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Hirschorn Sarah (2020) Status of Geoscientific Site Evaluations for Canada’s Deep Geological Repository for Used Nuclear Fuel
Hirschorn S, Blyth A, Parmenter A, Sanchez-Rico Castejon M & Vorauer A
(2015) The Long-Term Management of Used Nuclear Fuel in Canada – The Geoscientific Site Evaluation Process
Hirschorn S & Ben Belfadhel M

Hirst C. (2023) Evidence from Silicon Isotopes for Pulses of Sub-Ice Microbial Activity during Winter in the Lena River
Opfergelt S, Gaspard F, Hirst C, Monin L, Juhls B, Morgenstern A & Overduin P
(2023) Distinct Periods of Organic Carbon and Mineral Element Supply from Soils to Rivers during the Arctic Spring
Hirst C, Kelley AK, Villani M, Schuur EAG & Opfergelt S
(2023) Silicon Isotopes as a Tool to Capture Biogeochemical Connectivity in Permafrost Soils: Implications on Fe-Organic Carbon Interactions
Villani M, Hirst C, Thomas M, du Bois d'Aische E, Vanderelst S, Lundin E, Giesler R, Mörth M & Opfergelt S
(2020) Snowmelt Initiates an Additional Source of Silicon to Streams in Yellowstone National Park, USA
Gaspard F, Opfergelt S, Zahajská P, Hirst C & Delmelle P
(2020) Waters in Hydrothermal and Polar Environments: Further Developments for Si Isotope Measurements
Opfergelt S, Gaspard F & Hirst C
(2017) Seasonal Variations in the Sources and Formation of Fe-Bearing Particles in the Lena River Basin; Evidence from Iron Isotopes
Hirst C, Andersson P, Mörth M, Kutscher L, Murphy M, Schmitt M, Petrov R, Maximov T & Porcelli D
(2015) The Formation and Transport of Iron in the Lena River: Insights from Microscopy and Modelling
Hirst C, Kutscher L, Shaw S, Burke IT, Maximov T, Mörth C-M, Andersson P & Porcelli D
(2015) Export and Sources of Organic Carbon in the Lena River Catchment, Siberia
Kutscher L, Andersson P, Mörth C-M, Porcelli D, Hirst C & Maximov T
(2015) Lithium Isotopes in Waters Draining a Large Permafrost-Dominated Watershed: The Lena River
Murphy M, Pogge von Stranmann P, Porcelli D, Hirst C, Andersson P, Kutscher L & Maximov T

Hirte J. (2017) Depicting in situ Carbon Transfer from Roots to Rhizosphere with NanoSIMS
Vidal A, Hirte J, Bender SF, Mayer J, Gattinger A & Mueller CW
(2017) Rhizosphere – Hot Spot for Organic Carbon Allocation between Plants, Microorganisms and Soil Minerals
Mueller CW, Vidal A, Schweizer S, Angst G, Hirte J, Bender F, Mayer J, Gattinger A & Hoeschen C

Hirth G. (2021) The Peridotite Deformation Cycle and the Deep Impact of Subduction beneath the Wyoming Craton
Chin E, Chilson-Parks B, Boneh Y, Hirth G, Saal A, Hearn BC & Hauri EH
(2016) Deformation Mechanisms of Antigorite Serpentinite at Subduction Zone Conditions
Auzende A-L, Escartin J, Walte N, Guillot S, Hirth G & Frost D
(2015) Constraints on the Accretion of the Gabbroic Lower Oceanic Crust from Plagioclase Lattice Preferred Orientiation in the Samail Ophiolite
VanTongeren J, Hirth G & Kelemen P

Hirtz J. (2021) The Effect of Early Irradiation and Volatility on 54Cr and 53Cr Abundances in Components of EH3 Chondrites
Kadlag Y, Hirtz J, Becker H, Leya I & Mezger K

Hirunuma R. (2003) The Study on Re and Os Removal from Seawater to Sediments Using Multitracer Technique and XANES
Ito M, Takahashi Y, Hirunuma R, Enomoto S & Shimizu H

Hiruta A (2005) Elemental Remobilization in Marine Sediments: Growth and Destruction of Authigenic Mineral Fronts Above Gas Hydrate Systems
Snyder G, Dickens G, Matsumoto R, Hiruta A, Tomaru H, Dicus C & Castellini DG

Hiruta Akihiro (2017) Processes Involved in Massive Gas Hydrate Formation in the Sea of Japan as Inferred from U-Th Ages of MDAC and from H2S Concentrations of Hydrates
Matsumoto R, Snyder G, Hiruta A, Kakizaki Y, Tanahashi M, Kakuwa Y, Chang Y-W, Huang C-Y & Shen C-C

