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Hinde J.C. (2021) Precious Metal Systematics during Mantle Metasomatism and its Implications for Crustal Ore Forming Processes
Hinde JC, Pearson DG & Legros H

Hindersmann I. (2011) Release of Trace Metals in Soil Suspensions as Affected by Redox Potential and Temperature
Hindersmann I & Mansfeldt T
(2009) Iron Isotope Fractionation in Soil Suspensions at Controlled Redox Conditions
Schuth S, Mansfeldt T, Overesch M, Greef K, Hindersmann I & Münker C

Hinds J. (2005) Field Evidence for Unstable Thermal-Convective Transport in a Fault Controlled Geothermal System
Fairley J, Hinds J & Zakrajsek JR

Hindshaw Ruth (2019) Marine Precipitates as a Significant Source of REEs in the Mackenzie River
Larkin C, Tipper E, Hindshaw R, Piotrowski A & Hilton R
(2017) Synthesis of Layer Silicate Minerals by Co-precipitation: A Tool for Systematic Isotope Fractionation Studies
Tosca R, Hindshaw R, Tosca N & Tipper E
(2017) Linking Isotope Fractionation and Secondary Mineral Formation in Field and Laboratory Settings
Tipper E & Hindshaw R
(2017) Li and Mg Isotope Fractionation during Clay Mineral Formation
Hindshaw R, Tosca R, Tosca N & Tipper E
(2015) Suspended Sediment and its Potential Impact on Dissolved Metal Stable Isotope Ratios
Hindshaw R
(2015) Constraints on the Incongruent Weathering of Hf Isotopes in the Leverett and Russell Catchments, West Greenland
Rickli J, Hindshaw R, Leuthold J, Burton K & Vance D

Hindshaw Ruth S (2013) Combining Radiogenic and Stable Ca Isotopes to Explore Sub-Glacial Weathering Reactions
Hindshaw R, Bourdon B, Rickli J & Wadham J
(2012) Stable Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Basaltic Catchments (Iceland)
Hindshaw RS, Reynolds BC, Burton KW & Bourdon B
(2011) Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Alpine Plants
Hindshaw R, Reynolds B, Wiederhold J, Kretzschmar R & Bourdon B
(2010) Silicate Weathering and Si Isotope Fractionation in a Glacial, Granitic Catchment
Reynolds B, Lemarchand E, Hindshaw R, Tipper E & Bourdon B
(2009) Seasonal Stream Water Chemistry at the Damma Glacier, Switzerland
Hindshaw RS, Reynolds BC, Wiederhold JG, Kretzschmar R & Bourdon B
(2009) Process-Related Mg Isotope Fractionation during a Seasonal Cycle in a Granitic Catchment
Tipper E, Lemarchand E, Hindshaw R & Bourdon B
(2009) Li Isotope Fractionation in Surface Waters of an Alpine Granitic Catchment
Lemarchand E, Tipper ET, Hindshaw R, Wiederhold JG, Reynolds BC, Bourdon B & Kretzschmar R
(2008) Calcium Isotope Variations at the Damma Glacier, Switzerland
Hindshaw R, Reynolds B, Bourdon B, Wiederhold J & Kretzschmar R

Hines A. (2014) δ15N in Crassostrea virginica Shells as a Potential Paleoenvironmental Proxy for Nitrogen Loading in Chesapeake Bay
Black H, Andrus F, Rick T & Hines A

Hines B. (2017) Diagenesis of Calcite in Early Paleogene Foraminifera: Implications for Mg/Ca Paleothermometry
Hines B

Hines M. (2005) Mercury Transformations in Mine Wastes and Natural Habitats Adjacent to Abandoned Mercury Mines
Hines M & Gray J

Hines Sophia (2019) Changes in Glacial Overturning Circulation Structure Based on Neodymium Isotope Measurements from the Cape Basin
Hines S, Hemming S, Charles C, Hall I & Goldstein S
(2017) Intermediate Water Temperature and Radiocarbon Records from the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean Across the most Recent Glacial Termination
Hines S, Eiler J & Adkins J
(2015) Nutrient and pH Dynamics of Intermediate Depth Southern Ocean Waters during the Last Glacial and Interglacial Period
Anagnostou E, Stewart J, Sherrell R, Adkins J, Hines S & Foster G
(2014) Time Series of Radiocarbon in Southern Ocean Intermediate Water for the Past 30, 000 Years
Hines S, Southon J & Adkins J

