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Hochstein M.L. (2023) Post-Processing and Making Electron Microprobe Data FAIR with a New, Open Web-Interface that is Connected to an Electronic Lab Notebook
Hochstein ML & Hezel DC

Hochstetler D.L. (2014) Upscaling Diffusion Effects in Groundwater Transport: An Investigation from Pore to Field Scale
Rolle M, Chiogna G, Hochstetler D & Kitanidis P
(2013) Entropy and Reactive Solute Transport in Porous Media
Chiogna G, Hochstetler DL, Bellin A, Kitanidis PK & Rolle M
(2012) Using Pore-Scale Simulations to Better Quantify Mixing and Mass Transformation in Upscaled Models
Hochstetler D, Rolle M & Kitanidis P
(2011) Compound-Specific Transverse Dispersion in Porous Media: Darcy-Scale Experiments and Pore-Scale Modeling Interpretation
Rolle M, Hochstetler D, Chiogna G, Kitanidis PK & Grathwohl P

Hochuli Peter (2016) A New High-Resolution Sulfur Isotope Record of Triassic Seawater Sulfate
Bernasconi S, Meier I, Wohlwend S, Ramseyer K, Brack P, Blaesi H-R, Hochuli P & Wortmann U

Hochuli Peter A. (2009) Cretaceous Carbon Cycle and Climate: The Negative Carbon Isotope Spike at the Onset of OAE1a in the Early Aptian
Keller CE, Méhay S, Bottini C, Giorgioni M, Garcia TI, Bernasconi SM, Hochuli PA, Erba E & Weissert H
(2009) CO2 Pulses and Carbonate and Biotic Crises in the Mesozoic
Bernasconi S, Črne A, Méhay S, Keller C, Hochuli P, Erba E & Weissert H

Hochwimmer B. (2015) Geochemical Assessment of Serpentinite Heavy Metals and Fluvial Ingress in Tropical Settings
Tashakor M & Hochwimmer B

Hocine S. (2017) Distribution of Ions in SiO2 Nanochannels: An Experimental and Modelling Approach
Hocine S, Baum M, Rebiscoul D, Siboulet B, Rieutord F & Dufrêche J-F

Hock V. (2006) Refertilization of highly depleted lithospheric mantle (Balkan peninsula, SE Europe): Evidence from peridotite xenoliths
Downes H, Cvetkovic V, Hock V, Prelevic D & Lazarov M

Hockaday W. (2022) Temperature Driven Changes on Composition of Leaf Lipids in Deciduous and Evergreen Species Covary with Light Quantity
Wang Z, Hockaday W & White J
(2020) The Response of Plant Biomarker Lipids to Water Stress and Light Variables
Wang Z, Hockaday W, White J & Thomas J
(2018) Sorption Temperature and the Stability of Iron-Bound Soil Organic Matter
Nguyen M, Plante A, Lau B & Hockaday W
(2018) Energy-Stability Relationships in Soil Organic Matter: Implications for Agriculture
Hockaday W, Valdez Z, Masiello C & Robertson P
(2017) Oxidative Weathering of Ancient Sedimentary Organic Matter (Eagle Ford and Pepper Fms. Central TX, USA), Genesis of Modern Soils, and Implications for Global Biogeochemical Cycles of C & O
Longbottom T & Hockaday W
(2016) Erosional Transport of Organic Matter after the Rim Fire, Yosemite National Park
Abney R, Hockaday W, Kuhn T, Austin L, Sherrin A & Berhe AA
(2015) Evaluation of Genetic Potential and of Source Rocks by 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
Longbottom T, Hockaday W, Boling K, Li G, Letourmy Y, Dong H & Dworkin S
(2014) Evaluating the Effects of Redox Conditions on Kerogen Composition of the Eagleford Formation of Central Texas by 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy
Longbottom T, Hockaday W, Boling K & Dworkin S
(2014) Molecular (Proxy) Estimates of Changes in Soil Organic Matter Stability with Changes in Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
Hockaday W, Gallagher M, Masiello C, Polley W, Iversen C & Norby R
(2013) Comparative Characterization of Charcoals Prepared from Pyrolysis and Hydrothermal Carbonization and their Water Extractable Organic Carbon
Huang R, Hockaday W, Lau B, Lu X & Jack D
(2012) When Iron and Silver Nanoparticles Meet Natural Organic Matter: Probing NP-Nom Interactions with Molecular Spectroscopy and Quartz Crystal Microgravimetry
Hockaday W & Lau B
(2010) Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Alters Soil Biochemical Stocks
Hockaday W, Gallagher M, Masiello C, Baldock J, Iversen C & Norby R
(2007) Organic Carbon Oxidation State: A New Proxy for the Earth's C and O Cycles
Masiello C, Hockaday W & Gallagher M
(2005) A New Understanding of Reactivity and Composition of Humic Substances Using Modern NMR and Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Hatcher P, Hockaday W, Grannas A & Caccamise S

