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Hoffmann H. (2016) Campaigns and Sample Preparation for Dating of Ocean Water and Glacier Ice with 39Ar – ATTA
Ritterbusch F, Beyersdorfer S, Kersting A, Ebser S, Feng Z, Ringena L, Hoffmann H, Tanhua T, Oberthaler MK & Aeschbach W

Hoffmann J. Elis (2023) Origin of Massive Dunites of the Crust-Mantle Transition in the Oman Ophiolite at Wadi Zeeb (ICDP Oman Drilling Project)
Becker H, Weitkamp S, Fleming WL, Kaehne Z, Stammeier JA, Gleißner P, Hoffmann JE, Takazawa E & Koepke J
(2023) 182W Isotope Patterns Preserved in Paleoarchean TTGs from the Ancient Gneiss Complex
Hoffmann JE, Tusch J, Sandor P & Florin G
(2023) In situ Lead and Multiple Sulfur Isotope Analyses of Sulfides in Eoarchean Peridotites Provide Evidence for Early Crustal Recycling
Lewis JA, Schwarzenbach EM, Liesegang M, van de Löcht J, Schwarz A, Strauss H, Münker C, Rosing MT, Whitehouse M, Jeon H & Hoffmann JE
(2023) A Multi-Stage Origin for Juvenile Continental Crust in the Archean: Evidence from Titanium Isotope Compositions in Eoarchean Rocks from the Isua Supracrustal Belt, SW Greenland
Hoare L, Rzehak LJA, Kommescher S, Jansen M, Nagel T, Millet M-A, Hoffmann JE & Fonseca ROC
(2022) Investigating the Late Accretion History and Convective Homogenization of the Terrestrial Mantle – New Perspectives from Coupled Ru Isotope and HSE Abundance Data
Tusch J, Fischer-Gödde M, Hoffmann JE, Gerritzen C, Gans P, Maier W, Van Kranendonk MJ, Smithies H, Becker H & Münker C
(2022) Magmatic Crystallization Drives Zr Isotopic Variations in Zircons of the Granite Batholith
Zhu Z, Zhang W, Guo J, Wang Z, Hoffmann JE, Luo T & Hu Z-C
(2022) Re-Os and PGE Systematics of Paleoarchean Komatiites from the Western Dhawar Craton, India
Hoffmann JE, Ravindran A & Balakrishnan S
(2021) Ancient Mantle Heterogeneities Recorded in Igneous and Sedimentary Rocks
Debaille V, Wainwright A, Hoffmann JE, Viehmann S & Bau M
(2021) Recycled Roots of Hadean Protocrust – A Possible OIB Endmember?
Tusch J, Hoffmann JE, Hasenstab E & Münker C
(2021) Evidence for Surface-Derived Sulfur in Eoarchean TTGs from the Itsaq Gneiss Complex, SW Greenland
Lewis JA, Hoffmann JE, Schwarzenbach EM, Strauss H, Liesegang M & Rosing M
(2021) Evidence for Recycled Surface-Derived Sulfur in Earth’s Oldest Mantle Peridotites from Southern West Greenland
Hoffmann JE, Lewis JA, Schwarzenbach EM, Strauss H, Vrijmoed HJC & Rosing MT
(2019) Probing Geodynamics and Crust Formation Processes in the Early Archean
Hoffmann JE
(2019) The Stable Tungsten Isotope Composition of Some of the Earth’s Oldest Rocks from SW Greenland
Kurzweil F, Münker C, Hoffmann E, Tusch J & Schoenberg R
(2019) Re-Os and PGE Systematics of 3.46 Ga Meta-Komatiites from the Dwalile Greenstone Remnant, Swaziland
Hoffmann JE, Gans P & Kröner A
(2019) Global Halogen Flux of Subducting Oceanic Crust
Beaudoin G, Barnes J, John T & Hoffmann E
(2017) Early Silicate Differentiation of the Isua Mantle? Insights from Tungsten Isotopes and HSE Abundances
Tusch J, van de Löcht J, Sprung P, Hoffmann JE & Münker C
(2017) Reworking of Enriched 142Nd Signatures in Early Archean Crustal Rocks from the Eastern Kaapvaal Craton (South Africa)
Schneider KP, Hoffmann JE, Boyet M, Münker C & Kröner A
(2017) A Comprehensive Formation Model of the Lower Onverwacht Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt
Hoffmann JE, Schneider KP, Münker C, Sprung P, Patyniak M & Kröner A
(2017) 182W Anomalies in Archean Rocks: A Vestige of Variable Late Accretion?
Münker C, Tusch J, van de Löcht J, Thiemens M, Sprung P & Hoffmann E
(2017) Tonalites from Fiji: A Probe of Archean Continental Crust Growth?
Marien CS, Drewes EK, Hoffmann JE, Gill JB & Münker C
(2017) Constant Cu/Ag in Mantle Pyroxenites, MORBs and OIBs – Implications for the Formation of Continental Crust
Wang Z, Liu Y, Becker H, Hoffmann E & Chen C
(2017) Hf-Nd Isotope and Platinum Group Element Patterns of >3.8 Ga Mantle Peridotites from SW Greenland
van de Löcht J, Münker C, Hoffmann JE, Li C, Wang Z, Becker H & Rosing MT
(2015) A Felsic Basement beneath the Barberton Greenstone Belt? – Constraints from Hf-Nd Isotope and Trace Element Data
Schneider KP, Hoffmann JE, Münker C & Kröner A
(2015) High-Al/Ti Komatiites from the Archaean Nova Lima Group – Multi-Stage Melting in the Archaean Mantle?
van Acken D, Hoffmann JE, Schorscher JHD, Luguet A, Heuser A & Schulz T
(2015) Are Oceanic Plagiogranites from Cyprus Archean TTG Analogues?
Marien CS, Münker C, Hoffmann JE & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2015) The Origin of > 3, 8 Ga Peridotites, South of Isua Region, SW Greenland
van de Löcht J, Münker C, Hoffmann JE, Kleinschrodt R, Garbe-Schönberg D & Rosing MT
(2015) Alternative Ways to Produce TTGs: Insights from the 3.43-3.48 Ga Tsawela Gneisses, Ancient Gneiss Complex (Swaziland)
Hoffmann JE & Kröner A
(2015) Tracing the Thermal State of the Archean Mantle: Insights from Coupled Eu-εNd(t) Patterns of BIFs
Viehmann S, Bau M, Hoffmann JE & Münker C
(2015) Combined Lu-Hf & Sm-Nd Garnet Constraints on Archean Crustal Growth at the SE-Greenland Margin
Tusch J, Naeraa T, Hoffmann JE & Münker C
(2014) Differences in the Composition of Ancient Gneiss Complexes – A Matter of Crustal Level?
Hoffmann JE & Kröner A