Hines Sophia K.V. (2021) New Measurements and Compilation Provide a 25, 000 Year View of Global Deep-Sea Radiocarbon
Rafter P(, Gray WR, Burke A, Costa K, Gottschalk J, Hain M, Hines SKV, Rae JWB, Southon J & Devries T
(2021) Differences in Water Mass Geometry in the Atlantic Ocean during the Holocene and the Last Interglacial Period
Gottschalk J, Pöppelmeier F, Blaser P, Gutjahr M, Hines SKV, Skinner LC, Waelbroeck C & Lippold J

Hinestrosa G. (2015) Ice Sheet Surge and 25 M Rapid Sea Level Rise at YD 13, 000 Years ago
Esat T, Thomas A, Yokoyama Y, Webster J, Braga J, Humblet M, Potts D, Iryu Y, Thompson B, Fallon S & Hinestrosa G

Hingerl F. (2017) A Field-Scale Streamline-Based Reactive Transport Simulator for Low-Salinity Flooding
Hingerl F, Batycky R & Thiele M
(2016) Biologically Induced Mineralization for Subsurface Grouting
Minto J, Hingerl F, El Mountassir G, Lunn R & Benson S
(2016) Hydrologic and Geochemical Responses to CO2 Injection in Basalts Based on Flow-Through Experiments
Thomas D, Hingerl F, Maher K, Garing C, Bird D & Benson S
(2011) Development of an Aqueous Activity Model for Geothermal Conditions
Hingerl F, Wagner T, Kulik D, Kosakowski G & Driesner T
(2010) Enhanced Geothermal Systems: Influence of Thermodynamic Data and Activity Models on Predicted Mineral Precipitation-Dissolution Reactions
Hingerl FF, Wagner T, Kulik D, Driesner T, Kosakowski G & Thomsen K

Hinirchs K-U. (2016) Calibrating Basin Models of the Rapidly Buried, Microbially Active, Shimokita Coalbeds to Model a Deep Biosphere over Deep Geological Time
Bowden S, Lin Y, Morono Y, Morita S, Tanikawa W, Yamada Y, Kubo Y, Inagaki F & Hinirchs K-U

Hinke H. (2002) Tracking Contamination in Felsic Magma Chambers with d18-O of Magmatic Garnet and Zircon
Lackey JS, Hinke H & Valley J

Hinkel K. (2013) Sequestration of Labile Organic Carbon in Alaskan Permafrost Soils
Mueller CW, Kao-Kniffin J, Rethemeyer J, Löppmann S, Hinkel K & Bockheim J

Hinkle Margaret A. G. (2015) Contrasting Effects on Trace Element Fate of Iron and Manganese Oxide Transformations Induced by Electron Transfer Reactions
Catalano JG & Hinkle MAG

Hinkle Margaret A.G. (2022) Improving Coal Mine Drainage Remediation Methods to More Rapidly and Effectively Remediate Manganese with a Dual 'Myco-Zeo' System
Teagle SG, Harrison SC, Nguyen G & Hinkle MAG
(2022) Identifying the Dominant Controls on Mn Concentrations in Springs and Groundwater Wells Across the Shenandoah Valley, VA USA
Hinkle MAG, Croy M, Culbertson H, Goldmann C, Willis N, Roquemore MG & Lyon EC
(2018) Biogenic Mn Oxide Influences on Metal(loid) Contaminants
Santelli C, Hinkle MA, Rosenfeld C, Roepke E & Chaput D
(2018) Mycogenic Biogeochemistry: Simultaneous Manganese Oxidation and Selenium Reduction in Oxic Systems
Rosenfeld C, Hinkle MA & Santelli C
(2018) Mycogenic Manganese Oxide Structural Changes and Nickel Incorporation with Aging
Hinkle M, Rosenfeld C, Post J & Santelli C
(2018) Reduction of Layered Manganese Oxide Nanoparticles by Small Organic Acids and the Impact on Trace Metal Fate
Catalano JG, Flynn ED & Hinkle MAG
(2016) Effect of Dissolved Mn(II) and Organic Acids on Mn Oxide Structure and Metal Binding
Catalano JG, Hinkle MAG & Flynn ED

