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Hoernle Kaj (2018) Geochemistry of South Atlantic Hotspots: Intimate Association of EMI & HIMU End Members
Hoernle K, Homrighausen S, Hauff F, Werner R, Portnyagin M, Geldmacher J, Garbe-Schönberg D, van den Bogaard P & Wartho J
(2018) Subduction Initiation in the Aleutian Arc System
Bezard R, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Portnyagin M, Werner R, Yogodzinski G, Jicha B, Garbe-Schönberg D, Turner S & Schaefer B

Hoernle Kaj (2019) Tracking the Source of Cu, Ag and Au in Intraoceanic Kermadec Arc Glasses, SW Pacific
Timm C, Portnyagin M, De Ronde C, Hannington M, Hoernle K & Arculus R
(2019) The Os Isotopic Composition of the Western Aleutian Adakites
Bezard R, Turner S, Schaefer BF, Yogodzinski G & Hoernle K
(2019) Low Cu/Ag in Continental Crust and Slab Melts
Portnyagin M, Botcharnikov R, Yogodzinski G, Hoernle K & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2019) St. Helena Type HIMU Plume Involved in Zealandia-Antarctica Breakup
Hoernle K, Timm C, Hauff F, Tappenden V, Werner R, Jolis EM, Mortimer N, Weaver S, Riefstahl F & Gohl K
(2019) Os Isotope Systematics of Christmas Island Basalts and their Link to EM1
Schaefer B, Hoernle K, Falloon T, Hauff F & Werner R
(2019) Geochemical Evolution of Hawaiian Magmatism from 49 Ma to 25 Ma
Regelous M, Huang S, Haase K, Hauff F, Hoernle K & O'Connor J
(2019) Colville and Kermadec Ridge Age and Geochemistry: New Insights into the proto-Kermadec Arc Petrogenesis and Arc Splitting, SW Pacific
Timm C, De Ronde C, Hoernle K, Cousens B, Wartho J-A, Hauff F & Caratori Tontini F
(2019) The Origin of the Bathymetrist Seamounts – A Geochemical and Morphological Study
van der Zwan FM, Long X, Augustin N, Geldmacher J, Le Saout M, Wölfl A-C, Hauff F, Hoernle K, Schade M, Hübscher C & Garbe-Schönberg D

