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Hofmann Magdalena E.G. (2015) Automated CO2 Extraction from Air for Clumped Isotope Analysis in the Atmo- and Biosphere
Hofmann MEG, Ziegler M, Pons T, Lourens L & Röckmann T

Hofmann Mandy (2023) Can We Date Marine Carbonates at High(er) Precision with U-Pb ID-TIMS Method?
Ovtcharova M, Müller IA, Samankassou E, Guillong M, Messori F, Peyrotty G, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Vennemann T, Kouzmanov K, Merino-Tomé O & Nuriel P
(2022) Can U-Pb Dating on Carbonates add to Improved Time Constraints on the Ediacaran Metazoan Ecosystem in the Nama Group, Namibia?
Müller IA, Messori F, Guillong M, Peyrotty G, Samankassou E, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Vennemann T, Kouzmanov K & Ovtcharova M
(2021) New High Precision U-Pb CA-ID-TIMS Zircon Ages from the Terminal Ediacaran in Namibia
Messori F, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Geyer G, Vickers-Rich P & Ovtcharova M
(2019) Geochronologic Constraints on the Onset of the Shuram Excursion in Oman
Cantine MD, Bergmann KD, Rooney AD, Linneman U-G, Hofmann M, Albert R, Gomez Perez I, Baloushi B & Gerdes A
(2019) Detailed Ediacaran Timeline for White Sea and Nama Fossil Assemblages (Namibia and Ukraine)
Ovtcharova M, Messori F, Linnemann U, Hofmann M, Zieger J, Geyer G, Vickers-Rich P, Soldatenko Y & El Albani A
(2017) Comparing Zircon Dating Methods on Natural Samples
Tichomirowa M, Hofmann M, Linnemann U, Kässner A, Ovtcharova M, Schaltegger U, Sergeev S, von Quadt A & Whitehouse M

Hofmann R. (2016) Softening of Organic Matter in Shales during Heating Measured with Atomic Force Microscopy
Emmanuel S, Eliyahu M, Day-Stirrat R, Hofmann R & Macaulay C

Hofmann Sascha (2016) Incorporation of Eu(III) into Calcite Under Different Recrystallization Conditions
Hellebrandt SE, Hofmann S, Jordan N, Barkleit A, Schmidt M & Hellebrandt S

Hofmann Sascha (2012) Influence of Nitrate on the Eu(III) Uptake by Calcite: A TRLFS Study
Hofmann S & Stumpf T

Hofmann Sascha (2015) Sorption of Trivalent Rare Earth Elements on Calcite
Peschel S, Schmidt M, Hofmann S, Stubbs J & Eng P
(2013) Interaction of Eu(III) with Calcite Surfaces in Presence of NaNO3
Hofmann S & Stumpf T

Hofmann Sven (2019) Long-Term Precision and Accuracy of Clumped Isotope Measurements
Bajnai D, Fiebig J, Löffler N, Methner K, Krsnik E, Prud'homme C & Hofmann S
(2014) Background Correction for Clumped Isotope Analysis of CO2 Based on m/z = 49 Ion Beam Intensity
Fiebig J, Luedecke T, Loeffler N, Methner K, Wacker U & Hofmann S

