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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Higgie K. (2013) Heterogeneity and Anisotropy in the Lithospheric Mantle
Tommasi A, Baptiste V, Frets E, Higgie K, Soustelle V, Le Roux V, David M, Vauchez A, Garrido C & Bodinier J-L

Higginbotham J. (2022) Investigating the Extent of the Urban Stream Syndrome in and Around Schenectady, NY
Verheyden A, Bechtold C, Andonie E, Higginbotham J & Gillikin DP

Higgins A. (2008) Effects of Inundation and Dessication on Salt Cycling in a Saline Disposal Basin, Loveday Lagoon, South Australia
Beavis S, Welch S & Higgins A

Higgins C (2005) Using Imaging Spectroscopy to Map Ultramafic Rocks, Serpentinites, and Tremolite-Actinolite-Bearing Rocks in California
Swayze G, Higgins C, Clinkenbeard J, Kokaly R, Clark R, Meeker G & Sutley S

Higgins Christopher (2014) Following Environmental Transformations of Metal-Containing Nanoparticles: Addressing Analytical Challenges
Ranville J, Montano M, Mitrano D & Higgins C

Higgins John (2021) Geochemical Fingerprints of Early Diagenesis in Pleistocene Shallow-Water Marine Carbonates
Akhtar AA, Ahm A-SC, Murphy J, Maloof A & Higgins J
(2018) Low-Temperature Oceanic Crust Alteration and the Isotopic Budgets of K and Mg in Seawater
Santiago Ramos D, Coogan L & Higgins J
(2018) Clumped and Stable Isotope Characterization of Methane Seep Environments
Thiagarajan N, Cremiere A, Blattler C, Higgins J, Lepland A & Eiler J
(2018) Reconstructing the δ44/40Ca of Seawater: Insights from Modern and Ancient Elasmobranch Teeth
Akhtar A & Higgins J
(2018) Two-Billion-Year-Old-Evaporites Capture Earth’s Great Oxidation
Blättler C, Claire M, Prave A, Kirsimäe K, Higgins J, Medvedev P, Romashkin A, Rychanchik D, Zerkle A, Paiste K, Kreitsmann T, Millar I, Hayles J, Bao H, Turchyn A, Warke M & Lepland A
(2018) An Early Diagenetic Deglacial Origin for Basal Ediacaran ‘Cap Dolostones’
Ahm A-S, Maloof A, Bjerrum C, Bold U, Hoffman P, Rose C, Strauss J & Higgins J
(2018) Silicate vs Carbonate Weathering: Isotopic Co-variability in the Fraser River, Canada
Bitterwolf K, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Eisenhauer A, Santiago-Ramos D, Higgins J & Paytan A
(2018) Assessing the Lomagundi–Jatuli Carbon Isotope Excursion in Fennoscandia with Multiple Stable Isotope Systems in Carbonates
Blättler C & Higgins J

