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Hodgkinson M. (2016) Gold-Rich Chimneys at the Beebe Hydrothermal Vent Field
Webber A, Roberts S, Murton B, Mills R & Hodgkinson M
(2014) Supercritical Venting and VMS Formation at the Beebe Hydrothermal Field, Cayman Spreading Centre
Webber A, Murton B, Roberts S & Hodgkinson M

Hodgskiss M. (2019) Feast Then Famine: Exiting the GOE and Setting the Stage for a Billion Years of Environmental Stability
Crockford P, Hodgskiss M, Peng Y, Wing B & Horner T
(2018) What Controls the Preservation of Precambrian Organic-Walled Microfossils in Shales?
Woltz C, Porter S, Dehler C, Junium C, Hodgskiss M, Wörndle S & Halverson G
(2018) Eukaryotic Paleoecology at the End of the Boring Billion: Insights from Bylot Supergroup, Arctic Canada
Agić H, Porter S, Hodgskiss M, Wörndle S, Gibson T, Crockford P & Halverson G
(2015) Redox Conditions in the Latest Mesoproterozoic
Cole D, Hodgskiss M, Gueguen B, Kunzmann M, Crockford P, Gibson T, Worndle S, Halverson G & Planavsky N

Hodgson P. (2012) Direct Infusion Lipidomics: Profiling the Oil Sands Microbiome
Hodgson P & McCarry B

Hodgson W. (2006) Salt and copper in iron oxide-copper-gold systems, Cloncurry district, Australia
Baker T, Bertelli M, Fisher L, Fu B, Hodgson W, Kendrick M, Mark G, Mustard R, Ryan C & Williams P

Hodierne C. (2013) Fe Isotope Fractionation during Reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II)
Rosenberg A, Hodierne C & John S

Hodkin D. (2016) Coprecipitation of 14C and Sr with Carbonate Precipitates: The Importance of Reaction Kinetics and Recrystallization Pathways
Hodkin D, Stewart D, Graham J & Burke I

Hodo W. (2015) Nanoscale Investigation of Hydroxylapatite Formation in Alligator Gar Fish Scale
Livi K, Remasse Q, Bouchet-Marquis C, Mcclellan P, Lafferty B, Seiter J, Chen L, Landin T, Landis W, Sahai N, Brydson R & Hodo W

Hodson A. (2021) Pingos and Old Sub-Permafrost Water at Svalbard
Weinstein Y, Rotem D, Hodson A & Christiansen HH
(2017) Nitrogen Speciation during Weathering in Simulated Subglacial Environments
Dixon T, Bottrell S, Newton R & Hodson A

Hodson K. (2017) How Does the 17O Excess of Carbonates Relate to their Source Waters? Examples from Biogenic and Abiogenic Minerals
Saenger C, Schauer A, Kelson J, Hodson K, Steig E, Huntington K & Gothmann A
(2012) 10Be Basin Averaged Erosion Rates from the Cordillera Blanca, Peru: A Record of Interacting Climate and Tectonics
Hodson K, Hall S, Michalak M, Farber D & Hourigan J

Hodson Mark (2021) Clumped Isotope Thermometry in Earthworm Carbonates
Banerjee S, Ghosh P, S T, Versteegh E, Black S & Hodson M