Hoffmann Joachim (2017) Mathematical Modeling of Reactive Transport in Porous Media with Mineral Precipitation-Dissolution
Kräutle S, Hoffmann J & Knabner P

Hoffmann Jörg Elis (2020) Volatile Release from Intrusive Magma Systems
Vulpius S, Noack L, Sohl F, Ortenzi G & Hoffmann JE
(2020) 138La-138Ce Isotope Systematics of Archean Igneous Rocks
Hasenstab E, Schnabel C, Tusch J, Marien CS, Hoffmann JE, Kranendonk MV & Münker C
(2013) Archean Mantle Heterogeneities Revealed by Hf-Nd Isotope Systematics of the 3.33 Ga Commondale Komatiites
Hoffmann JE & Wilson AH
(2013) Petrogenesis of Andesites in Mesoarchaean Supracrustal Belts of SW Greenland: Geodynamic Implications
Szilas K & Hoffmann JE
(2013) P-T Modelling and Geochronology of the Barberton Granite Greenstone Belt, South Africa: Rates of Tectonic Processes in the Archaean
Cutts K, Stevens G, Hoffmann E, Buick I, Frei D & Münker C
(2013) Hf-Nd Isotope Decoupling in Early Precambrian Seawater
Viehmann S, Hoffmann JE, Münker C & Bau M
(2012) Building Eoarchean Crust: The Arc Tholeiite TTG Connection
Hoffmann JE, Munker C, Nagel TJ, Naeraa T, Polat A & Rosing MT
(2012) Complex Calc-Alkaline Volcanism Recorded in Mesoarchaean Supracrustal Belts in SW Greenland
Szilas K, Hoffmann JE & Schersten A
(2011) Eoarchean TTG Formation by Melting of Thickened Mafic Arc Crust
Hoffmann JE, Nagel TJ & Münker C
(2011) Seawater-Derived REY and HFSE Systematics in Archean BIFs
Viehmann S, Hoffmann JE, Münker C, Alexander BW & Bau M
(2009) The Origin of TTGs Inferred from High-Precision HFSE Measurements
Hoffmann JE, Münker C, Rosing MT, Næraa T, Garde AA & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2009) Boninites as Monitors of Subarc Enrichment Processes in Subduction Zones
König S, Münker C, Schuth S, Luguet A, Hoffmann J-E & Kuduon J
(2008) Highly Depleted Mantle Sources of ~3.75 Ga Mafic Rocks in the Early Archean from Isua, SW-Greenland
Hoffmann JE, Münker C, Polat A, König S & Mezger K
(2007) Evidence for Hadean Mantle Depletion in the Sources of ~3.75 Ga Subduction-Related Rocks, Isua, SW Greenland
Hoffmann JE, Münker C, Polat A & Mezger K

