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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Hirata Takafumi (2023) Micron-Resolution Trace Element Imaging Analysis Utilising Multiple-Spot Femtosecond Laser ablation-Icp-Mass Spectrometry
Niki S, Sawaki Y, Komiya T & Hirata T
(2023) Elemental Analysis on Individual Nanoparticles in Meteorites Using ICP Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometry
Kurihara K, Nakazato M, Akamune M & Hirata T

Hirata Takafumi (2022) Distribution of Rare-Earth Elements in Fine-Grained Calcium and Aluminum-Rich Inclusions from Allende Meteorite
Masuda Y, Niki S, Hirata T & Yokoyama T
(2022) In situ U-Th Disequilibrium Dating of Quaternary Zircon Samples Utilising Multiple-Spot Femtosecond Laser ablation-Icp-Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
Niki S, Kosugi S, Iwano H, Danhara T & Hirata T

Hirata Takafumi (2020) Origin and Evolution of Distinct Isotopic Variabilities for Sr, Mo, and Nd within CC and NC Reservoirs
Yokoyama T, Fukai R, Nagai Y & Hirata T
(2020) Elemental Analysis of Individual Nanograins in Meteorites by ICP-TOF-MS
Nakazato M, Yamashita S & Hirata T
(2020) Assessments of the Effects by Mass-Dependent Fractionation for 142Nd Compositions in Archean Rocks
Fukai R, Asanuma H, Komiya T, Yokoyama T & Hirata T
(2020) A Two Stage P-T-T History of the Sanbagawa Metamorphic Terrane Constrained by Grossular U–Pb Geochronology
Niki S, Yoshida K, Sawada H, Oyanagi R & Hirata T

Hirata Takafumi (2018) Petrogenesis of a Unique Shergottite Zagami: Implications from REE Signature of Pyroxene
Tobita M, Makino Y, Okabayashi S, Usui T, Niihara T, Misawa K, Hirata T, Yokoyama T & Moriwaki R

Hirata Takafumi (2019) Oxidation States of Fe and Inclusions in Olivine from Esquel Pallasite
Ejima T, Yoneyama A, Kon Y, Akasaka M, Yoshida K & Hirata T
(2019) Synthesis of U and Pb-Doped Calcite: A Novel Reference Material for in situ U–Pb Dating of Carbonates
Miyajima Y, Saito A, Kagi H, Yokoyama T, Hirata T, Roberts N & Horstwood M

Hirata Takahumi (2016) Petrography of a Unique Type a CAI Evolved by Multiple Heating
Yoneyama S, Hirata T & Itoh S

Hirata Godoy L. (2015) Phosphorus Geochemical Mobility in the Ariranha Stream Basin, Poços de Caldas Volcanic Caldera, Brazil
de Souza Sardinha D, Gonçalves Carvalho F & Hirata Godoy L
(2014) Rare Earth Elements Distribution in Weathering Profiles from Corumbataí Formation, São Paulo, Brazil
Hirata Godoy L, Margarita Torres Moreno M & de Souza Sardinha D
(2014) Pedoestratigraphic Analysis by Geochemical Mobility of an Alkaline Rock from Poços de Caldas Volcanic Caldera, Brazil
de Souza Sardinha D, Hirata Godoy L & Margarita Torres Moreno M

Hirayama T. (2020) The Contribution of Crust to the Genesis of Rhyolitic Magma from the Hime-Shima Volcanic Group
Hirayama T, Shibata T & Yoshikawa M

Hirayama Y. (2016) Estimation of Water Seepage from an Active Crater Lake of the Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan Using Radiocesium as a Hydrological Tracer
Hirayama Y, Okawa A, Nakamachi K, Murakami K, Imagawa S, Okada Y, Oi T, Hirose K & Kikawada Y

Hirel P. (2021) Hydrogen Isotopic Exchange Experiments in Mantle Xenoliths Indicate Rapid δD Equilibrium with Magma
Thomaidis K, Ingrin J & Hirel P
(2021) Grain Boundary Complexions in Minerals
Hirel P, Carrez P & Cordier P