Hisadome K. (2016) Partitiong of Atmospherically Deposited Radiocesium by Forest Canopies Following the Fukushima Dai-Ichi NPP Accident
Kato H, Onda Y, Kawamori A & Hisadome K

Hisamatsu S-I. (2015) Radioiodine Transfer from Seawater into Seaweed
Shibata T, Ishikawa Y, Takaku Y & Hisamatsu S-I

Hisamatu S-I. (2016) Solubility of Iodine in Grassland and Forest Soils in Rokksho, Japan
Takeda A, Unno Y, Tsukada H, Takaku Y & Hisamatsu S
(2016) Development of Stable Sr Isotopes Ratio Analytical Method for Biological Concentration Factor of Radiogenic Strontium
Takaku Y, Ishikawa Y, Shibata T & Hisamatu S-I

Hisanabe C. (2012) The Phanerozoic Minimum in Seawater 87Sr/86Sr: Middle Permian Mid-Panthalassan Seamount Record
Kani T, Hisanabe C & Isozaki Y

Hisatomi O (2003) Shock Effects on Frozen DNA Samples
Yamanaka C, Hisatomi O & Yamori A

Hisatomi Osamu (2016) Undergraduate Education in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry at Osaka University, Japan
Yabuta H, Kondo T, Nakashima S, Sasaki S, Shibai H, Terada K, Toyoda M, Hirono T, Hisatomi O, Saiki K, Terasaki H, Uyeda C, Yamanaka C, Aoki J, Hashizume K, Kawai Y, Sakaiya T & Tani A

Hiscock B. (2009) Global Patterns of Dust Deposition Deduced from Dissolved Al in the Surface Ocean
Measures C, Landing B, Buck C, Brown M, Hiscock B, Grand M, Hatta M & Gosnell K

Hiscock K. (2008) Dissolved Noble Gases and Stable Isotopes as Tracers of Groundwater Dynamics in the Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany
Gumm L, Dennis P, Bense V, Cremer N & Hiscock K

Hiscock Matt (2015) Grain Boundary Diffusion in the Lower Crust: Low Temperature Applications of TitaniQ Thermobarometry
Bromiley G & Hiscock M

Hiscock Matthew (2020) Chemical and Textural Analysis of Rocks with the Scanning Electron Microscope
Stavropoulou A, Hiscock M, Kamber BS & Rodriguez-Blanco J-D
(2013) Chemical Diffusion in the Deep Earth: Is it all About Grain Boundaries?
Hiscock M & Bromiley G
(2012) Diffusion in the Deep Earth: Is it all About Grain Boundaries?
Hiscock M & Bromiley G

Hishamunda V. (2020) Temporal Variation in Major Ion Concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr of Headwaters of the Godavari River Draining Basalt, India
Hishamunda V & Ramananda C
(2019) Geochemical and Stable Ca and Radiogenic Sr Isotopic Composition of the Godavari River Draining the Deccan Basalts
Hishamunda V, Misra S & Chakrabarti R

Hishita S. (2019) Nitrogen Solubility in Stishovite Under High P-T: Formation of “Hidden” Nitrogen Reservoir in the Deep Mantle via Subducting Slabs
Fukuyama K, Kagi H, Inoue T, Kakizawa S, Shinmei T, Hishita S, Takahata N & Sano Y

Hissey E. (2022) In situ Rb–Sr Dating and Trace Element Analysis of Glauconite-Rich Strata from the Arumbera Sandstone, Amadeus Basin
Loyola CV, Farkas J, Verdel C, Gilbert S, Holmes L, Hissey E, Löhr S, Brock G, Shields GA, Edgoose C, Redaa A, Blades ML & Collins AS

Hissler Christophe (2023) Disentangling Concentration-Discharge Relationships during a Flood Event Using a Multi-Isotope Approach
López Urzúa S, Mathews M, Hissler C & Derry LA

Hissler Christophe (2021) Overcoming the EMMA Dilemma: On the Potential for PHREEQC’s Inverse Modelling Functionality to Decouple Chemical Processes from Conservative Mixing Processes and Reducing Variability in End Member Mixing Analysis
van Zweel KN, Gourdol L, Hissler C, Pfister L & Zehe E
(2021) Selective Release and Sequestration of Nutrients and Rare Earth Elements Operated by Litter during the Degradation
Montemagno A, Hissler C, Bense V & Ziebel J

Hissler Christophe (2013) Rare Earth Element Origin and Dynamic in Contaminated River Basins: Nd Isotopic Evidence
Stille P, Hissler C & François C

Hissler Christophe (2005) Mercury Dynamic in a Mountainous Catchment Polluted by Chlor-Alkali Activity (Alsace, France)
Hissler C & Probst J
(2002) Mercury Pollution in the Thur River Basin (North-East of France): DOC and Chloride Concentration Control on Mercury Partitioning between Dissolved and Particulate Phases
Hissler C & Probst J-L

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