Hockin S. (2004) Metal and Metalloid Immobilization by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Biofilms
Gadd G, White C & Hockin S

Hockley M. (2023) Development of Multiple- Ion Counting to Measure Isotope Ratios at the Picogram Level
Palacz ZA, Hockley M, Yardley S & Guilfoyle S
(2020) Bridging the Gap between Faraday Cup and Ion Counting Measurements – A Faraday Detector with the Equivalent Noise Performance of a 1014 Ω Resistor Amplifier
Yardley S, Volkovoy V, Hockley M, Tootell D & Palacz Z
(2018) High Precision Measurement of Isotope Ratios Using Faraday Collectors with ATONA Amplifiers
Hockley M, Palacz Z & Yardley S

Hockmann K. (2023) Schwertmannite as a New Sorbent for Phosphate Immobilization: The Role of pH and Sulfate Release
As KS, Hockmann K, Joshi P, Kappler A & Peiffer S
(2023) Fe(II)-catalyzed Ferrihydrite Transformation in the Presence of Phosphate during Redox Oscillations: Mutual Effects on Iron Mineralogy and Phosphate Sorption
Liu X, Hockmann K & Peiffer S
(2023) Thick as Thieves: Antimony Sequestration during Ferrous Iron Oxidation
Wegner L, Scheinost AC, Peiffer S & Hockmann K
(2021) Fe(II) Oxidation in the Presence of Sb(V): Mutual Effects on Fe(III) Precipitates and Sb Sequestration
Hockmann K, Wegner L, McCammon C, Peiffer S, Planer-Friedrich B & Burton E
(2020) Antimony Mobility and Influence on Iron(II)-Catalyzed Ferrihydrite Transformation Pathways
Hockmann K, Karimian N, Schlagenhauff S, Planer-Friedrich B & Burton ED
(2020) Coupling between Antimony Mobility and Iron Cycling in the Environment
Burton E, Hockmann K & Karimian N
(2019) Sb Release and Fe Transformations during Sulfidization of Sb(V)-bearing Ferrihydrite
Hockmann K, Planer-Friedrich B, Johnston SG & Burton ED
(2016) Sorption of antimony(III) and antimony(V) to Mackinawite (FeS)
Hockmann K, Planer-Friedrich B & Burton ED
(2013) Release of Antimony from Contaminated Soil Induced by Redox Changes
Hockmann K, Tandy S, Lenz M & Schulin R
(2012) Mobility of Antimony in Soils Under Changing Redox Conditions
Hockmann K, Tandy S, Lenz M & Schulin R

Hocsman A. (2004) Dissolution Rate of Mercury Oxide
Hocsman A, Di Nezio S, Avena M, de Pauli C & Charlet L

