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Hinz Christoph (2011) Tracing Sedimentary Pyrite Oxidation during Managed Aquifer Recharge
Seibert S, Skrzypek G, Descourvieres C, Hinz C & Prommer H
(2010) In situ Neutralisation of Bauxite Residue ('Red Mud') by Cross Layer Leaching with Carbonated Mud
Santini T, Hinz C, Rate A, Gilkes RJ & Carter C

Hinz D. (2017) Soot Induced Reduction of Fe(III) and Production of H2O2
Johansen A, Casique H, Hinz D, Reddy A, Rodriguez J & Rodriguez J

Hinz I. (2023) Exploring Banded Iron Formation Diagenesis Through Experimental Simulations
Johnson JE, Nims C & Hinz I
(2021) Determining Signals of Early Iron-Cycling Life Through Process-Based Experiments
Johnson JE, Hinz I, Templeton A, Nims C & Zhou A
(2019) Experimental Insights into the Formation of Iron-Rich Clays on Early Earth and Mars
Johnson J, Hinz I, Templeton A, Theuer S & Ellison E

Hinzman L. (2016) Will Boreal Ecosystems Become Wetter or Drier in Response to a Warming Climate
Hinzman L
(2016) Understory CO2, Sensible Heat, and Latent Heat Fluxes in a Black Spruce Forest in Interior Alaska
Ikawa H, Nakai T, Busey R, Kim Y, Kobayashi H, Nagai S, Ueyama M, Saito K, Nagano H, Suzuki R & Hinzman L

Hioki N. (2016) Transport of Trace Metals (Mn, Fe, Ni, Zn and Cd) in the Western Arctic Ocean in Late Summer 2012
Kondo Y, Obata H, Hioki N, Ooki A, Nishino S, Kikuchi T & Kuma K

Hiorth A. (2017) AFM Study of the Adhesion of Calcite Surfaces in NaCl Solutions
Javadi S, Røyne A & Hiorth A
(2011) The Effect of Sulfate Adsorption on the Cation Exchange Capacity of High Porosity Chalks
Megawati M, Hiorth A & Madland MV
(2011) Mechanical Instabilities Induced by Sulfate Adsorption
Megawati M, Hiorth A & Madland MV
(2011) A Study on the Effect of Pore Geometry on Mineral Changes
Pedersen J, Jettestuen E, Vinningland JL, Madland M, Cathles L & Hiorth A

Hipkin V. (2012) Electron Microprobe and LA-ICP-MS Analyses of Ilmenite from Lunar Samples
Morisset C-E, Jackson S, Williamson M-C, Hipkin V & Tait K

Hippe K. (2019) Tracing Sedimentary Processes in Rapidly Eroding Settings with Paired Cosmogenic in situ 14C and 10Be
Lupker M, Hippe K, Wacker L, Haghipour N, Blard P-H & Lavé J
(2019) Status of the in situ 14C Extraction System at CEREGE (Aix-En-Provence, France)
Ermini M, Schimmelpfennig I, Keddadouche K, Tuna T, Bard E, Lupker M, Hippe K & Benedetti L
(2018) Cosmogenic 3He-10Be-14C Dating Quantifies Alpine Climate Response to Global Warming
Guralnik B, Tremblay M, Phillips M, Gribenski N, Valla P, Hippe K & Shuster DL
(2013) Complex in situ Cosmogenic 10Be-14C Data Suggest Mid-Holocene Climate Change on the Bolivian Altiplano
Hippe K, Kober F, Ivy-Ochs S, Lupker M, Wacker L, Christl M & Wieler R
(2009) Short and Long-Term Denudation Rates at the Altiplano Margin, La Paz Region, Bolivia
Hippe K, Kober F, Zeilinger G, Ivy-Ochs S, Kubik P & Wieler R
(2008) Performance of the ETH Zurich in situ 14C Extraction Line
Hippe K, Kober F, Baur H, Wacker L & Wieler R

