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Haklidir F.T.

Halama Max (2017) Identity and Abundance of Iron- and Sulfur-Metabolizers in a Paleoproterozoic Ocean Analogue
Koeksoy E, Halama M, Hagemann N, Byrne JM, Kleindienst S, Sundman A, Laufer K, Hanselmann K, Halevy I, Konhauser KO, Schoenberg R & Kappler A

Halama Maximilian (2015) Carbon Isotope Fractination of Organic Carbon during Simulated Diagenesis of Banded Iron Formations
Halama M, Swanner E, Kappler A, Jochmann M & Konhauser KO
(2014) Fate of Organic Carbon and Primary Iron Minerals during Simulated Diagenesis of Banded Iron Formations
Halama M, Swanner E & Kappler A
(2014) Validating the Use of Marine Pyrite as a Record of Trace Element Concentrations in Seawater
Swanner E, Webb S, Halama M & Kappler A

Halama Ralf (2015) Trace Element Zoning Patterns in Garnet – can We Distinguish between Reaction Path and Kinetics?
Ditterova H, Konrad-Schmolke M, Witte C, Dohmen R, O´Brien P, Erpel L, Halama R & Schmidt A
(2015) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Carbonatite Petrogenesis at Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
Li W-Y, Teng F-Z, Halama R, Keller J & Klaudius J

Halama Ralf (2011) Origin of Vesuvianite-Bearing Ultramafic Layers from the Raspas Complex, Ecuador
Halama R, Savov IP, Garbe-Schönberg D & Toulkeridis T
(2011) On the Duration and Rates of Fluid Release from a Dehydrating Slab
John T, Podladchikov Y, Gussone N, Bebout G, Halama R, Magna T & Klemd R
(2011) On the Fluid-Mobility of Molybdenum, Tungsten, and Antimony in Subduction Systems
Wehrmann H, Halama R, Garbe-Schönberg D, Hoernle K, Jacques G, Heydolph K, Mahlke J & Schumann K
(2011) The Lithium Isotopic Signature of Carbonatites
Halama R, McDonough WF, Rudnick RL & Bell K
(2009) About Fluid and Element Mobility in the Subduction Channel: Constraints from Rehydrated Eclogites
van der Straaten F, John T, Halama R & Schenk V
(2009) Tourmaline Reference Materials for the in situ Determination of Lithium Isotope Composition
Wiedenbeck M, Rosner M, Halama R & Krienitz M
(2009) Behavior of Nitrogen and its Isotopes during High-Pressure Fluid-Driven Metasomatic Processes: A Case Study from the Tian Shan, China
Halama R, Bebout G & John T
(2007) Sodic Pyroxene and Sodic Amphibole as Potential Micro-Analytical Reference Material for Li Isotopes
Marks MAW, Rudnick RL, Ludwig T, Marschall H, Zack T, Halama R, McDonough WF, Rost D, Wenzel T & Vicenzi EP
(2007) Li-Sr-Lu-Hf Isotope and Trace Element Systematics of Eclogites from Bulgaria
Savov I, Bizimis M, Halama R, Shirey S, Hauri E & Haydoutov I
(2007) Li Isotope Fractionation in the Subducted Slab – A Case Study from the Raspas Complex, Ecuador
Halama R, John T, Schenk V, McDonough WF & Rudnick RL

Halama Ralf (2017) Barium Isotopic Composition of the Mantle Constrained by Carbonatites
Li W-Y, Huang F, Yu H-M, Xu J, Halama R & Teng F-Z
(2017) Nitrogen Transfer in Crustal Rocks
Halama R, Bebout G & Bea F

Halama Ralf (2019) Magnesium Isotopic Compositions of Carbonatites
Li W, Teng F & Halama R
(2019) The Influence of Crustal Assimilation on Magma Genesis and Eruptive Behaviour: An Oxygen Isotope Study of the Central Aeolian Arc, Italy
Wiltshire R, Gertisser R, Boyce A, Halama R, Petrone C, Lucchi F, Tranne C & Sulpizio R

Halama Ralf (2020) Isotopic Equilibration during Dissolution-Reprecipitation Reactions?
Konrad-Schmolke M, Zack T & Halama R

Halama Ralf (2021) Remobilisation of Crustal CO2 Recorded in Calc-Silicate Xenoliths from Merapi Volcano (Indonesia)
Whitley S, Halama R, Gertisser R, Preece K, Troll VR, Deegan F & Ion Micro-Probe Facility (EIMF) E
(2021) Discriminating Thermodynamic and Kinetic Contributions to Rare Earth Element Uptake in Garnet
Konrad-Schmolke M, Halama R & Chew DM

Halamka T.A. (2022) Uncovering the Microbial Producers of Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers
Halamka TA, Raberg J, McFarlin J, Younkin A, Mulligan C, Dildar N, Liu X-L & Kopf S

Halary S. (2022) Intracellular Formation of Amorphous Calcium Carbonate by Bacteria: From Molecular Actors to Environmental Impacts
Benzerara K, Gaëtan J, Mehta N, Millet M, Duprat E, Skouri-Panet F, Travert C, Leloup J, Halary S, Moreira D & Callebaut I

Halas Stan (2013) A Multi-Isotope (H, O, C, S, B, Mg, Ca, Ba) Approach to Study Diagenesis in Black Sea-Type Sediments
Böttcher ME, Lapham L, Gussone N, Struck U, Buhl D, Immenhauser A, Möller K, Petret C, Nägler T, Dellwig O, Schnetger B, Huckriede H, Halas S & Samankassou E