Hoernle Kaj (2015) Constraints from Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb-Os Isotopes for Enriched and Depleted Hawaiian Plume Components in the Oldest Emperor Seamounts
Hoernle K, Schaefer B, Portnyagin M, Hauff F & Werner R
(2015) Os Isotope Evidence for a Heterogeneous Source for the World’s Largest Phanerozoic Volcanic Event
Schaefer B, Hoernle K, Parkinson I, Golowin R, Portnyagin M, Turner S, Hauff F & Werner R
(2015) Shatsky and Hess Rise in the NW Pacific: Genetically-Related Twins or Just Neighbors?
Geldmacher J, Tejada MLG, Hauff F, Hoernle K, Garbe-Schönberg D & Heydolph K
(2015) Generation of Continental Crust in Oceanic Arcs
Gazel E, Hayes J, Hoernle K, Holbrook WS & Vance E
(2015) Asthespheric Versus Lithospheric Sources of the Payenia Basalts (Argentina): Constraints from Al-in-Olivine Thermometry and Melt Inclusions
Søager N, Portnyagin M, Hoernle K, Holm PM & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2015) Influence of Hikurangi Plateau Subduction on the Kermadec Arc Volcanoes Rumble II East and West
Timm C, Leybourne M, Wysoczanski R, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Handler M, Caratori-Tontini F & de Ronde C
(2015) Recovering Initial CO2 Content of Island-Arc Magmas from Experimental Homogenization of Melt Inclusions in Olivine at High H2O Pressure
Mironov N, Portnyagin M, Botcharnikov R, Gurenko A, Hoernle K & Holtz F
(2014) The Role of Pyroxenite Sources in the Origin of the Payenia Volcanic Province, Argentina: Insights from Trace Elements in Olivine
Søager N, Portnyagin M, Hoernle K & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2013) Geochemical Variations in the Central Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile (38-43°S): The Role of Fluids in Generating Arc Magmas
Jacques G, Hoernle K, Wehrmann H, Gill J & Bindeman I
(2012) Comparing Felsic and Mafic Volcanics along Central America with Implications for Interaction with Continental Crust
Kutterolf S, Heydolph K, Freundt A, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Perez W, Wehrmann H, Garbe-Schonberg D & Schmincke H-U
(2012) Geochemical Zonation of Mantle Plumes: Lower Mantle Chemical Heterogeneity and Plume Splitting
Hoernle K, Deppe J, Hauff F, Werner R & Phipps Morgan J
(2012) New Insights into the Origin of the Shatsky Rise from Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotopes of Volcanic Rocks from IODP Exp. 324
Heydolph K, Geldmacher J & Hoernle K
(2011) The Origin of an Oceanic Plateau: Isotope Geochemistry (Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf) of Volcanic Rocks from IODP Site U1347 on the Shatsky Rise (Northwest Pacific)
Heydolph K, Geldmacher J & Hoernle K
(2011) Temporal Variations in Galápagos Plume-Ridge Interaction at the Cocos-Nazca Spreading Center
Herbrich A, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Werner R & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2011) Arc Magmas from Slab to Eruption: The Case of Kliuchevskoy Volcano
Portnyagin M, Mironov N, Ponomareva V, Bindeman I, Hauff F, Sobolev A, Kayzar T, Garbe-Schönberg D & Hoernle K
(2011) Along-Arc Geochemical Variations in the Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile
Jacques G, Hoernle K, Wehrmann H, Garbe-Schönberg D, van den Bogaard P, Hauff F, Mahlke J, Schumann K & Lara LE
(2011) Chemical Heterogeneities along the South Atlantic Mid-Ocean-Ridge (5-11°S): Shallow or Deep Recycling of Ocean Crust?
Hauff F, Hoernle K, Kokfelt TF, Haase K, Garbe-Schönberg D & Werner R
(2011) On the Fluid-Mobility of Molybdenum, Tungsten, and Antimony in Subduction Systems
Wehrmann H, Halama R, Garbe-Schönberg D, Hoernle K, Jacques G, Heydolph K, Mahlke J & Schumann K
(2011) The Christmas Island Seamount Province, Indian Ocean: Origin of Intraplate Volcanism by Shallow Recycling of Continental Lithosphere?
Hoernle K, Hauff F, Werner R, van den Bogaard P, Conrad S, Gibbons A & Müller D
(2011) Mantle Peridotites from the Stalemate F.Z. (NW Pacific)
Krasnova E, Portnyagin M, Silantyev S, Werner R & Hoernle K
(2010) The OIB Signature in Central America: Old Lithospheric and Young Asthenospheric Mantle Reservoirs
Gazel E, Feigenson M, Carr M & Hoernle K
(2009) The Origin of EM1 Alkaline Magmas during Cenozoic Reorganization of Subduction Zone of Kamchatka
Hoernle K, Portnyagin M, Hauff F, van den Bogaard P & Avdeiko G
(2009) Pyroxenite Melts Involved in Magma Genesis in Kamchatka
Portnyagin M, Sobolev A, Mironov N & Hoernle K
(2008) The Mode of Plume-Ridge Interaction: Constraints from He, Ne, Ar Isotope and Abundance Systematics
Stroncik NA, Niedermann S, Haase K, Hoernle K, Hauff F & Werner R
(2007) Continental Crust as a Source Component for NW Central American Volcanic Arc Lavas?
Heydolph K, Hoernle K, Hauff F & v.d. Bogaard P
(2007) Assimilation beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges: Cl and H2O Constraints
Michael P, Graham D, Christie D, Hoernle K, Hauff F & Hanan B
(2007) Melting Processes by Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities beneath Continents: Evidence from Cenozoic Intraplate Volcanism on Zealandia, SW Pacific
Timm C, Rüpke L & Hoernle K
(2006) Lithospheric Removal: The Cause of Widespread Cenozoic Intraplate Volcanism on Zealandia?
Hoernle K, White J, Van Den Bogaard P, Hauff F, Coombs D, Werner R, Timm C, Garbe-Schönberg D, Reay A & Cooper A
(2006) A Mantle Origin for the Enriched Signature in Basalts from Banks Peninsula, New Zealand
Timm C, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Van Den Bogaard P & Weaver S
(2006) Enriched Isotopic Composition of the NW Central American Volcanic Arc: Crustal Contamination or a Sediment Slab Melt?
Heydolph K, Hoernle K, Van Den Bogaard P, Hauff F & Sadofsky S
(2005) HIMU Lithospheric Mantle beneath Northwest Africa
Wittig N, Duggen S, Baker J, Kluegel A & Hoernle K
(2005) Volatile Cycling Throught the Central American Volcanic Arc from Melt Inclusion Studies of Nicaraguan and Costa Rican Magmas
Sadofsky S, Hoernle K & van den Bogaard P
(2005) The Hikurangi Oceanic Plateau: Another Large Piece of the Largest Volcanic Event on Earth
Hoernle K, Hauff F, van den Bogaard P, Werner R & Mortimer N
(2004) Volatiles in Melt Inclusions from the Central American Volcanic Arc: Insights into Subduction-Zone Volatile Cycling
Sadofsky S, Hoernle K & van den Bogaard P
(2004) Geochemistry and U-Series Isotope Systematics of the Cumbre Vieja Rift Zone, La Palma (Canary Islands)
Johansen T, Hauff F, Hoernle K & Kokfelt T
(2004) A 70 Myr History for the Caribbean Large Igneous Province: Implications for the Origin of LIPs
Hoernle K, Hauff F & Van den Bogaard P
(2003) Evidence for Decompressional Melting of Garnet Peridotite at the Kamchatka-Aleutian Junction
Portnyagin M, Hoernle K & Avdeiko G