Hippler Dorothee (2015) Si Stable Isotope Evidence for Ecosystem Engineering as Driver for the Late Neoproterozoic Ocean Oxygenation
Tatzel M, von Blanckenburg F, Oelze M, Bouchez J & Hippler D
(2015) A FTIR and Raman Spectroscopic Study on Sedimentary Apatites from the PC-C Boundary: A Case Study on Central and South Asian Phosphorites
Stammeier JA, Konrad F, Hippler D & Dietzel M
(2015) Why are Sedimentary Dolomites Disordered and Metastable?
Baldermann A, Deditius AP, Dietzel M, Fichtner V, Fischer C, Hippler D, Leis A, Nickel C, Mavromatis V & Strauss H
(2015) Ambiguous Pore Plugging during Geothermal Reinjection: 3D-Sandstone Characterization and Experimental Simulations
Petschacher N, Hippler D, Böchzelt B & Dietzel M
(2015) Microstructural and Microchemical Signatures Derived from Hydrothermal Alteration of Arctica islandica Aragonite, Terebratalia Transversa Calcite
Griesshaber E, Casella L, Purgstaller B, Hippler D, Mavromatis V, Dietzl M, Immenhauser A & Schmahl WW
(2014) REE Abundances in Ediacaran to Early Cambrian Phosphate Deposits, Yangtze Platform (South China) by LA-ICPMS
Hippler D, Klügel A, Guo Q & Franz G
(2014) Lowermost Cambrian Phosphorites from the Malyi Karatau, Kazakhstan
Hippler D, Heubeck C, Steiner M & Franz G
(2013) REE and Trace Element Patterns Across the Ediacaran-Cambrian Transition, South China
Guo Q, Deng Y, Strauss H, Hippler D, Franz G & Zhu G
(2012) Trace Element Abundances in Doushantuo Cap Dolostones from Platform and Slope Settings, Yangtze Platform, South China
Hohl S, Becker H, Hippler D & Baro W
(2012) Primary Origin vs. Redistribution of Trace Elements by Fluid Flow in Slope Facies Ediacaran Carbonate Rocks from the Yangtze Platform (South China)
Becker H, Baero W, Quiring M, Hammerschmidt K, Wiechert U & Hippler D
(2011) Rare Earth Elements of Precambrian-Cambrian Phosphorites from the Yangtze Platform (S. China)
Hippler D & Franz G

Hippler Dorothee (2004) A Ghost Haunts Mass Spectrometry: Real Isotope Fractionation or Analytical Paradox?
Hippler D, Villa I, Nägler T & Kramers J
(2004) D44/40Ca in the Planktonic Foraminifer N. Pachyderma (Sin.): A New Proxy for the Reconstruction of Past Sea Surface Temperatures
Kozdon R, Eisenhauer A, Sarnthein M, Weinelt M, Fietzke J, Gussone N & Hippler D
(2002) D44Ca in N. Pachy (Left): A New SST-Proxy in Polar Regions
Hippler D, Gussonne N, Darling K, Eisenhauer A & Nägler T
(2002) Seasonal Variations in a “greenhouse” Earth: Cretaceous Coastal Sea-Surface Temperatures Inferred from 18O/16O, Mg/Ca and 44Ca/40Ca Ratios
Immenhauser A, N‰gler T, Steuber T & Hippler D

Hippler Dorothee (2019) Calcium Isotope Record of the Late Triassic
Kovács Z, Demangel I, Richoz S, Schmitt A-D, Gangloff S, Hippler D & Krystyn L

Hippler Dorothee (2017) Scale-Fragment Accumulations Blocking Geothermal Energy Extraction – Interacting Steel Sulfide Corrosion and Calcite Crystallization
Boch R, Dietzel M, Haslinger E, Goldbrunner J, Mittermayr F, Fröschl H, Hippler D & Leis A
(2017) Experimental CaCO3 Scaling of Different Substrate Materials: Unravelling the Effects of Temperature, Corrosion, Crystal Nucleation and Growth
Hippler D, Simic S & Boch R
(2017) Cambrian Phosphorites as an Archive of the Bio-Geochemical Evolution during the Cambrian Explosion – A Coupled Isotope Investigation
Stammeier JA, Hippler D, Nebel O, Leis A & Dietzel M

Hippler Dorthee (2023) Silicon Isotope Fractionation during the Formation of Amorphous Hydroxyaluminosilicates and Hydrous Ferric Silicate Phases
Stamm FM, Baldermann A, Frick DA, Eichinger S, Hippler D, von Blanckenburg F & Dietzel M
(2021) Magnesium Isotopes as a Paleo-Proxy for Enhanced Crustal Reworking during the Precambrian-Cambrian Transition – A Case Study from Lowermost Cambrian Sedimentary Rocks from Koksu, Kazakhstan
Stammeier JA, Hippler D, Dietzel M, Nebel O, Leis A, Grengg C, Mittermayr F & Kasemann SA

Hipsey Matt (2007) Coupled Biological, Geochemical and Physical Processes in Acidic Mine Lakes: Model Development and Application
Salmon U, Oldham C & Hipsey M

Hipsey Matthew (2015) Ecological and Biogeochemical Controls on Blooms of Cyanobacteria
Cook P, Scicluna T, Woodland R, Grace M, Kessler A, Hipsey M, McCowan A & Zhu Y

Hirabayashi J. (2003) 18O/16O Ratio of Sulfate in Acidic Hot Spring Waters from Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan for the Estimation of Cooling Rate of the Water
Ohba T, Mizuhashi S, Hirabayashi J, Nogami K & Kusakabe M