Hode T. (2011) Analysis of Organic Biomarkers in Single Precambrian Oil-Bearing Fluid Inclusions Using TOF-SIMS
Siljeström S, Lausmaa J, Volk H, George S, Sjövall P, Dutkiewicz A & Hode T
(2009) TOF-SIMS Analysis of Hopanes and Steranes in Single Oil-Bearing Fluid Inclusions
Siljeström S, Lausmaa J, Sjövall P, Broman C, Thiel V & Hode T
(2009) TOF-SIMS Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Microbial Systems
Thiel V, Heim C, Hode T, Lausmaa J, Leefmann T, Siljeström S, Sjövall P & Toporski J
(2008) Analytical HRSEM, HRTEM and FIB Characterization of Carbonaceous Remains Associated with Hydrothermal Deposits
Cady SL, Hugo RC, Smythe WF, Parenteau MN, Goin JC, Oakes-Miller H, Hode T, Pogula S, Huster J & Cavalazzi B
(2007) Detection of Biomarkers in Oils Using TOF-SIMS
Siljeström S, Hode T, Lausmaa J, Toporski J, Thiel V & Sjövall P
(2004) A New Concept for Controlled Fluid-Inclusion Extraction
Hode T

Hodel F. (2023) The B Isotopic Signature of Serpentine from Supra Subduction Zone Ophiolites: Mixing of Fluids and Tectonic Implications
Martin C, Flores KE, Harlow G, Angiboust S, Hodel F & Guice GL
(2021) The Boron Isotopic Signature of Serpentine from Obducted Ophiolites: Mixture of Fluids and Tectonic Implications
Martin C, Flores K, Harlow G, Angiboust S, Hodel F & Guice G
(2019) Drake Gateway Opening Recorded by Global 87Sr/86Sr Signals of Foraminifers
Grespan R, Hodel F, De Rafelis M, Dera G, Lézin C, Nardin E, Chardon D, Rouby D & Chavagnac V
(2019) Chemical Weathering of the West African Craton during the EOT: A Li and Sr Isotopic Approach
Hodel F, Grespan R, Chardon D, Rouby D, Buatier M, Destringneville C, De Rafelis M, Dera G, Lézin C, Nardin E & Chavagnac V
(2017) Depleted Peridotites and Basalts Chemistry of Neoproterozoic Oceanic Lithosphere Remnants (Araguaia Belt, Brazil)
Hodel F, Trindade RIF, Macouin M, Meira VT, Dantas EL & Paixão MAP

Hodell David (2016) Trace Element Analysis of Individual Detrital Carbonate (Henrich) Grains
Obrochta S, Hodell D, Seki A, Yokoyama Y, Aze T & Tsuzuki K

