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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Hofig Daianne F (2023) Fidelity of High-Resolution Paleoclimate Signals from the Middle Miocene Clarkia Lacustrine Deposit: From Megafossils to Molecular Isotope
Yang H, Leng Q, Hofig DF, Zhang YG, Turner J & Pearson A

Hofig Daianne F. (2020) Paleo-CO2 Reconstruction Based Upon Metasequoia Leaves: A Comparison of Different Proxies Using Early Miocene Fossils from Inner Mongolia
Liang J-Q, Hofig DF, Leng Q, Xiao L, Niu G, Zhang YG & Yang H
(2020) The Consumption Rate of a Natural CO2 Pulse: Lessons from the Middle Miocene
Zhang YG, Hofig D, Leng Q, Giosan L & Yang H
(2020) Miocene Clarkia Lake Deposit: Archive of Annual Climate Variability at 16 Ma
Hofig D, Zhang YG, Leng Q, Liang J, Wu M & Yang H
(2019) Sedimentation Rates of the Middle Miocene Clarkia Lake Deposit, Nothern Idaho, USA
Hofig D, Zhang Y, Leng Q, Wu M & Yang H
(2019) Variations of Stomatal Frequency in Taxodium and Metasequoia Populations at the Mid-Miocene Clarkia Lake Deposits: Implications for Atmospheric CO2 Reconstruction
Wu M-X, Leng Q, Yang H, Hofig DF & Zhang Y-G
(2019) Revealing High-Resolution Volcanic Stratigraphy and Rock-Fluid Interaction by XRF Core Scanning
Höfig TW, McCreary ME, Umberhocker KA, LeVay BJ & Höfig DF

Höfig Tobias W (2021) Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G
(2021) Tracking the Evolution of a Submarine Arc-Hosted Hydrothermal System Through the Deportment of Phosphorous and Rare-Earth Elements
Höfig TW, Mott AV, Miller BV, Horkley LK, Zhang C & Peate DW

Höfig Tobias W. (2020) More Than 40 Million Years of Oblique Subduction Recorded in the Magmatism of the Westernmost Aleutian Arc
Höfig TW, Portnyagin M, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Jicha BR, Wartho J-A, van den Bogaard P & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2019) Revealing High-Resolution Volcanic Stratigraphy and Rock-Fluid Interaction by XRF Core Scanning
Höfig TW, McCreary ME, Umberhocker KA, LeVay BJ & Höfig DF
(2015) The Mineralogical Evolution of Bioleached Copper Ore Traced by SEM-Mla
Diers S, Höfig TW, Haser S, Bobadilla-Fazzini RA & Gutzmer J

Hofmann Albrecht (2020) The Mantle Record of Crustal Evolution
Hofmann A, Puchtel I & Chauvel C
(2018) A New Look at Crust-Mantle Differentiation
Hofmann A, Goldstein S & Class C
(2017) New Experiments and Komatiites Vindicate Nickel in Magmatic Olivine as a Monitor of Mantle Lithology
Sobolev A, Hofmann A, Krasheninnikov S, Batanova V, Asafov E, Arndt N, Koshlyakova A & Borisov A
(2017) Nb/U in Komatiites: Perspective on Archean Crustal Volume
Hofmann A & Puchtel I
(2017) HIMU and High-Precision Pb Isotopes
Chauvel C, Hofmann A & Stracke A
(2016) Chemical Heterogeneities Transported by Mantle Plumes
Farnetani C, Limare A, Duvernay T, Hofmann A & Class C

