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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Hoagland B. (2022) Microbiome Structure Influenced by Metal-Oxide Precipitation in Hyporheic Zones Receiving Acid Mine Drainage
Hoagland B, Navarre-Sitchler A, Singha K, Rasmussen K & Spear J
(2018) Sandstone Ridges act as Collectors for Dust and Overlying Soil Particles over 100 ka Timeframes
Marcon V, Hoagland B, Gu X, Kaye J & Brantley S
(2017) Trace Metal(loid) Release and Transport from Gold Mine Tailings in Porgera, Papua New Guinea
Hoagland B, Mosley L, Russo T, Kirby J, Cullen C & Raven M

Hoang H. (2020) Noble Gas Fractionation: Some Insights from Molecular Simulations
Galliero G, Hoang H & Pujol M
(2019) Revisiting Noble Gas Behaviour in Natural Energy Resources from a Molecular Simulation Perspective
Galliero G, Hoang H, Vermorel R & Pujol M
(2017) Noble Gases Isotopic and Elemental Fractionation by Diffusion in Oil and Gas Under Reservoir Conditions: A Molecular Dynamics Perspective
Hoang H, Vermorel R, Galliero G & Pujol M

Hoang N. (2006) Upper mantle isotopic components beneath the Ryukyu arc system: evidence for ‘back-arc’ entrapment of Pacific MORB
Hoang N, Uto K, Matsumoto A & Itoh J
(2003) Mantle Isotopic Heterogeneity beneath Northern Kyushu, SW Japan
Hoang N & Uto K

Hoang Q.D. (2016) A Freeze-Drying Technique Applied to the Analysis of Hot-Spring Waters: Implications for the Origin of Hot-Spring Waters from SW Japan
Hoang QD, Sakaguchi C, Kitagawa H & Nakamura E

Hoàng Thị Bích Hòa (2013) Open-Pit Coal Mining Effects on Rice Paddy Soil Composition and Metal Bioavailability to Oryza sativa L. Plants in Cam Pha, Northeastern Vietnam
Marquez JE, Martinez R, Hoàng TBH & Gieré R

Hoang Thi Hong Anh (2017) Sr-Nd-Pb-Mg Isotope Geochemistry of Late Cenozoic Basalts from Central Vietnam: Implications for a Mixed Pyroxenite-Peridotite Source
Hoang THA, Choi SH, Yu Y & Pham TH

Hoang Tung

Hoàng-Hòa T.B. (2012) Schwertmannite Formation in Acid Mine Drainage in NE Viet Nam
Giere R, Hoang-Hoa TB, Martinez R & Wirth R
(2011) Characterization of Airborne Dust Particles in the Coal Mining Area of Cam Pha, Northern Viet Nam
Hoàng-Hòa TB, Gieré R, Dietze V, Kaminski U & Stille P
(2011) Dust Particles in Brochoalveolar Lavage Fluids from Coal Miners in Quang Ninh Province, Viet Nam
Gieré R, Hoàng-Hòa TB & Sedlazeck P

Hoare Brendan (2023) Constraining the Depth and Timing of Silica Enrichment of the Cratonic Lithosphere
Tomlinson EL, Hoare B, McKenna C, van Zuilen K & Davies GR
(2021) Linking Sedimentary Phosphate U-Pb Ages to Syn-Sedimentary Processes
O'Sullivan GJ, Daly JS, Murray J, Ó'Gogáin A, Chew DM, Badenszki E, Hoare B, Guyett P & Drakou F
(2019) ‘Fossil’ Geotherms Frozen in Diamond Require Very Deep (>300 km) Early Kalahari Cratonic Lithosphere
Hoare B, Tomlinson E & Balz K
(2017) An Exsolution Origin for Archaean Mantle Garnet
Tomlinson E, Kamber B, Hoare B, Stead C & Ildefonse B
(2017) Origin, Distribution and Residence of Halogens in the North Atlantic Craton, Greenland
Hoare B, Tomlinson E, Barnes J, Caulfield J & Thirlwall M
(2015) Fast Automated Mineral Analysis of Kimberlite Xenocrysts for Diamond Exploration, Lahtojoki Kimberlite, Finland
Dijkstra A, Hoare B, Cherepanova Y & Lehtonen M

