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Hohnberg H-J. (2007) Biogeochemical Investigation of Asphalt Seepage at the Chapapote Knoll in the Southern Gulf of Mexico
Schubotz F, Wilhelm T, Hohnberg H-J, Kasten S, Zabel M, Bohrmann G & Hinrichs K-U

Hoi Shan Chan Q. (2022) The Pursuit of Elusive Extraterrestrial Liquid Water in Astromaterials
Krizan PAB, Hoi Shan Chan Q, Gough A & Papineau D

Hoikkala L. (2017) Effects of Iron and Aluminium on the Biodegradation of Natural Dissolved Organic Matter
Xiao Y-H, Hoikkala L, Kasurinen V, Tiirola M, Kortelainen P & Vähätalo AV

Hoiland Carl (2019) Blowing in the Mantle Wind: Migration of Cordilleran Arcs
Spencer C, Murphy B, Hoiland C, Johnston S, Mitchell R & Collins B

Hoiland Carl W. (2016) Greenschist Facies Metamorphic Zircon in a Regional Normal-Sense Shear Zone, Brooks Range, Alaska
Hoiland CW, Miller EL & Pease V

Höink T. (2007) Timescale for Metal-Silicate Separation by Metal Rainfall in a Magma Ocean
Höink T, Schmalzl J & Hansen U

Hoinkes Georg (2012) C-, O- and Sr-Isotopes in Marbles from the Eastern Alps
Hoinkes G, Puhr B, Schuster R, Richoz S & Moshammer B

Hoinkes Georg (2012) Nucleation and Growth of Acicular Rutile in Garnet: A Case of Open System Precipitation
Proyer A, Habler G, Abart R, Wirth R, Krenn K & Hoinkes G

Hoinkis J. (2009) Road Dust Pollution in India
Patel KS, Sahu D, Hoinkis J, Aguilera JFN & Funes EY

Hoinville A. (2020) Experimental Methods to Quantify Bentonite Swelling Anisotropy
Hoinville A, Telfeyan K & Boukhalfa H
(2019) Zircon Growth during Shear Deformation in the Seve Nappe Complex, Sweden
McRivette M, Walsh E, Menold C, Casarez M, Hoinville A & Shew J

Hoisch T. (2009) Trace Element Distribution in Pelitic Garnet: Implications for Petrogenesis, PT Modeling, and Geochronology
Cruz-Uribe A & Hoisch T

Hoise E. (2009) Experimental Study of Carbon Sequestration Reactions Controlled by the Percolation of CO2-rich Brine Through Peridotites
Andreani M, Luquot L, Gouze P, Godard M, Hoise E & Gibert B

Hok S. (2017) Arsenic Distribution and Speciation in Mine Wastes: Developing a Proxy for Long-Term Exposure Risk
Kim C, Burtis N, Cooper J & Hok S
(2017) Utilizing µXRF and EXAFS to Map Arsenic Speciation and Distribution in Fine-Grained Mine Wastes: Implications for Arsenic Bioaccessibility
Hok S, Burtis N, Cooper J & Kim C
(2017) In-Vivo Inhalation of Arsenic Laden Mine Waste Particles
Kim C, Oliaro T, Hok S, Lamb B, Silva F & Gothong M