Hofmann Albrecht W. (2023) Metal Stable Isotopic Perspective on Genetic Relationship between HIMU and EM1 Component
Zhang X, Chen L, Wang X, Hanyu T, Hofmann AW, Zeng G & Li W
(2023) Confirming the Non-Chondritic Composition of the Silicate Earth
Hofmann AW, Class C & Goldstein SL
(2022) The Loss of Ancient Mantle Memory
Hofmann AW
(2021) Pb Isotopic Evidence for U Exchange with the Core?
Hofmann AW
(2019) The Third Lead Paradox
Hofmann A
(2019) The Role of Melt-Rock Reaction in Creating Enriched-Morb Mantle Sources
Rampone E, Borghini G, Class C, Goldstein SL, Cipriani A, Cai Y, Hofmann AW, Zanetti A, Fumagalli P & Godard M
(2019) Intraplate High-Mg Andesites as Melting Products of Recycled Crust from the Deep Mantle
Chen L-H, Liu J-Q, Hofmann A, Wang X-J, Zhong Y, Zeng G & Xie L-W
(2015) Canonical Trace Element Ratios in Mantle Melting – A Revisit
Hofmann A
(2014) Olivine Composition: Resolving Effects of Mantle Sources and Processes
Sobolev A, Batanova V, Arndt N, Kuzmin D & Hofmann A
(2013) Meter-Scale Chemical Interaction between Pyroxenite-Derived Melts and Mantle Peridotites in the Northern Apennine Ophiolites (Italy)
Borghini G, Rampone E, Zanetti A, Class C, Cipriani A, Hofmann A, Goldstein S & Godard M
(2013) Canonical Trace Element Ratios and Partitioning during Global Differentiation
Hofmann A
(2012) Origin of the Bilateral Structure of Pacific Plume Conduits
Farnetani C, Hofmann A & Class C
(2011) Displaced Helium in Tilted Mantle Plumes
Hofmann AW, Farnetani C, Spiegelman M & Class C
(2011) Recycled Crust in the Source of Deccan Flood Basalts
Malamoud K, Sobolev A, Kuzmin D, Viladkar S & Hofmann A
(2011) Mantle Degassing Rates and Gas Loss from Atmosphere: A View from Xenology
Tolstikhin I, Marty B & Hofmann A
(2011) George Tilton: Pioneer of Lead Isotope Geochemistry
Hofmann AW
(2011) Heterogeneity in the Mantle Plume: Spatial Scales and Ages
Sobolev A, Hofmann A, Jochum K, Kuzmin D & Stoll B
(2011) Pyroxenites in Peridotites from External Liguride Ophiolites (Italy): Insights on Small Scale Heterogeneities in MORB Mantle
Borghini G, Rampone E, Zanetti A, Class C, Cipriani A, Hofmann A & Goldstein S
(2009) Composition, Distribution and Properties of the Ultra-Depleted Mantle Component
Hellebrand E, von der Handt A, Johnson K, Snow J, Liu C-Z, Dick H & Hofmann A
(2009) Displaced Helium in Mantle Plumes
Hofmann A & Farnetani C
(2008) Mantle Myths, Mantle Reservoirs, and Databases
Hofmann AW
(2008) Length Scales of Isotope Heterogeneities: From D′′ to a Mantle Plume Conduit
Farnetani C & Hofmann AW
(2007) Are Peridotite Xenoliths in Mesozoic Plutons Inherited from Paleozoic Kimberlites?
Chen L-H, Jiang S-Y, Hofmann AW, Jovanovic Z, Xie L-W & Zhou X-H
(2007) Dynamics and Internal Structure of a Mantle Plume Conduit
Farnetani C & Hofmann A
(2007) Recycled Oceanic Crust as a Source of Siberian Flood Basalts
Sobolev A, Krivolutskaya N, Kuzmin D & Hofmann A
(2007) Is D′′ a Low-Mu Reservoir?
Hofmann A, Goldstein S & Class C
(2007) Records of A-Type and I-Type Plutonism from the Northern Aravalli Craton, NW India: Age, Petrogenesis and Regional Tectonic Implications
Kaur P, Chaudhri N, Raczek I, Kröner A, Okrusch M & Hofmann AW
(2006) Silica alteration zones and cherts as a record of hydrothermal processes on the Archaean seafloor
Hofmann A, Bolhar R, Harris C & Orberger B
(2006) Origin of black cherts from the Marble Bar Drill Core #1 (Pilbara,W-Australia)
Rividi N, Orberger B & Hofmann A
(2006) The origin of E-MORB
Hofmann AW & Hémond C
(2005) A Donnan Diffusion Model for the Description of Sr Adsorption Kinetics to Hydrous Ferric Oxide
Hofmann A, Van Beinum W, Kretzschmar R & Meeussen JCL
(2004) Pb Isotopes and Trace Elements in Melt Inclusions from Hawaiian Basalts Using LA-ICPMS and SR-Xrf
Jochum K, Stoll B, Herwig K & Hofmann A
(2004) Extreme Compositional Variability of the Mantle-Plume Related Magmas from Mauritius Island, Indian Ocean
Debajyoti P, Kamenetsky V & Hofmann A
(2004) Colloidal Particle Release from Porous Media—an Inner-Sphere Complexation Approach
