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Hoeft S. (2012) The Role of ArxA in Photosynthesis-Linked Arsenite Oxidation by Bacteria from Extreme Environments
Conrad A, Hoeft S, Miller L, Oremland R, Rosen M & Saltikov C

Hoeger Luque T. (2013) Zircon U-Pb, Lu-Hf and REE Composition of Sorocaba and São Francisco Granites, São Paulo State, SE Brazil
Hoeger Luque T & Vlach SRF

Hoegh-Guldberg O. (2006) Nitrogen isotopes (δ15N) in coral skeleton: Assessing provenance in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon
Marion GS, Hoegh-Guldberg O & McCulloch MT

Hoeher A. (2018) Utilizing in situ Techniques to Examine Structural Impacts of the Initial Ion Ratios on Calcium Phosphate Precursors
Hoeher A, Mergelsberg S, Borkiewicz O & Michel FM

Hoehler T. (2023) Geochemical Challenges to Methanogenesis in Serpentinizing Systems: Implications for the Habitability of Ocean Worlds
Howells A, Price N, Batther H, Kashyap S, Som S, Kopf S, Templeton AS & Hoehler T
(2023) Investigating Controls on H2 Availability in Groundwaters during Active Serpentinization in the Samail Ophiolite
Templeton AS, Ellison ET, Nothaft DB, Boyd E, Colman D, Fones E, Spear J, Hoehler T, Kubo M & Glombitza C
(2023) Formation of Mixed-Layer Sulfide-Hydroxide Minerals from the Tochilinite-Valleriite Group during Experimental Serpentinization of Olivine
McCollom T, Hoehler T, Fike DA & Houghton J
(2022) Sulfur Biomineralization of Peridotites Undergoing Low-Temperature Serpentinization
Templeton AS, Ellison ET, Glombitza C, Hoehler T, Rempfert K, Caro T, Kashyap S, Sepulveda J & Boyd E
(2021) What's for Lunch on Enceladus? How Oxidant Production Generates a Rich Metabolic Menu
Ray C, Glein C, Waite JH, Teolis B, Hoehler T, Huber JA, Lunine J & Postberg F
(2021) Sulfate Reduction and Formation of a Nickel-Rich Member of the Tochilinite Group during Experimental Serpentinization of Olivine
McCollom T, Hoehler T, Fike DA & Klein F
(2020) The Planetary Context for Life
Hoehler T
(2019) Biological and Biosignature Potential in Low Energy Flux Environments
Hoehler T & Som S
(2018) Methane Cycling in the Serpentinizing Shallow-Sea Vents of the Prony Hydrothermal Field, New Caledonia
Price R, Sutcliffe C, Sherwood-Lollar B, Erauso G, Quéméneur M, Postec A, Monnin C, Wehrmann L, Gillikin D, Menez B, Pelletier B, Payri C & Hoehler T
(2018) Microbial Sulfate Reduction Rates in Fluids from Low Temperature Serpentinizing Mantle Rocks
Glombitza C, Kubo M, Rempfert K, Templeton A & Hoehler T
(2018) Quantifying Subsurface Mixing of Groundwaters at the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory
Cardace D, Anwar M, Schrenk M, McCollom T, Kubo M & Hoehler T
(2018) The Means of Production: Methylotrophy, Acetogenesis, and the Reverse Citric Acid Cycle in the Coast Range Ophiolite Microbial Observatory (CROMO)
Seyler L, Brazelton W, McLean C, Hoehler T, McCollom T, Kubo M & Schrenk M
(2015) Off-Axis Shallow-Sea Venting of Alkaline, H2 and CH4 Enriched Fluids: The Strýtan Hydrothermal Field (SHF), Eyjafjörður, Iceland
Price R, Hoehler T, Boyd E, Wehrmann L & Amend J
(2014) Variability in the Biological Potential of Serpentinizing Systems
Hoehler T, Som S, McCollom T, Cardace D, Schrenk M & Alperin M
(2014) Quantifying the Flux of Hydrogen from Serpentinzing Ultramafic Rocks
McCollom T, Klein F, Hoehler T & Templeton A
(2014) Hydrogen Production and Habitability in Non-Ultramafic Geologic Systems
Fristad K, Som S & Hoehler T
(2014) Evidence for Mixotrophy and Metabolic Switching in Chemotrophic Hot Spring Microbial Communities
Urschel M, Boyd E, Kubo M, Hoehler T & Peters J
(2013) Rock-Hosted Serpentinite Microbiome
Twing K, Brazelton W, Cardace D, Hoehler T & Schrenk M
(2013) Microbial Metabolism in Serpentinite Fluids
Crespo-Medina M, Brazelton W, Twing K, Kubo M, Hoehler T & Schrenk M
(2010) NanoSIP: Combining Stable Isotope Probing and High Resolution Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry to Identify Diazotrophs in Stratified Marine Microbial Communities
Singer S, Woebken D, Burow L, Prufert-Bebout L, Bebout B, Hoehler T, Pett-Ridge J, Spormann A & Weber P
(2010) Hydrogen Generation for Microbial Activity in Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems
McCollom T, Bach W & Hoehler T
(2009) Bioenergetics in Archaea/Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Aggregates
Alperin M & Hoehler T
(2008) Micron-Scale Mapping of Sulfur Cycling Across the Oxycline of a Cyanobacterial Mat
Fike D, Gammon CL, Finke N, Hoehler T, Turk K & Orphan V
(2008) Habitability of Serpentinizng Systems for Methanogenic Microorganisms: An Energy Balance Model
Hoehler T, Alperin M, McCollom T & Rogers K
(2003) Methanogenesis from Methylamine and Methanol at Changing Hydrogen Concentrations
Finke N, Hoehler T & Jørgensen B

