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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Hirose Kei (2016) Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Lower Mantle Minerals
Ohta K, Okuda Y, Yagi T, Hirose K & Sinmyo R
(2016) Crystallization of SiO2 in the Core Before Inner Core Formation
Hirose K, Morard G, Sinmyo R & Hernlund J
(2016) Melting Phase Relations and Element Partitioning in MORB to Deep Lower Mantle Conditions
Tateno S, Hirose K, Sakata S, Yonemitsu K, Ozawa H, Hirata T, Hirao N & Ohishi Y
(2016) Solid Iron-Hydrogen Alloys Under High Pressure by First Principles
Umemoto K & Hirose K
(2016) Sound Velocity of Liquid Fe-Si Alloy Under High Pressures
Nakajima Y, Imada S, Hirose K, Kuwayama Y, Sinmyo R, Tateno S, Tsutsui S, Ushiyama H & Baron A
(2016) Ab Initio Simulations of Light Elements in the Earth’s Core
Militzer B, Tagawa S, Hirose K & Wahl S
(2016) Deep Mantle Melting in the Past and at Present
Hirose K, Nomura R & Tateno S
(2016) Mantle Iron Content and H-Rich Cores: Regulation by Hydrogen in the Proto-Atmosphere
Hernlund J, Mukhopadhyay S, Genda H, Hirose K & Brasser R

Hirose Kei (2017) Evolution and Structure of an Outer Core Crystallizing SiO2
Helffrich G, Hirose K, Morard G & Sinmyo R
(2017) Persistence of Large-Scale Heterogeneity in the Earth’s Mantle
Ballmer M, Nakagawa T, Houser C, Hernlund J, Waszek L, Schmerr N, Wentzcovitch R, Ritsema J & Hirose K

Hirose Kei (2023) Trace Element Partitioning between Bridgmanite and Silicate Melt up to CMB Pressure and the Origin of the Hf-Nd Mantle Array
Ozawa K, Sakamoto N, Hirose K, Tsutsumi Y, Iizuka T & Yurimoto H

Hirose Kei (2020) Metal/silicate Partitioning Experiments in a Diamond-Anvil Cell; Issues and Applications for Fe-Si-O-Mg Core Chemical Evolution Models
Hirose K & Helffrich G
(2020) The Effect of Melting on Electrical Resistivity for Iron at High Pressure and Implications for the Earth’s Core Conductivity
Suehiro S, Ohta K, Hirose K & Ohishi Y

Hirose Kei (2019) Experimental Determination of the MgO-FeO-SiO2 Liquidus Phase Diagram up to CMB Pressure
Ozawa K, Hirose K & Tateno S
(2019) Liquid Immiscibility in the Fe-S-H System at High Pressure
Yokoo S, Hirose K & Tagawa S
(2019) Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Wadsleyite and Ringwoodite at the Mantle Transition Zone Pressures
Kimura S, Ohta K, Kawazoe T, Hirose K, Kagi H & Yagi T
(2019) Thermal Conductivity Measurement at High Pressure and High Temperature Similar to Earth’s Lower Mantle Conditions
Hasegawa A, Ohta K, Yagi T & Hirose K
(2019) Sound Velocity Measurements on Lower Mantle Minerals by Femtosecond Pulse Laser Pump-Probe Technique
Wakamatsu T, Ohta K, Yagi T, Nishihara Y, Okuda Y, Mitsude Y & Hirose K
(2019) Core-Mantle Interaction Through Liquid Magnesium Silicate Release from the Earth's Core
Helffrich G, Hirose K, Nomura R & Sinmyo R

Hirose Kei (2018) Magnesium Partitioning between Earth’s Mantle and Core and its Consequence on an Early Geodynamo
Badro J, Nomura R, Aubert J, Siebert J, Blanchard I & Hirose K
(2018) Anomalous Behavior of the Compressibility and Thermal Conductivity of Fe, Al-Bearing Bridgmanite
Okuda Y, Ohta K, Sinmyo R, Yagi T, Ohishi Y & Hirose K