Hoare Brendan C. (2021) Timing and Causes of Metasomatism Revealed by Combined Zircon U-Pb Isotope and Trace Element Analysis
Hoare BC, O'Sullivan GJ & Tomlinson EL

Hoare L. (2023) Archean Crustal Formation and Differentiation – Clues from Ti Stable Isotopes
Albert C, Klaver M, Hoare L, Johnson T, O'Neil J, Rizo H, Smithies H, Willbold M & Millet M-A
(2023) A Multi-Stage Origin for Juvenile Continental Crust in the Archean: Evidence from Titanium Isotope Compositions in Eoarchean Rocks from the Isua Supracrustal Belt, SW Greenland
Hoare L, Rzehak LJA, Kommescher S, Jansen M, Nagel T, Millet M-A, Hoffmann JE & Fonseca ROC
(2022) Titanium Isotopes as Proxy for the Composition of the Upper Continental Crust: Promises, Pitfalls and Outlook
Millet M-A, Klaver M, Saji NS & Hoare L
(2021) Empirical and Experimental Constraints on Fe-Ti Oxide-Melt Titanium Isotope Fractionation Factors
Hoare L, Klaver M, Muir D, Klemme S, Barling J, Parkinson I, Lissenberg J & Millet M-A
(2021) Titanium Stable Isotopes and the Crust-Mantle System: What Have We Learned?
Millet M-A, Hoare L, Klaver M & Saji N
(2019) What Controls Titanium Stable Isotope Fractionation during Magma Evolution?
Hoare L, Millet M-A, Lissenberg J, Saji N, Klaver M & Parkinson I

Hoareau Guilhem (2019) U-Pb Dating of Carbonates by UV Femtosecond LA-ICPMS: Toward Reliable Ages from Isotopic Images and Without the Need for a Carbonate Primary Standard
Hoareau G, Claverie F, Pecheyran C, Grignard P-A, Chailan O & Girard J-P

Hoareau Guilhem (2021) U-Pb Dating of Carbonates from LA-ICP-MS Isotope Ratio Maps: Comparison between Different Data Processing Methods
Hoareau G, Claverie F, Pecheyran C, Paroissin C, Grignard P-A, Motte G, Chailan O & Girard J-P

Hoareau Guilhem (2022) Geological Storage of Hydrogen in Deep Aquifers – An Experimental Multidisciplinary Study
Haddad P, Ranchou-Peyruse M, Guignard M, Mura J, Casteran F, Ronjon-magand L, Sénéchal P, Isaure M-P, Moonen P, Hoareau G, Dequidt D, Chiquet P, Caumette G, Cézac P & Ranchou-Peyruse A

Hoareau Guilhem (2023) Comparative Study of Three H2 Geological Storages in Deep Aquifers Simulated in High Pressure Reactors
Mura J, Ranchou-Peyruse M, Guignard M, Haddad P, Ducousso M, Casteran F, Sénéchal P, Isaure M-P, Moonen P, Hoareau G, Baldy A, Petit A, Chiquet P, Caumette G, Cézac P & Ranchou-Peyruse A
(2023) Characterisation and Interlaboratory Comparison of a New Calcite Reference Material for U-Pb Geochronology – The “AUG-B6” Calcite-Cemented Hydraulic Breccia
Blaise T, Augier R, Bosch D, Bruguier O, Cogné N, Deschamps P, Guihou A, Haurine F, Hoareau G & Nouet J

Hoareau Guilhem (2009) A Study of Sulfate Mineral Stability in Marine Sediments Using the Whole ODP/IODP Porewater Composition Data Base
Hoareau G, Monnin C & Odonne F