Hoerst S. (2012) Titan Tholins: A Synopsis of our Current Understanding of Simulated Titan Aerosols
Cable M, Hoerst S, Hodyss R, Beauchamp P, Smith M & Willis P

Hoeschen C. (2021) Microbial Iron Cycling during Permafrost Thaw
Bryce C, Patzner MS, Mueller CW, Logan M, Eberle A, Straub D, Kleindienst S, Hoeschen C, McKenna A, Barczok MR, Smith CE, Kinsman-Costello LE, Herndon E, Borch T & Kappler A
(2021) Autotrophic Nitrate Reduction Coupled to Oxidation of Fe(II) Phases by a Gallionellaceae Sp.-Dominated Microbial Community Enriched from a Pyrite-Rich Aquifer
Jakus N, Blackwell N, Mellage A, Straub D, Hoeschen C, Maisch M, Byrne JM, Mueller CW, Grathwohl P, Kleindienst S & Kappler A
(2017) Soil Texture Mediates the Biogeochemical Association of Soil Organic Matter with Mineral Surfaces in an Arable Cambisol
Schweizer SA, Koelbl A, Hoeschen C, Mueller CW & Koegel-Knabner I
(2017) Rapid Soil Structure Formation after Deglaciation Through Accrual of Organic Matter –an Image Analysis of Elemental Distributions by NanoSIMS
Schweizer SA, Hoeschen C, Schlueter S, Koegel-Knabner I & Mueller CW
(2017) Rhizosphere – Hot Spot for Organic Carbon Allocation between Plants, Microorganisms and Soil Minerals
Mueller CW, Vidal A, Schweizer S, Angst G, Hirte J, Bender F, Mayer J, Gattinger A & Hoeschen C
(2014) Development of Micro-Scale Soil Structures at the Damma Glacier
Hoeschen C, Mueller CW, Lugmeier J, Dümig A & Kögel-Knabner I
(2013) Preparation of Micrometer Sized Soil Particles for NanoSIMS Analysis
Hoeschen C, Hoeschen T, Mueller CW, Rennert T, Lugmeier J & Kögel-Knabner I
(2011) Architecture of Submicron Organo-Mineral Domains in Soil Aggregates – Evaluation by NanoSIMS
Müller CW, Hoeschen C & Kögel-Knabner I