Hirmas Daniel (2022) Evidence for Rapid and Wide-Spread Root-Induced Soil Structural Changes in Response to Land Use
Guthrie AV, Hirmas D, Sullivan PL, Singha K, Flores A, Nippert J, Li L, Wen H, Ajami H & Billings S
(2021) Do Root-Regolith-Rock Interactions Govern Critical Zone-Climate Feedbacks over Decades to Centuries?
Sullivan PL, Billings S, Li L, Nippert J, Wen H, Zhang X, Moreno V, Sadayappan K, Keen R, Hirmas D, Flores A, Murenbeeld K, Barnard H, Singha K & Ajami H

Hirmas Daniel R. (2014) Recharge in the High Plains Aquifer: Physical and Chemical Data
Stotler RL, Katz BS, Butler JJ, Whittemore DO, Reboulet EC, Hirmas DR, Smith JJ & Ludvigson GA

Hirner A.V. (2000) Biomethylation Processes Contributing to Geochemical Cycling of Metal(loid)s
Hirner AV & Hahn-Weinheimer P

Hirniak J. (2021) Discovery of the Youngest Toba Tuff in South Africa; Challenges of Extremely Low Abundance Cryptotephra
Smith E, Johnsen R, Ren M, Hirniak J, Fisher E, Campisano C & Marean C

Hiroaki I. (2011) Trace Element Geochemistry of Soils in Fluoride-Rich Shallow Groundwater Sites in Sri Lanka
Jayawardana DT, Pitawala A & Hiroaki I

Hiroaki O. (2015) Evidence of Subsolidus Oxidation for Olivine Phenocrysts in Apparently Unaltered Basalt Lava
Ejima T, Masahide A, Takashi N & Hiroaki O

Hiroi T. (2014) Reproduction of Space Weathering of C-Type Asteroids by Laser Heating Experiments of Murchison CM2 Chondrite
Matsuoka M, Nakamura T, Kimura Y, Hiroi T, Nakamura R, Okumura S & Sasaki S
(2014) Compositional Diversity of the Vestan Regolith Derived from Howardite Compositions and Dawn VIR Spectra
Mittlefehldt DW, Ammannito E, Hiroi T, De Angelis S, Moriarty DP, Di Iorio T, Pieters CM & De Sanctis MC
(2010) Lunar Space Weathering via Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation
Kuhlman K, Garrison D, Hiroi T & Pieters C

Hiroi Y. (2016) U-Pb Zircon Geochronology in Western Part of the Rayner Complex, East Antarctica
Horie K, Hokada T, Motoyoshi Y, Shiraishi K, Hiroi Y & Takehara M
(2013) Experimental Studies of Partial Melting at the Contact between Limestone and Pelitic Gneiss
Kato M, Hiroi Y & Arima M
(2007) Raman and Cathodoluminescence (CL) Study of Zircon Inclusions Derived from Gfohl Felsic Rocks in the Moldanubian Zone, Czech Republic
Kobayashi T, Hirajima T, Hiroi Y & Svojtka M

Hironaka Y. (2016) Impact-Induced Winter Caused by Sulfuric Acid Aerosol Made from the K/Pg Bolide
Ohno S, Sakaiya T, Kadono T, Kurosawa K, Yabuta H, Shigemori K, Hironaka Y, Matsui T & Sugita S
(2014) Impact–driven Ocean Acidification as a Mechanism of K–Pg Mass Extinctions
Ohno S, Kadono T, Kurosawa K, Hamura T, Sakaiya T, Shigemori K, Hironaka Y, Sano T, Watari T, Otani K, Matsui T & Sugita S