Hodell David A. (2017) Past Dynamics of Atlantic Ocean Overturning: A Multi-Proxy View on Three Key Intervals
Gottschalk J, Skinner LC, Waelbroeck C, Hodell DA, Nehrbass-Ahles C & Jaccard SL
(2017) Intensification of Antarctic Ocean Stratification at the End of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Hasenfratz AP, Jaccard SL, Martinez-Garcia A, Hodell DA, Vance D, Bernasconi S, Kleiven H(F, Sigman DM & Haug GH
(2017) Triple Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Analysis of Gypsum Hydration Water from the Evaporites of the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Hodell D, Evans N, Gázquez F, Bauska T, Chapman H & McKenzie J
(2017) Triple Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes in Hydration Water of Lacustrine Gypsum for Quantitative Paleo-Humidity Estimates
Gazquez F, Morellon M, Bauska T, Herwartz D, Surma J, Moreno A, Staubwasser M, Valero-Garces B & Hodell DA
(2017) Hydrological History of the Altiplano over the Last Glacial Cycle from Gypsum Hydration Water and Halite Fluid Inclusions
Bauska TK, Gazquez F, Baker PA, Fritz SC & Hodell DA
(2017) Coupled Measurement of Ca and Sr Isotopes in Evaporites from the Sorbas Basin, SE Spain
Evans N, Mailes J, Bauska T, Gázquez F, Chapman H, Bradbury H, Turchyn S & Hodell D
(2017) Ancient Maya Land Use Reduced the Residence Time of Carbon in Tropical Forest Soils
Douglas P, Pagani M, Eglinton T, Brenner M, Curtis J, Hodell D, Breckenridge A & Johnston K
(2017) An Additional Wrinkle in the Elderfield Proxy Development Curve
Ausin B, Magill C, Wenk P, Haug G, McItyre C, Haghipour N, Hodell D & Eglinton T
(2017) Pore Water Geochemistry from a Depth Transect of Cores Collected on the Iberian Margin
Greaves M, Hodell D, Skinner L, Misra S, Traynor M, Daunt C & Souanef-Ureta S
(2015) New Method for the On-Line Measurement of δD and δ18O of Mineral Hydration Waters Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy
Walters G, Mather I, Gazquez F & Hodell D
(2015) 17O-Excess and Deuterium-Excess in Gypsum Hydration Water
Gazquez F, Evans N, Mather I, Herwartz D, Staubwasser M & Hodell D
(2015) The Development of the Sulfate-Methane Transition Zone: A Case Study from the Portuguese Margin
Turchyn AV, Byrne D, Antler G, Miller M & Hodell DA
(2015) Major Cation, Carbon System and Trace Element Chemistry in Pore Waters from the Iberian Margin: Implications for Paleoproxies
Greaves M, Elderfield H, Hodell D, Skinner L, Sevilgen D, Grauel A-L, de la Fuente M, Misra S & Daunt C
(2015) Evolution of Export Production, SST and Seawater δ18O in the Antarctic Southern Ocean Across the MPT
Hasenfratz AP, Martinez-Garcia A, Jaccard SL, Hodell DA, Vance D, Bernasconi S, Greaves M, Kleiven HF & Haug GH
(2015) Porewater δ7Li Profile of IODP Expedition 339 – An Insight into Clay Dewatering
Misra S, Miller M, Hodell D & Elderfield H
(2015) Grain Size-Specific Organic Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy of Continental Margin Sediments
Wenk P, McIntyre C, Magill C, Martinez-Garcia A, Hodell D & Eglinton T
(2014) Plant-Wax Isotope Records of Drought and Ancient Societal Adaptation in the Maya Lowlands
Douglas P, Pagani M, Brenner M, Hodell D, Eglinton T, Curtis J & Canuto M
(2011) Palaeotemperature Estimation by Tandem δ18O Measurement of Calcium Carbonate and Gypsum Hydration Water
Hodell D, Turchyn A & Wiseman C

Hodge E. (2006) Coupled U-series and radiocarbon dating of a Chinese stalagmite from 15 to 33 ka: testing calibration applicability and dead carbon correction variability
Hodge E, Zhao J, Feng Y, Wu J, Fink D & Hua Q
(2004) U-Series in Icelandic Rivers
Vigier N, Burton K, Gislason S, Rogers N & Hodge E

Hodgekiss S-A. (2023) Developments in AusGeochem: A Platform for Geochemical Data Storage, Dissemination, Visualisation and Analysis
Dalton H, Ware B, Boone S, Gréau Y, Ananuer H, Nixon A, Hodgekiss S-A, Kohlmann F, Theile M, Noble W, Chen B, Dux F, Koutamanis D, Wang X, McMillan M, Stirling JE, Zhou R, Armistead S, McInnes BIA, Prent A & Kohn B
(2022) The AuScope Geochemistry Laboratory Network Project and the Building of the AusGeochem Data Repository
McInnes BIA, Gleadow A, O'Reilly SY, Kohn B, Rawling T, Kohlmann F, Prent AM, Boone S, Greau Y, Noble W, Ware B, Theile M, Dalton H, Hodgekiss S-A, Ananuer H, Alard O & Phillips D
(2022) Cataloguing and Organisation of Geochemistry Laboratories Capabilities Through the AuScope Geochemistry Network Laboratory Finder
Golodoniuc P, Florin GJ, Fazio V, Prent AM, Li Y, Hodgekiss S-A & Klump J