Hoffmann Julia (2017) Reconstructing Hydrological Changes in (Sub)tropical South America over the Last 36 kyrs: Insights into the Low-Latitude Expressions of High-Latitude Climate Forcing
Hoffmann J, Bahr A, Schönfeld J, Friedrich O & Pross J

Hoffmann Karl Heinz (2015) Continental Weathering and Earth System Response
Kasemann S, Pogge von Strandmann P, Prave A, Ohnemüller F, Fallick A, Elliott T & Hoffmann K-H
(2013) Calcium and Magnesium Isotopes Reveal Earth System Response in the Aftermath of a Cryogenian Glaciation
Kasemann S, Pogge von Strandmann P, Prave A, Fallick A, Elliott T & Hoffmann K-H
(2011) Neoproterozoic Ice Ages, Boron Isotopes, and Ocean Acidification
Kasemann S, Prave A, Fallick A, Hawkesworth C & Hoffmann KH

Hoffmann Kevin (2019) Copper Sulfide Dissolution by Methanobactin, a Methanotrophic Chalcophore
Rushworth D, Hoffmann K, Christl I, Kretzschmar R, Schenkeveld W & Kraemer S
(2019) Effect of NOM on Copper Sulfide Nanoparticle Growth and Stability
Hoffmann K, Christl I, Bouchet S, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R

Hoffmann Lars (2009) Messinian Gypsum Stromatolites – A Molecular Approach
Hoffmann L, Birgel D, Rouchy J-M, Ziegenbalg S & Peckmann J

Hoffmann Lisa (2019) Fe(0) Filters for Arsenic Removal in Remote Settings in West Africa: Field and Laboratory Findings
Bretzler A, Nikiema J, Kienou D, Hoffmann L, Biswakarma J, Lalanne F, Schirmer M & Hug SJ

Hoffmann Martin (2007) Hydrogen Generation at Clay Minerals of Sandstone Cements
Kassahun A, Hoffmann M & Hoth N
(2004) Investigation of the Uptake of Nickel by Chalk Using Date from Lab, Field and Large, Undisturbed Columns
Karlby L, Hoffmann M, Jørgensen P, Milter H, Pedersen K, Olsen M & Stipp S

Hoffmann Martin (2011) Hydrogen Sulfide Reaction with Natural Organic Matter: Implications for Arsenic Binding
Hoffmann M, Mikutta C & Kretzschmar R

Hoffmann Michael (2016) Oxidation of Gas-Phase SO2 on the Surfaces of Acidic Micro-Droplets: Implications for Sulfate and Sulfate Radical Anion Formation in the Atmospheric Liquid Phase
Hung H-M & Hoffmann M
(2013) Chemical Reactions at the Air-Water Interface in the Troposphere
Hoffmann M, Mishra H & Colussi A
(2011) Cationic Polymerization of Isoprene on Cloudwater Droplets
Enami S, Mishra H, Hoffmann M & Colussi A
(2011) Anions Dramatically Enhance Proton Transfer Across the Air-Water Interface
Hoffmann M, Mishra H, Enami S, Neilson R, Goddard W & Colussi A
(2009) Photochemical Formation of Large Molecular Weight Oligomers from Low-Molecular Weight Keto-Carbonyls in Haze Aerosol
Hoffmann M, Rincon A & Colussi A

Hoffmann N. (2013) Enhanced Ice Nucleation Activity of Soil Dust Particles
Steinke I, Funk R, Danielczok A, Höhler K, Hiranuma N, Hoffmann N, Hummel M, Kirchen S, Kiselev A, Leue M, Möhler O, Saathoff H, Schnaiter M, Schwartz T, Sierau B, Stetzer O, Toprak E, Ulrich A, Hoose C & Leisner T