Higgins John A (2023) Reconstructing the Secular Evolution of Lithium Isotope Composition of Seawater from Marine Halite
Weldeghebriel MF, Murphy JG, Jurikova H, Lowenstein TK, Rae JWB, Niespolo EM & Higgins JA
(2023) Marine Iron and Calcium Isotope Stratification at the Dawn of the Great Oxidation Event
Tsikos H, Mhlanga X, Rouxel O & Higgins JA
(2023) Primary Evidence for Redox Cycling in 2.8-Billion-Year-Old Microbialites
Ahm A-SC, Higgins JA & Fralick PW
(2023) Secular Change, Early Diagenesis, or Both? A Case Study from Cretaceous Ocean Anoxic Event 1a
Nadeau MD, Murphy JG, Hagen C, Wu Z, Akhtar AA, Ahm A-SC, Stolper DA, Maloof AC & Higgins JA
(2023) Formation and Diagenetic Alteration of Bahamian Carbonate Mud found in Deep-Water Settings Using Clumped Isotope Analyses
Wu Z, Edmonsond S, Nadeau MD, Geyman EC, Higgins JA, Maloof AC & Stolper DA
(2023) Diagenesiswashing – The Case of Mn/Sr Ratios
Higgins JA
(2022) A Multi-Isotope Approach to Reconstructing Dinosaur Diets: Trophic Structure and Niche Partitioning
Scher MA, Fricke HC, Lyson TR & Higgins JA
(2022) Stable Potassium Isotopes (41K/39K) Track Transcellular and Paracellular Potassium Transport in Biological Systems
Higgins JA, Saniago Ramos D, Gili S, Spetea C, Kanoski S, Ha D, McDonough AA & Youn JH
(2022) Cenozoic Evolution and Extinction of Megatooth Sharks from Stable Isotope Ratios in Bioapatite
Griffiths ML, Flores R, Kast ER, Kim SL, McCormack J, Akhtar AA, Shimada K, Becker M, Maisch Iv H, Rao ZC, Higgins JA, Neumann A, Clarke C, Tripati AE, Chan R, Karnes M, Sigman DM & Eagle RA
(2017) 2.7-Million-Year-Old Ice from Allan Hills Blue Ice Areas, East Antarctica Reveals Climate Snapshots Since Early Pleistocene
Yan Y, Ng J, Higgins J, Kurbatov A, Clifford H, Spaulding N, Severinghaus J, Brook E, Mayewski P & Bender M
(2017) Potassium Cycling in Seawater and Aquatic Organisms: Insights from Stable Potassium Isotopes (41K/39K)
Santiago Ramos D & Higgins JA
(2017) High Precision 41K/39K Measurements by MC-ICP-MS Indicate Terrestrial Variability of δ41K
Morgan L, Santiago Ramos D, Lloyd N & Higgins J
(2017) Calcium Isotopes Variability in Modern and Ancient Elasmobranchs
Akhtar A & Higgins J
(2017) Of Babies and Bathwater – Do Carbonate Sediments in the Geologic Record Track the Global Carbon Cycle?
Higgins J
(2017) Measurement of Stable Isotope <sup>41</sup>K/<sup>39</sup>K by MC-ICP-MS
Lloyd N, Field P, Mogan L, Santiago Ramos D & Higgins J

Higgins John A. (2019) Discontinuous Ice from the 40 k World in the Allan Hills Blue Ice Area, Antarctica
Yan Y, Kurbatov A, Bender M, Mayewski P, Severinghaus J, Brook E & Higgins J
(2019) A Geochemists Guide to Stratigraphic Variability in Shallow-Water Carbonate Sediments
Higgins J, Blattler C, Ahm A-S & Murphy J
(2019) The Cryogenian Carbon Isotope Record of Death Valley, California
Nelson LL, Ahm A-SC, Macdonald FA, Higgins JA & Smith EF
(2019) A Record of Seawater Li Isotopes in Well-Preserved Fossil Corals Since the Mesozoic
Murphy J, Gothmann A, Stolarski J, Bender M & Higgins J
(2016) Ca, Mg, and Li Isotope Records Leading into the Sturtian Glaciation
Crockford PW, Kunzmann M, Blättler CL, Planavsky NJ, Higgins JA, Halverson GP & Wing BA
(2016) The Isotopic Mass Balance of Calcium
Blättler CL & Higgins JA
(2015) The Remarkable Stability of Atmospheric O2/N2 Since the Mid Pleistocene
Higgins J, Yan Y, Stolper D & Bender M
(2015) Secular Decline of Seawater Calcium Increases Seawater Buffering and pH
Hain MP, Sigman DM, Higgins JA & Haug GH
(2015) Ca and Mg Isotope Stratigraphy of the Trezona C Isotope Excursion – Geochemical Record of the Descent into a Snowball?
Ahm A-S, Bjerrum C, Hoffman P, Macdonald F, Maloof A, Rose C & Higgins J
(2015) Meteoric Diagenesis of Platform Carbonates during the Mid-Carboniferous
Dyer B, Maloof AC & Higgins JA
(2014) Potassium Isotope Geochemistry and Magmatic Processes
Morgan L, Higgins J, Davidheiser-Kroll B, Lloyd N, Faithfull J & Ellam R
(2014) Authigenic Carbonate and the History of the Global Carbon Cycle: Why Diagenesis Matters Even More
Schrag D, Higgins J, Macdonald F & Johnston D
(2014) Global Importance of Diffusive Cation Fluxes in Deep-Sea Sediments for the Biogeochemical Cycles of Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium and Potassium
Sun X, Higgins J & Turchyn A
(2014) Mg and Ca Isotope Signatures of Authigenic Dolomite
Blättler C, Miller N & Higgins J
(2014) δ26Mg Fractionation during High Temperature Synthesis of Dolomite
Bialik OM & Higgins JA
(2014) Evaluating the Leverage to Alter Seawater Chemistry: The Effects of Diagenesis and Dolomitization on Ca and Mg Isotopes in Shallow Marine Carbonates
Fantle M & Higgins J
(2013) Carbon Isotope Gradients in the Eocene as a Constraint on the Biological Pump, Atmospheric CO2 and the Ocean’s Major Ion Composition
Hain M, Sigman D, Higgins J & Haug G
(2013) Magnesium Isotope Evidence for a Link between Low-Temperature Clays, Seawater Mg/Ca, and Climate
Higgins J & Schrag D
(2013) Calcium Isotopes in Evaporites Constrain Sulfate- vs Calcite-Rich Seawater Chemistry
Blättler C & Higgins J
(2013) The Mesozoic Dolomites of the Levant Margin – Evaluating Dolomitization Style and Mechanism from Configuration and Stable Isotope Geochemistry
Bialik OM, Halevy I & Higgins JA
(2012) Cenozoic Seawater Chemistry -Insights from Mg Isotopes in Pelagic Carbonate Sediments and Pore-Fluids
Higgins J & Schrag D
(2011) On the Radiogenic 40Ca Anomaly in Seawater and Limestone
Bender M & Higgins J
(2009) A Dynamic Magnesium Cycle during the Cenozoic? Insights from the Magnesium Isotopic Composition of Pelagic Carbonates
Higgins J & Schrag D
(2008) Magnesium Isotope Profiles in Deep-Sea Sediments
Higgins J & Schrag D
(2002) Modeling the Carbon Cycle in the Aftermath of a Snowball Earth
Higgins J & Schrag DP