Hoehn E. (2011) On the Fate of 220Rn in Partially Saturated Media
Huxol S, Brennwald MS, Hoehn E & Kipfer R
(2002) Continuous Radon Measurement in Groundwater
Hoehn E, Surbeck H, Salhi E & von Gunten U
(2002) Adsorption of Sr-90 and Cs-137 Under Elevated Temperature and Pressure Conditions
Rumynin V & Hoehn E

Hoehn R. (2002) Tracer Tests with arsenic(III) and Arsenic (V) at the Cape Cod Site
Isenbeck-Schroeter M, Hoehn R, Stadler S, Jann S, Davis J & Kent D

Hoejsteen B. (2007) Chromite-Rich Cumulates in Mafic Xenoliths, São Vicente, Cape Verde
Hoejsteen B & Holm PM

Hoek G. (2014) NO2 and PM10 Exposure Models for Europe Using Satellite-Derived Measurements
Vienneau D, Bechle MJ, de Hoogh K, Beelen R, Martin RV, van Donkelaar A, Novotny EV, Millet DB, Hoek G & Marshall JD

Hoek J. (2016) A Modern View of the Sulfur Isotopes Mass-Independent Fractionations: The Lesson from the Ice Cores
Savarino J, Gautier E, Farquhar J, Erbland J, Lanciki A & Hoek J
(2012) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Model of Temperature Dependent Isotope Fractionation in Archaeoglobus Fulgidus
Harms B, Mitchell K, Habicht K, Hoek J & Farquhar J
(2009) Controls on Isotope Fractionation during Sulfate Reduction
Hoek J & Canfield D

Hoek W.

Hoellen Daniel (2014) Si Isotope Fractionation Factors for Polymerization and for Fast Attachment onto Si-Al Surfaces
Oelze M, von Blanckenburg F, Bouchez J, Hoellen D & Dietzel M

Hoellen Daniel (2012) On the Competition between Kinetic and Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation during Low-T Silica Precipitation
Oelze M, von Blanckenburg F, Hoellen D, Dietzel M & Bouchez J

Hoelzemann J. (2013) Evaluation of the Influence of Radon Carried by Evapotranspiration of Equatorial Forests (Northeastern of Brazil) in the Formation of Atmospheric Aerosols
Campos T, Hoelzemann J & Petta R

Hoelzl S. (2002) Multi-Element Isotope Studies on Hominid Tissues
Hoelzl S, Horn P & Rossmann A

Hoenisch B. (2018) Ocean Acidification and Carbon Cycle Perturbations Across Eocene Hyperthermals
Hoenisch B, Harper D, Haynes L, Zachos J & Zeebe R
(2017) Paired B/Ca and δ11B Measurements on Inorganic Calcite: Constraints on Boron Incorporation and Implications for Boron Proxies
Farmer J, Uchikawa J, Branson O, Penman D, Hoenisch B, Zeebe R & Zachos J
(2015) Boron Isotopes, Seawater pH and Paleo-pCO2
Hoenisch B & Eggins S
(2012) Boron Isotopes in Deep-Sea Bamboo Corals
Farmer J, Hoenisch B, Robinson L, Hill T & Lavigne M
(2012) Influence of Seawater Carbonate Chemistry on B/Ca in Cultured Planktic Foraminifera
Allen K, Hoenisch B, Eggins S & Rosenthal Y
(2012) Micron-Scale Intrashell S18O Variation in Cultured Planktic Foraminifers
Vetter L, Kozdon R, Mora C, Eggins S, Valley J, Hoenisch B & Spero H
(2011) Boron Proxy Evidence for Surface Ocean Acidification and Elevated pCO2 during the PETM
Penman D, Zachos J, Hoenisch B, Eggins S & Zeebe R
(2010) Boron Isotopes in Southern Ocean Deep Sea Corals
Robinson LF, Hoenisch B & Auro ME
(2006) Quantitative P CO2 reconstructions across the mid-Pleistocene transition based on boron isotopes in planktic foraminifers
Hoenisch B & Hemming NG