Hofmann T. (2023) Reductive Dechlorination of Chlorinated Ethenes by Iron Nitride Nanoparticles
Brumovský M, Micić V, Oborná J, Filip J, Hofmann T & Tunega D
(2022) Stromatolites of the Western Pannonian Basin Reflect Trace Metal Availability in Microbial Habitats during the Middle Miocene Salinity Crisis
Viehmann S, Kujawa R, Hohl SV, Tepe N, Rodler A, Hofmann T & Draganits E
(2022) The Provenance of Copper of Egyptian Blue Pigments: A Sarcophagus from Sidon
Rodler A, Brøns C, Tepe N, Hofmann T, Koeberl C, Frei R & Artioli G
(2022) Nitriding of nZVI as a Novel Means to Improve its Selectivity for Trichloroethylene Remediation
Brumovsky M, Oborná J, Micić V, Malina O, Kašlík J, Tunega D, Kolos M, Hofmann T, Karlický F & Filip J
(2021) Experimental Transformations of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles in Redox-Dynamic Freshwater Sediments
Stetten L, von der Kammer F & Hofmann T
(2019) Leaching of Additives and Fragmentation of Plastics in Semi-Terrestiral Environments
Hüffer T, Henkel C & Hofmann T
(2018) Analyzing Natural and Engineered Nanoparticles: A Way Forward
Hofmann T, Kammer F, Praetorius A & Montano M
(2018) Effect of Water Treatment on the Gadolinium Cycle
Brünjes R & Hofmann T
(2017) TiO2 Nanomaterials Detection in Calcium Rich Matrices by spICPMS. a Matter of Resolution and Treatment
Tharaud M, Gondikas A, Benedetti M, von der Kammer F, Hofmann T & Cornelis G
(2017) Improvements in Sample Introduction and Calibration Approaches for Analysis of Engineered Nanomaterials by Single Particle ICP-MS
Tepe N, Laycock A, Hofmann T & von der Kammer F
(2017) Transformation of Copper-Based Nano Materials in Soils
Laycock A, Gerstmann B, Tepe N, Kah M, Hofmann T & von der Kammer F
(2015) Detection of Engineered Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles in Soils
von der Kammer F, Praetorius A, Grundlach-Graham A, Guenther D & Hofmann T
(2015) Investigating Bank Infiltration Using Gadolinium as Anthropogenic Tracer
Brünjes R, Bichler A & Hofmann T
(2014) Hunting Nanoparticles in the Environment: The Case of Nano-TiO2 from Sunscreens
von der kammer F, Gondikas A, Reed R & Hofmann T
(2013) Colloid-Associated Iron and Arsenic Transport in Streams
Neubauer E, von der Kammer F, Knorr K-H, Peiffer S, Reichert M, Köhler SJ, Laudon H & Hofmann T
(2013) Bioavailability of Metals Associated with Aquatic Natural Organic Matter
Maurice P, Kuhn K, Neubauer L, Hofmann T & von der Kammer F
(2013) Detection of Engineered Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles in the Environment
von der Kammer F, Neubauer E, Reed R, Ranville J & Hofmann T
(2013) Evaluating Possible Risks and Benefits of Nanopesticides Application
Kah M, Beulke S, Tiede K & Hofmann T
(2013) Polyelectrolyte Injection Increases Mobility of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron in Carbonate Sand
Laumann S, Micic V & Hofmann T
(2013) Reacitivity of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron Particles Used for in situ Groundwater Remediation
Schmid D, Laumann S, Micic Batka V & Hofmann T
(2012) Mobility of Nanoscale Zero-Valent Iron in Quartz and Carbonate Sands
Laumann S, Micic V & Hofmann T
(2012) Development of Flow-Field Flow Fractionation Based Methods for the Characterization of Engineered Nanoparticles in a Complex Matrix
von der Kammer F, Legros S, Wagner S, Meisterjahn B, Larsen E, Loeschner K, Navratilova J & Hofmann T
(2012) Metal Speciation and Dynamics of Carrier Phases in a Boreal Forested Catchment Under Transient Chemical Conditions
Neubauer E, Koehler S, v. d. Kammer F, Laudon H & Hofmann T
(2011) Development of Methodologies Based on Field-Flow Fractionation for the Characterization of Engineered Nanoparticles in Complex Samples
Meisterjahn B, Legros S, von der Kammer F & Hofmann T
(2011) Influence of Humic Acids on Pyrene Sorption by Carbon Nanotubes
Zhang X, Kah M & Hofmann T
(2011) Size Dependent Element Interaction and Speciation in Environmental Nanoparticles
Neubauer E, von der Kammer F, Kraemer SM & Hofmann T
(2010) The Role Nanoparticulate Oxides as Transporters of Toxic Trace Metals in Riverbed Sediment
Plathe K, von der Kammer F, Hassellöv M, Moore J, Murayama M, Hofmann T & Hochella M
(2010) Environmental Nanoparticles: Distribution and Behaviour of Main and Trace Elements at the Nanoscale
von der Kammer F, Hofmann T, Plathe K, Legros S, Neubauer E, Hochella M, Le Coustumer P & Hassellöv M
(2010) Testing Nanoparticles for their Environmental Behaviour
von der Kammer F, Ottofuelling S & Hofmann T
(2009) Nanoparticle Facilitated Transport of Organic Contaminants
Hofmann T & von der Kammer F
(2007) Native PAHs in Hard Coal Particles as a Possible Source of Increased PAH Concentrations in River Sediments
Micic V, Achten C, Schwarzbauer J & Hofmann T