Higgins John. A (2020) Evaluating the Suitability of Diagenetic Dolomite as an Archive for Paleo-Seawater Chemistry
Nadeau MD, Murphy JG & Higgins JA
(2020) Earth History Through the Lens of Carbonate Diagenesis
Ahm A-S & Higgins J

Higgins L. (2018) Abiotic Transformations of Metals by Engineered Biochar(s)
Higgins L, Brocza F, Ross A, Brown A & Mishra B

Higgins Meytal (2009) Revisiting Mediterranean Sapropel Formation: New Insights from Chlorin Nitrogen Isotope Measurements
Higgins M, Robinson R & Pearson A
(2008) Determining the Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Geoporphyrins by the Denitrifier Method
Higgins M, Robinson R, Casciotti K & Pearson A

Higgins Meytal

Higgins Meytal (2015) Impact of Oceanic Anoxia and High pCO2 on the Marine Nitrogen Cycle during the Early Cretaceous
Monteiro F, Naafs D, Pancost R, Pearson A, Ridgwell A & Higgins M

Higgins Michael (2007) The Sept Iles Mafic Layered Intrusion: An Example of Ferrobasaltic Differentiation
Namur O, Charlier B, Higgins M & Vander Auwera J
(2000) The Composition and Distribution of Trapped Melt in the Kiglapait Layered Intrusion
Blundy J, Dalpe C & Higgins M

Higgins O. (2023) Segmentation of Zoned Plagioclase to Assess Similarities and Differences in the Magmatic Environment Feeding Eruptions Through Time at an Oceanic Arc Volcano
Sheldrake T & Higgins O
(2021) A View of the Volcanic Roots of Mt Liamuiga, Saint Kitts, Using Machine Learning Thermobarometry
Higgins O, Sheldrake T & Caricchi L
(2021) Using Microtomography and Machine Learning Thermobarometry to Reconcile the Extreme Explosivity of a Mafic-Alkaline Volcano
Jorgenson C, Caricchi L, Stueckelberger M, Fevola G, Giordano G, Higgins O & Weber G

Higgins S M (2005) A Tale of Two Margins: A Comparison of Redox and Productivity Paleo-Proxies in Sediments off Oman and Peru
Altabet MA, Agnihotri R, Tierny J, Higgins SM & Herbert TD