Hoeprich P.D. (2011) Isotopic Analysis of Microarrays to Link Microbial Identity and Function
Mayali X, Weber PK, Brodie EL, Mabery S, Hoeprich PD & Pett-Ridge J

Hoer D. (2018) Diving into the ABISS: Technologies for Advancing the Study of Biogeochemical Processes and Patterns in the Deep Sea
Girguis P, Hoer D, Michel A, Wankel S & Farr N

Hoering K. (2015) Intertidal Salt Marshes: A Diminishing Source of Buffering Capacity to the Coastal Ocean
Wang ZA, Chu S, Gonneea ME, Kroeger K, Ganju N & Hoering K

Hoernes S. (2002) Climate Changes during and after Palaeozoic Glaciation Phases in SW-Gondwana Recorded by Multi Proxygeochemical Investigations
Scheffler K, Hoernes S & Schwark L
(2000) Geochronology and Isotope Geochemistry of Lower Crustal Melts from the Pan-African Damara Belt
Jung S, Mezger K & Hoernes S

Hoernle Kaj (2016) Deep Mantle Heterogeneity Recorded in the OJ Nui Plume Head
Schaefer B, Hoernle K, Parkinson I, Golowin R, Portnyagin M, Turner S & Werner R

Hoernle Kaj (2020) Pacific-Wide Rejuvenated Volcanism Related to Subduction Initiation and Hawaiian-Emperor-Bend Formation
Hoernle K, Jicha B, John O, Yogodzinski G, Müller D, Hauff F, Werner R, Portnyagin M & Bezard R
(2020) More Than 40 Million Years of Oblique Subduction Recorded in the Magmatism of the Westernmost Aleutian Arc
Höfig TW, Portnyagin M, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Jicha BR, Wartho J-A, van den Bogaard P & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2020) Compositionally Distinct Overlying Hotspot Tracks in the South Atlantic: Do Primary Mantle Plumes Trigger Secondary Upwellings?
Homrighausen S, Hoernle K, Zhou H, Geldmacher J, Wartho J-A, Hauff F, Werner R, Jung S & Morgan JP
(2020) Origin of Isolated Seamounts in the Canary Basin (East Atlantic): The Role of Plume Material in the Origin of Seamounts not Associated with Hotspot Tracks
Geldmacher J, Long X, Hoernle K, Hauff F, Wartho J-A & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2020) Post-Plateau Volcanic Evolution of Shatsky Rise (NW Pacific) – Papanin Ridge and Ojin Rise Seamount Province
Dürkefälden A, Geldmacher J, Hauff F, Garbe-Schönberg D, Portnyagin M, Lück T, Werner R, Müller D & Hoernle K

Hoernle Kaj (2022) Evidence for Highly Unradiogenic 187Os/188Os in the Source of Intraplate Volcanism
Hoernle K, Schaefer B, Portnyagin MV, Turner S, Nelson WR & Müller RD

Hoernle Kaj (2021) EM1 Pyroxenite Melts from the SCLM: A Possible Source of the Enriched Isotope Signatures in Andean NSVZ Arc Magmas
Søager N, Holm PM & Hoernle K
(2021) Major and Trace Element and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotope Geochemistry of the Fonualei Ridge Spreading Centre, Northeast Lau Basin: Mixing between Indian Upper Mantle and a Samoan Plume Component
Sandhu AS, Hoernle K, Portnyagin MV, Werner R, Brandl P & Hauff F

Hoernle Kaj (2023) Unraveling the Origin and Magmatic Evolution of the Rejuvenated Volcanism in the Juan Fernández Ridge, SE Pacific
Reyes J, Orellana C, Gutiérrez V, Lara LE, Hauff F & Hoernle K
(2023) Magmatic and Geodynamic Evolution of the King’s Trough Complex – The Grand Canyon of the North Atlantic
Dürkefälden A, Geldmacher J, Hauff F, Garbe-Schönberg D, Portnyagin MV, Schenk J, Stipp M & Hoernle K

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