Hoeschen T. (2013) Preparation of Micrometer Sized Soil Particles for NanoSIMS Analysis
Hoeschen C, Hoeschen T, Mueller CW, Rennert T, Lugmeier J & Kögel-Knabner I

Hoetzel S. (2014) Origin of the C4 Grass Savannah in South-Western Africa
Schefuss E, Hoetzel S, Rommerskirchen F & Dupont L

Hoevelmann Joern (2018) Saponite Crystallization via Anamorphous Intermediate
Besselink R, Stawski T, Freeman H, Hoevelmann J & Benning LG

Hoevelmann Joern E. (2019) How Nanominerals Form and their Role in Contaminant Cycling
Benning LG, Perez JPH, Navaz-Rubio S, Stawski TM, Hoevelmann JE, Tobler DJ, Thomas AN, Fuellenbach LC, Oelkers EH & Freeman HM

Hoevelmann Jörn (2009) Guidelines for Experiments on CO2 Sequestration in Peridotites Based on a Natural Example
Hoevelmann J & Austrheim H

Hofacker A.F. (2011) Mercury Colloid Formation in a Floodplain Soil
Hofacker A, Voegelin A & Kretzschmar R
(2009) Temperature-Dependent Formation of Biogenic Cu(0) and Metal Sulfide Colloids in Flooded Soil
Hofacker AF, Weber F-A, Voegelin A, Kaegi R & Kretzschmar R

Höfer H. E. (2006) Iron oxidation state determination in garnets by EPMA and XANES
Höfer HE, Brey GP, Yaxley GM & Berry AJ
(2001) The Use of Soft X-Ray Emission to Determine the Iron Oxidation State in Synthetic Garnet Samples by the Electron Microprobe
Höfer HE & Brey GP

Höfer Heidi (2019) Metasomatism and Oxidation State of the Mantle Root beneath the Rae Craton, Canada
Gräf C, Sandner T, Woodland A, Höfer H, Seitz H-M, Pearson G & Kjarsgaard B
(2017) Rome’s Rise to Power as Deduced by Analysis of Silver Coinage
Westner KJ, Birch T, Höfer H, Seitz H-M, Kemmers F & Klein S
(2017) Experimental Modeling of Sediment-Peridotite Interaction in a Thermal Gradient
Woodland A, Girnis A, Bulatov V, Brey G, Höfer H & Gerdes A
(2016) The Redox State of Eclogite and Peridotite Xenoliths of the Udachanaya Kimberlite Pipe and Implications for Diamond Stabiltiy
Vasilyev P, Yaxley G, Hofer H, Zedgenizov D & Ragozin A
(2015) Corundum Eclogites: Partial Melting Residues of Subducted Troctolites from the Mid-Archean
Shu Q, Brey GP, Höfer H, Zhao Z & Pearson G
(2015) The Oxidation State of Fe in Clinopyroxenes – The Determination with the “Flank-Method” by EPMA
Höfer H, Baier S, Brey GP & Woodland A
(2015) Redox State of Deeply Subducted Altered Oceanic Crust: Experimental Study and Evidence from Natural Samples
Vasilyev P, Yaxley G, O'Neill H, Berry A, Höfer H, Woodland A, Rosenthal A & Korsakov A

Höfer Heidi E. (2023) A Web-Based, Open Tool for the Preparation and Data Reduction of Electron Microprobe Measurements
Hezel DC & Höfer HE
(2022) Behaviour of S and Fe during Multi-Stage Metasomatism of Oceanic Crust as Revealed by Eclogite Xenoliths from the Colorado Plateau
Aulbach S, Höfer HE, Stern RA, Schulze DJ & Helmstaedt H
(2021) Chemical Geodynamics with Eclogite – P. Gast Medal Lecture
Aulbach S, Arndt NT, Gerdes A, Heaman LM, Höfer HE, Stagno V, Stern RA, Viljoen F & Woodland AB

Hofer Jose (2017) Material Criticality: Comparing China, the EU, Japan and the USA
Eggert R, Brown M, Fulton S, Hofer J, Jordan B, Kim H, Lee S-K & Smith B