Hirabayashi M (2003) Analysis of Chemical Species of Airborne Particles Collected at Roadsides with Heavy Traffic
Hirabayashi M, Matsuo M, Kobayashi S, Tanabe K & Nomura M

Hirabayashi Motohiro (2016) Chemical Concentrations and Fractionations during Formation of Frost Flower on Sea Ice
Matoba S, Hara K, Yamasaki T & Hirabayashi M
(2008) Mineral Dust Fluxes over the Last 340kyr Derived from the Dome Fuji Ice Core
Suzuki T, Sato H, Yui S, Hirabayashi M & Fujii Y

Hirabayashi S. (2016) Δ14C Variability of the Kuroshio Region Reconstructed from Corals
Hirabayashi S, Yokoyama Y, Suzuki A, Miyairi Y & Aze T

Hiraga T. (2003) Partitioning of Elements between Olivine Grain Matrices and Grain Boundaries in Mantle Rocks – The Importance of Grain Boundaries for Storage of Trace Elements
Hiraga T, Anderson I & Kohlstedt D

Hirahara Y. (2016) Possible Carbonated Melts from a Mantle Plume; A Study of Raivavae
Hanyu T, Kawabata H, Kimura J-I, Miyazaki T, Senda R, Chang Q, Hirahara Y, Takahashi T, Vaglarov B & Tatsumi Y
(2016) Geochemical Variations in Japan Sea Back-Arc Basin Basalts Formed by High-Temperature Adiabatic Melting of Mantle Metasomatized by Sediment Subduction Components
Hirahara Y, Kimura J-I, Senda R, Miyazaki T, Kawabata H, Takahashi T, Chang Q, Vaglarov BS, Sato T & Kodaira S
(2016) Origin of Bowers Ridge and its Oligocene Adakitic/Normal Arc Magmatism
Kawabata H, Sato K, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Senda R, Takahashi T, Hirahara Y, Miyazaki T & Scholl DW
(2016) Genetic Relationship between Tholeiitic and Calc-Alkaline Suite Magmas at Chokai Volcano in the NE Japan Rear-Arc
Takahashi T, Hirahara Y, Kimura J-I, Chang Q, Ban M, Tatsumi Y & Nakano S
(2011) A Possible Mantle Plume Source in the Lower Mantle; Evidence from Polynesian HIMU
Hanyu T, Tatsumi Y, Senda R, Miyazaki T, Chang Q, Hirahara Y, Takahashi T, Kawabata H, Suzuki K, Kimura J-I & Nakai S
(2011) Mantle Diapir or Mantle Wedge Plume of NW Rota-1 Volcano, Mariana Arc
Tamura Y, Ishizuka O, Stern R, Shukuno H, Kawabata H, Embley R, Hirahara Y, Chang Q, Kimura J, Tatsumi Y, Nunokawa A & Bloomer S
(2008) Calc-Alkalic vs. Tholeiitic Revisited: A Radical View of Andesite Genesis
Tatsumi Y, Takahashi T, Hirahara Y, Miyazaki T, Chang Q, Kimura J-I, Ban M & Sakayori A
(2006) Calc-alkalic vs. tholeiitic series revisited: new insight from isotopic micro-analyses of plagioclase phenocrysts
Tatsumi Y, Takahashi T & Hirahara Y

Hirai H. (2016) Phase Changes of Hydrogen and Deuterated Hydrates Induced by Guest Orientational Ordering
Hirai H, Kagawa S, Kadobayashi H, Hirao N, Ohishi Y, Yagi T & Yamamoto Y
(2016) Experimental Study on the Stability and Decomposition Mechanism of Methane Hydrate Under High Pressure and High Temperature
Kadobayashi H, Ohfuji H, Hirai H, Ohtake M & Yamamoto Y

Hirai Ken'ichi (2002) Mg Isotopic Compositions of W-L and Accretionary Rims of CAIs
Ushikubo T, Hirai K & Hiyagon H

Hirai Kenta (2011) Evidence of Lime-CO2 Evolution and Priming Effect of Agricultural Liming
Dumale, Jr. W, Miyazaki T, Hirai K, Nishimura T & Imoto H

Hirai M. (2016) Niche Separation of Marine Thaumarchaeotes from the Seasurface to the Hadal Ocean
Nunoura T, Takaki Y, Minegishi H, Hirai M, Shuto A, Stepanauskas R & Takai K
(2011) Linking Nitrogen Isotope Systematics and Microbiology in a Subsurface Geothermal Water Stream, Hishikari Gold Mine, Japan
Nishizawa M, Koba K, Makabe A, Yoshida N, Hirai M, Miyazaki J, Nunoura T & Takai K

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