Liang L & Hofmann A
(2004) Diffusion-Limited Sr Sorption by Hydrous Ferric Oxide Aggregates: Influence of Pore Sizes
Hofmann A, Van beinum W, Meeussen J & Kretzschmar R
(2004) The Age of the Lithospheric Mantle in the Central Asian Lithospheric Belt from Os Isotope Data on Xenoliths
Ionov D, Lassiter J & Hofmann A
(2004) Formation of D” Reservoir during Late Stages of Earth`s Accretion: Multi-Isotope-Systematic Geochemical Modelling
Tolstikhin I, Kramers J & Hofmann A
(2004) Origin of Black Carbonaceous Cherts in the Barberton Greenstone
Hofmann A
(2004) Evidence for Olivine Free Mantle Source of Hawaiian Tholeiites
Sobolev A & Hofmann A
(2003) Scales of Mantle Heterogeneity and Melting
Hofmann A, Sobolev A, Abouchami W, Galer S & Jochum K
(2002) Deep Melting Underneath the Ultraslow Lena Spreading Center
Hellebrand E, Snow JE & Hofmann AW
(2002) MPI-Ding Reference Glasses for in situ Microanalytical Techniques: New Trace Element and Isotope Data
Stoll B, Jochum KP, Hofmann AW, Raczek I, Pfänder J & Meixner A
(2002) Chemical and Sr-Nd-Os Isotope Variations in Tholeiitic and Alkaline Flood Basalts from Eritrea: Evidence for Recycled Depleted Oceanic Crust in the Afar Plume
Teklay M, Hofmann AW, Brügmann GE & Lassiter JC
(2002) Sr-Pb Isotopic Evidence for Plume-Ridge Interaction along the Central Indian Ridge
Nauret F, Abouchami W, Galer SJG, Hemond C & Hofmann AW
(2002) Niobium in Planetary Cores
Jochum KP, Hofmann AW, Seufert M & Stoll B
(2002) Generation of a Long-Lived Primitive Mantle Reservoir during Late Stages of Earth Accretion
Tolstikhin I & Hofmann A
(2002) High-Precision Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf Ratios in Global MORB
Büchl A, Münker C, Mezger K & Hofmann AW
(2002) In Search of a Superchondritic Nb/Ta Reservoir: High-Precision Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf Ratios in Ocean Island and Intraplate Basalts
Pf‰nder J, M¸nker C, Mezger K & Hofmann AW
(2002) Anatomy of the Hawaiian Plume: Heterogeneity on Many Scales
Hofmann AW, Abouchami W, Eisele J, Jochum KP, Sobolev A & Galer S
(2002) Primary Melts Reveal Small-Scale Heterogeneity in Convecting Mantle
Sobolev A, Hofmann AW, Shimizu N, Chaussidon M, Metrich N & Nikogosian IK
(2001) Mantle Structure and Geochemical Mass Balance
Hofmann AW
(2000) The Distribution of Lead Isotopes in the Indian Ocean
Vlastélic I, Abouchami W, Galer S, Claude-Ivanaj C & Hofmann A
(2000) The Geochemical Evolution of Hawaiian Magmatism Since the Mesozoic: Evidence from Lavas from the Emperor Seamounts
Regelous M, Hofmann AW, Abouchami W & Galer SJG
(2000) Lead Isotopic Evidence for Multiple Components in the Hawaiian Plume
Abouchami W, Hofmann A & Galer S
(2000) An Endangered Geochemical Paradigm? The Relationship of Melts to Sources
Hofmann AW
(2000) Extreme Compositional Variability of Hawaiian Primary Melts: The Clue to the Origin of Classical Mantle Plume?
Sobolev A & Hofmann A
(2000) Os Isotopic Heterogeneity in Mantle Peridotites from the Troodos Complex, Cyprus
Büchl A, Brügmann G, Batanova VG, Hofmann A & Sobolev AV
(2000) Ghost Garnet Signature in Residual Abyssal Peridotites?
Hellebrand EW, Snow JE & Hofmann AW
(2000) Comparative Study of Koolau and Mauna Loa Primitive Melts: Investigation of Melt Inclusions in Olivines
Sobolev V, Sobolev A, Rocholl A & Hofmann A
(2000) Os, Hf, Nd and Sr Isotope Analyses from the Pitcairn Hotspot: Constraints on the Composition of EM1
Eisele J, Sharma M, Blichert-Toft J, Devey CW & Hofmann AW
(2000) Geochemistry and Neodymium and Strontium Isotope Systematics of the 3.7-3.8 Ga Pillow Basalts of the Isua Greenstone Belt, Southwest Greenland
Polat A, Regelous M, Hofmann AW & Appel PWU
(2000) Osmium Isotope Signatures of Picrites and Basalts from Theistareykir (North Iceland)
van der Zander I, Bruegmann G, Hofmann AW, McKenzie D & Mertz DF
(2000) Os Isotopic Composition and Abundance of Highly Siderophile Elements in Mantle Peridotites and Dikes from the Ivrea Zone in Italy
Brügmann G, Rehkämper M, Mezger K & Hofmann A