Hirose Kei (2015) Crystallization of the Magma Ocean
Caracas R, Nomura R, Hirose K & Ballmer M
(2015) The Effect of Sulfur on the Electrical Resistivity of Iron and Implications for Planetary Cores
Suehiro S, Ohta K, Hirose K & Ohishi Y
(2015) Fcc FeHx at Core Pressure
Kato C, Ohta K, Hirose K & Ohishi Y
(2015) The Electrical Resistivity of Iron Alloys at Earth’s Core Conditions
Ohta K, Suehiro S, Hirose K & Ohishi Y
(2013) Low Core-Mantle Boundary Temperature Inferred from the Solidus of Pyrolite
Nomura R, Hirose K, Uesugi K, Ohishi Y & Tsuchiyama A
(2013) Melting of FeO-SiO2 System at High Pressure and the Fate of Subducted Banded Iron Formations
Kato C, Nomura R & Hirose K
(2013) Crystal Structure in Earth’s Inner Core
Hirose K, Tateno S & Ozawa H
(2011) The High Conductivity of Iron and Thermal Evolution of the Earth’s Core
Hirose K, Gomi H, Ohta K, Labrosse S & Hernlund J
(2011) Phase Relations of an Fe-Ni Alloy Determined in an Internally-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell
Komabayashi T, Hirose K & Ohishi Y
(2011) Volume and Ionic Conductivity Measurements of H2O Ice at High Pressure and Temperature
Sugimura E, Komabayashi T, Ohta K, Hirose K, Sata N, Ohishi Y & Dubrovinsky LS
(2011) Spin Crossover and Iron-Rich Silicate Melt in the Earth’s Deep Mantle
Nomura R, Ozawa H, Tateno S, Hirose K, Hernlund J, Muto S, Ishii H & Hiraoka N
(2011) The Elasticity Change of Na-Contained Silica According to the Post-Stishovite Phase Transition in the Earth’s Lower Mantle
Asahara Y, Hirose K, Ohishi Y, Hirao N, Ozawa H & Murakami M
(2009) Sound Velocity Measurements in Water at High Pressures: Application to Water at Lower Mantle Conditions
Asahara Y, Murakami M, Ohishi Y, Hirao N, Sata N & Hirose K
(2008) Effects of Spin Crossover on Iron Partitioning in Deep Earth
Li J, Gao L, Chen B, Alp E, Zhao J & Hirose K
(2007) The Effect of Iron Spin Transition on Electrical Conductivity of Perovskite and Magnesiowüstite
Ohta K, Onoda S, Hirose K & Shimizu K
(2003) Mineralogy Under the Deep Lower Mantle Conditions Determined by in situ X-Ray Measurements
Hirose K & Murakami M
(2003) Percolative Segregation of Iron Melts during Core Formation
Takafuji N, Hirose K, Ono S & Mitome M
(2002) Li Isotopic Systematics of Volcanic Rocks in Marginal Basins
Nishio Y, Nakai S, Hirose K, Ishii T & Sano Y

Hirose M. (2014) Chemical Forms of Radioactive Cs in Recent Airborne Particulate Matters in Japan
Hirose M, Nakamachi K, Kikawada Y, Oi T, Honda T & Hirose K

Hirose T. (2016) Anomaly of Crustal Noble Gases Associated with Fault Movement and Aftershock the 3.11 Northeast Japan Mega Earthquake
Sato K, Kumagai H, Hirose T, Iwata N, Hyodo H & Suzuki K
(2010) H2 Generation during Simulated Earthquake Faulting: Its Implication for Subsurface Microbial Evolution
Suzuki K & Hirose T
(2007) A K-Ar Age Reset of Frictionally Melted Gabbro and Detect for Degassed Noble Gas
Sato K, Hirose T, Kumagai H, Tamura H, Mizoguchi K & Shimamoto T

Hiroshi H. (2003) Geochemical Approach to the Determintion of the 100 Mo Double Beta Decay Half-Life
Ly C, Hiroshi H & Suzuki K