Hoffmann Ralf (2016) Remineralization Rates and Benthic Communities Under Contrasting Sea-Ice Conditions in the Deep Arctic Ocean
Hoffmann R, Braeckman U, Schewe I, Krumpen T & Wenzhöfer F

Hoffmann Ramona (2015) New Insight into Emiliania huxleyi Coccosphere Formation
Hoffmann R, Yin X, Kirchlechner C, Alexa P, Ziegler A, Kelm K, Wochnik AS, Langer G, Scheu C, Griesshaber E & Schmahl WW

Hoffmann Richard (2021) EIKE, a Collaborative Project for Development and Testing of Scaling and Corrosion Inhibitors for Geothermal Sites in Germany
Kuhn D, Heberling F, Hoffmann R, Jähnichen S, Otto T, Seibt A & Uhde J

Hoffmann Sharon (2014) A Drying Event at 8.2 kyr in a High-Resolution Borneo Speleothem Record
Hoffmann S, Chen S, Lund D, Adkins J & Cobb K
(2012) Holocene Intermediate Water Circulation at the Carolina Slope from Sedimentary 231Pa/230Th
Hoffmann S & McManus J
(2012) Reconstructing the Large-Scale Deep and Intermediate Ocean Circulation in the North Atlantic during the LGM and Last Deglaciation
McManus J, Hoffmann S, Roberts N, Henry G, Bradtmiller L, Mohamed K, Jacard S, Yu J, Piotrowski A, Oppo D, Curry W, Praetorius M & Robinson L

Hoffmann Soren (2023) Why Nature Never Makes Chiral Twins – Insights from Cometary Ice Analogues and Extra-Terrestrial Sample Analyses
Meinert C, Bocková J, Topin J, Leyva V, Meierhenrich U, Nahon L, Jones N, Hoffmann S & Le Sergeant d'Hendecourt L

Hoffmann T. (2023) Heterogeneous Chemistry and Nanometer Particle Growth: Laboratory Studies of Particle Size Dependent Aerosol Chemistry
Hoffmann T, Klink D, Douverne M, Rautenberg W, George C & Riva M
(2013) Determination and Quantification of Fatty Acids in Speleothems and Cave Drip Water by HPLC – ESI – IT/MS
Bosle JM, Scholz D & Hoffmann T
(2011) Volatile Short Lived Iodocarbons from Biotic and Abiotic Sources Affecting Atmospheric Chemistry
Thorenz U, Kundel M, Bosle J & Hoffmann T
(2011) Time-Resolved Emission of Iodine from Seaweed Measured with a New On-Line Mass Spectrometric Technique
Kundel M, Thorenz U, Bosle J, Huang R-J & Hoffmann T
(2009) Advanced Analytical Methods for Understanding the Chemistry of Iodine in the Marine Boundary Layer
Hoffmann T

Hoffmann V-E. (2009) Laser Micropyrolysis-GC/MS of Biomarkers in Authigenic Carbonates
Bauermeister J, Volk H, Fuentes D, Gong S, Leefmann T, Hoffmann V-E, Reitner J & Thiel V

Hoffmann-Jäniche C. (2013) Biomass Residues from Different Classes of Soil Microorganisms are a Significant Source of Soil Organic Matter
Miltner A, Achtenhagen J, Hoffmann-Jäniche C, Schweigert M, Braeckevelt M, Herbst F-A, Seifert J, Fester T & Kästner M

Hoffnagle J. (2013) Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy for the High-Precision Analysis of the Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Water and Water Vapor
Steig E, Gkinis V, Schauer A, Hoffnagle J, Tan S & Schoenemann S

Hofgartner J. (2016) New Horizons First Results: Implications for our Understanding of the Solar System’s Early History and Evolution
Buratti B, Stern A, Moore J, Weaver H, Grundy W, Hofgartner J, Ennico K, McKinnon W, Olkin C & Young L

Hofhansl F. (2011) Organic Nitrogen Cycling during Organic Matter Decomposition
Mooshammer M, Wanek W, Frank AH, Hofhansl F, Keiblinger KM, Zechmeister-Boltenstern S & Richter A

Höfig Daianne (2021) Assessment of Natural Variations of Key Fossil Parameters in Conifer Species and their Impact on the Accuracy of the Leaf Gas Exchange Model for Ancient CO2 Reconstruction
Liang J, Leng Q, Höfig D, Niu G, Xiao L, Zhang YG & Yang H

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