Hodges C. (2022) Investigating Mineral Weathering and Soil Carbon Storage Across a Patagonian Climate by Vegetation Pedogenic Matrix
Hodges C, Vivanco L, Araujo PI, Hess LJ, Kaye J & Austin AT
(2020) The Window of Soil Iron Redox Activity Across the Time-Climate Pedogenic Matrix of the Hawaiian Islands
Thompson A, Hodges C & Chadwick O
(2014) Investigating Molybdenum Availability Across a Hawaiian Climate Gradient
King E, Thompson A, Hodges C & Pett-Ridge J

Hodges K. (2022) Orogenic Exhumation History Using Multi-Mineral Detrital Thermochronology
Giblin JL, Hodges K & Gallagher K
(2020) Can the Late Heavy Bombardment Concept be Resuscitated?
Parisi A, Harrison M, Mercer C & Hodges K
(2018) Refining Models of the Lunar Bombardment History Using the Laser Microprobe 40Ar/39Ar Method
Hodges K, Mercer C, Brunner A, McDonald C & van Soest M
(2018) Radiation Damage Zoning in Zircon: Intracrystalline Variations in Helium Diffusion
Anderson A, van Soest M, Hanchar J & Hodges K
(2018) A Late Heavy Bombardment?
Harrison M, Hodges K & Boehnke P
(2014) Excimer Laser Microprobe 40Ar/39Ar Chronology of Impact Melt Products
Hodges K, Mercer C, Young K, Wartho JA, van Soest M & Weirich J
(2014) Laser Microprobe (U-Th)/He Dating of Titanite
Horne A, Van Soest M & Hodges K
(2008) Laser Microprobe Depth Profiling of 4He Diffusion in Durango Apatite
van Soest M, Boyce J, Monteleone B & Hodges K
(2005) Temporal Constraints on the Juxtaposition and Exhumation of Deep Crustal Domains, East Athabasca Region, Western Canadian Shield
Flowers R, Pringle M, Mahan K, Bowring S, Williams M, Hodges K & Reiners P
(2005) Detrital Mineral Thermochronology in Active Fluvial Systems and the Evolution of Modern Orogenic Landscapes
Hodges K, Ruhl K, Wobus C & Boyce J
(2005) Laser Microprobe (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry of Monazite
Boyce J, Hodges K, Crowley J, Chatterjee N & Searle M

Hodges Myerson A.L. (2001) Mechanisms of Electron Transfer to Fe(III) and Other Metals in Geobacter sulfurreducens
Lloyd JR, Hodges Myerson AL, Leang C, Coppi M, Cuifo S, Sandler SJ & Lovley DR

Hodgin Eben (2016) Dating the Dramatic and Dynamic in the Neoproterozoic: New Re-Os Age Constraints and Paleoweathering Proxy Data
Rooney A, Strauss J, Hodgin E, Selby D, Sharma M, Dehler C, Karlstrom K, Cohen P & Macdonald F

Hodgin Eben B (2023) One Billion Years of Stability in the North American Midcontinent Following Two-Stage Grenvillian Structural Inversion
Hodgin EB, Swanson-Hysell NL, Kylander-Clark A, Turner AC, Stolper DA, Ibarra DE, Schmitz MD & Zhang Y

Hodgkinson E. (2003) Alteration of Marble and Hyperalkaline Groundwater Evolution at Maqarin (Northern Jordan)
Milodowski A, Khoury H, Hodgkinson E, McKervey J, Trotignon L & Mader U

Hodgkinson J. (2010) Self Organizing Maps for Targeting within Regional Geochemical Data Sets
Fraser S, Dickson B, Kowalczyk P & Hodgkinson J
(2009) Discriminating Fe Sources in a Pine Plantation Using SOM
Loehr S, Preda M, Hodgkinson J, Cox M & Fraser S

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