Hinkle Margaret Anne G. (2013) Effect of Phosphate and Sulfate on Fe(II)-Catalyzed Trace Metal Incorporation into and Release from Fe(III) Oxides
Hinkle MAG & Catalano JG
(2013) Trace Element and Contaminant Fate during Fe(II)-Catalyzed Iron Oxide Surface Transformations
Catalano JG, Becker KG, Frierdich AJ, Hinkle MAG, Luo Y & Otemuyiwa B
(2012) Interaction of Fe(II) with Phosphate and Sulfate on Iron Oxide Surfaces: Implications for Interfacial Electron Transfer
Hinkle MAG & Catalano JG

Hinkle Margaret Anne G. (2014) Trace Element Partitioning between Iron Oxides and Aqueous Solutions: Evidence for Recrystallization
Catalano JG, Becker KG, Flynn ED, Frierdich AJ, Gadol HJ & Hinkle MAG

Hinkley T (2007) Volcanic Outgassing and the Tl Isotope Composition of the Oceans
Rehkämper M, Baker R, Nielsen S, Hinkley T & Toutain J

Hinkley Todd K. (2008) Thallium Isotope Constraints on Early Cenozoic Climate Change
Rehkamper M, Baker R, Nielsen SG, Hinkley TK & Toutain JP

Hinks B. (2016) Occurrences of Sulfide Minerals in the Basement Rocks Associated with the Midcontinent Rift in the Midwestern United States
Thakurta J & Hinks B

Hinks M.L. (2015) The Role of Condensed-Phase Photochemistry in Atmospheric Processing of Aerosols and Aqueous Droplets
Aiona PK, Blair SL, Epstein SA, Hinks ML, Laskin A, Laskin J, Lee HJ, Lignell H, Lin P, MacMillan AC, Malecha KT, Nizkorodov SA & Romonosky DE

Hinman N.W. (2017) Novel Metalorganic Compounds Revealed in Meteorites
Ruf A, Kanawati B, Yin Q-Z, Moritz F, Harir M, Lucio M, Shilobreeva S, Gabelica Z, Gougeon RD, Quirico E, Haack H, Gonsior M, Jenniskens P, Hinman NW & Schmitt-Kopplin P
(2013) Ultrahigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry of Natural Organic Matter from Hydrothermal Springs
Dvorski S, Harir M, Hertkorn N, Hinman N, Gonsior M, Cooper W & Schmitt-Kopplin P
(2008) Silica Deposition on Cells in Environmentally Defined Experimental Solutions
Tenesch AC, Dietrich M, Cady SL, Blank CE & Hinman NW
(2008) Detecting Biosignatures Associated with Minerals by Geomatrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry (GALDI-Ftms)
Richardson CD, Kotler JM, Hinman NW, McJunkin TR & Scott JR
(2005) Mercury Speciation in Water and Microbial Mats of Yellowstone National Park Hot Springs
King S, Krabbenhoft D, Nordstrom DK, Striegl R & Hinman N
(2005) Silicon – Aluminum MAS-NMR TRAPDOR of Natural Silica Minerals
Hinman N, Burton S, Cho H, Tenesch A, Kotler J & Strumness L
(2005) Laser and Optical Chemical Imaging of Diagenesis in Iron-Oxide Deposits
Kotler J, Hinman N & Tenesch A
(2001) Chemical and Mineralogical Changes in Naturally Occurring Ferricretes
Moore T & Hinman NW
(2001) Photochemical Cycles in Thermal Springs
Hinman NW & Wilson CL
(2001) Changing Water Chemistry in Thermal Springs May Affect Metal and Hydrogen Peroxide Cycling
Wilson CL & Hinman NW

Hinmann N. (2019) Habitat Detection and Identification at Salar de Pajonales, a Mars Analog Environment
Phillips M, Moersch J, Warren-Rhodes K, Hinmann N & Cabrol N

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