Hofmann Alexander (2009) The Response of Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th on Particle Flux – Findings from the African Margin
Lippold J, Christl M, Hofmann A, Mollenhauer G, Mulitza S, Weyer S & Mangini A

Hofmann Amy (2017) High-Precision and Accuracy Measurements of the Isotopic Contents and Structures of Extra-Terrestrial Organic Molecules
Eiler J, Chimiak L, Elsila J, Dallas B & Hofmann A

Hofmann Amy E. (2014) Sc and P in Haplo-Komatiitic Olivines: Spatial Covariation and Partitioning
Hofmann AE, Baker MB, Beckett JR & Stolper EM
(2012) Kinetic Isotope Fractionation of Ionic Species in D2O and Methanol
Hofmann AE, Bourg IC, Christensen JN & DePaolo DJ
(2011) Ion Desolvation as a Mechanism for Kinetic Isotope Fractionation
Hofmann AE, Bourg IC & DePaolo DJ
(2010) A "Mass Anomalous" Vapor-Pressure Isotope Effect for SF6
Eiler J & Hofmann A
(2009) New Capabilities for Small-Scale and High-Precision SIMS Analysis
Eiler J, Adkins J, Chapman A, Guan Y, Hofmann A & Ferry J
(2009) Sub-Micron Scale Ti Variations in Zircons of Known Provenance
Hofmann AE, Baker MB & Eiler JM
(2008) P, Cr, and Al Zonation in Komatiitic Olivine
Hofmann AE, Beckett JR, Baker MB & Stolper EM
(2007) Sub-Micron-Scale Variations in Ti Abundance in Zircon
Hofmann AE, Cavosie AJ, Guan Y, Valley JW & Eiler JM

Hofmann Annette (2023) Novel Technics for Hexavalent Chromium Removal from Waters – Exploring the Wide Offer of Methods Proposed in the Recent Scientific Litterature
Hofmann A
(2020) Risk of Release and Exposure of Silver Nanowire Transparent Conductive Films: An Electrochemical Method for a Quick and Simple Diagnostic
Omaña-Sanz B, Toybou D & Hofmann A
(2013) CD-MUSIC to Interprete Drifting Primary Charge of Ferrihydrite
Hofmann A, Hiemstra T & Lützenkirchen J
(2010) Primary Charge of Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles: Experiment and Theory
Hofmann A, Hiemstra T & Van Riemsdijk W
(2009) Hydrous Ferric Oxide Nanoparticles – Structural Reordering in Response to Surface Sorption of Al-Hydroxy Species
Hofmann A, Vantelon D, Villain F & Montargès-Pelletier E
(2007) Ferrihydrite in Porous Media – An Inner-Sphere Complexation and Transport Approach to Describe Multiple Reactions and Predict Colloid Mobilization
Hofmann A & Liang L