Hirota A. (2016) Co-occurrence and Metabolic Consequences of Candidate Bacterial Phyla and Anaerobic Methane Oxidizing Archaea in the Deep Crustal Biosphere
Ino K, Hernsdorf A, Konno U, Kouduka M, Sunamura M, Hirota A, Togo Y, Ito K, Fukuda A, Iwatsuki T, Mizuno T, Komatsu D, Tsunogai U, Yanagawa K, Ishimura T, Amano Y, Thomas B, Banfield J & Suzuki Y
(2016) Microbial CO2 Reduction Continuing for Millions Years in Neogene Mudstone Resulting in Extreme 13C-Enrichment
Miyakawa K, Ishii E, Mizuno T, Hirota A, Komatsu D, Ikeya K & Tsunogai U
(2012) Application of PTR-Ms to an Incubation Experiment of the Marine Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana
Kameyama S, Tanimoto H, Inomata S, Suzuki K, Komatsu D, Hirota A, Konno U & Tsunogai U
(2003) ‘Microbial Plumes’ as Inferred from the Increase of Stable Carbon Isotope Composition of Methane Originated from Submarine Hydrothermal Activity
Gamo T, Tsunogai U, Ichibayashi S & Hirota A

Hirotaka T. (2009) Apparent Dielectric Constants of Brines Estimated from Quartz Solubilities
Hoshino K, Ueda Y & Hirotaka T
(2009) Valiation of Salinity and Gas Composition of Fluid Inclusions in the Culebra Granitic Rocks of the Pallca Mining Area in Peru
Hirotaka T & Hoshino K

Hirotani S. (2009) Temporal Change of Magma Feeding System beneath the Gassan Volcano, NE Japan
Ban M, Iai Y, Hirotani S, Shuto K & Kagami H
(2007) The Origin of Compositional Variation of Mafic Magma and Genesis of Associated Silicic Magma in the Shirataka Volcano, NE Japan: Constraints from Sr Isotopic Compositions of Mafic Inclusions and their Hosts, with Detailed Petrologic Features of the Mafic
Hirotani S, Ban M & Nakagawa M
(2003) The Characteristics and Petrogenetic Relationship of Mixing End-Member Magmas from Shirataka Volcano, Moriyoshi Volcanic Zone
Hirotani S & Ban M
(2003) Origin of Calc-Alkaline Felsic Magmas in the Middle Part of Northeastern Japan – Petrology of the Takamatsu Volcano -
Ban M, Suga T, Wako A & Hirotani S

Hirowatari T. (2017) Recovery of Pristine Micrometeorites from Antarctic Snow Filed in Central Victoria Land
Lee JI, Tazawa K, Hirowatari T, Park CK, Lee MJ, Nakamura T & Baek J

Hirpa F. (2022) Modeling the Awash River Water Quality in Ethiopia: Impacts of Climate Change, Population Growth and Pollution Control
Jin L, Whitehead PG, Bussi G, Abebe Y, Hirpa F, Taye MT, Charles K & Hope R

Hirsch Antje (2019) Eu3+ Incorporation into Xenotime LnPO4: The Effect of Local Distortion on Long Term Stability
Schmidt M, Lösch H, Hirsch A, Holthausen J, Peters L, Xiao B, Neumeier S & Huittinen N
(2014) Phase Relations of the Solid Solutions Sm(Ca, Ce)PO4 and La(Sr, Ce)PO4
Neumann A, Hirsch A, Heuser J, Jung PC, Zaddach J, Neumeier S, Schlenz H, Bosbach D, Peters L & Roth G
(2013) Raman and IR Spectroscopy of Monazite-Type Ceramics for the Nuclear Waste Management
Heuser J, Bukaemskiy A, Neumeier S, Brandt F, Schlenz H, Dacheux N, Clavier N, Neumann A, Hirsch A & Bosbach D

Hirsch Astrid (2019) Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Chemical Modelling of a cement-Rock-Brine-CO2 System
Klose T, Chaparro C, Schilling F, Hirsch A & Blum P

Hirsch D. (2012) New Results from Metamorphic Nucleation Experiments
Hirsch D & Manning C
(2012) Determining Garnet Crystallization Kinetics from Growth Zoning and Mn-Calibrated Sm-Nd Ages at Townshend Dam, VT
Bloom R, Hirsch D, Dragovich B, Gatewood M, Baxter E & Stowell H
(2012) Constraining Dehydration Rates during Regional Metamorphism, Townshend Dam, Vermont, U.S.A
Dragovic B, Gatewood M, Baxter E, Stowell H, Hirsch D & Bloom R
(2010) Initial Results from an Experimental Study of Metamorphic Nucleation
Hirsch D & Manning C
(2008) Factors Affecting Porphyroblast Size along a Regional Metamorphic Field Gradient
Hirsch D
(2005) A Brief Retrospective of Bill Carlson‚s Work on Metamorphic Disequilibrium and Kinetics
Hirsch D
(2001) Causes of Variation in Porphyroblastic Textures along a Regional Metamorphic Field Gradient
Hirsch DM & Carlson WD