Halas Stanislaw (2008) Black Crust on the Dolomite in Polluted Urban Atmosphere: Differences in Dry and Wet Deposition Dominated Environments
Wilczynska-Michalik W, Michalik M, Niezgoda H & Halas S

Halbach P. (2011) Characteristics and Origin of the Lala Iron Oxide Cu-Co-(u, REE) Deposit: Sichuan, Southern China
Meyer M, Schardt C, Sindern S, Gehlen M, Halbach P, Lahr J & Li J
(2004) Submarine Hydrothermal Trace Metal Input into the Ocean Through Island Arc Volcanism in the Lesser Antilles
Georg B, Frank M, Marbler H, Koschinsky A, Van de Flierdt T, Bolz V, Kubik P & Halbach P
(2002) Hydrothermal Fluids in the North Fiji Basin and Lesser Antilles
Koschinsky A, Halbach P, Sander S, Michaelis W & Seifert R
(2002) Helium Isotopic Composition of Fluid Inclusions Hosted in Massive Sulfides from Modern Hydrothermal Systems
Lüders V, Niedermann S & Halbach P

Halbeisen D. (2023) Southern Ocean Hydrothermal Iron and Manganese Supply from the Pacific Antarctic Ridge
Dick K, Conway TM, John SG, Resing JA, Sedwick P, Halbeisen D, Sohst B, Weiss G & Fitzsimmons JN

Halberstadt A.R.W. (2018) Middle Eocene Seasonality: Insights from the Geochemistry of Fossil Bivalves and Driftwood
Judd EJ, Ivany LC, DeConto RM, Halberstadt ARW, Miklus NM, Junium CK & Uveges BT

Halbert C. (2010) Neutron Reflectivity Sample Cells for Geochemically Relevant Environments
Ankner J, Browning J, Halbert C, Lokitz B, Carmichael J, Kilbey M, Rother G & Wesolowski D

Halbur J. (2014) Why Does the TEX86 Seem to Work in Sediments of Lake Malawi?
Werne J, Woltering M, Halbur J, Sinninghe Damsté J, Schouten S, Munoz-Ucros J & Hicks R

Haldar D. (2006) Andaman Mud Volcanoes—Low temperature geochemistry of eruptive fluids and potential hydrocarbon source
Datta S & Haldar D
(2005) Hornblende Andesites/dacites in an Oceanic Arc Setting at Narcondam Volcano, Andaman Sea, S.E. Asia
Streck M, Browning-Craig H, Haldar D, Ramos F & Duncan R

Haldar U. (2023) Geochemical and Nd, Sr, Stable Ca Isotopic Study of Komatiites from the Dharwar Craton, India
Haldar U, Chakrabarti R & Jayananda M
(2022) The Evolution of K/Ca in the Upper Continental Crust Constrained from Ca Isotopic Measurements of Glacial Diamictites
Haldar U, Chakrabarti R & Rudnick RL
(2021) Stable Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Chemical Weathering
Haldar U, Chakrabarti R & Rudnick RL

Halden N. (2011) Selenium Uptake in Otoliths from Cold-Water Fish Species Captured Downstream from Coal Mining
Friedrich L, Halden N & Palace V
(2009) Unraveling the Microbialite Web: Formation and Diagenesis of Laminated and Massive Carbonate Sediments in Saline Lakes of North America and Australia
Ginn F, Last W & Halden N
(2008) Otolith Microchemistry: Monitoring Trace Elements in Lacustrine Environments
Friedrich L & Halden N
(2007) Contrasting Evolutionary Trends in Magnetite from Carbonatites and Alkaline Silicate Rocks
Reguir E, Halden N, Chakhmouradian A, Yang P & Zaitsev A
(2001) Statistical Characteristics of Oscillatory Zoning in Agate from Arc-Bogdo, Mongolia
Bryxina NA, Ripinen OI & Halden NM

Halden R.U. (2021) Comparative Analysis of the Latent Value of Elements in Sewage Sludges from the United States, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and Ireland
Biyani N, Driver EM & Halden RU

Halder D. (2017) Thioarsenates – so Far Unrecognized Arsenic Species in Paddy Soils
Planer-Friedrich B, Halder D, Kerl C, Schaller J, Wang J, Martin M & Romani M
(2013) Estimating the Role of Competing Ions on the Arsenic Mobilization Processes in the Aquifers of Bengal Basin by Surface Complexation Modeling
Biswas A, Gustafsson JP, Neidhardt H, Halder D, Kundu AK, Chatterjee D, Berner Z & Bhattacharya P

Halder J. (2017) How Natural is the Dissolved Inorganic Composition of Mississippi River Water?
Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Johnson S, Meaux SJ, Brown K, Blum MJ, Allison MA, Halder J, Wassenaar LI, Cuesta A, Norris ES & Wang R
(2014) Carbon Isotope Composition of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Atmospheric CO2 of Lake Geneva: Is DIC a Mixing or Process Tracer?
Vennemann T, Halder J, Decrouy L & Bourquard M

Halder K. (2018) Seasonality Based on Stable Isotopes and Clumped Isotope Records in the Growth Bands of Early Miocene Gastropod (Turitella Sp.) from the Kachchh Basin of Western India
Banerjee Y, Ghosh P & Halder K

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