Hofmann Axel (2023) Earliest Evidence of Life Preserved in ca. 3.5 Ga Old Marine Sediments of the Daitari Greenstone Belt, Singhbhum Craton, India
Jodder J, Stüeken EE & Hofmann A
(2023) Remobilization of Tungsten in Archean Cratons: Insights from W Isotope Compositions of Volcanic Rocks from the Kaapvaal and Singhbhum Cratons
Messling N, Hegner E, Jodder J, Hofmann A, Wemmer K & Willbold M
(2023) δ30Si Versus Ge/Si Evidence Necessitates Quartz-Rich Metabasaltic Sources for Na- and K-rich Archean Granitoids from Zimbabwe
André L & Hofmann A
(2023) Insights into Early Mantle Processes from Coupled 182W-142Nd Isotope Systematics of Igneous Rocks from the Singhbhum Craton
Ravindran A, Pakulla J, Tusch J, Hasenstab E, Hofmann A, Jodder J, Mazumder R & Münker C
(2023) The Late Archaean Granite Paradox
Rollinson H, Chagondah GS & Hofmann A
(2021) Nitrogen Isotope Variations Across the 3.4 Gyr Buck Reef Chert, South Africa, Question Early Nitrogen Sources and Pathways
Pellerin A, Thomazo C, Ader M, Marin-Carbonne J, Alleon J, Vennin E & Hofmann A
(2021) Oldest Methanogens from Subseafloor Hydrothermal Environment, South Africa
Cavalazzi B, Lemelle L, Simionovici AS, Cady SL, Russell M, Bailo E, Canteri R, Enrico E, Manceau A, Maris A, Salome M, Thomassot E, Bouden N, Tucoulou Tachoueres R & Hofmann A
(2020) Early Coevolution of Life and the Geodynamo Suggested by Potential ~3.4 Billion-Year-Old Magnetofossils
Tarduno J, Hofmann A & Cottrell R
(2020) Triple Oxygen Isotope Investigation of Granites Through Time in Comparison with Coeval Shales
Bindeman I, Hofmann A & Palandri J
(2019) Xenon in Carbonaceous Matter: A Paleo-Atmospheric Proxy and a Dating Tool for Paleo-Fossils?
Avice G, Moreira M, Hofmann A & Ossa FO
(2019) Stable Cr Isotope Fractionation during Magmatic Differentiation of 2.7 Ga Komatiites from the Belingwe Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe
Wagner JL, Kleinhanns IC, Hofmann A & Schoenberg R
(2019) Volcanism, Sedimentation, and Microbial Activity in a ca. 3.0 Ga Intracontinental Setting
Agangi A, Hofmann A, Paprika D, Bekker A & Ossa Ossa F
(2019) Early Traces of Life Preserved in 3.51 Ga Old Cherts of the Daitari Greenstone Belt, India
Jodder J, Hofmann A, Wilson A, Stüeken E & Xie H
(2019) Low Dissolved Phosphorus Content in the Mesoarchean Ocean Limited Oxygenic Photosynthesis
Ossa Ossa F, Hofmann A, Spangenberg JE, Poulton SW, Stüeken EE, Schoenberg R, Eickmann B, Wille M & Bekker A
(2018) The Onset of Oxidative Weathering Traced by Uranium Isotopes
Brüske A, Albut G, Schuth S, Schoenberg R, Beukes N, Hofmann A, Nägler T & Weyer S
(2018) Heavy δ30Si in Archean Granitoïds as Evidence for Supracrustal Components in their Sources
André L, Abraham K, Foley S & Hofmann A
(2018) Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Shales Through Time: Rapid Emergence of Subaerial Landmasses at 2.5Ga
Bindeman I, Zakharov D, Greber N, Dauphas N, Retallack G, Hofmann A, Lackey JS & Bekker A
(2017) Africa Initiative for Planetary and Space Sciences
Baratoux D, Chennaoui-Aoudjehane H, Gibson R, Lamali A, Reimold WU, Selorm Sapah M, Chabou C, Habarulema JB, Jessell MW, Mogessie A, Benkhaldoun Z, Nkhonjera E, Mukosi NC, Kaire M, Rochette P, Sickafoose A, Martínez-Frías J, Hofmann A, Folco L & Rossi AP