Hofmanová E. (2015) The Effect of Exchangeable Cation on Diffusive Behaviour of HTO, I-, Sr2+ in Compacted Bentonite
Hofmanova E, Ramesova L, Vopalka D & Cervinka R
(2015) Pilot in situ Diffusion Experiment on Compacted Bentonite in the Czech Republic
Rosendorf T & Hofmanova E
(2015) Migration of SeO42- in Granite Under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions
Havlová V, Videnská K & Hofmanová E

Hofmeister A. (2007) Theoretical and Experimental Arguments for Earth's Heat Flux Being 31±2 TW
Hofmeister A, Hamza V & Criss R

Hofmeister W (2005) Strain Patterns and Growth Textures Around Inclusions in Diamond
Nasdala L, Glinnemann J, Harris JW, Brenker F & Hofmeister W

Hofmeister Wolfgang (2019) Sapphire-Bearing Rocks as Indicators of Continent-To-Continent Collision Events
Sorokina ES, Botcharnikov RE, Berndt J, Häger T & Hofmeister W
(2010) Discrimination of Emerald Origins By Chemical Components
Le TTH, Nguyen TC, Hofmeister W & Häger T
(2008) Alpha-Radiation Damage in Diamond
Nasdala L, Gigler A, Wildner M, Grambole D, Zaitsev A, Harris J, Hofmeister W, Milledge J & Satitkune S
(2007) Zircon M257 – A New Standard for SHRIMP U-Pb Geochronology
Nasdala L, Hofmeister W, Mattinson J, Dörr W, Corfu F, Reiners P, Kronz A, Norberg N & Kröner A

Hofmockel K.S. (2022) Bonding Strength of Biomolecules on Dominant Field-Soil Minerals by Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry
Leichty SI, Zhao Q, Kasanke CP, Qafoku N, Weitz K & Hofmockel KS
(2022) Microbe Mineral Effects on SOM Formation and Persistence
Hofmockel KS, Zhao Q, Bell S, Kasanke CP & Leichty SI

Hofstetter Thomas (2019) Using Triple-Isotope Analysis for Quantifying the Contribution of Three Competing Pathways to Total Degradation
Thullner M, Centler F & Hofstetter T
(2019) Unravelling the Fate of Organic Micropollutants in Aquatic Systems Using Multi-Element Stable Isotope Analysis
Hunkeler D, Ponsin V, Torronto C, Bakkour R, Melsbach A, Hofstetter T, Prasuhn V, Elsner M & Christina L