Hodson Mark E. (2013) Earthworms Produce Highly Stable Amorphous Calcium Carbonate
Demarchi B, Benning LG, Brown A, Harding J, Freeman C, Penkman K & Hodson ME
(2013) Pleistocene and Holocene Temperature Reconstructions Using Earthworm-Produced Calcite
Versteegh EAA, Hodson ME, Black S & Canti MG
(2013) The Role of Earthworm-Produced CaCO3 in the Terrestrial Calcium and Carbon Cycles
Hodson ME, Versteegh EAA & Black S
(2013) Zn Immobilization by Lumbricus Terrestris Calcium Carbonate Biomineralized Granules
Brinza L, Mosselmans JFW, Schofield PF, Donner E, Lombi E & Hodson ME
(2012) Earthworm Secreted Calcium Carbonate – A New Palaeothermometer?
Versteegh E, Hodson M & Black S
(2012) Organic Matter and Fe Oxide Coatings Reduce the Relevance of Laboratory Rates to Mineral Dissolution in Soil
Hodson M, Parry S, Kemp S & Oelkers E
(2011) Strontium Incorporation into Carbonate Granules Secreted by Earthworms
Brinza L, Mosselmans FW, Schofield P, Quinn PD & Hodson ME
(2009) Turning Rock into Soil – Variations in Soil Mineral Reactivity, Surface Area, and Porosity Through the Critical Zone
Parry SA, Hodson ME, Oelkers EH & Kemp SJ
(2009) Kinetics of Production and Dissolution of Earthworm Excreted Calcite
Lambkin DC & Hodson ME
(2007) Revealing the Composition and Crystallinity of Weathered Alkali Feldspar Surfaces by XPS, FIB and TEM Techniques
Lee M, Brown D & Hodson M
(2007) Earthworm Calcite Production Rates
Langworthy G, Hodson ME & Canti M
(2007) Earthworms and Mineral Weathering
Carpenter D, Hodson ME, Eggleton P & Kirk C
(2007) Impact of Earthworms on Metal Mobility and Availability
Parry S, Ashton H & Hodson ME
(2006) Nanoscale characterization of the ‘critical zone’ of naturally weathered feldspars by FIB and TEM
Brown D, Hodson ME, Mackenzie M, Hellmann R, Smith CL & Lee MR
(2005) What Earthworms get up to in Soil
Hodson M, Andre J, Ashton HS, Arnold RE, Carpenter D, Currie M, Lapied E & Nahmani JY
(2005) Weathering of Feldspar – A FIB and TEM Investigation
Smith C, Lee M, MacKenzie M & Hodson M
(2004) Characterization of Radioactive Hg-Pb Deposits found in Natural Gas Production Installations
Ceccarello S, Black S, Read D, Hodson M & Weiss H
(2004) Secondary Phase Formation on Depleted Uranium Metal in Soil
Trueman E, Black S, Read D & Hodson M
(2003) Alteration of Depleted Uranium Metal
Trueman E, Black S, Read D & Hodson M
(2003) Suppression of Radium Uptake in Barite Crystals by Introduction of Competing Ions (E.g. Sr)
Ceccarello S, Black S, Read D & Hodson M
(2002) The Influence of Amorphous Fe-Rich Surface Coatings on the Dissolution of Anorthite at pH 2.6
Hodson M
(2001) The Identification of Mixed-Metal Hydroxylapatites in Soils
Lanfranco AM, Schofield PF, Valsami-Jones E, Hodson ME & Murphy PJ
(2001) Experimental Evidence for Zr Mobility in Soils
Hodson ME
(2001) Mineral Dissolution in Soils -- Size is Important
Hodson ME
(2001) Effect of Mineralogical Form on Lead Toxicity to Earthworms
Davies NA, Hodson ME & Black S
(2001) Responses to Flooding in an Acidic River: RI?o Tinto, Southwest Spain
Buckby T, Hodson ME, Black S & Coleman ML
(2000) Remediation of Heavily-Metal-Contaminated Soils by Bone Meal (Phosphate) Additions
Hodson M, Valsami-Jones E & Cotter-Howells J

Hodson Martin (2008) Modelling the Biogeochemical Cycle of Silicon in Soils: Application to a Temperate Forest Ecosystem
Gérard F, Mayer KU & Hodson M

Hodych J.P. (2001) LAM FT-Dating of Apatite from the Newark Supergroup Basins
Cox RA, Hodych JP, Kosler J & Sylvester PJ
(2000) Apatite Fission-Track (FT) Dating by LAM-ICP-MS Analysis
Cox R, Kosler J, Sylvester P & Hodych J

Hodyss R. (2012) Titan Tholins: A Synopsis of our Current Understanding of Simulated Titan Aerosols
Cable M, Hoerst S, Hodyss R, Beauchamp P, Smith M & Willis P

Hodzic A. (2009) Modeling Organic Aerosols during MILAGRO: Importance of Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosols
Hodzic A, Jiminez JL, Madronich S, Aiken AC, Bessagnet B, Curci G, Fast J, Onasch TB, Roux G & Ulbrich IM

Hodzic Roux A. (2014) Dry and Wet Deposition of Gas-Phase Organics Mediates SOA Removal
Hodzic Roux A, Madronich S, Knote C, Kasibhatla P, Lee-Taylor J & Aumont B

Hoefen T. (2011) Asphaltene Content as a Measure of Oil Losses Related to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Lewan M, Warden A, Dias R, Lowry Z, Hannah T, Kokaly R, Hoefen T, Swayze G, Mills C, Harris S, Plumlee G & Marshall B

Hoefer Carolin Eva (2013) Fe3+ Determination in Garnet: A Crystal Chemical Test with the EPMA Flank Method
Hoefer HE, Hoefer CE, Matjuschkin V, Yaxley GM & Brey GP
(2013) Geochronology of the Lithospheric Mantle Underneath the Gibeon Kimberlite Field, Namibia
Hoefer CE, Brey GP, Luchs T, Gerdes A & Hoefer HE