Hokada T. (2023) U-Pb Zircon Geochronology in the Napier Complex, East Antarctica: Data from Mt. Reed, Mt. MacMaster, and an Unnamed Nunatak (0219-1 Nunatak)
Takehara M, Horie K & Hokada T
(2023) Zircon Geochronology and Geochemistry of Syenites in the Yamato Mountains, East Antarctica
Horie K, Takehara M & Hokada T
(2021) Zircon as a Recorder of Chemical Change during Metamorphism of Neoarchean Lower Crust, Shevaroy Block, Eastern Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Harlov DE, Dunkley D, Hansen E, C I-K, Samuel V & Hokada T
(2021) Geochemical Characterization of Zircon Grains for U–Pb Age Determination in Fyfe Hills of the Napier Complex, East Antarctica
Takehara M, Horie K & Hokada T
(2021) Zircon Geochronology and Geochemistry of Tonalitic Gneiss at an Unnamed Nunatak in Western Part of the Napier Complex, East Antarctica
Horie K, Takehara M & Hokada T
(2020) Further Characterization of OT4 Mesozoic Reference Zircon
Horie K, Takehara M & Hokada T
(2017) Disturbance of U–Pb System and Trace Elements in Hydrothermal Altered Zircon: An Example from AS3 Zircon, Duluth Complex, U.S.A
Takehara M, Horie K, Hokada T & Kiyokawa S
(2016) Zircon and Monazite U-Th-Pb and REE Chemistry Constraints on UHT Metamorphism at Mather Peninsula, Rauer Islands, East Antarctica
Hokada T, Harley S, Dunkley D, Kelly N & Yokoyama K
(2016) U-Pb Zircon Geochronology in Western Part of the Rayner Complex, East Antarctica
Horie K, Hokada T, Motoyoshi Y, Shiraishi K, Hiroi Y & Takehara M
(2016) Significance of External Morphology and Chemistry of Zircon for Precise U-Pb Geochronology
Takehara M, Horie K, Tani K, Yoshida T, Hokada T & Kiyokawa S
(2016) Possible Polymetamorphism and Brine Infiltration Recorded in the Garnet-Sillimanite Gneiss, Skallevikshalsen, East Antarctica
Kawakami T, Hokada T, Sakata S & Hirata T
(2016) The Secular Change of S-Mif in the Late Archean, the Dharwar Supergroup, Southern India
Mishima K, Satish-Kumar M, Hokada T, Toyoshima T & Ueno Y
(2015) Dissolution-Reprecipitation of Zircon in Metacarbonate Rocks in Response to Fluid Infiltration
Satish-Kumar M, Hokada T, Horie K & Otsuji N
(2015) Duration of Low-P/T Type Metamorphism and Zircon/Garnet REE Partitioning in Migmatites from the Ryoke Metamorphic Belt, Japan
Kawakami T, Horie K, Hokada T, Hattori K & Hirata T
(2013) Exposed Pleistocene Kurobegawa Granite (0.8 Ma): LA-ICP-MS and SHRIMP Analysis
Yamada R, Ito H, Tamura A, Arai S, Horie K & Hokada T
(2013) Influence of Surface Condition on Data Quality of U-Pb Zircon Dating
Takehara M, Horie K, Hokada T, Kaiden H & Kiyokawa S
(2013) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of Dharwar Supergroup, Southern India: Late Archean Record of Changing Atmosphere
Mishima K, Yamazaki R, Kumar MS, Hokada T & Ueno Y
(2012) Litho-, Chrono- and S-Mif-Chemo-Stratigraphy of Late Archean Dharwar Supergroup, South India
Mishima K, Yamazaki R, Kumar MS, Hokada T & Ueno Y
(2009) The Age of Serpentinization by the SHRIMP Dating of Zircon from the Metasomatic Rocks in Serpentinite
Fukuyama M, Ogasawara M, Dunkley D, Hokada T & Lee D-C
(2006) UHT metamorphism of felsic gneiss
Hokada T & Suzuki S

Hokakubo S. (2009) Magmatic Geochemistry and Geotectonic Configuration of the Southern Okinawa Trough and the Northern Taiwan Volcanic Zone
Shinjo R, Hokakubo S, Chung S-L & Wang K-L

Hokanishi N (2003) Variation of Alkenone Sea Surface Temperature in the Kuroshio Region of the Northwest Pacific during the Last 30 kyrs
Ikehara M, Matsuda A, Hokanishi N, Murayama M, Yasuda H & Kawamura K