(2017) Sulfur non Mass Dependent Anomalies in Modern River Water of Archean Catchment
Asael D, Planavsky N, Bellefroid E, Hofmann A & Reinhard C
(2017) Cerium Stables Isotopes as a Redox Tracer in Early Earth Environments
Bellot N, Debaille V & Hofmann A
(2017) Constraints on Metal Mobilization in Archean and Early Proterozoic Marine Sediments from Uranium Isotopes
Brüske A, Schuth S, Albut G, Schoenberg R, Beukes N, Hofmann A, Nägler T & Weyer S
(2016) Mesoarchaean Oxidative Shallow Marine Environment in the Pongola Supergroup, South Africa
Siahi M, Master S & Hofmann A
(2015) Palaeoarchean Intermediate – Felsic Volcanics of the Toggekry Formation, Nondweni Greenstone Belt, RSA: A Rifted Volcanic Arc?
Elburg M, Jele N, Andersen T, Watkeys M, Agangi A & Hofmann A
(2015) Greenstone Belts as Archives of Early Earth Processes
Hofmann A
(2015) New Insights into the 3.4 Ga Sulfur and Iron Cycle from the ICDP Buck Reef Chert Drill Core
Eickmann B, Hofmann A, Agangi A, Wille M, Meffre S, Wing B & Schoenberg R
(2015) A View to the First Half of the Earth’s Impact History: Barberton CT3 Spherule Layers, South Africa
Özdemir S, Koeberl C, Schulz T, Reimold WU, Mohr-Westheide T & Hofmann A
(2013) Paleoarchean Felsic Magmatism: A Melt Inclusion Study of 3.45 Ga Volcanic Rocks from the Barberton Greenstone Belt
Agangi A, Hofmann A & Kamenetsky VS
(2013) Seawater as the Common Si Source for Both Archean BIF and Cherts: Insights from Silicon Isotopes
Delvigne C, Hofmann A, Cardinal D & André L
(2013) Time-Related Changes in the Si Isotopic Composition of Palaeo- to Mesoarchaean Granitoids
Abraham K, Foley S, Hofmann A, Cardinal D & André L
(2012) In situ Fe and Multiple S Isotope Analyses of an Archean Pyrite Nodule
Marin-Carbonne J, Rollion-Bard C, Hofmann A, Thomassot E, McKeegan K, Bekker A & Rouxel O
(2012) Understanding Archean Weathering Using Silicon Isotopes and Ge/Si Ratios
Delvigne C, Opfergelt S, Hofmann A, Cardinal D & Andre L
(2011) δ30Si and Ge/Si Changes in BIFs along the Archaean
Delvigne C, Cardinal D, Hofmann A & André L
(2011) Prograde P-T Path of a ~3.2 Ga Tectonometamorphic Event from Assegaai Greenstone Belt, SE Kaapvaal Craton
Saha L, Hofmann A & Xie H
(2010) Enhanced Primary Productivity in the Aftermath of the Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen
Planavsky N, Bekker A, Hofmann A & Lyons T
(2009) The Origin of Palaeoarchaean Silicification Inferred from Coupled Si-O Isotopes
Abraham K, Cardinal D, Hofmann A, Foley S, Harris C & André L
(2009) 300 M.y. of Komatiite Evolution in the Barberton Greenstone Belt
Robin C, Arndt N, Chauvel C, Byerly G, Kareem K, Hofmann A & Wilson A
(2009) Banded Iron Formations of the ~ 2.7 Ga Manjeri Formation, Belingwe Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe: An Anoxic Carbonate- and Sulphide-Rich Depositional Environment
Bah MSI, Orberger B, Hofmann A & Tudryn A
(2008) Hydrothermal Activity and Stromatolite Formation in the Pre-2.95 Ga Record of South Africa
Hofmann A
(2008) Sulfidic Organic-Rich Shales in the Archean Low-Sulfate Ocean: Evidence for Transient Oxygenated Conditions, Enhanced Volcanism, or Low Sedimentation Rates?
Bekker A, Hofmann A, Rumble D & Rouxel O
(2007) Si Isotopes as a Clue for Understanding Eoarchaean Silicifications
Abraham K, Opfergelt S, Cardinal D, Hofmann A, Foley S & André L