Higgins Steven (2018) Linking Impurity Incorporation to their Effect on Mineral Growth
Weber J, Bracco JN, Lorenz M, More K, Higgins S, Poplawsky JD, Starchenko V, Bertagni A, Jindra S, Anton I & Stack AG
(2011) Development of Steady-State Surface Topography and the Determination of Dolomite Dissolution Rates
Saldi GD, Daval D, Xu M, Higgins SR & Knauss KG
(2010) Scanning Probe Microscopy and Mineral-Water Interfaces: Have We Reached a Limit?
Higgins S, Xu M, Cubillas P, Lea AS, Knauss K & Rosso K
(2005) Length and Time Dependent Properties at Mineral-Water Interfaces
Hu X, Bose S & Higgins S
(2005) Probing the Reactivity of the Dolomote-Water Interface Using High Resolution X-Ray Reflectivity
Fenter P, Zhang Z, Park C, Sturchio N, Hu X & Higgins S
(2004) Dolomite Surface Kinetics and Composition from Supersaturated and Undersaturated Non-Stoichiometric Solutions
Hu X & Higgins S
(2004) Cobalt Reactive Transport and Solid Solution at the Calcite-Water Interface at 40º C
Greer B, Eggleston C & Higgins S
(2002) The Structure of Hematite (0001) Surfaces in Water: STM and Resonant Tunneling Calculations of Coexisting O and Fe Terminations
Eggleston C, Stack A, Rosso K & Higgins S
(2002) Electrochemical STM of Quinones at Hematite (0001) Surfaces: Adsorption of a Biological Electron "Shuttle."
Stack A, Eggleston C & Higgins S
(2001) Molecular Adsorption and Ordering of Molecules at the Corundum/Water Interface by Optical Second Harmonic Generation
Higgins SR, Stack AG & Eggleston CM
(2001) Oxygen Versus Iron Termination of Hematite (001) Surfaces: STM Imaging in Air and in Aqueous Solutions
Stack AG, Eggleston CM, Higgins SR, Pribyl R & Nichols J
(2001) Hydrothermal Scanning Probe Microscopy and Its Application to Problems in Heterogeneous Kinetics: Adventures (and Misadventures) at Mineral Surfaces
Higgins SR, Greer B, Boram LH & Eggleston CM
(2000) Studies of the Dissolution of Magnesite (104) in Acidic Aqueous Solutions: A New Approach Using Hydrothermal Scanning Probe Microscopy Under Controlled Hydrodynamic Conditions
Higgins S, Jordan G, Coles B, Compton R, Eggleston C, Knauss K & Boro C
(2000) A New Look at an Old Idea: The Structure of Oxide Mineral Surfaces and the Role of Metal Centers in Intermediate Co-ordination Environments as Adsorbed Ions
Eggleston C, Samson S, Higgins S, Stack A & Pribyl R
(2000) Experimental Measurements and Modelling of Fundamental Attachment and Detachment Reactions on Barium Sulphate (001) Using Hydrothermal Scanning Probe Microscopy
Higgins S, Bosbach D, Eggleston C & Knauss K

Higginson M (2003) Early Deglacial Rise in Peru Margin Denitrification: Oceanic Trigger for Transition to Interglacial Conditions?
Higginson M, Altabet M & Herbert T

Higginson Matthew A. (2022) Applying the Isotope Geochemistry Toolkit to Nuclear Forensics
Dunne JA, Higginson MA, Gilligan CRD & Cross S

Higginson S. (2020) Large-Scale Geochemical Impacts of Groundwater Replenishment with Reclaimed Wastewater
Prommer H, Sun J, Schafer D, Seibert S, Siade A, Jamieson J & Higginson S
(2012) UK37' in Eastern Tropical Pacific Surface Sediments: Implications for Alkenone Paleothermometry at the 'Warm End'
Kienast M, MacIntyre G, Dubois N, Higginson S, Kienast SS & Herbert TD

Higgs K. (2008) Diagenesis Evaluation in Sedimentary Basins for Hydrocarbon Exploration
Zwingmann H, Gaupp R, Higgs K & Zhang Y

Higham T. (2009) Hydropyrolysis as a Method for Radiocarbon Pre-Treatment, and the Quantification of Black Carbon
Meredith W, Ascough P, Snape C, Large D, Bird M, Brock F, Higham T, Wood R & Vane C

Highwood E. (2011) The Impact of Aerosols on Radiation and Climate
Highwood E, Ryder C, Guo L, Northway M, Chalmers N, Morgan W, McMeeking G, Stuber N & Ferraro A

Higley K. (2016) Fukushima and the Ocean- Five Years Later
Buesseler K, Dai M, Aoyama M, Benitez-Nelson C, Charmasson S, Delfanti R, Higley K, Maderich V, Masque P, Morris P, Oughton D & Smith J

Higley-Feldman D. (2008) Source of Heavy Oils and Tars in the Athabasca Oil Sands Based on Geochemistry and 4-D Basin Modeling
Lewan M, Higley-Feldman D, Roberts L & Henry M

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