Hokanishi Natsumi (2017) Biotite Major Elements Composition as a Tool to Fingerprint Ignimbrites, Southern Central Volcanic Zone
Hevia F, Naranjo JA, Orihashi Y, Hokanishi N & Yasuda A
(2016) Precursory Eruptions of AsO-4 Caldera-Forming Pyroclastic Flows: Melt Inclusion Study to Characterize Magma Supply System
Hasenaka T, Fumiko S, Kosuke S, Hideto Y, Mori Y, Hokanishi N & Yasuda A
(2016) Extremely Hot Plume Origin of Ultramafic Lava in the Late Paleogene Accretionary Prism from Shizuoka, Japan
Nakamura Y, Ishibashi H, Hokanishi N & Yasuda A
(2016) Petrogenesis of Plutonic Rocks in the Mineoka-Setogawa Belts:Toward Understanding of Deep Crustal Rocks in the IBM Arc
Ichiyama Y, Ito H, Hokanishi N, Tamura A & Arai S
(2016) Melt Inclusions in Gabbroic Xenoliths from Fuji Volcano; Implication for Criptic Silicic Magma Chamber
Tanaka Y, Ishibashi H, Hokanishi N & Yasuda A
(2015) Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of 3.47 Ga Barberton Basalts: Constraints on the Early Crust-Mantle Evolution
Yamaguchi T, Iizuka T, Nakai S, Hokanishi N, de Wit M & Furnes H

Hoke Gregory (2012) Impact of Seasonally Variable Soil Carbonate Formation on Paleotemperature Records from Clumped Isotopes
Huntington K, Peters N & Hoke G
(2006) Paleoelevation and Geomorphic Constraints on the Late Miocene Rise of the Andes: Geodynamic Implications for the Growth of Orogenic Plateaus
Garzione C & Hoke G

Hoke Gregory D (2014) Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry in Soil Carbonate
Huntington KW, Lechler AR, Hoke GD, Burgener LK, Breecker DO & Sweeney M

Hökerek S. (2016) Organic Geochemistry of Lower Miocene Coaly Units: Example of the Soma Formation, Manisa, Turkey
Hökerek S & Özçelik O
(2014) Biomarker Characteristics of Triassic Kasımlar Formation; Akseki–Anamas Platform, Western Taurus, Turkey
Özçelik O, Altunsoy M, Yalçın Erik N, Hökerek S, Ünal N & Kuşcu M
(2013) Organic Geochemical Characteristics of the Coaly Miocene Units in the Şahinali (Aydın) Region, Büyük Menderes Graben, Turkey
Özçelik O, Altunsoy M, Hökerek S, Ünal N & Yalçın Erik N
(2013) Organic Facies Variation from Well Data on the Bituminous Miocene Units, Northwesthern Anatolia (Sevinç/Ağapınar-Eskişehir), Turkey
Altunsoy M, Şengüler İ, Ünal N, Hökerek S & Özçelik O

Hokinson B. (2019) The Impact of Growth Rate and pCO2 on Coccolithophore Carbon Isotopes in the Past: Do Model Results fit with Ocean Proxies Records?
Zhang H, Stoll H, Hokinson B, Jenny D, Mejia LM & Liu C

Hokr M. (2019) Numerical Modelling of Migration Tests Through a Fracture
Jankovec J, Polak M, Jankovsky F, Zuna M, Kotowski J & Hokr M
(2019) Contaminant Migration Experiments in an Artificial Block-Scale Granite Fracture
Jankovský F, Zuna M, Havlová V, Kotowski J, Jankovec J & Hokr M
(2019) Migration Experiments in Naturally Fractured Crystalline Core Samples
Jankovský F, Zuna M, Havlová V, Kulenkampff J, Kotowski J, Jankovec J & Hokr M
(2011) Measurement of Isotopes and Chemistry in Tunnel Inflow for Study of Water Flow in Fractured Rock
Hokr M & Balvin A

Holail H. (2004) Origin of Dolomites in the Phosphatic Upper Cretaceous Duwi Formation, Eastern Desert, Egypt
Holail H

Holba A. (2015) Innate Ambiguities Built into Biomarker Ratios
Holba A

Holbach A. (2017) Hydro-Geochemical Characterization of Eutrophication by Phosphorus in Lake Taihu, China
Holbach A, Wilhelms A, Qin Y, Zheng B, Yang J, Zou H, Qin B & Norra S

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