Hirsch T. (2016) Introducing GGIMFis – A New Sphalerite Geothermometer?
Frenzel M, Hirsch T & Gutzmer J

Hirschfeld M. (2007) Seasonal Variation of Oxygen and Organic Carbon Isotopes and Skeletal Aragonite from Unionidae in the Rhine River
Ricken W, Steuber T, Freitag H, Hirschfeld M, Erlenkeuser H, Kasper HU & Weber M

Hirschle C. (2022) Connecting Scales of Observation with Rapid micro-Xrf Elemental Characterization in the Earth and Environmental Sciences
Kelly NM, Hill T, Knapp JP, Tagle R, Menzies A, Reinhardt F & Hirschle C

Hirschmann Marc (2020) Primordial Magma Ocean Outgassing on Earth and Mars Recorded in D/H
Pahlevan K, Schaefer L & Hirschmann M
(2019) Devolatilization of Planetesimals Viewed from C/S Versus C Relations
Hirschmann M, Li J, Bergin T, Ciesla F & Blake G
(2019) Exosphere H2O/Ce, CO2/Nb, and CO2/Ba and Deep Earth Volatile Cycles
Hirschmann M
(2018) Ferric Iron Partitioning between Pyroxene and Melt during Partial Melting of the Earth's Upper Mantle
Rudra A & Hirschmann M
(2018) Storage of C in Olivine and Carbonated Melting in the MORB Source Region
Hirschmann M, Armstrong L & Hauri E
(2018) Carbon Volatility and the Implications for Carbon Supply to Terrestrial Worlds
Bergin E, Li J, Blake G, Ciesla F & Hirschmann M
(2017) Experimental Investigation of the Affect of Pressure on the Oxidation State of a Terrestrial Magma Ocean
Zhang H, Hirschmann M, Walter M, Lord O & Cottrell E
(2016) Redox Gradients in Metal-Saturated Magma Oceans
Hirschmann M & Zhang H
(2016) Hydrogen in Olivine – How it Influences Properties and Where it Resides in the Crystalline Structure
Kohlstedt D & Hirschmann M
(2016) C/N Fractionation during Mantle-Core Differentiation
Dalou C, Hirschmann M, Mosenfelder J, Von der Handt A & Armstrong L

Hirschmann Marc M (2022) Oxygen Fugacity Heterogeneity in the Ridge Mantle Caused by Recycling of Wedge Mantle Residue
Liu J, Rudra A & Hirschmann MM
(2021) Primordial Atmospheric Evolution Recorded in the Martian Mantle
Pahlevan K, Schaefer L & Hirschmann MM
(2021) Mantle Carbon Concentration: Still Essential, Still Unresolved. New Constraints and Considerations
Hirschmann MM