Höfer Juan (2021) Trace Elements in Arctic and Antarctic Glacier Fjords
Hopwood MJ, van Genuchten C, Krisch S, Krause J, Liu T, Höfer J, Lodeiro P, Achterberg EP, Juul-Pedersen T & Meire L

Hofer M. (2011) Simultaneous Analysis of Dissolved Noble Gases, SF6 and CFCs in Water
Brennwald MS, Hofer M & Kipfer R
(2009) Vacuum Extraction of Volatile Organic Compounds from Water for Compound-Specific Stable Carbon Isotope Analysis at the sub-µg/L Level
Amaral HIF, Brennwald M, Hofer M, Berg M & Kipfer R
(2004) A New Method for the Measurement of Air/Soil Sorption of CFCs
Hofer M, Klump S, Preuschoff P & Kipfer R
(2004) Using Environmental Tracers to Develop a New Conceptual Groundwater Model in Southern Botswana
Klump S, Sanesi M, Hofer M & Kipfer R
(2004) Estimation of Groundwater Flow Velocities in a Landfill Leachate Plume Using 85Kr Measurements
Purtschert R, Van breukelen B, Sukow A & Hofer M
(2004) Radionuclides (3H, 85Kr) for Evaluation of Flow Dynamics and Temporal Chemical Trends in Groundwater and Surface Water
Hinsby K, Troldborg L, Purtschert R, Corcho Alvarado J, Hofer M & Kipfer R
(2003) Paleosalinity Reconstruction of Lake Issyk-Kul Utilizing Dissolved Noble Gases in Sediment Pore Water
Brennwald M, Hofer M, Kipfer R & Imboden D
(2002) Noble Gases Dissolved in Porewater of Lacustrine Sediments
Brennwald MS, Kipfer R, Peeters F, Hofer M, Aeschbach W & Imboden D
(2002) Gas Exchange in Quasi-Saturated Porous Media: Investigations on the Formation of Excess Air Using Noble Gases
Holocher J, Peeters F, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Hofer M & Kipfer R
(2002) Comparison of Residence Time Indicators (3H/3He, SF6, CFC-12 and 85Kr) in Shallow Groundwater: A Case Study in the Odense Aquifer, Denmark
Corcho Alvarado JA, Purtschert R, Hofer M, Aeschbach-Hertig W, Kipfer R & Hinsby K

Hoferkamp L.A. (2000) Characterization of the Abiotic Reductants for Nitroaromatic Compounds as a Function of Redox Zonation in Anoxic Sediments
Hoferkamp LA & Weber EJ

Hoff Christiana K (2022) Lithium Diffusion in Pyrope-Almandine Rich Garnets
Hoff CK, Penniston-Dorland SC, Piccoli PM, Stockli DF & Stockli LD

Hoff Christopher (2018) Aluminum in Rutile as a Recorder of Temperature and Pressure
Hoff C & Watson B

Hoff Claire (2018) Lithologic Influences on Mycorrhizal Weathering
Remiszewski K, Bryce J, Hoff C, Fahnestock F, Colpaert J & Hobbie E
(2013) Metal Isotopic Distributions in Mycorrhizal Trees: Weathering Manifestations and within-Plant Fractionations
Bryce J, Hobbie E, Bullen T, Blichert-Toft J, Colpaert J, Hoff C, Meana-Prado MF, Telouk P & Vadeboncoeur M

Hoffer A. (2014) Formation of Tar Balls and their Light Absorption: Direct Laboratory Studies
Tóth Á, Hoffer A, Nyirő-Kósa I, Pósfai M & Gelencsér A

Hoffer E. (2007) Trace Element SIMS Investigation of Multistage Garnet – Constraints on Partial Melting Processes in Crustal Rocks
Jung C, Jung S, Hellebrand E & Hoffer E

Hoffer J. (2017) Temporal Variation of the Chemical Composition of Asian Dust at Tajikistan
Fomba KW, Müller K, Hoffer J, Althausen D, Abdullaev S, Makhmudov A & Herrmann H

Hoffman B. (2019) Cyanobacterial Mn(II) as Defense Against Oxidative Stress
Magyar J, Lingappa U, Monteverde D, Valentine J, Sharma A, Hoffman B & Fischer W

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