Hofstetter Thomas B. (2023) Analysis of Oxygen Isotope Ratios in Phosphate for Assessing the Microbial Metabolism in the Aquatic and Soil Environment
Evertz ME, Hofstetter TB & Tamburini F
(2023) Variations in Mineral Structure and Redox Properties of Iron-Bearing Clay Minerals during Redox Cycling
Aeppli M, Baron F, Biswakarma J, Neumann A & Hofstetter TB
(2023) Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Phosphate by Electrospray Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry for Assessing the Microbial Metabolism in the Environment
Bernet NM, Kantnerová K, Neubauer C, Tamburini F & Hofstetter TB
(2023) O2-Uncoupling Modulates the Observable Substrate Isotope Fractionation Associated with Oxidative Biodegradation of Organic Soil and Water Contaminants
Bopp CE, Bernet NM, Kohler H-PE & Hofstetter TB
(2021) Assessing the Redox Reactivity of Tetrahedral Fe in Clay Minerals
Neumann A, Baron F, Biswakarma J, Pearce C, Ferrage E, Petit S & Hofstetter TB
(2017) Assessing Iron Oxide Reduction Using Mediated Electrochemical Analysis
Aeppli M, Brown AR, Voegelin A, Hofstetter TB & Sander M
(2017) Electrochemical Characterisation of Microbial Fe(III) Reduction
Brown A, Aeppli M, Voegelin A, Sander M & Hofstetter T
(2013) Redox Characterization of Fe-Bearing Clay Minerals Using Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Techniques
Gorski C, Klüpfel L, Voegelin A, Sander M & Hofstetter T
(2013) Using Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis to Assess Biodegradation of Nitroaromatic Explosives in the Subsurface
Hofstetter TB, Wijker RS, Bolotin J, Nishino SF & Spain JC
(2011) Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation during the Oxidation of Substituted Anilines by Manganese Oxide
Skarpeli-Liati M, Jiskra M, Arnold WA, Cramer CJ & Hofstetter TB
(2011) An Electrochemical Approach to Determine the Redox Properties of Iron-Bearing Clay Minerals
Gorski C, Sander M, Aeschbacher M, Klüpfel L & Hofstetter T
(2009) Assessing the Redox Reactivity of Nitroaromatic Compounds and Polychlorinated Ethanes with Structural Iron in Smectites
Neumann A, Hofstetter TB, Cirpka OA, Petit S & Schwarzenbach RP
(2009) Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation during the Oxidation of Substituted Anilines at Manganese Oxides
Skarpeli-Liati M, Schwarzenbach RP & Hofstetter TB
(2009) Reductive Microbial Transformations of Iron Oxides; Engineering Biominerals for the Remediation of Metals and Organics
Lloyd J, Coker V, Cutting R, Hofstetter T, Mosberger L, Telling N, Pattrick R, Pearce C, van der Laan G & Vaughan D
(2008) Iron Isotope Fractionation during Fe(II) Sorption to Mineral Surfaces
Mikutta C, Wiederhold JG, Hofstetter TB, Cirpka OA, Bourdon B & von Gunten U
(2008) Assessing Redox Reactions and Light-Induced Transformations of Organic Water Contaminants Using Multi-Element Kinetic Isotope Effects
Hofstetter T, Hartenbach A & Schwarzenbach R
(2008) Assessing Natural Attenuation of a PCE-Contaminated Aquifer Using a Combined CSIA and Groundwater Dating Approach
Aeppli C, Amaral H, Berg M, Kipfer R, Hofstetter TB & Schwarzenbach RP
(2005) Coupling Biogeochemical Fe(III) Oxide Reduction and Contaminant Transformation
Tobler NB, Hofstetter TB, Fontana D & Schwarzenbach RP
(2004) Iron Isotope Fractionation during Adsorption of Fe(II) on Fe(III) Oxides
Teutsch N, Von Gunten U, Hofstetter T & Halliday A
(2002) Abiotic Dehalogenation of Aliphatic Contaminants in Heterogeneous Fe(II)/Fe(III) Systems
Haderlein SB, Elsner M, Erbs M, Hofstetter T, Pecher K & Schwarzenbach RP

Hofstra A (2005) Source of Salt in Hydrothermal Fluids Based on Na-Cl-Br of Fluid Inclusions
Hofstra A & Emsbo P