Hofmann Beda (2009) Riverrun, Past Eve and Adam’s: Molybdenums Wake
Villa IM, Greber N, Haudenschild E, Heri AR, Hofmann B, Neubert N & Nagler TF
(2009) Noble Gases in the Ureilites Kenna and RaS 247
Cosarinsky M, Trappitsch R, Hofmann B & Leya I
(2007) A c. 4.3 Ga U-Pb Age from Lunar Meteorite SaU169 and the Chondritic Sm/Nd of the Moon
Kramers J, Gnos E, Hofmann B & Al-Kathiri M

Hofmann Beda (2002) Sayh al Uhaymir 094 ˆ a New Martian Meteorite from the Oman Desert
Gnos E, Hofmann B, Villa IM & Al-Kathiri A

Hofmann Beda (2021) Early Differentiation and Evolution of Magmatic Iron Meteorite Parent Bodies Inferred from Mn-Cr Chronometry
Anand A, Pape J, Wille M, Mezger K & Hofmann B

Hofmann Beda (2023) Classification and 53Mn‐53Cr Chronology of Enstatite Chondrite Meteorites from a New Strewn Field in Oman
Prasad A, Hofmann B, Mezger K, Anand A, Kruttasch PM & Gnos E

Hofmann Beda (2020) Mn-Cr Chronological Constraints on the Thermal Evolution of IIAB Iron Meteorite Parent Body
Anand A, Pape J, Wille M, Mezger K & Hofmann B

Hofmann Beda A. (2019) Lead Isotopic Variations on Sulfides in Janggun Deposit, South Korea
Kang J, Wille M, Hofmann BA, Strauss H & Villa IM

Hofmann D. (2016) Seasonal Climate Change in Central-Eastern Europe at the Mid-Late Paleolithic Transition ~ 40 ka ago
Staubwasser M, Dragusin V, Assonov S, Hofmann D, Ersek V, Veres D & Onac B

Hofmann F. (2022) Rapid Phase Identification of Apatite and Zircon Grains for Geochronology Using Micro-Computed Tomography
Cooperdock EHG, Hofmann F, Collins RM, Carrera A, Takase A & Celestian AJ
(2018) Loss of U during Laser-Heated Single-Aliquot Hematite (U-Th)/He Dating
Hofmann F & Farley KA

Hofmann Harald (2017) Microbial and Hydrogeological Controls on the Origin and Evolution of Coal Seam Gases and Production Waters of the Surat Basin, Australia
Baublys K, Hamilton S, Golding S, Hofmann H & Vink S
(2014) Use of Fluorescence in Conjunction with Radon Activity to Monitor Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in a System Under Stress
Rutlidge H, Andersen M, Rau G, Cuthbert M, Graham P, Unland N, Hofmann H, Gilfeddder B, Atkinson A, Cartwright I, Halloran L & Baker A
(2014) Better Understanding of Degassing and Parafluvial Exchange for 222Rn Baseflow Studies
Cartwright I, Hofmann H & Gilfedder B

Hofmann Heinrich (2017) Understanding Nanoparticle Suspensions: Polymer Adsorption and Ionic Polarization at Charged Nanoparticle Surfaces
Galmarini S, Bernau V, Bowen P, Hofmann H & Koebel M

Hofmann Jan P. (2017) Enhanced Photo-Response of FeS2 Films: The Role of Marcasite-Pyrite Phase Junctions
Wu L, Dzade NY, Gao L, Scanlon DO, Hollingsworth N, Weckhuysen BM, Hensen EJM, Leeuw NHD & Hofmann JP

Hofmann Johannes (2012) Siderophile Element Redistribution during Mantle Metasomatism
Aulbach S, Heaman L, Matjuschkin V, Hofmann J, Stachel T & Brey G

Hofmann K. (2003) Isotope Geochemistry and Zircon Ages of Middle to Lower Crustal Rocks in NW Namibia (Kaoko Belt)
Kroener S, Konopasek J, Kroener A, Poller U, Passchier C & Hofmann K

Hofmann Magdalena (2018) Fragment Ion Measurement of 17O+ and 13C+ of CO2 with MAT253-Ultra
Adnew G, Hofmann M, Laskar A, Paul D, Popa E, Peters W & Röckmann T

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