Hoefer Christoph (2019) Comparing Sampling Strategies for Solute Arsenic Speciation in Paddy Soils
Hoefer C, Fang X, Bouchet S, Zhao F, Wang Njau P, Christl DI & Kretzschmar R

Hoefer Heidi (2019) Arsenic Speciation and Distribution in Peat Deposits of the Hetao Basin, China
Wang H, Byrne J, Perez J, Thomas A, Benning L, Mayanna S, Hoefer H, Kontny A, Eiche E, Guo H, Kappler A & Norra S

Hoefer Heidi Eva (2013) Fe3+ Determination in Garnet: A Crystal Chemical Test with the EPMA Flank Method
Hoefer HE, Hoefer CE, Matjuschkin V, Yaxley GM & Brey GP
(2013) Storage of Hadean Oceanic Crust in the Kaapvaal Subcratonic Mantle
Brey GP, Shu Q, Gerdes A & Hoefer HE
(2013) Simultaneous Mantle Metasomatism, Diamond Growth and Crustal Events in the Archean and Proterozoic of South Africa
Shu Q, Brey G, Gerdes A & Hoefer H
(2013) Geochronology of the Lithospheric Mantle Underneath the Gibeon Kimberlite Field, Namibia
Hoefer CE, Brey GP, Luchs T, Gerdes A & Hoefer HE
(2013) The Age of Eclogitisation Underneath the Kaapvaal Craton – A Composite Xenolith from Roberts Victor
Sieber M, Brey GP, Seitz H-M, Gerdes A & Hoefer HE

Hoefig T. (2019) Symbiosis between Caldera Collapse and Hydrothermalism at Brothers Submarine Volcano, Kermadec Arc
de Ronde C, Humphris S, Hoefig T & Reyes A

Hoefnagels B. (2020) Petrologic, Elemental and Isotopic Characterization of Unique Depleted Olivine Microwebsteritic Shergottite Northwest Africa 13179
Irving A, Carpenter P, Righter M, Lapen T, Tepper J & Hoefnagels B

Hoefner S. (2004) Homochiral Growth Through Enantiomeric Cross-Inhibition
Brandenburg A, Andersen A, Hoefner S & Nilsson M

Hoefs J. (2021) Triple Oxygen Isotope Fractionation Exponent between Apatite and Water
Feng D, Tütken T, Hoefs J & Pack A
(2010) The Stable Isotope Composition of the Mantle – Revisited
Hoefs J
(2010) Partial Melts from Thick Lower Continental Crust: Geochemical Characterization and Identification
He Y-S, Li S-G, Hoefs J, Huang F & Liu S-A
(2009) Nd Isotopic Compositions of Adakites from Dabieshan: Implications for the Subducted Mafic Lower Crust of the South China Block
He Y, Li S, Hoefs J & Schoenberg I
(2009) Lithium and Boron Isotope Systematics during Subduction and Exhumation of UHP Metamorphic Rocks from Sulu, East China
Xiao Y, Hoefs J & Zhang Z
(2007) Li and B Isotope Characteristics of Ultrahigh-Pressure Metamorphic Rocks from Sulu, China
Xiao Y, Romer RL, Hoefs J & Meixner A
(2007) Lu-Hf Geochronology of Eclogites from the Dabie-Sulu Terrain: Constraints on the Timing of Eclogite-Facies Metamorphism
Schmidt A, Weyer S, Xiao Y, Hoefs J & Brey GP
(2006) Nb-Ta fractionation in rutile from eclogites
Sun W, Xiao Y-L, Hoefs J, Simon K, Zhang ZM & Li S-G
(2003) Oxygen Isotope and Fluid Inclusion Data from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Program: Different Scales and Possible Depth of Meteoric Water/rock Interactions
Xiao Y, Hoefs J, Zhang Z & van den Kerkhof A
(2002) Oxygen Isotope Profile of the Lower Ocean Crust: An in situ Study by UV-Laser-Ablation Oxygen Isotope Microprobe
Gao Y, Hoefs J & Snow J
(2002) Fluid/rock Interactions in UHP Metamorphic Rocks from Drill Holes in Donghai, Sulu, China: Preliminary Results
Xiao Y, Hoefs J, Zhang Z & van den Kerkhof A
(2002) Isotope Variations of Heavy Elements: A Perspective from Light Isotopes
Hoefs J
(2000) Exchange Mechanisms, Fluid Flow and Fluid Evolution during Hydrothermal Alteration of Granites
Fiebig J, Simon K & Hoefs J
(2000) Different Fluid Histories during the Metamorphic Evolution of North and South Dabie Shan, China
Xiao Y, Hoefs J, van den Kerkhof A & Fiebig J

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