Hofstra Albert (2020) Melt Inclusions in Rhyolite Tuff of the Spor Mountain Formation, Utah Track Be, U, Li Through the Magmatic-Hydrothermal Transition
Mercer C & Hofstra A
(2020) Melt Inclusion Insights on Rhyolites Proposed as a Source of Economic Lithium in Clayton Valley, Nevada
Khoury R, Mercer C, Hofstra A & Stillings L

Hofstra Albert H. (2022) 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology of Volcanic Rocks Associated with Be Mineralization in the Spor Mountain Formation, Utah, USA
Mercer CM, Morgan LE, Cosca MA, Hofstra AH, Ayuso RA & Foley NK
(2021) International Database on the Abundance of Critical Minerals in Ores: Relevance to Research and Development of Critical Mineral Resources
Hofstra AH, Bastrakov E, Champion DC, Czarnota K, Emsbo P, Gadd MG, Granitto M, Huston DL, Lauziere K, Lawley C, Lisitsin V, Raymond O & VanDerWielen S
(2021) Hydrothermal HFSE(+HREE) Mineralization in the Bear Lodge Alkaline Complex—a Key to Understanding the Larger Hicks Dome Critical Mineral Resource?
Andersen AK, Hofstra AH & Nuelle LM
(2012) Pre-Eruptive Conditions of Ore-Forming Magma that Produced the Henderson Molybdenite Deposit, CO: Insights from Melt Inclusions and Mineral Thermobarometry
Mercer CN, Hofstra AH, Todorov TI & Marsh EE

Hogan C. (2016) Tracing Atmospheric Nitrogen and Sulphur Deposition in Tasmania Using Isotopic Fingerprinting in Lichens
Hogan C, Proemse B & Barmuta L
(2016) Biogeochemical Controls on Nutrient Loadings in the Derwent River Catchment, Tasmania
Proemse B, Hogan C, Whitehead J, Coughanowr C & Barmuta L

Hogan James F. (2009) Salinization of the Rio Grande, North America: Origins and Implications for Mitigation
Phillips FM & Hogan JF
(2002) Salinization of the Rio Grande: Young Water, Old Salts?
Phillips F, Mills S & Hogan J

Hogan John (2015) Functional and Taxonomic Dynamics of a Methanogenic Biofilm Community Using a Solid-Phase Electron Dono
Bretschger O, Carpenter K, Phan T, Ishii S, Suzuki S, Grossi-Soyster E, Flynn M & Hogan J

Hogancamp N. (2016) Can Biomarkers in Non-Fossiliferous Chattanooga Shale (Late Devonian) Show Evidence of the Earliest Land Forest on the Southern Appalachian Landmass?
Lu M, Lu Y, Ikejiri T, Ibrahim Ç, Pashin J & Hogancamp N

Hogarth G. (2013) Nano Iron Sulfides for Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Goodall J, Hollingsworth N, Roffey A, Hogarth G, Holt K & Darr J
(2012) Novel Synthesis of Iron Sulfide for Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Goodall J, Islam H-U, Hollingsworth N, Roffey A, Holt K, Hogarth G, Sankar G & Darr J

Högdahl K. (2019) Exploratory Investigation of Precious Metals-Bearing Mineral Assemblages from Assarel Porphyry Copper Deposit (Srednogorie Zone, Bulgaria)
Munteanu M, Cioacă M-E, Ivanov D, Milu V, Stoilov V, Costin G, Iorga-Pavel A, Lynch E & Hogdahl K
(2014) Fluorapatite-Monazite-Allanite Relations in the Grängesberg Apatite-Iron Ore District, Central Sweden
Majka J, Harlov D, Jonsson E, Högdahl K, Persson Nilsson K & Troll V

Hogendoorn C. (2020) The Thermoacidophilic Methanotroph Methylacidiphilum Fumariolicum SolV Oxidizes Subatmospheric H2 with a High-Affinity [NiFe] Hydrogenase
Schmitz R, Pol A, Mohammadi S, Hogendoorn C, van Gelder T, Jetten M, Daumann L & Op den Camp H

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