Hirono T. (2019) Tectono-Geochemical Characteristics of Faults in the Shallow Portion of an Accretionary Prism
Hirono T
(2016) Undergraduate Education in Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry at Osaka University, Japan
Yabuta H, Kondo T, Nakashima S, Sasaki S, Shibai H, Terada K, Toyoda M, Hirono T, Hisatomi O, Saiki K, Terasaki H, Uyeda C, Yamanaka C, Aoki J, Hashizume K, Kawai Y, Sakaiya T & Tani A
(2014) Physicochemical Processes of Minerals during and after Earthquake Slip: An Example from the Taiwan Chelungpu Fault
Hirono T, Kameda J, Tanikawa W & Ishikawa T

Hirono Y. (2013) Concentration and Isotopic Analysis of Soil Gas N2O in a Japanese Tea Field
Zou Y, Hirono Y, Yanai Y, Hattori S, Toyoda S & Yoshida N

Hirosawa E. (2006) Persistent Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in rivers of Southern part of Okinawa, Japan.
Imo T, Hirosawa E, Mohammed Ali S, Oomori T & Tamaki F

Hirose K (2006) Unsolved problems in the lowermost mantle
Hirose K, Karato S, Cormier V, Brodholt J & Yuen D
(2006) The sharpness and compositional effects on post-perovskite phase transition
Ohta K, Hirose K, Sata N & Ohishi Y
(2005) Metal-Organic Matter Interaction: Ligands as a Functional Group in Oceanic DOM
Hirose K
(2003) Zircons from Chromitites in Luobusa Ophiolite, Tibet
Yamamoto S, Komiya T, Hirose K & Maruyama S
(2003) Reduction of Ionic Diffusivity Through Thin-Film and Nano Pore Water in Geomaterials
Hirono T, Nakashima S & Spiers C
(2003) Geochemical Consequences of Core-Mantle Thermal and Chemical Interactions
Hirose K
(2001) Spinel and Post-Spinel Transitions in the Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4 Binary Using in situ Pressure Determinations: Implications for the Earth’s Mantle
Minarik WG, Fei Y, Hirose K, Li J, Van Orman J, Walter M & Funakoshi K
(2001) SHRIMP U-Pb and Re-Os Dating of Mantle UHP Minerals from the Luobusha Chromitite, South Tibet
Yang JS, Bai WJ, Wu CL, Hirata T, Maruyama S, Hirose K & Liou JG

Hirose Katsumi (2014) Chemical Forms of Radioactive Cs in Recent Airborne Particulate Matters in Japan
Hirose M, Nakamachi K, Kikawada Y, Oi T, Honda T & Hirose K
(2014) Strontium, Lithium and Lead Isotope Ratios in Atmospheric Deposits in Fukuoka, Southwest Japan in the 1960s
Kikawada Y, Matsumoto Y, Karasawa N, Akamine T, Oi T & Hirose K
(2014) Environmental Impact of the Fukushima Accident: Past and Present
Hirose K
(2013) Can Radioactive Cesium be Used as a Hydrological Tracer for Crater Lake Study?
Kikawada Y, Okawa A, Nakamachi K, Honda T, Oi T & Hirose K
(2012) Reassessment of the Dispersion of Uranium Originating from Nuclear Test Explosions Across East Asia Through the Atmosphere
Kikawada Y, Matsumoto Y, Oi T, Nomura M & Hirose K
(2011) Seasonal and Temporal Variations of Uranium Isotope Ratio in Atmospheric Deposits in Japan
Kikawada Y, Yamauchi R, Nomura M, Oi T & Hirose K
(2009) Depleted Uranium found in Japanese Reference Fallout Material for Activity Measurements
Kikawada Y, Oda K, Yamauchi R, Nomura M, Honda T, Hirose K & Oi T
(2008) Uranium Isotope Ratios in Atmospheric Deposits in Japan
Kikawada Y, Oda K, Nomura M, Honda T, Oi T & Hirose K

Hirose Katsumi (2016) Estimation of Water Seepage from an Active Crater Lake of the Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan Using Radiocesium as a Hydrological Tracer
Hirayama Y, Okawa A, Nakamachi K, Murakami K, Imagawa S, Okada Y, Oi T, Hirose K & Kikawada Y

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