Hirschmann Marc M. (2015) C/H, C/N, and C/S Ratios of the Bulk Silicate Earth – Magma Ocean Processing and the Origin of Earth’s Major Volatiles
Hirschmann M
(2015) Ingredients for a Habitable Earth: Tracing C/N Ratios from Interstellar Space Through Planet Formation
Bergin E, Blake G, Ciesla F, Hirschmann M & Li J
(2014) Sulfide Melting at 1-8 GPa
Zhang Z & Hirschmann M
(2014) Reduced COHN Volatile Speciation and Solubility in Basaltic Melt: Terrestrial Volcanism, Atmospheric Evolution and Deep C Cycling
Armstrong L, Hirschmann M, Stanley B, Falksen E & Jacobsen S
(2014) The Role of Trapped Liquid in Magma Ocean Processing of Major Volatiles
Hirschmann M & Hier-Majumder S
(2013) Deep Time: How did the Early Earth Become our Modern World?
Hirschmann M
(2013) H in Garnet: Implications for Upper Mantle H2O Storage Capacity
Withers A & Hirschmann M
(2013) Effect or Pressure on Oxygen Fugacities in Magma Oceans
Zhang H & Hirschmann M
(2012) Stability of Reduced Carbon in the Mantle
Hastings P, Withers A & Hirschmann M
(2012) Magma Ocean Influence on Early Atmosphere Composition and Mass
Hirschmann M & Zhang H
(2011) Partitioning of First-Row Transition Elements between Peridotite and Melt
Davis F, Humayun M, Hirschmann M & Cooper R
(2011) Methane Solubility Under Reduced Conditions in a Haplobasaltic Liquid, Applicable to Degassing of Magma Ocean
Ardia P, Withers AC, Hirschmann MM & Hervig RL
(2011) Quantification of H in Olivine: Direct Calibration of FTIR and SIMS by ERDA
Withers A, Hirschmann M, Bureau H & Raepsaet C
(2010) P Dependence of V Coordination in Glasses and V Oxybarometry
Ardia P & Hirschmann MM
(2010) Library of Experimental Phase Relations (LEPR): Status, Prospects, Challenges
Hirschmann M, Ghiorso M & Nielsen R
(2010) A Somewhat Biased Overview of Lithologically-Heterogeneous Sources of Oceanic Basalts
Hirschmann M & Davis F
(2010) H2O Storage Capacity of Olivine from 5-13 GPa. Consequences for Dehydration Melting Above the Transition Zone
Tenner T, Ardia P, Hirschmann M & Withers A
(2009) Partial Melts in the Seismic Low Velocity Zone
Hirschmann M
(2008) Understanding Dehydration Melting of a Nominally Anhydrous Mantle: The Primacy of Partitioning
Hirschmann M, Tenner T & Aubaud C
(2008) H/C Ratios and Earth’s Deep Volatile Cycles. A Role for Reduced Carbon?
Hirschmann M
(2007) Carbonatite-Mantle Interaction in the Formation of Highly Alkalic Oceanic Island Basalts
Hirschmann M & Dasgupta R
(2006) Melting induced extraction of C-O-H volatiles at mid-ocean ridges
Dasgupta R & Hirschmann M
(2005) A New Calibration of H Measurements by SIMS in Glasses and Nominally Anhydrous Minerals: Application to Experimental Determinations of H Partitioning
Aubaud C, Withers A, Hirschmann M, Guan Y, Leshin L, Mackwell S & Bell D
(2005) Near-Solidus Melt Compositions from Natural Carbonated Lherzolite
Dasgupta R, Hirschmann M & Withers A
(2005) Experimental Determination of Hydrogen Partitioning between Melts and Nominally Anhydrous Minerals: Consequences for Melting and H Storage Capacity in the Upper Mantle
Aubaud C, Hirschmann M & Withers A
(2004) Water Partition Coefficients between Nominally Anhydrous Minerals and Basaltic Melts
Aubaud C, Hauri E & Hirschmann M
(2003) Partial Melting of Heterogeneous Mantle in OIB Source Regions
Hirschmann M & Kogiso T
(2003) Major-Element Diversity of Ocean Island Basalts: Constraints from Melting Phase Relations of Pyroxenite
Kogiso T, Pertermann M & Hirschmann M
(2002) A Flux-Ingrowth Model for Melt Generation in Mantle Wedges
Hirschmann M & Thomas R
(2001) Hydrogen Analyses of H2O-Saturated Mantle Minerals Using SIMS and FTIR
Koga KT, Hauri EH & Hirschmann MM
(2001) Are Ultra-Calcic Liquids Fractional Melts of Harzburgite? Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Considerations
Hirschmann M & Kogiso T
(2000) Application of MELTS to Pyroxenite Partial Melting in Basalt Source Regions
Hirschmann M & Pertermann M

Hirschorn S (2004) A New Procedure to Evaluate Isotope Fractionation in Contaminants
Elsner M, Hirschorn S, Zwank L, Hunkeler D, Sherwood Lollar B & Schwarzenbach R
(2004) Effect of Degradation Pathway on Isotopic Fractionation during Aerobic Biodegradation of 1, 2-Dichloroethane
Hirschorn S, Dinglasan M, Elsner M, Mancini S, Lacrampe- Couloume G, Edwards E & Sherwood Lollar B

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