Hoareau Guilhem (2013) Early Eocene Climatic Optimum: Numerical Modelling of the Impact of the Neo-Tethys Closure
Bomou B, Hoareau G, Donnadieu Y, Le Hir G & Marquer D
(2011) Characterization of Hyperalkaline Fluids Produced by Serpentinization of Mantle Peridotites in Oman and in Liguria (Northern Italy)
Monnin C, Chavagnac V, Ceuleneer G, Boulart C & Hoareau G

Hoarfrost A. (2021) Illuminating the Microbial Dark Matter Driving Energy Transformations in the Environment with a Universal Language of Life
Hoarfrost A, Aptekmann A, Farfañuk G, Falkowski P & Bromberg Y
(2020) The Universal Language of Life – Leveraging Deep Transfer Learning to Model the Biogeosphere
Hoarfrost A & Bromberg Y

Hoashi M. (2010) Evidence for the Presence of Cyanobacteria and Thermophylic Methanogens in a 3.46 Ga Sea, Western Australia
Watanabe Y, Hoashi M & Ohmoto H
(2009) Primary Hematite Formation in an Oxygenated Deep Sea 3.46 Billion Years ago
Hoashi M, Bevacqua D, Otake T, Watanabe Y, Hickman A, Utsunomiya S & Ohmoto H
(2008) Origins of Hematite, Magnetite and Siderite in Banded Iron Formations
Ohmoto H, Hoashi M, Otake T, Bevacqua D & Watanabe Y

Hoatson D.M. (2000) Magma Sources and Ore Formation in the Radio Hill Complex, West Pilbara Craton: A Re-Os Isotope Study
Frick LR, Lambert DD & Hoatson DM

Hobart Kathryn (2020) Determining the Rate of Microbially-Mediated Pyrrhotite Dissolution Using Integrated Geochemical, Magnetic, and Genomic Analyses
Hobart K, Feinberg J, Jones D & Bailey J
(2020) Field Detection of Ureolytic Metabolism and its Potential Application to Understanding the Biogenicity of Carbonate Tufas
Medina Ferrer F, Rosen M, Hobart K & Bailey J
(2018) Microbes Accelerate Pyrrhotite Dissolution at Circumneutral pH
Hobart K, Jones D & Feinberg J

Hobart Kathryn Kiku (2023) Evaluating Sulfide Minerals in Mine Tailings from Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide and Sedimentary Exhalative Zinc-Lead Deposits as a Potential Source of Critical Mineral Resources
Hobart KK, Piatak NM & Seal RR

Hobbie E. (2018) Lithologic Influences on Mycorrhizal Weathering
Remiszewski K, Bryce J, Hoff C, Fahnestock F, Colpaert J & Hobbie E
(2013) Metal Isotopic Distributions in Mycorrhizal Trees: Weathering Manifestations and within-Plant Fractionations
Bryce J, Hobbie E, Bullen T, Blichert-Toft J, Colpaert J, Hoff C, Meana-Prado MF, Telouk P & Vadeboncoeur M

Hobbs B (2006) Coupled chemical-fluid flow modelling of the Irish Carboniferous Basin
Ord A, Hobbs B, Hornby P, Cleverley J, Barnicoat A & Murphy B

Hobbs Bruce (2013) Intra-Plate Tectonics and Magmatisim as a Consequence of Mantle Lithosphere Delamination
Gorczyk W, Vogt K & Hobbs B
(2011) Intra-Cratonic Lithospheric Deformations – Heterogeneities, Faulting and Rayleigh-Tylor Instabilities
Gorczyk W, Hobbs B, Zhu G, Ord A & Gessner K
(2004) Hydrogen Flux from the Earth’s Core Giant Ore Deposits and Related Phenomena Through Earth History
Walshe J, Hobbs B, Ord A, Regenauer - lieb K, Barnicoat A & Hall G
(2004) The Witwatersrand Mineralising System
Hobbs B, Walshe J, Ord A, Zhang Y & Barnicoat A

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