Malkin E, Peebles E & Hollander D
(2000) Anomalous Carbon Isotope Biogeochemistry in the Cariaco Upwelling System: Balancing the Effects of Biological and Oceanographic Processes
Werne JP & Hollander DJ

Holländer H. (2011) A Multi-Isotope Study for Identifying Groundwater Movement Near Disturbed Salt Domes: Case Study Stassfurt, Germany
Stadler S, Holländer H, Sültenfuss J, Jahnke C & Bohn A

Höllen D. (2017) Effect of Leaching on the Surface Mineralogy of Steel Slags
Neuhold S, Höllen D, Dijkstra JJ, van Zomeren A, Adam C, Adamczyk B, Vogel C & Raith J
(2017) Removal and Recovery of Metals from Mining and Metallurgy Waste Waters
Sedlazeck KP, Höllen D, Müller P, Mischitz R & Pomberger R
(2017) In situ Chemical Oxidation of Diesel-Contaminations in Silt Lenses
Höllen D, Philipp R, Bogolte BT, Staudigl A, Kulich M, Fehrer A, Grabmair J, Ausweger G & Pomberger R
(2011) Hydrothermal Alteration of Diatomite for the Fixation of Heavy Metal Ions
Höllen D, Grunert P, Klammer D & Dietzel M
(2011) Si Isotope Fractionation during Precipitation of Silica by Cyclic Freezing and Adsorption of Monosilicic Acid on Gibbsite
Oelze M, von Blanckenburg F, Höllen D & Dietzel M

Hollenback T. (2020) A Comparison of Enzymatic Degradation of Myo- and Scyllo- Inositol Hexaskisphosphate
Hollenback T, Sun M, Brearley C & Jaisi D

Holler M. (2021) From Petrography to Nanoscale: New Approach for 3D Investigations of Fossilized Microorganisms from Mars Analogue Deposits
Maldanis L, Lemelle L, Fernandez-Remolar D, Guizar-Sicairos M, Holler M & Simionovici AS
(2020) Eoarchean Iron Metabolism?
Hassenkam T, Tsai E, Osholm H, Dalby K, Mackenzie D, Holler M, Ferreira D, Grolimund D, Bruns S & Rosing M
(2016) Nano-Mechanical Properties of Chalk from Ptychographic Imaging
Müter D, Dalby KN, Sørensen HO, Guizar-Sicairos M, Holler M & Stipp SLS

Holler T. (2013) Apparent Inverse Carbon Isotope Effects during the Anerobic Oxidation of Methane
Yoshinaga M, Wegener G, Holler T, Goldhammer T, Brunner B, Pohlman J, Kuypers M, Hinrichs K-U & Elvert M
(2011) Thermophilic Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane Performed by Novel Microbial Consortia
Wegener G, Knittel K, Holler T, Krukenberg V, Widdel F & Boetius A
(2009) Stable Carbon Isotope Probing of Intact Polar Lipids from Benthic Archaea in Marine Subsurface Sediment
Lin Y-S, Biddle JF, Lipp JS, Holler T, Teske A & Hinrichs K-U
(2009) New Insights into AOM by Stable Isotope Probing Combined with HISH-Nanosims and Membrane-Derived Lipid Analysis
Wegener G, Holler T, Kellermann M, Musat N, Kuypers M & Boetius A

Holleran Molly (2012) Do Critical Zone Carbon and Water Fluxes Control Chemical Denudation?
Perdrial J, Brooks P, Chorover J, Condon K, Harpold A, Holleran M, Huckle D, Lybrand R, Troch P, McIntosh J, Meixner T, Minor R, Mitra B, Pohlmann M, Rasmussen C, Swetnam T, Vasquez-Ortega A & Zapata-Rios X

Holleran Molly (2014) Pyrite Oxidation Initiates Weathering Reactions in Shale (and Other Lithologies?) at Depth
Holleran M, Jin L, Bazilevskaya E, Brantley S & Gu X

Hollibaugh J. (2018) Genetic and Transcriptomic Insights into Dissimilatory Antimonate Reduction by an Obligate Anaerobe
Abin C & Hollibaugh J

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